Ordinance No. 12,390ORDINANCE NO.12,390 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS, ADDING APPROXIMATELY 16.643 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ASIIBEL SMITH SURVEY,ABSTRACT 954.JUST WEST OF SJOLANDER ROAD AND SOUTH OF I-10 IN HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS,TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO.4;REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH;CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE;AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *********************************************************** WHEREAS,Section17(1)of theCharter of theCity of BaytownprovidesthattheCityCouncilshall redistricttheCityifthegrowth of theCity justifies;and WHEREAS,itisnecessarytoincludethenewlyannexedterritory described hereininaCouncilDistrict; NOW THEREFORE BEIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section1:CouncilDistrictNo.4isherebyredistrictedbythe addition of thatpropertywhichis describedinExhibit"A,"whichisattachedheretoandincorporatedhereinforallintentsand purposes. Section2:Allordinancesorparts of ordinancesinconsistentwiththeterms of thisordinanceare hereby repealed;provided however,thatsuch repeal shall beonlytotheextent of such inconsistency andinall other respects this ordinance shallbe cumulative ofother ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered bythis ordinance. Section 3:Ifany provisions,section,exception,subsection,paragraph,sentence,clauseorphraseof thisordinanceortheapplicationofsametoanypersonorsetofcircumstances,shallforanyreasonbeheld unconstitutional,voidorinvalid,such invalidity shallnotaffectthevalidity of the remaining provisions of this ordinanceortheirapplicationtootherpersonsorsets of circumstancesandtothisend all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section4:Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectfromandafterten (10)daysfromitspassagebytheCity Council.TheCityClerkisherebydirectedtogivenoticehereofbycausingthecaption of thisordinancetobe published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice/^hin ten (10)days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative y/rfe of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 18"'day of November,2013. ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH.CifyCler APPROVED AS TOTORM: ^IGNACIO RAMIREZ,SR.,City/Yttorney •PHEN- R:\Kaa-n\Files\CiiyCouncil\Ordinances\2013\Novcmbcr l8\Addl6.643Acres2CouncilDistrict4.doc )NCARLOS,Mayor Exhibit "A" IIJSLD NOTE DFSCRIP 16.64.'ACM-S It IN Ucing a 16.645 acre tract or parcel ot'laiul siiuaietl intheAshbelSmith Suney.Abstract No. 854.1 larrisCounty.Texas,andbeingaportionol'a called 60.2002acretracttoSamuel Vallagomcsa bydeeddated March 20.2008and recorded in Ilarris CountyClerksFileNo. 200X0139279.said 16.64.'acre Iract being more particularly describedbymetesand bound*as follows: BEGINNING ata I"ironrod found onthesouthline oflnterslate lligh\su\10.variable width controlledaccessRight of Way,forthenorthwestcorner of theslidcalled60.2002acretractand thenortheast comer ol'acalled8.00acretractto Roy Valladares as described indeed recorded in Harris CountyClerks file No \\"53527; THFNCF N 78'W00"I-.alongthesouth line ^f Interstate Highway 10 andthenorthline of said called60.2002acre Iract.adistance of 60.00 feet,toa '4"ironrodwithplasticcap stamped "RPl.S 4980"setforthemostnortherly northeast comer of thehereindescribedtract: THl-NCI:S 11 54"34"F.overandacross u portion of thesaidcalled60.2002acretractand parallel tothewestline of said called 60.2002 acre tract,a distance of 1192.4')feet,toa34"iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPl.S 4980"set for the interior corner ofthe herein described tract: THFNC1-.N 78W35"I;.adistance of 1503.7V feet,toa34"irontodwithplasticcapstamped "RPLS 49S0"setonthewestline of Sjonhtiulcr Road.60 feet wideRight of Wayandthe eaM line of the saidcalled60.2002acre tract,forthemost easterly northeast comer of theherein described trad: TIHINCr.S 10:56"27"F.along the west lireof Sjolunder Road and theeastlineofthe said called602002acre tract,a distance oi3'J5.%.toa1*'ironrod lound forthe southeast corner of thesaid called 60.2002 acretractandthe southeast corner of the herein described iract: I HI-.NCF S 78cOl\'5"W.along the south line ofthe said called 60.2002 aero tract,a distance of 1647.10 feet,toa1"ironrodfoundfor the southwestcorner of thesaidcalled60.2002 acre tract and the southwest corner of the herein described iraei: THIINCF NI lc54\34"\V.along thewestline of the said called 60.2OO2 acre trad and the c:i>t line of thesaidcalled8.00acre tract,adistance of 1588.60 feeltothe [MINT 01 MiCilNNlNO conlainiiut a calculated area of 16.643 acres of land. NOTE:Thisfieldnotedescriptionis pan ol'lhc plai of samedate.The bearings shownhereon are referencedto Slate Plane Coordinate System.South Central /one.NAD 8.3.N 11°54'34"W alone the west line of the said called 60.2002 acre tract. to*! fc&ss.otf($a .Mellan /R.P1.S.NO 4"80 lH-20-2013 ti TfU'OO'£ >l tsriSHsnrc HtcHtrnr 10 senna:kcaii ,-**<<•' X »*•«•«"E -ISSJttt SVPJIVT TtttCT ie.et:i tciuv S 7e*0*'3£'»-t€47 tO' ? ,0°--_£__lt>0 X0P--jUP Sent*f -'tOO' BEAR USD StMVEYINC CO turn**tMiAS rmt