Ordinance No. 12,403ORDINANCE NO.12,402 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAY TOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO A COST-SHARE AGREEMENT WITH WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW WATERLINE FROM THE NEEDLEPOINT WATER TOWER TO STATE HIGHWAY 146;AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN ESCROW AGREEMENT WITH WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST AND CHARTER TITLE COMPANY FOR THE FUNDING ASSOCIATED WITH THE COST-SHARE AGREEMENT HEREIN AUTHORIZED;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ***************************************************************** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:ThattheCityCouncil of theCity of Baytown,Texas,hereby authorizes theCity Manager toexecuteandtheCityClerktoattesttoa Cost-Share Agreement with Wal-Mart Real Estate BusinessTrust,forthe construction of anewwaterlinefromthe Needlepoint Water Tower loState Highway 146.Acopyofsaid agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A."and incorporated herein forall intentsandpurposes. Section2:ThattheCityCounciloftheCityofBaytown,Texas,herebyauthorizestheCity Manager toexecutean Escrow Agreement with Wal-Mart Real Estate Business TrustandCharterTitle Company forthe funding associated with theCostShare Agreement authorized inSection1 hereinabove. Acopyofsaid agreement is attached heretoas Exhibit "B,"and incorporated hereinfor all intents and purposes. Section3:This ordinance shalltakeeffect immediately fromandafteritspassagebythe CityCouncil of theCity of Baytown.s? INTRODUCED,READandPASSEDbytheaffirmativevote of tljcCity Council of theCity of Baytown this the 18,h day of November,2013. ATTEST:/fit,. LETICIA BR^CFLCity:C\k APPROVED AS T( 1GNACIO RAMIREZ,SR.|C/y Attorney ^STEPHEN T+-DONCARLOS,Mayor RAKarcn\l:ilcs'CilyCouncil'Ordinanci;s\20l3VNovcmbct 18\CostShorcAgrcementwilhWal-Mart.doc Exhibit "A" Texas-Baytown (I-10atSH146) Store No.2439-00 COST-SHARE AGREEMENT THESTATEOF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF HARRIS § This Cost-Share Agreement (the "Agreement")is made and entered into between theCity of Baytown,a municipal corporation located in Harris and Chambers Counties,Texas (the "City"), whose address for purposes hereofis P.O.Box 424,Baytown,Texas 77522,and Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust,a Delaware statutory trust,("Wal-Mart"),whose address for purposes here of is2001S.E.10th Street,Bentonville,Arkansas 72716-0550. WITNESSETH: I. 1.1 Project.Subjectto and upon the terms,provisions and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree that Citywill install a 12"waterline from the Needlepoint Water TowertoState Highway 146 along Needlepoint Road,being approximately 8,000 feet (the "Project").The Project willbe designed and constructed tomeetallCity standards and code requirements,and shall be capable of providing tothe adjacent property owned by Wal-Mart aminimum of 2,500 gallons per minuteat20 pounds per square inch of pressure during average daily demand onthesystemin order to provide fire protection for the property.The plans and specifications for the construction of the waterline shall besubmittedtotheCityandto Wal-Mart for approval,andwillbesubjectto approval of theCityand Wal-Mart,priortothe award of theconstructioncontractforthewaterline. 1.2SubstantialCompletion.The Project shall beconsideredsubstantially complete whenit hasbeencompletedin accordance withthe approved plansand specifications,is operational andisreadyforuseforitsintended purpose.Substantial completion of the Project shall be determined bythe independent engineer selectedbytheCityforthe design of the Project,and,atthe election of Wal-Mart,shallbesubjecttoverificationby anindependentengineerselectedby Wal-Mart.Followingtheoccurrence of substantial completion,theCity shall notify Wal-Mart andtheEscrowAgent of sameand shall includewithsuchnoticea written certification from an independent engineercertifying astothedateonwhich substantia]completion of the Project wasattained(the "Certificate of Completion").If Wal-Mart desires toobtainitsownindependent verification that substantial completion has occurred as described hereinabove,Wal-Mart musttendernotice of such election totheCitywithinfifteen(15)days of itsreceipt of the Certificate of Completion.Thereafter,Wal-Mart musthaveitsindependent verification performed not later than thirty (30)days following receipt of the Certificate of Completion.Should Wal-Mart fail totimely provide noticeortimely tender its independent