Ordinance No. 12,468ORDINANCE NO.12,468 ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFBAYTOWN, TEXAS,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE UPTO THREE (3)NO-UPFRONT-COST,STANDBY CONTRACTS FOR EMERGENCY DEBRIS MONITORING SERVICES,RELATED EQUIPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ******************************************************* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown,Texas,hereby authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute uptothree(3)no-upfront-cost,standby contracts fordebris monitoring services,related equipment and support services undertermsand conditions deemed acceptable totheCityAttorneyandtheCityManager. Section 2:This ordinance shalltake effect immediately fromand after its passage bythe CityCouncil of theCity of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote(irf the City Council ofthe City rdofBaytownthisthe23day of January,2014. 1 EPHEN H.DONCARLOS,Mayor ATTEST: imtus ETICIA BRYSCH APPROVED AS TO FORM: t/teZZ^tj/oz. ACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,QitV Attorney R:\Karen\Filcs\CityCouncil\Ordinances\20I4\Januao'23VAuthorizeNegotialionofEmcrgencyDcbrisMonitoringContracts.doc