Ordinance No. 12,399ORDINANCE NO.12,399 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,DECLARING THE NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES ONFM565IN CHAMBERS COUNTY,TEXAS,CONSISTING OF(I)0.0133 ACRES OUT OF A 0.6592-ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE CHRISTIAN SMITH SR.SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.22,CHAMBERS COUNTY,TEXAS, AND OWNED BY NAVEED INTEREST,INC.,AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 891,PAGE 313 OF THE CHAMBERS COUNTY DEED RECORDS;AND(II) 0.2769 ACRES OUT OF A 1.506-ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE CHRISTIAN SMITH SR.SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.22,CHAMBERS COUNTY,TEXAS,OWNEDBYGARYD.SAVELLAS RECORDED IN VOLUME392,PAGE322OFTHECHAMBERS COUNTY DEEDRECORDS FOR THE FM 565 WATER LINE AND SANITARY SEWER LINE PROJECT; DETERMINING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY FOR SUCH ACQUISITION; AUTHORIZING THEACQUISITIONOF PROPERTY RIGHTS NECESSARY FOR THE UTILITY LINES AND ASSOCIATED USES;APPOINTING AN APPRAISER AND NEGOTIATOR AS NECESSARY;AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS,TO ESTABLISH JUST COMPENSATION FOR THE PROPERTY RIGHTS TOBE ACQUIRED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO TAKE ALL STEPSNECESSARYTOACQUIRETHENEEDEDPROPERTYRIGHTSIN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND ORDINANCES;AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY OR DESIGNEE TO INSTITUTE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS TOACQUIRETHE PROPERTY IF PURCHASE NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ***************************************************************************** WHEREAS,the City Council ofthe City of Baytown,Texas ("City Council"),has determined that 1.Autility easement forwaterand sanitary sewerlines consisting of 0.0133 acres out of a 0.6592-acre tractsituatedinthe Christian Smith Sr.Survey,Abstract No. 22,ChambersCounty,Texas,and owned byNaveedInterest,Inc.,asrecordedin Volume 891,Page 313 ofthe Chambers County Deed Records,being approximately 580squarefeet(the"Naveed Easement");and 2.Autility easement forwaterand sanitary sewerlines consisting of0.2769acres out of a1.506-acretractsituatedintheChristianSmithSr.Survey,AbstractNo. 22,ChambersCounty,Texas,ownedbyGaryD.SavellasrecordedinVolume 392,Page322 of theChambersCountyDeedRecords,beingapproximately 12,060squarefeet(the "Savell Easement") is appropriate forusebythe City of Baytown for theCity's FM 565 Water Line and Sanitary Sewer Line Project and associated uses ("Utility Project"),andthatthereexistsapublic necessity toacquiretheNaveedEasementandtheSavellEasement,as easements fortheCity of Baytown's UtilityProject;and WHEREAS,the Naveed Easementismoreparticularlydescribedin Exhibit "A,"whichis attachedheretoand incorporated hereinforallintentsandpurposes;andtheSavell Easement is moreparticularly described inExhibit "B,"whichisattachedheretoand incorporated hereinfor allintentsandpurposes;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncildesirestoacquiretheNaveed Easement andtheSavell Easementforthe aforementioned publicusesinconjunctionwiththeUtility Project because,in part,additionalutility easements arenecessaryforthe expansion of waterandsanitarysewer servicein Chambers Countytofacilitatedevelopmentinthearea;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncildesiresthattheCityManager,ordesignee,takeall necessarystepstoacquiretheneededpropertyinterests,including,butnotlimitedtothe