verification tothe City,the Escrow Funds shall be released totheCity pursuant to Section 1.3. Cost-Share Agreement.Page 1 AUS:672I98.4 Texas-Baytown (I-10atSH146) Store No.2439-00 1-3 Disbursement of Escrow Funds.In the event (i)substantial completion of the Project is attained onor before March 15,2014,or (ii)Wal-Mart fails to timely provide notice ofits election to have performed an independent verification orto timely provide such independent verification to the City,the City shall be entitled to receive the Escrow Funds.Intheevent substantial completion of the Project isnot attained onor before March 15,2014,Wal-Mart may terminate this Agreement and be entitled to receive the Escrow Funds upon termination. II. 2.1 Wal-Mart's Obligations:Disbursement of Escrow tothe Citv.In addition to Wal-Mart's obligations elsewhere in this Agreement,Wal-Mart hereby makes the following agreementsand/or representations: (a)Wal-Mart has reviewed the plans and specifications for the Project and desires to participate inthe Project,asthe Project will provide for a looped watersystem, obviatingtheneed for Wal-Mart to install awater pressurization systemonits propertyforthe operation of its retail establishment. (b)Withinten (10)days after the execution of thisAgreement,Wal-Martshall depositwith Charter Title Company,located at4265SanFelipe,Houston,TX 77027(the "Escrow Agent")cashinthe amount of FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($400,000.00)(the "Escrow Funds")for its cost-share of the Project.The Parties understand and agree thatthisamountis thetotalamountforwhich Wal-Mart shall beliablefortheProjectandthatsuch amountisnotsubjecttoadjustmentafterbidpriceshavebeenreceived. (c)The legal titletothe Project and all appurtenances related theretoshallatalltimes bevestedintheCity;and Wal-Mart shallhavenoclaimthereto.As such,Wal- Martshallhavenorightor privilege toremoveorinterferewithanypartor portion ofthe Project duringorafter construction. (d)Intheeventthe Project is substantially completebyMarch15,2014,theCity shalldeliverwrittennoticetoWal-MartandtoEscrow Agent attheaddress specifiedinSection4.8andsubsection(b)of thissection,whichnoticeshall includeacopy of the Certificate of Completionspecifyinga substantial completion dateonorbefore March 15,2014.Unless,within thirty(30)days after receiving suchnoticeandCertificate of Completion,Escrow Agent receives awrittenobjection from Wal-Mart,evidence of timely notice of its performance of an independent verificationbeingsenttothe City,andan engineer's certificate statingthat substantial completiondidnotoccuronorpriortoMarch 15,2014 or suchotherdate agreed tobythe parties inwriting,Escrow Agent shallpaythe EscrowFundstotheCityuponthe expiration of suchthirty(30)dayperiod.If Escrow Agent receivessuchobjectionandengineer'scertificate within suchthirty (30)day period,Escrow Agent shall not disburse the Escrow Funds to either party Cost-Share Agreement.Page 2 AUS:672I98.4 Texas-Baytown (MO atSH146) Store No.2439-00 unless anduntil authorized todosobyjoint instructions signed byboth Wal-Mart andtheCity. 2.2 Citv's Obligations:Disbursement of Escrow Funds to Wal-Mart.In addition totheCity's obligations elsewhere inthis Agreement,theCity shall havethefollowing obligations: (a)TheCity shall advertise for bids for the construction of the Project in accordance withthe Project's plans and specifications.Afterthereceipt of thefundsthat are required tobe tendered by Wal-Mart pursuant to Section 2.1(b),theCitywill award the construction of the Project tothelowest responsible bidderand shall payallcostsand expenses of Project construction,including,notbyway of limitation,thecosts of all materials,labor andelectricityusedinconnectionwith suchconstructionandall license,permit orinspectionfeesthatmaybechargedin connectionwithsuchwork.TheCity's contract documents will requirethatits contractor constructthe Project in accordance withtheplansandspecifications and continue such construction efforts thereafter ina diligent manner untilthe Project iscompletedand accepted bytheCity. (b)Upon request,theCity shall provide an update onthestatus of the Project toWal- Mart. (c)If(i)the Project isnot substantially complete onorbefore March 15,2014,or suchotherdate agreed tobythe parties inwritingand(ii)Wal-Martexercisesits righttoterminatethisAgreementbydeliveringwrittennotice of terminationto theCityandtheEscrowAgentin accordance withSection4.8and Section 2.1(b), then,unlesswithinthirty(30)daysafterreceivingsuchterminationnotice, Escrow Agent receivesawrittenobjectionfromtheCity,accompaniedbya Certificate of Completion specifying a substantial completiondateonorbefore March 15,2014,orsuchotherdatetowhichthepartiesagreedin writing,Escrow Agent shallbeauthorizedtopaytheEscrowFundstoWal-Martuponthe expiration of suchthirty(30)day period.If Escrow Agent receivessuchobjection andCertificate of Completionwithinsuchthirty(30)dayperiod,Escrow Agent shallnotdisbursetheEscrow Funds toeitherpartyunlessanduntilauthorizedto dosoby joint instructionssignedbybothWal-MartandtheCity. 