Ordinance No. 12,391ORDINANCE NO.12,391 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS,AMENDING THE BAYTOWN 2025 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO UPDATE THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS,theBaytown2025 Comprehensive Plan(the"Plan")assistsCityofficials, staffandcitizensinmakingsounddecisionsaffectingthefuturegrowthanddevelopment of the Cityandthe surrounding area;and WHEREAS,theamendment of thePlantoupdatetheFutureLandUseMapcontained thereinhasbeen reviewed bythePlanningandZoning Commission (the"Commission");and WHEREAS,on October 15,2013,theCommissionvoted unanimously torecommend thattheCity Council approve the amendment ofthePlantoupdatetheFutureLandUseMap; and WHEREAS,onNovember18,2013,apublichearingwasconductedatwhichthepublic wasgiventhe opportunity togive testimony and present written evidence regarding this amendment of the Baytown 2025ComprehensivePlan;and WHEREAS,after receiving theCommission's recommendation aswellastheinput received atthepublic hearing,theCity Council desires toamendthe Baytown 2025 Comprehensive Planto update the Future Land Use Plan Map to better reflect future developmentwithintheboundariesCity;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:All matters and facts set forth in the recitals above are found tobe true, andare approved asthe processes and procedures which theCity Council oftheCityof Baytown undertookandcompletedpriortotheadoption of thisordinance. Section 2:ThattheCity Council oftheCityof Baytown,Texas,hereby amends the Baytown 2025 Comprehensive Plan to update the Future Land Use Map.A copy of said map is attachedhereto,markedExhibit"A,"andmadeapart hereof forallintentsandpurposes. Section3:Thecomprehensiveplanasamendedhereinshallserveasaframe of referenceforfutureactions of theCityofficers,staff,andcitizens.Thisadoptionrecognizesthat eachindividualactionreferringtotheplanmustbeastand-aloneactionbasedonallfactors known at the time the action is taken. Section4:Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectimmediatelyfromandafteritspassageby the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative yfc ofthe City Council of the City of Baytown this the 18th day of November,2013. ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH,CityTlcrk •>,§ APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,CityAttorney v<- H STBPHEN-tWJONCARLOS,Mayor ' R:\Karcn\l-ilcs\City Council\Ordinanccs\2013\Novcinbcr 18\UpdalingComprehensivePlanLandUseMap.doc B A Y T O W N FU T U R E LA N D U S E P L A N » a a . t z t r a m p " " B & G C R A N E " BU S I N E S S PA R K AD D I T I O N CO M M U T E R RA I L TE R M I N A L CO M M U T E R RA I L L I N E RA I L R O A D S BA Y O U / C R E E K CO N S E R V A T I O N BU S I N E S S PA R K H i BU S I N E S S / E D U C A T I O N & AR T S DI S T R I C T [= ? ~ 1 CO M M E R C I A L CO R R I D O R CO M M E R C I A L NO D E S (C O M M U N I T Y , RE G I O N A L ) LO W DE N S I T Y RE S I D E N T I A L LO W - M E D I U M DE N S I T Y RE S I D E N T I A L I B HI G H E R - D E N S I T Y RE S I D E N T I A L B B IN D U S T R I A L | IN D U S T R I A L BU F F E R ZO N E W A T E R F R O N T