retention of appraisers,engineers andotherconsultantsandexperts,andthattheCityAttorney, ordesignee,negotiatethepurchaseofthepropertyinterestsand,if unsuccessfulinpurchasing theneededpropertyinterests,toinstitute condemnation proceedingstoacquiretheNaveed Easement and the Savell Easement;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1:That all of the above recitals are hereby found tobetrueand correct legislative and factual findings oftheCity Council oftheCityof Baytown,Texas,andtheyare hereby approved and incorporated into the body of this Ordinance asif copied in their entirety. Section2:ThattheCityCouncilherebyfindsanddeterminesthatapublicuseand necessity exists forthe Utility Project and for the City of Baytown to acquire the necessary property rights inthe Naveed Easement and Savell Easement deemed necessary for the Utility Project,as allowed bylaw,together withall necessary appurtenances,additions and improvements in,over,under,and through those certain lots,tractsorparcelsof land. Section3:TheCityAttorney,ordesignee,isauthorizedanddirectedtonegotiatefor andto acquire the required property rights forthe City of Baytown,andto acquire said rights in compliance with State and Federal law.Moreover,the City Attorney,or designee,is specifically authorizedanddirectedtodoeachandeveryactnecessarytoacquiretheneededpropertyrights including,butnot limited to,the authority to negotiate,give notices,makewrittenoffersto purchase,prepare contracts,toretainand designate a qualified appraiserofthe property interests tobe acquired,aswellasanyotherexpertsor consultants thataredeemed necessary forthe acquisitionprocessand,if necessary,toinstituteproceedingsineminentdomain. Section4:TheCityManager,ordesignee,isappointedasnegotiatorforthe acquisition of theneededpropertyinterestsand,assuch,theCityManagerordesigneeis authorizedanddirectedtodoeachandeveryactanddeedhereinabovespecifiedorauthorizedby reference,subjecttotheavailability of fundsappropriatedbytheCityCouncilforsuchpurpose. Section 5:If theCity Manager ordesignee determines thatan agreement asto damages or compensation cannot bereached,thentheCity Attorney or designee ishereby authorized and directed to make the final offers in accordance with law as listed below to the below-named owners,or other parties in interest believed tobethe true owners of said property ortotheactualrealandtrue owners thereof,whether correctly namedornot,forthepurchase and acquisition bytheCity of Baytown of propertynecessaryfortheUtilityProject: PROPERTY OWNER J FINAL OFFER Naveed Easement Naveed Interests,Inc.$3,190.00 Savell Easement GaryD.Savell SI 7.876.00 Additionally,theCityAttorneyis authorized tofileor cause tobefiled,against the owner(s)and interested parties of theneededpropertyinterests,proceedings in eminent domain toacquirethe above-stated interestsinNaveedEasementandSavell Easement. Section6:Shouldsuchofferbeaccepted,themoney above setforthshallbepaidout of any appropriation heretofore madeforthepublicpurposesforwhichthe above-described propertyinterestsare required.Shouldsuchoffernotbe accepted,the amount finally awarded to the owner inthe condemnation proceeding,pluscosts,feesand expenses shallbepaidout of suchfundsso appropriated. Section 7:This ordinance shall take effect immediately fromand after its passage by theCity Council of theCity of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote oj/flie City Council ofthe City of Baytown this the 18th day of November,2013. ATT 2ST:. TCI/^RYSCH)City Cfcrk APPROVED