2.3EscrowAgreement.Concurrently,withtheexecution of this Agreement,Wal-Martand theCityhaveenteredintoan escrow agreement withtheEscrowAgentsetting forth the rights of thepartiestoreceivetheEscrow Funds asdescribedinSections2.1and2.2 III. 3.1 Term.Subjecttoandupontheterms and conditions set forth herein,thisAgreement shall continuein force andeffect from theEffectiveDate(as hereafter defined)untilthe final completion and acceptance of the Project bytheCityunless terminated earlier. Cost-Share Agreement.Page 3 AUS:672198.4 IV. Texas-Baytown (I-10atSH146) Store No.2439-00 4.1 Non-Waiver.Failure of the either party to declare any default immediately upon occurrence thereof,or delay in taking action in connection therewith,shall notwaive such default,butthe non-defaulting party shall have the right to declare any such default atanytimeandtakesuch action as might be lawful or authorized hereunder. 4.2 Default.Notwithstanding Section 2.1(d),a non-breaching party shall have the right to declare the breaching party in default and terminate the Agreement if the breaching party defaults inthetimely performance ofany obligation imposed herein anddoesnotcurethe default within fifteen (15)days (unless another period of timeis specified herein)after written notice describing the default in reasonable detail hasbeengiventothe breaching party or,if the non-breaching party determines thatthedefaultcannot reasonably be cured withinthe fifteen (15)day period,if the breaching party doesnotcommence curative workwithinthe fifteen (15)day period and prosecute theworkto completion with diligence.Shouldthis Agreement be terminated,the parties shallbe relieved of all further obligations herein and,the Escrow Funds shall be disbursed to Wal-Mart except if the Project is substantially complete as contemplated by section 2.1(e). 4.3 Remedies Cumulative.All rights and remedies of theCity and/or Wal-Mart under this Agreementshallbecumulativeandnoneshallexcludeanyotherrightsorremedies allowed by law. 4.4Amendments.This Agreement maynotbe altered,changed or amended,exceptbyan instrumentinwriting,signedbyboth parties hereto. 4.5 Release.BythisAgreement,theCitydoesnotconsentto litigation orsuit,andtheCity herebyexpresslyrevokesany consent to litigation thatitmayhave granted bytheterms of thisAgreementoranyother contract or agreement,any charter,or applicable statelaw. Nothing containedhereinshallbeconstruedinanywaysoasto waive in whole orpartthe City's sovereignimmunity.Wal-Mart assumes full responsibilityforitsobligationsunder thisAgreement performed hereunder and hereby releases,relinquishes,discharges,and holds harmless theCITY,its officers,agents,andemployeesfromallclaims,demands,and causes of action of everykindand character,including thecost of defensethereof,forany injurytoor death of any person (whether theybeeither of the parties hereto,their employees,orotherthird parties)and anyloss of or damage to property (whetherthe property bethat of either of the parties hereto,theiremployees,orotherthird parties)thatis causedbyorallegedtobecausedby,arising outof,orinconnectionwithWal-Mart'swork tobeperformed hereunder.This release shall applywithrespecttoWal-Mart'swork regardless of whethersaidclaims,demands,andcauses of actionarecoveredin whole orin partbyinsurance. 4.6No Arbitration.Notwithstanding anything tothe contrary contained inthis Agreement,the City and Wal-Mart hereby agree that no claim or dispute betweentheCityand Wal-Mart arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be decided byany arbitration proceeding Cost-Share Agreement.Page 4 AUS:672198.4 Texas-Baytown (I-10atSH146) Store No.2439-00 including,without limitation,any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. Sections 1-14),or any applicable State arbitration statute,including,butnot limited to,the Texas General Arbitration Act,provided that in the event that the City is subjected to an arbitration proceeding notwithstanding this provision,Wal-Mart consents tobejoined in the arbitration proceeding if Wal-Marfs presence is required or requested by the City for complete relief tobe recorded in the arbitration proceeding. 