2021 10 12 CCPD MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT October 12, 2021 The Board of Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Baytown City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas with the following in attendance: Rikki Wheeler President Lloyd J. Herrera Director Nicholas Rice Director James Coker Director Steele Arthur Director Kevin Troller Assistant General Manager Jerris Mapes Assistant General Counsel Angela Jackson Secretary President Rikki Wheeler convened the October 12, 2021, CCPD Board Regular Meeting with a quorum present at 4:30 P.M., all members were present with the exception of Director Chris L. Warford, who was absent. 1. MINUTES a. Consider approving the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on July 13, 2021. A motion was made by Director Lloyd J. Herrera, and seconded by Director Steele Arthur to approve the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Regular Meeting held on July 13, 2021, as submitted. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved b. Consider approving the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Special Meeting held on August 24, 2021. CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2021 Page 2 of 5 A motion was made by Director Lloyd J. Herrera, and seconded by Director James Coker to approve the minutes of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Special Meeting held on August 24, 2021, as submitted. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved 2. BUSINESS ITEMS a. Consider the election of officers for President and Vice President and the appointment of Secretary. President Wheeler entertained a nomination for presidency. A motion was made by Director Lloyd J. Herrera, and seconded by Director James Coker to keep President Rikki Wheeler as President. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved President Wheeler then stated they needed an election of Vice President. President Wheeler nominated James Coker as Vice President. A motion was made by President Rikki Wheeler, and seconded by Director Lloyd J. Herrera to appoint James Coker as Vice President. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2021 Page 3 of 5 President Wheeler addressed the appointment of Secretary and entertained to keep the City Clerk as their secretary. A motion was made by Director Lloyd J. Herrera, and seconded by Director James Coker to keep the City Clerk as Secretary. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved 3. PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS a. This proposed resolution approves the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District's Investment Policy and Strategy Statement in accordance with the Public Funds Investment Act, Section 2256.005(e) for the addition of an investment officer. Director of Finance Victor Brownlees presented agenda item 3.a and stated that this item was purely an administrative one and that there were no proposed changes at this stage. As this item is merely to add the name of the city's Controller, Monio Mark, to the list of approved investment officers as Controller Mark has had as much required training under the Public Funds Investment Act as Director Brownlees, and would step in when Director Brownlees was not available. A motion was made by Director James Coker, and seconded by Director Lloyd J. Herrera to approve Resolution No. 76. The vote was as followed: Ayes: President Rikki Wheeler, Director Lloyd J. Herrera, Director Nicholas Rice, Director James Coker, and Director Steele Arthur Nays: None Other: Director Chris L. Warford (Absent) Approved RESOLUTION NO. 76 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT'S INVESTMENT POLICY AND STRATEGY STATEMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2021 Page 4 of 5 4. REPORTS a. Presentation of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District Street Crime Unit and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) statistical report. Assistant Chief Mike Holden first introduced the new Chief of Police John Stringer. Chief Stringer introduced himself and thanked the district for all they do. Assistant Chief Holden then proceeded to provide the statistical report. Assistant Chief Holden elaborated in light of Officer McAllister's zeros that it didn't mean he hadn't been working, but that lie had yet to be certified. He was currently in Austin getting his certification in the CVE portion. Officer McAllister and Officer Filyaw is a Crime Control and Prevention District -funded Commercial Vehicle Enforcement ("CVE") officers. Officer Filyaw had only two months under his belt, but with the numbers he produced Assistant Chief Holden believed they were on track. Officer McAllister had been weight certified which was why numbers were present there. For the fiscal year of 2021, Assistant Chief Holden relayed they had some retirements within the unit and were training new officers. Due to COVID, their numbers were lower than years past. Assistant Chief Holden hoped the numbers would rise with the return of Officer McAllister and Officer Schaefer who —though not CCPD-funded—was a CCPD officer. President Wheeler inquired if Officer Schaefer replaced Officer Daniel Danek and Assistant Chief Holden answered yes. Sergeant Henry had previously shared with Assistant Chief Holden that nineteen trucks were found to be overweight in August. Three were over 10,000 pounds. The highest was more than 15,000 pounds over allowable weight which could result in a maximum fine of $5,000 if convicted for just that one. Assistant Chief Holden noted a lot of these weight violations were on major roadways, such as: Interstate-10, Highway 146, and Spur 330. Assistant Chief Holden then discussed the implications and safety issues of being overweight. He gave the example of breaking system failure. Assistant Chief Holden stated that one of the main points of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement wasn't just to enforce strict rules but to bring them into compliance. He explained these officers shared a lot of their time with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Industry in the Houston Area Chapter educating the drivers and companies to get their in to compliance. They awarded those who were going by correctly by giving them a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance ("CVSA") sticker acknowledged by the federal government. Director Arthur commented that Louisiana had rolling weight areas that took measurements as they rolled through. He asked if that was feasible. Assistant Chief Holden responded that the State of Texas had not adopted that rolling weight enforcement as other states have, and he expanded a bit more on the role of CVE officers. President Wheeler asked if it was in the road to which Director Arthur answered that there was a meter below the concrete that weighed them as they're driving through with usually a DPS Trooper nearby. Assistant Chief Holden also noted it could check the speed. He additionally stated that Texas used the traditional method of putting them on scales and that it was one of the most reliable ways for enforcement. CCPD Board Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2021 Page 5 of 5 Assistant Chief Holden continued on reporting on the street crimes unit and stated that they were three officers down and thirteen officers short for the entire Department. Assistant Chief Holden acknowledged that street crimes typically had more officers than on the presented list, and in -spite of the shortage the numbers were good. He noted the street crimes unit - under the patrol division with the investigations unit, combining them to make an operations bureau were under one assistant chief. They were able to then share information between investigations and patrol more frequently. Assistant Chief Holden delivered a story on their narcotics units where they worked with the federal government to recover several kilos off the streets. He also shared they got with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF") and National Integrated Ballistic Information Network ("NIBIN") that tracks all guns and ammunition. Anytime they find shell casing within the city limits, they would send it to NIBIN in which they are then able to recover evidence of crimes not only in Baytown but in the greater Houston area. He additionally commented the street crimes unit was really progressing. President Wheeler commented there were a lot of drivers put out of service under the CVE. 5. MANAGER'S REPORT a. The next Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at 4:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber located at City Hall, 2401 Market Street, Baytown, Texas 77520. Assistant General Manager Kevin Troller thanked Assistant Chief Holden, Director Brownlees and the finance staff, and Randall Strong for his years of service. Assistant General Manager Troller welcomed new member Director Nicholas Rice, and reminder of Board of their next meeting scheduled for January 11, 2022. President Wheeler suggested an item on a future agenda to review the budget. Assistant General Manager Troller offered to add an item for one of their upcoming meetings to discuss and President Wheeler and the Board concurred. 6. ADJOURN With there being no further business to discuss, President Wheeler adjourned the October 12, 2021, CCPD Board Regular Meeting at 4:48 P.M. Angela J*kson, Secretary 0 City of Baytown w