Al?fW6RM: frg*g^j*&£ ACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City Attorney R:\Karen\Files\Cil\Council\Ordinanccs\2()l3\Ni>vcmbcr IS'Hminent Domain doc\ 1 STEPHEN H.DONCARLOS,Mayor Exhibit"A" WlndroseLandServices,Ino 3200WUcrunt.Sotto325 Houston,Toxss77942 Www(713)4fl8-aa8fto(T13)48P1181 ProfessionalDevelopmentConsultants LandSurveying,(Hotting,ProjectManagementandQISSorvfcss DB8CRIPT10NOF 0.0133ACRESOR589SQUAREFEET ATRACTORPARCELCONTAINING0.0133ACRESOR580SQUAREFEETOFLAND,BBINOA PORTIONOFACALLED0.6592ACRETRACTOFLANDCONVEYEDTOWALIBHAIVIRANI ASRECORDEDINVOLUME891,PAGE313OFTHECHAMBERSCOUNTYOFFICIAL RECORDS,SITUATEDINTHBCHRISTIANSMITHSR.SURVHY,ABSTRACTNO.22, CHAMBERSCOUNTY,TEXAS.SAID0.0133ACRESBBINODESCRIBEDASFOLLOWSWITH ALLBEARINGSBASEDONTEXASSTATEPLANECOORDINATESYSTEM,SOUTHCENTRAL ZONE4204,NAD83; BEGINNINGATAPOINTFORTHENORTHEASTCORNEROFSAID04592ACRETRACT,THE NORTHERNMOSTCORNEROFTHEHEREINDESCRIBEDTRACT.ANDTHBNORTHWEST CORNEROFACALLED1.506ACRBTRACTOFLANDASCONVEYEDTOGARYD.SAVELL ASRECORDEDINVOLUME392,PAGE322OFTHBCHAMBERSCOUNTYDEEDRECORDS, SAMEPOINTBONGLOCATEDONACUTBACKLINEATTHBINTERSECTIONOFTHE SOUTHERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYLINEOFFARMTOMARKET(P.M.)NO.565(CALLED80*WDDB RIGHT-OF-WAY)ANDTHEEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYUNBOPHIGHWAY146(CALLED 120*WmBRIGHT-OF-WAY); THENCE,SOUTH04DEGREES09MINUTES14SECONDSWEST,ALONOTHEEASTERLY BOUNDARYLINEOFSAD)0.6592ACRBTRACT,THEHEREINDESCRIBEDTRACT,ANDTHE WESTERLYBOUNDARYLINEOPSAE>U06ACRETRACT,ADISTANCBOF28.02FEETTOA POINTFORCORNER; THENCE,SOUTH82DEGREES32MINUTES22SECONDSWEST,OVERANDACROSSSAID 0.6592ACRETRACT,ADISTANCEOF4224FEETTOAPOINTFORCORNERONSAID CUTBACKLINBATTHEINTERSECTIONOFFAL525ANDHIGHWAY146; THENCE,NORTH52DEGREES43MINUTES08SECONDSEAST,ALONGSAIDCUTBACK LTNE,ADISTANCEOF55.19FEETTOTHBPLACEOFBEGINNINGANDCONTAINING0.0133 ACRESOR5808QUARBFEETOFLAND,ASSHOWNONJOBNUMBER49443PREPAREDBY WJNDROSBLANDSERVICES,INC. JM31U. MDCBKURKOWSKL/H^ZT^S^T^DATE BPLS05101 JOB049443 SHEET2OF2 Y.Vc£=^W«J-ArarfpalS^^laSHtUAk^Fyjirera^ SCALE:1 FIELDED BY:AM DRAWN BY:MJT CHECKEDBY:MJX J03 NO.49443 SHEET1OF2 Exhibit "A" EXHIBIT OF 0.0133 ACRES /530 SQ.FT. SiTUATED m THE CHRBSTJAN SMITH SR.SURVEY, ABSTRACT UO.22 CHAMBERS COUNTY,TEXAS mo.3/*'t.n. f;*M2f & R=229.»8' a=20-51'19" .L=83.42* T=42.18' C=82.96' CB=S 06'16'2,5" GARY D.SAVELL CALLED 1.506 ACRES VOL.392.PG.322,C.C.D.R. LINE BEARING DISTANCE LI S 04'09*14"W 28.02* L2 S 82'32'22"W 42.24' L3 N 52'43'08"E 55.19* L4 N 52,43'08"E 24.29' DEARIHCS ARE OASEO ON TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTDJ SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE (4204).IIADfU. THIS EXHIBIT IS ACCOUPAMIED DY A SEPARATE LECAL DESCRIPTIONS. (SEESHEET2). DATE 02/11/13 /t/Windrose Land Services.Inc. 3200 Waenst.Suite 325 Houston.Texas 77042 Phono(713)453-2231 Fax (713)461-1151 Professional Development Consultants lantfSwYoyfng,Plaiting.Prvjoct Managamont ani CIS Servttes REV: REV: REV: REV: t i Exhibit "B" Wlndmse LandSwvteoa,bte atWffitout Suits as JvSB8tS&*QX88 H99H Photo ffW84SMW fax{T13)49WB1 Pmfossianal Davelopment Conouttento LamlSw\mytnaPlBmg,PnJota6bnagammUnao^SoMe0a DESCRIPTION OF 0J7S9 ACSB8 OR 12,060 SQUAREFEET A TRACT OR PARCEL CONTAININa 02769 ACRES OR 12,060 SQUARE FEET OF LAND, BEtNO A PORTION OPA CALLED IJOS ACRB TRACTOPLANDCONVEYEDTO OARYD. SAVELL AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 392,FAQS 322 OPTHECHAMBERSCOUNTY DEED RECORDS,SITUATED IN THE CHRISTIAN SMITH SR.SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.22, CHAMBERS