4.7 Assignment.Wal-Mart shall not assign this Agreement without first obtaining the written consent oftheCity. 4.8 Notice.Any notice required tobe given under this Agreement or any statute,ordinance,or regulation,shall be effective when given in writing and deposited inthe United States mail, certified mail,return receipt requested,or by hand-delivery,addressed to the respective parties as follows: CITY City of Baytown Attn:City Manager P.O.Box 424 Baytown,TX 77522 Withacopyto: City of Baytown Attn:CityAttorney P.O.Box 424 Baytown,TX 77522 WAL-MART Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Attention:REM -Texas 2001 S.E.10th Street Bentonville,Arkansas 72716-0550 Reference:Store No.84860 Withacopyto: Andrews Kurth LLP Attention:William Dillard 111 Congress Ave.,Suite 1700 Austin,Texas 78701 4.9Binding Effect ThisAgreementandeach provision hereof,andeachandevery right,duty, obligation,and liability set forth herein shall be binding uponand inure tothebenefit and obligation oftheCityand Wal-Mart andtheir respective successorsand assigns. Cost-ShareAgreement.Page5 AUS.672198.4 Texas-Baytown (MO atSH146) Store No.2439-00 4.10 Application of Laws.All terms,conditions,and provisions ofthis Agreement are subject to all applicable federal,state and local laws and regulations,and all judicial determinations relative thereto. 4.11 Choice of Law and Venue.This Agreement is declared tobeaTexas contract,and all ofthe terms thereof shall be construed according to the laws ofthe State of Texas.The place of making and the place of performance for all purposes shall be Baytown,Harris County, Texas. 4.12 Ambiguities.Intheevent of any ambiguity inany of theterms of this Agreement,it shall notbe construed for or against any party hereto onthe basis thatsuch party didordidnot author the same. 4.13 Complete AgreementThis Agreement contains the entire understanding and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto concerning the subject matter contained herein. There are no representations,agreements,arrangements,or understandings,oral or written, expressor implied,betweenoramongthe parties hereto,relating tothesubjectmatter ofthis Agreement,whicharenotfully expressed herein. 4.14 Duplicate Originals.Itis understood and agreed thatthisAgreementmaybeexecutedina number ofidentical counterparts each ofwhich shall bedeemedan original forall purposes. 4.15 Headings.The headings and subheadings of the various sectionsand paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted merely for the purpose of convenience anddonot express orimply any limitation,definition,or extension of the specific terms of thesectionand paragraph so designated. 4.16GenderandNumber.The pronouns of anygendershallincludetheothergenders,and eitherthesingularorthe plural shall include the other. 4.17 Severability.If any section,subsection,paragraph,sentence,clause,phrase orwordinthis Agreement,or application thereoftoany person or circumstance isheld invalid byany court of competent jurisdiction,such holding shall notaffectthevalidity ofthe remaining portions of this Agreement,andthe parties hereby declare theywouldhave enacted such remaining portions despiteanysuch invalidity. 4.18 AgreementRead.The parties acknowledge thattheyhave read,understand andintendto beboundbythetermsand conditions of this Agreement. 4.19 Authority.TheofficersexecutingthisAgreementonbehalf of each parry herebyconfirm that such officers have full authority to execute this Agreement and tobindthe party he/she represents. Cost-Share Agreement.Page 6 AUS:672198.4 EXECUTED ONthisthe day of. Date"). ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IGNACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,CityAttorney Texas-Baytown (I-10atSH146) Store No.2439-00 _,2013(the "Effective CITY OF BAYTOWN By: ROBERT D.LEIPER,CityManager EXECUTED ON this the jj^ay of A^i^/^^f/-2013. WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST,a Delaware statutory trust STATE OF /IrfariteS COUNTY OF BRIAN Estate Vice President of Real Before me,(^{JlJf^piAp \JfifiZ.