Ordinance No. 3C11UNW OF HARRIS STATE OF TEXAS re me, he undersigned authority, on this date personally came and ap- peared _:__-____ -_., duly recognized agent of The Daily Sun, a daily newspaper published in Goose C eek, Harris County, Texas, and who ft being duly sworn, says that the attached notice was published in The Daily Sun of - ( l I 4 -- — - , Sworn and subscribed before me this __ -l? -_day ----- __ __- _____________________ A. D. 194 -_2_- OF TO FOR REGULATINGS THETHWoILTIONE OF TRADE AND OF BUILDING AND' STRUCTURES, DESIGNS FOR DWELL- INGS, APARTMENT HOUSES AND OTHER SPECIFIED PURPOSES; REGU- LATING TEE HEIGHT -AND BULK OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, AND THE "ALIGNMENT THEREOF ON STREET FRONTAGES; REGULATING THE AREAS AND DIMENSIONS OF N D ON SPACES YARDS SURROUNDINGTSB U I L DINGS AND STRUCTURES; CREATING A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO APPEALS ON THE ADMIN STRATIOONROF THE ORDI- NANCES, AND PRESCRIBING APEN- ALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND DECRING AN EMERGENCY," AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PELLY: Section 1. That an ofdinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PELLY, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A ZONE PLAN, DIVIDING THE CITY OF PELLY INTO DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE LO- CATION OF TRADE AND OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES, DESIGNS FOR DWELLINGS, APARTMENT HOUS- ES AND OTHER SPECIFIED PUR- POSES; REGULATING THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS AND SrAUCTlIF1d8 AND THE ALIGNMENT THEREOF ON STREET FRONTAGES: REGULATING THE AREAS AND DIM- OF THE ORDINANCE'S, AND VrZ- SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION OF THE ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY "; and Section 2 thereof shall be and•the as. hereby is amended by adding thereto the following: "Sub - section (b). "Beginning at the Point of Intersection of the North rlght- of -way line of East Gulf Avenue With the West right -of -way line of South First street; Then", in a Northerly direction, along the said West right -of -way line of South First, Street, to the point Of Intersection of said line With the North right -Of -way line of East Pearce Avenue, for corner; Thence, in an Easterly direction, along the said North fight -Of -way line of East Pea. ce Avenue, to the point of interest, tion of said line with the West right -of. way line of South Second Street, for cor- ner; Thence, in a Northerly direction, along the said West right -of -way line of South Second Street, to the point of Intersection With the South right -of -way line of East Defee Avenue, for corner; Thence, in a Westerly direction, along the said South rlght -of -way line of East Defoe Avenue to the point of Intersection With the West right -of -way line of North the said West- right -of -way line of Ngrte First Street, to the point of intersection Of said line with the South fight -of -way line of East Wright. Avenue; for corner; Thence, In a Westerly direction, along the said South right -of -way line of East Wright Avenue, a distance Of 150 feet, . for corner; Thence In a Northerly direction and In a line at fight angles to the last above described line, to the point of intersection Of this line with the South right -of -way line of East Lomt Avenue, for corner; Thence, In a Westerly direction, along the said South right -of -way line of East Lomt, to the point of intersection of said line with the East right -of -way line of the Dayton -Goose Creek Railroad, for corner; Thence, In a Southeasterly direction, along the said East right -of -way line of the Dayton -Goose Creak Railroad, to the Point of intersection of said line with the East right -of -way link Of North Goose Creek Street, for co at; Thence, In a Southerly direction, along the said East right -of -way line of North Goose Creek Street, to the point of inter- section of said line with the South 'right. of -way line of East. Wright Avenue, for corner, Thence, in a Westerly direction, along the said South right -of -way line of East Wright "Avenue, to the .point of Inter- section of said line with the .West right - of -way line of North Commerce Street, for corner;_ Notary Pfblic, Harris County, Texas ncula„ to„e jacKSOta Notary Public, in and for Harris county, Taxag line of Weat-. Pearce Avenue extended, for I of said line with the West right -of -way line of South Commerce Street, for corner; Thence. in a Southerly direction. moue -g- western line of foe eferemevhoved bus site braes, 110 feel, W me iron pipe marking the nerthweet. Winer: of Wit tract; Theme South 53 Deg; 39' East along the Witham live of tics said in, terminal tract, Paintig an lean pipe - marking the northeast comer of Wd'tract at 100 feet, to all" a' distance of V1.64 feet to an iron ptpe in the west right-of -way like bf Main MStreet in Baytown, Teires; 4'tialso In a' motherly direction along west of M t -of -way. line of Main Street £ distance appmxlmetely 110 fast to the a T flog. 00' West 78 feet i log. marking the most of the aforementioned 3 Deg. 00 West along fproperty line. of said 120 feet to a'. point an ^, mn t, western cor- Well site; '. Dee. 00' East oasshux of 3 at embinea woven wire fence 82 feet pint,- a fence comer marking the Northwestern corner of the tract described; x, South 53' 00' West along the men wire fence 140 feet to a point North right -of -way line of the Street County Road, said Market Road also being Identified as 5th said point ,marking the South- race of the tract herein described: 1e South 49' 56' East, 142 feet I projection of the aforementioned right -of -way line Of Market Street > a point, said point marking the thin of the Southern projection of stern right -of -way line of Avenue Ith the projection of the afore - ed Northern right -of -way line of set; I North 53' 00" Eaat with the said in of Avenue 'A ", 107 Peet to arye f beginning, and Gomprtaing ap- bely. 0.45 acres of land. said tr »nt snail be h part of no city Of Raytown, ar-1 :;rye property so added to said city shall bear its pro rat¢ part of the taxes ]'vine ' -: the city of Baytown and the iehahitgnts thereof shall be entitled to 911 t),, rl?hts and privileges of all the cilleens and shall be bound by the seta. or'l— ,es, resniutbm , regulations, and nr»vhdone of the charter of the city of Eaytown. Seotion 3: That the following described In p and territory heretofore included Wit fyP bomblary limits of the city of ry