COUNTY.TEXAS.SAD)02769ACRES BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS WITH AIL BEAJUNOS BASED ONTEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATB SYSTEM,SOUTH CENTRAL ZONB-4204.NAD83; BBGBWWO ATAFOINTFORTHE NORTHWEST OOItNEROPSATO 1J^ HEREINDESCRIBEDTRACT.AMDTHE NORTHEAST CORNEROPACALLED 0402 ACRB TRACTOFUNDCCNVBYEDTOWAUBRAI VRAM AS RECORD 313 OPTHB CHAMBERSCOUNTYCTOCTuU.RECOim^SAMBFOIM'BBDOT LOCATEDONA CUTBACIC UNB AT THE INTERSECTION OP THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY UNB OF FARMTOMARKET (PM)NO.565(CALLED 80*WTOB RIGHT-OF-WAY)ANDTHB EASTERLY RIGHT-OF.WAYUNBOPHIQHWAY145 (CALLED 120*WIDERIOHT-OF-WAY); THENCE,NORTH52 DECREES 43 MINUTES 08 SECONDS BAST,ALONG 8AD)CUTBACK LDffl,ADBTANCEOF5.14FEBTTOANAN0LBPOINT MARMNO THE NORTH CORNEROF SAE)CUTBACK UNB; THENCE,NORTH 82 DEORBES32 MINUTES 22 SECONDS EAST,ALONG THB SOUTH RIGHT. OP-WAY UNB OF SAB)PAL 565,A DBTANCB OF 413*9 FEETTOA POWT FORTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OFSAD)IJ06 ACRBTRACT; THENCE,SOUTH 43 DEORBES 52 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST,A DISTANCE OF48.02 FBBT TOAroDWFORTHB SOUTHEASTCORNERCFTOBHERBWDESCRIBBDTRACT; THENCE,SOUTH 82 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 22 SECONDS WEST.OVER AND ACROSS SAB) 1.506 ACRETRACT,A DISTANCE OF 38849 FEET TOA POINT FORTHE SOUTHWEST CORNmOPTHBHEREWDESaUBEDTRACT.BBWOONTHBWBSTERLYBOUNDARY OFSAB)1JOSACRE TRACT,AND EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAB)04592 ACRE TRACT; THENCE,NORTH 04 DECREES 09 MINUTES 14 SECONDS BAST,ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY UNBOFSAB)IJ0S ACRE TRACT,ANDEASTERLY BOUNDARYIJNB OFSAB) 04592 ACRETRACT.A DBTANCB OF 28J0S FEET TOTHE PLACE OF BBOTNTONG AND CONTABENG 00769 ACRES OR 12J60 SQUARE FBBT OF LAND.AS SHOWN ON JOB NUMBER 49443PREPARED BYWBOROSBLAND SERVICES,0<a mm r ___OATO RFL8031OI JOB 9*9443 SHEET20?2 ttafaitafH t«6Alo«BI ttaSURVSTOWMtttsafe'^^ N O R T H SC A L E ; 1" - 5 0 ' E x h i b i t " B " BE A R I N G S AR E BA S E D OH TE X A S ST A T E PL A N E CO O R D I N A T E SY S T E M SO U I H CE W R A L ZO N E (M 2 0 4 ) . HA D B 3 . TH I S EX H I B I T IS AC C O M P A N I E D 5Y A SE P A R A T E LE G A L DE S C R I P T I O N S . (S E E SH E E T 2) . P . O . B . e r.r , MO . 56 f , H 8 2 2 2 ^ - ^ ^ LI N E BE A R I N G OI S T A I 1 C E LI N 52 ' 4 3 ' O B " E 5. 1 - 8 " i ; s ' . y j i ' ' . o ' v < a . 0 2 - i j H o v o o ' u * e 2 3 . 0 2 ' E X H I B I T O F 0 . 2 7 6 9 AC R E S / 1 2 , 0 6 0 SQ . F T . SI T U A T E D IN T H E CH R I S T I A N SM I T H SR . SU R V E Y , A B S T R A C T N O . 2 2 C H A M B E R S CO U N T Y , T E X A S n = 2 2 9 . 1 0 ' A = ? . 0 ' S l ' ' . 9 " . L- - - a 3 . ' . 2 - T - 4 2 . 1 H ' C - S 2 . . 0 5 ' C B " S O G I G ' 2 5 " E t» T B SU R V E Y O R DI D NO T AS S T R A C T SU B J E C T PR O P E R T Y . Tl l i S EX H I B I T 'W A S PR E P A R E D YiT I I I O U T A TI T L E CO U W T U E N T AN D WA Y NO T RE a E C T AL L EA S E U E m S . EU L D I N G Wl - S . AM D OT H E R EU C U t f f i E S A N C E S . Of T O L D OT : n o . i / e u t . n / i v u x a n o . < « < « S H E E T 1 O F 2 V V i n d r o s G L a n d S e r v i c e ; ; . I n c . 3 ? 0 t ) Vt f i t e m s i O r . . Sa t t O 3 2 S H o u s t o n . T o m s 7 7 0 4 2 Pl i o n o (7 1 3 ) 42 0 - 7 2 0 1 rn > c ( 7 1 3 ) - I G 1 - l 1 5 1 P r o f o u s l o n a l D o v o l o p m c n t C o n s u l l o n l s Ln r . r : fj u r v o j l n n . Pl S r t S l n o . P f f } a a Mi m a a u m o n t . GI G So r v i e a c