„the undersigned notary public,on this day appeared Brian Hooper,the Vice President of Real Estate,of Wal-MartRealEstat personally Estate Business Trust,on behalf of such trust (checkone) £known tome; provedtomeontheoath of provedto me throughhis/hercurrent ;or {description of identification card orotherdocumentissuedbythe federal government oranystategovernmentthatcontainsthephotographandsignature of theacknowledging person} Cost-Share Agreement Page 7 AUS:672198.4 Texas-Baytown (MO atSH146) Store No.2439-00 tobethe person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged tome that he/she executed that instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this //'day of MmJ#ffl]@Ur .2013. Notary Public in ai —SBavmiTOfflr— NOTARY PUBLIC BENTON COUNTY,ARKANSAS COMMISSION#12384731 DATE OF EXPIRATION 11-15-2051 Cost-Share Agreement.Page 8 AUS:672198.4 Notary Public in an< My commission expires:fl"/o "^C^2J Exhibit "B" TEXAS-Baytown (MO andSH146) Store No.2439-00 ESCROW AGREEMENT (Waterline Cost-Share Agreement) THISESCROWAGREEMENT(this "Escrow Agreement"),datedas of 2013,ismadebyandamong WAL-MART REALESTATEBUSINESS TRUST,aDelawarestatutorytrust ("WaUMart"),theCITYOF BAYTOWN,TEXAS(the "Cjty"),and CHARTER TITLE COMPANY ("Escrow Agent"'). RECITALS WHEREAS,onoraboutthedate hereof,Wal-Mart andtheCityhaveenteredintothat certain Cost-Share Agreement (the "Cost-Share Agreement")relating to Wal-Mart's conditional obligation to fund a portion ofthe construction costs relating toa waterline tobe constructed by theCity,asmore particularly described therein;and WHEREAS,theCost-Share Agreement provides thatWal-Martwilldeposititsportion of theestimatedcostof completing the Project in escrow,andtheCityshallbeentitledtoreceive suchfunds if theProjectis substantially completed by March 15,2014,orsuchotherdateto which the parties have agreed in writing (the "Date of Substantial Completion"),and if such completion dateisnotmetand Wal-Mart satisfies certain requirements setforththerein,Wal- Martshallbeentitledtohavesuch funds returned toituponits termination of the Cost-Share Agreement; NOW,THEREFORE,forandin consideration ofthepremisesandothergoodand valuableconsideration,thereceiptand sufficiency of whichareherebyacknowledged,theparties heretoagreeasfollows: TERMS OF ESCROW AGREEMENT 1.DefinedTerms.Anycapitalizedtermusedbutnotdefinedhereinshallhavethe meaninggiventosuchtermintheCost-Share Agreement. 2.Deposit of EscrowFunds.Within ten (10)daysaftertheexecutionanddelivery ofthis Agreement byeach party hereto,Wal-Mart shall deliver to Escrow Agent thesumof Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000)(the"EscrowDeposit")tobedeposited,invested and disbursed strictlyin accordance withthe terms ofthis Escrow Agreement.Escrow Agent herebyagreestoaccepttheEscrowDeposituponandsubjecttothetermsandconditionshereof. 3.Escrow Account. -I- AUS:672I94.3 TEXAS-Baytown (1-10 andSH146) Store No.2439-00 (a)TheEscrow Deposit immediately shall bedepositedintoan interest-bearing, segregated,non-commingled account (the "Escrow Account")withabank approved byWal- Mart and theCity(the"Bank").All interest earned onthe Escrow Deposit shall be deposited in the Escrow Account(the Escrow Deposit,together with all interest earned thereon,are collectively referredtohereinasthe"EscrowFunds").Unlessanalternative investment shall have been approved by Wal-Mart,theCity and Escrow Agentin writing,the Escrow Account shall notbeinvestedotherthaninan interest bearing account withtheBank. (b)TheEscrow Account shallbeinthename of Escrow Agent,intrustforWal-Mart andtheCity,astheirinterestsmay appear.Thetax I.D.numberontheEscrowAccountshallbe theCity'stax I.D.number,sothatall interest or dividend incomeis attributed totheCity. (c)TheEscrowAccountshallbe under thesolecontrol of Escrow Agent (subjectto the terms of this Escrow Agreement),and designated signers of Escrow Agent shall havethesole and exclusive authoritytodrawchecksormake withdrawals ontheEscrow Account (d)The monthly bankstatementontheEscrow Account shallbesenttoEscrow Agent,and Escrow Agent promptly shall forward acopy of thebankstatementtoWal-Martand theCity. (e)EscrowAgentshallhaveno responsibility orliabilityforthesecurity of anyfunds inthe Escrow Accountor for calculating,reporting,or paying any interest ordividendsonthe Escrow Account.Wal-Mart andtheCity shall looksolelytotheBankforsuchsecurityand services.Moreover,Escrow Agent shall have no responsibility or liability forthe amount of interest or dividends paid bytheBankonthe Escrow Account For example,Escrow Agentmay make disbursements from the Escrow Accountwithout regard tohowthetiming of such disbursements mayaffecttheamount of interest ordividendspaidbytheBankontheEscrow Account.EscrowAgentshallhaveno responsibility or liability for,orwithrespectto,anyloss ordamageresultingfromany failure,refusal or inability of theBanktodisburse,orallowfor withdrawalof,thefunds of theEscrowAccountuponproperauthorizationordirection of EscrowAgent.Wal-MartandtheCityhereby release Escrow Agent fromtheforegoingtypes of responsibilityandliability,exceptthatEscrowAgentshallberesponsibleforany investment lossescausedbyEscrow Agent's failure tofollowtheterms of thisEscrowAgreement. 