fore me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap-
peared _'_'_ -__ __ _--- - - -__, duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper
published in Goo e Creek, Harris County, Texas, and who after being duly sworn, says that the
attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of --- - - .3.1 --- 042 ------ _ ----- - ------------
Sworn and subscribed before me this ----- 10* �6 -day
to be he
15, 1947,
the City
for all
Ing or cl
wise Intl
for I'm
Vie:. I ,i I
companies involved, but the I.ca-
f all lines within the subdivision
,e under the direction of the City
test Markers. All streets shall have
narked at each. street intersection
street name sign approved by the
m 3. That no subdivision shall be
accepted and the plat thereof
by the proper city officials for re-
until the same shall have had
eted within it the following ind-
ents, one -half the cost of which
e borne by the City:
treat Topping. All streets between
cos shall have been I ... ad with a
Me City to justify the ex-
S. That the City shall Install
sewer main lines to the boun-
such Subdivision, connecting the
I Its utility systems, eimultane-
a the acceptance of such sub-
5. That no subdivision shall be
PRO- as-re, general planning before being Sub-
S; AND matted to Commissioners' Court for ap-
provel and recording.
I of the 96ption 8. That it shall be unlawful for
hearing any person, firm or corporation, Owner
on May or 0.gant, to lay out, subdivide or plat
.bar of any lhnd into lots, blocks or streets with -
Texas, In ;ate City of Pelly or within five miles
ins and therefrom, or to sell property therein which
s. own- has *not been laid out, subdivided and
f other. Platted according to the terms of this
or pro- ordinance, with intent to escape the re-
ny on- gmraments hereof.
;hm the Section 9. That the powers and duties
vfthin 5 herein conferred upon the City Commis -
eard in lion shall be exercised by such City Com-
!videnee - 15910. until such time as a City Plan-
data to most Commission Shall have hs— oelnh_
m pan, mr 9upolviston elsed by such City Planning Commission,
street names, for lot sizes, for Section 10. That each section Of thie
evements, alleys or easements, Ordmarece and cash part of each section
;ewer utility main service lines hereof is hereby declared to be an Inde-
lights, gas and telephone aer- pendent section or part OP section, and
for culverts and bridges there- the .holding of any section or part thereof
> and gutter therein, for fire to be unconstitutional, void, illegal, inef-
Id street markers therein, all feettve, or contrary to the provisions of
for,and in accordance with Ar- the Charter of the City of Pelly, Texas,
Rion 3, of the Charter of the or asy amendments thereto, for any rea-
lly, and Section 4 of Article eon, shall not affect any other section or
,e Revised Civil Statute. Of part section of this Ordinance.
as amended; and n 11. That all Ordinances of the
8, after due, regular and prop- City? Pelly, Texas, in conflict herewith
erect, all as provided by law are., eby. expressly repealed; provided,
Irter of the City of Polly, said ho' y', nothing herein shall be deemed
which notice was give., was 8e.. king, altering, or otherwise chang-
held on May 15, 1947, at 6:30 1., Or 'y contract or agreement entered
in the Commission Chamber into and between the former City o[
Hall in the City of Pelly, Go Creek and the owner or developer
is Scs op with the said given to of land now in the process of be-
an opportunity was given to ing divided with reference to who was
hove mentioned persons, firms_ to YfrUtruet and -or bear the expense of
to offer evi- i
utll main service lines within such sub-
s, in accord- diae` between said City and the
as appearing own or developer; and provided, fur -
on said date, the e, nothing herein shall be deemed as
!en continued bre+>�ta9. altering, or otherwise changing
he said City any' tract or agreement entered into by
persons and and - tween the City of . Pelly and the
onedered the uhwT or developer of any land now in
rde and aec- trod eilq ton of being subdivided, with ref -
dered closed; ere.q to who was to construct and -or
bear.tre expense of street improvements,
cravat plat- water and -or sewer utility main service
.proved and lines, *Albin such subdivision as between
he corporate Said 471ty and the owner or developer; but
and within 5 all allh contract. and agreements shall
eceasity, and be glt!en full force and effect.
by the City Section 12. That this Ordinance shall be
Ily, that gen- .Pisa ve, and be In full farce and effect,
loverning the from -end after its passage and publica-
land within thm.
sty of Polly, THE FACT THAT the City of Polly,
with regarp Texae, has no policy with regard to gen-
oY the initial eralv.; Una and regulations governing the
AND APPROVED by the May -
i, b City aeeretary, this
h 1947:
AND .4.
N Wef'rraanew
A. D. 194 - - -.
Notary 'vtW % Texas
Notary Public, in 2nd for Harris County. Texas
D. Horner$. All corners m any Sunni-
vision shall be clearly marked with a one
Inch galvanized pipe three feet in length
before acceptance of the tentative plat.
c. Subdivision Name. The name of such
Subdivision shall be one that will not con -
fl{et with the name of another subdivision
within the City or within five miles there-
of in a manner as to cause confusion as
to its identity and such name must be
approved by the City Commission.
d. Street Names. The name of each
street shall be a name that will not con-
flict with the name of another street with-
in the City or within five miles thereof
In a manner as to cause confusion as to
its identity and such name must be ap-
proved by the City Commission.
e. Width of Streets. No street right -m-
way shalt be less than fifty feet in
L Continuity of Streets. Streets shall be
laid out in such a manner as to con-
form to connecting streets I. territory ad-
jacent to the new subdivision. Dead end
streets, and streets which do not con-
form to adjacent established streets, when-
ever possible, are to be avoided.
g. Drainage. Street grades shall be de-
aigned to provide adequate drainage from
adjacent property and shall provide drain -
hge as required by the City Engineer,
which drainage shall conform tp the gen-
eral planning for that section of the city.
Excess excavated dirt, if not required in
the subdivision plans and not disposed of
by the subdivider, shall be disposed of at
the direction of the City Engineer.
h. Easements and Alleys. Each block
within such subdivision shall have ease-
ments in the middle of such block of a
minimum width of twelve feet, or alleys
of a minimum width of twenty feet, at the
within It the following Improvements, a[
no coat the city:
a. Curb and Gutter: Curbs and gutters
shall ing been installed on all streets
according t0 y the City and to glades
as required Base. the l st Engineer.
b. Street a t All streets between mmh
lanes halll be at least thirty feet in width
and shat have been sub -based with shpt.
or equal to a minimum compacted depth
of six
c. Water ter Lines. es water toes. Inserve
lug main water lines. necessary limi to serve
such subdivision within the limits thereof
and every lot therein shall have been In-
stalled s each locations, a at such- depths x..
and -m ed materials City and dimensions as
determined by the ads Engineer o acces-
sary to Uses an adequate flow of water
Sur such uses lu may arise within such
subdivision, including fire all confor and
the construction thereof shall conform to
all state health laws.
d. Beaver Lines. All Hewer lines, includ-
e.,. —.I- n.,oa ooeaa—v to -
the City 1
and the construction thereof shall conform
to alt state health laws. „
s. Culverts and Bridees. Where neces-
sary, all bridges and culverts shall have
been installed, of a tyne and kind to be
approved by the City Engineer, adequate
to give freedom of both traffic and drain-
t Lights. Gas and Telenbnnes. Arrnnte-
ment for these Services shall be made by
agreement between the subdivider mol the