4.Disbursement of Escrow Funds totheCity.TheEscrowFundsshallbedisbursed by Escrow AgenttotheCityin accordance withand subject to clauses (a)and(b)of thisSection 4. (a)The Escrow Funds shall be disbursed totheCitywithinthirty(30)daysafterEscrow AgentreceiveswrittennoticefromtheCity asserting that substantial completion of theProject occurred onorbeforetheDate of Substantial Completion,whichnoticeshallbe concurrently -2- AUS:672194_5 TEXAS-Baytown (I-10andSH146) Store No.2439-00 sent to Wal-Mart and accompanied bya Certificate of Completion signed by an engineer.The Certificate of Completion must certify that (i)the Project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by Wal-Mart and the City,(ii)the Project is operational and is ready for use for its intended purpose,and (iii)the substantial completion of the Project occurred onor before the Date of Substantial Completion (specifying such date). (b)Notwithstanding the foregoing,inthe event that each of conditions described in(i) and (ii)below are met Escrow Agent shall not disburse the Escrow Funds totheCityattheend of suchthirty(30)day period,but shall continue toholdsuchfundsinescrowunlessanduntil authorized to release thembyjoint instructions signed byboth Wal-Mart andtheCity: (i)not later thanfifteen (IS)days after receiving thenoticeand Certificate of Completiondescribedinclause(a)above,Wal-MartnotifiesEscrow Agent andtheCity thatWal-Martelectstoverifythe substantial completion of the Project;and (ii)prior tothe expiration of thethirty(30)day period described inclause(a)above, EscrowAgent receives written notice from Wal-Mart asserting that substantial completion of the Project didnotoccuronorbeforetheDate of Substantial Completion, whichnoticeshallbe concurrently senttotheCityandbe accompanied byanengineer's certificate stating that substantial completion did not occur onor prior tothe Date of SubstantialCompletion. 5.Disbursement of Escrow FundstoWal-Mart.If the Escrow Funds have not been previously disbursed to the City pursuant to Section 4 above,the Escrow Funds shall be disbursed by Escrow Agent to Wal-Mart in accordance with and subject to clauses (a)and (b)of this Section 5. (a)The Escrow Funds shall be disbursed to Wal-Mart within thirty (30)days after Escrow Agent receives written notice from Wal-Mart asserting that substantial completion of the Project didnot occur onor before the Date of Substantial Completion and terminating the Cost- Share Agreement whichnotice shall be concurrently senttotheCity. (b)Notwithstanding the foregoing,intheevent that the conditions described in clause (i) below are met the Escrow Agent shall not disburse the Escrow Funds to Wal-Mart attheend of such thirty (30)day period,but shall continue to hold such funds in escrow unless and until authorized to release thembyjoint instructions signed bybothWal-MartandtheCity: (i)prior tothe expiration of the thirty (30)day period described inSection 5(a) above,Escrow Agent receiveswrittennoticefromtheCityassertingthatsubstantial completion of theProjectdidoccuronorbeforetheDate of Substantial Completion, whichnoticeshallbeconcurrentlysenttoWal-MartandbeaccompaniedbyaCertificate -3- AUS:672I94.3 TEXAS-Baytown (MOandSH 146) Store No.2439-00 of Completion satisfying the requirements described in clauses (i)through (iii)of Section 4(a). (c)Wal-Mart and the City,by written agreement signed by each party,can extend the Date of Substantial Completion referred to in Sections 4 and 5toa later date that is mutually acceptable toeachparty. 6.Certain Termination Events. Intheeventall of theEscrow Funds are disbursed assetforthinSections4or5hereof, this Escrow Agreement shall terminate,and none of the parties hereto shall haveany further rightsorobligationshereunder. 7.ExculpationProvisionsforEscrowAgent. (a)Itis agreed that(i)EscrowAgent shall innocaseoreventbeliableforanydirector indirect damage causedbythe exercise of Escrow Agent's discretion inany particular manner,or for anyother reason,except gross negligence orawillful breach with reference toitsduties hereunder;(ii)EscrowAgent shall notbe liable or responsible forthesufficiencyor correctness asto form,manner of execution,or validity of any instrument tenderedtoEscrowAgent hereunder,norastoidentity,authority,or rights of any person executingthe same;and (iii)Escrow Agent shall notbe liable or responsible for Escrow Agent's failure to ascertain the terms or conditions,ortocomplywithany of the provisions of anyagreement contract orother document other than its instructions contained herein as amended from time to time in accordance withtheterms hereof.Escrow Agent shall notbe responsible for determining whether Wal-Mart ortheCityis obligated or entitled togiveany instructions to Escrow Agent hereunder. (b)Wal-Mart hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold Escrow Agent harmless from and against any and all losses,costs,damages or expenses (including reasonable attorneys'fees)it may sustain by reason ofits service as escrow agent hereunder,except if such loss,costs,damages or expenses (including attorneys'fees)are incurred by reason of a willful breach of Escrow Agent's obligations hereunder or gross negligence onits part. (c)Intheevent of any disagreement between the parties tothis Escrow Agreement resulting in adverse claims or demands being made in connection with the Escrow Funds,orin theevent that Escrow Agent in good faith,shall bein doubt as to what action it should take hereunder,Escrow Agentmay,atits option,refuse tocomplywithany requests,claimsor demands relating tothis Escrow Agreementso long assuch disagreements continueorsuch doubt exists,and inanysuch event Escrow Agent shall beentitledto continue to refrain from actinguntil(i)therightstotheEscrow Funds shallhavebeenfullyandfinallyadjudicatedbya -4- AUS:672IWJ TEXAS-Baytown (1-10 andSH146) Store No.2439-00 court of competent jurisdiction or (ii)all differences shall have been adjusted and all doubt resolved by written agreement among all of the persons making requests,claims or demands with respect to the Escrow Funds,and Escrow Agent shall have been notified thereof in writing signed by all such persons.In connection with any such disagreement as aforesaid,Escrow Agent shall have the right to institute a bill of interpleader,and any costs so incurred by Escrow Agent may be payable out of the Escrow Funds.The rights of Escrow Agent under this paragraph are cumulative of all other rights that it may have bylawor otherwise and shall survive the termination ofthis Escrow Agreement. 8.Replacement of Escrow Agent (a)At any time during the term ofthis Escrow Agreement,Escrow Agentmay resign and be discharged of the obligations created by this Escrow Agreement by executing and delivering to Wal-Mart and theCityat least fifteen (15)days'advance written notice of its resignation as Escrow Agent and specifying the date when such resignation istotakeeffect.Any resignation of Escrow Agent shall not become effective until acceptance of appointment bythe successor Escrow Agent. (b)EscrowAgentmayberemovedatanytimebyawrittennoticeexecutedbyWal-Mart andtheCitytoEscrowAgent,whereupon a successor Escrow Agentshallbe appointed pursuant to subparagraph (d)below. (c)If Escrow Agent shallotherwiseberemoved,orbedissolved,or if itspropertyor affairsshallbetakenunderthecontrol of anystateor federal courtoradministrativebodyor agencybecause of insolvency orbankruptcyor for anyotherreason,avacancyshallforthwith existintheoffice of Escrow Agent anda successor shall beappointedpursuantto subparagraph (d)below. (d)Inthe event of theremovalor resignation of theEscrow Agent pursuantto subparagraphs (a),(b)or(c)above,Wal-Mart and theCity shall endeavoringood faith to agree upona successor EscrowAgenttobe appointed bywritten instrument,onecopy of which instrumentshallbedeliveredtothe predecessor Escrow Agent,thesuccessorEscrowAgent, Wal-Mart andtheCity.If Wal-Mart andtheCity are unable to agree uponasuccessorEscrow Agentwithinthirty(30)daysafterthe removal or resignation of theEscrow Agent Wal-Mart shall appoint asuccessorEscrow Agent the identity of whomshallbesubjecttothe approval of theCity,such approval nottobe unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed;provided, however,any successor Escrow Agent soappointedby Wal-Mart and approved by the City pursuant to subparagraphs (a),(b)or(c)aboveshallbeadequately bonded,qualifiedand reputable,asreasonablydeterminedby Wal-Mart,andshallbeatitleinsurancecompany licensedin Texas and with an office inHouston,Texasoranational bank with an office in Houston,Texas. -5- AUS:672I943 TEXAS-Baytown (1-10 andSH146) Store No.2439-00 (e)Upon the acceptance of appointment by the successor Escrow Agent,the predecessor Escrow Agent shall be compensated from the Escrow Funds for any remaining reasonable out- of-pocket expenses for which it has not been previously reimbursed,but shall not thereafter be entitled to any further reimbursement or compensation for its former duties as Escrow Agent hereunder. (f)Any successor Escrow Agent appointed hereunder shall execute,acknowledge and deliver to Wal-Mart and the City an instrument accepting such appointment hereunder,and thereupon such successor Escrow Agent without any further act shall become duly vested with all of the property,rights,powers,trusts,duties and obligations of its predecessor hereunder, withthesameeffectas iforiginally named Escrow Agent 9.Miscellaneous. (a)Wal-Martshallbe responsible for anyandall charges,feesandexpenses of Escrow Agent incurred inconnectionwiththis Escrow Agreement,andEscrowAgentis authorized to withhold from thefunds otherwise payable to Wal-Mart,as applicable,theamount of such charges,feesand expenses. (b)The address of Wal-Mart,theCity and Escrow Agent for purposes of notice hereundershallbeasfollowsuntilchangedbywrittennotice: Wal-Mart:Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust 2001 S.E.10th Street Bentonville,Arkansas 72716-0550 Attention:REM -Texas Reference:Store No.84860 Phone:(479)204-1167 Fax:(479)277-5991 theCitv:TheCity of Baytown,Texas 2401 Market Street Baytown,TX 77520 Attention:CityManager Phone:281-420-6500 Fax:281-420-6586 Escrow Agent:CharterTitle Company 4265SanFelipe Houston,Texas 77027 Attention:SariLagrone -6- AUS:672194.3 TEXAS-Baytown (MO and SH 146) Store No.2439-00 Phone:713-871-9700 Fax:713-871-8208 Any such notices shall be either (a)sent by overnight delivery usinga nationally recognized overnight courier,inwhich case notice shall be deemed delivered one business day after deposit withsuch courier,or(b)sentby personal delivery,inwhichcasenoticeshallbedeemed deliveredupon receipt.A party's address may be changed by written notice tothe other party; provided,however,that no notice of a change of address shall beeffective until actual receipt of such notice. (c)ThisEscrowAgreement shall be governed bythelaws of theState of Texas,and venuefor all purposes shallbein Harris County. (d)The provisions of this Escrow Agreement maybeamendedonlybyawritten agreement signedbyoronbehalf of Wal-Mart,theCityandEscrowAgent. (e)This Escrow Agreement maybe executed bythe parties hereto inoneormore separate counterparts,each of whichshallbedeemedanoriginalbutall of whichtogethershall constitutebutoneagreement. (f)ThisEscrowAgreementandthe Cost-Share Agreementevidencetheentire agreement betweenthe undersigned relating tothe manner of holding theEscrowFundsand supersede all prior agreements,understandings,negotiations and discussions,oral orwritten,of the parties relatingtosuch subject matter. (g)Theterms of thisEscrowAgreementshallbebindinguponandshallinuretothe benefit of Escrow Agent,Wal-MartandtheCityandtheirrespectivesuccessorsandassigns, including anydebtorin possession or bankruptcy trustee acting forany of said parties. (h)Eachpersonsigningbelow represents thatheorsheisfullyauthorizedpursuantto applicablecorporateormunicipallawtoexecutethisEscrow Agreement andtobind die partyon behalf of whomsuch person is signing.The failure of such representation tobetrueforany particular partyshallnotaffectthe enforceability of thisEscrowAgreementortherightsand obligations of theotherparties hereunder. (i)NothinginthisEscrowAgreementshallbeconstruedtomaketheCitytheagent of Wal-Martforanypurposes,orWal-Marttheagent oftheCityforanypurposes,orWal-Martand theCitypartners,or joint orco-venturers. (j)Timeis of the essence ofthis Escrow Agreement and alltime periods hereunder. AUS:6721M.3 TEXAS-Baytown (I-10andSH146) Store No.2439-00 (k)Uponfinaldisbursement of theEscrow Funds inaccordancewiththeterms hereof this Escrow Agreement shall terminate and no parties hereunder shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder,provided,however,the termination of this Escrow Agreement shall not terminate the rights and obligations of Wal-Mart and the City under the Cost-Share Agreement. [Signature PageFollows] -8- AUS:672I943 TEXAS-Baytown (I-10andSH146) Store No.2439-00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Wal-Mart,theCityandEscrow Agent haveexecutedthis Escrow Agreement tobe effective as of thedatefirstsetforthabove. Wal-Mart: WAL-MART STORES REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST,aDelaware statutory trust By: Brian Hoope Vice President of Real Estate The Citv: THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS By: Name: Tide: Escrow Aeent: CHARTER TITLE COMPANY By: Name: Title: SignaturePageto Escrow Agreement AUS:672194J