1987 11 12 CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN November 12, 1987 The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, met in regular session on Thursday, November 12, 1987, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Baytown City Hall with the following attendance: Fred T. Philips Jimmy Johnson Perry M. Simmons Ron Embry Roy Fuller Rolland J. Pruett Emmett O. Hutto Fritz Lanham Bobby Rountree Randy Strong Eileen P. Hall Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Clerk The meeting was called to order with a quorum present. The invocation was offered by Councilman Fuller, after which the following business was conducted: Consider Minutes of Regular Meeting Held October 22, 1987 Councilman Fuller moved for approval of the minutes for the meeting held October 22, 1987. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Abstained: Councilman Philips t� N 71112 -2 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Citizen's Communications: a. A. G. Lenamond or D.R. Bossley will appear to discuss possible variance on certain buildings on Texas Avenue and possible tax breaks. A.G. Lenamond, owner of a store at 424 West Main, stated that he owns the property at 222 Texas Avenue, the old J.C. Penny Store, and would like to buy the property at 202 Texas Avenue. The building at 222 Texas Avenue is in a state of disrepair, and Mr. Lenamond would like to repair the building in stages. He stated that he would like to remodel the first floor and put a new roof on the building. Then he would remodel the second and third floors. Mr. Lenamond plans to put an antique shop in place at that location. Also, Mr. Lenamond expressed an interest in tax abatement for Texas Avenue, as well as consider- ation for removal of a portion of the snake down Texas Avenue to create parking for 202 Texas Avenue. Mr. Lenamond verified that his intention was to use the first floor of the building prior to remodeling the other two floors. He also indicated that he probably would need a variance for work at 222 Texas Avenue. The City Manager suggested that council allow the administration to work with Mr. Lenamond. Therefore, Mayor Hutto asked Mr. Lenamond to make an appointment with Mr. Cramer and reminded Mr. Lenamond that he would probably need a set of plans. With regard to the suggestion on tax abatement, the city manager explained that the tax abatement policy that council would be considering later in the meeting would not apply to the situation on Texas Avenue. However, the administration is developing a report for council on how tax abatement can be used for redevelopment. Alene Bunting Recognized Mayor Hutto recognized Alene Bunting, resident at 1903 Britton, who presented council with a petition signed by 14 residents on Britton Street requesting that a new water main be installed to serve Britton Street from 1801 to 2111. Councilman Johnson moved to accept the petition. Councilman Philips seconded the motion. The vote follows: 71112 -3 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Council was careful to explain to Ms. Bunting that accep- tance of the petition simply meant that the city would take the matter under advisement. Consider Authorizing a Letter From Council Indicating That Channel Aviation, Inc. Plan For Expansion Has Merit In accordance with council instructions, the administration had drafted a letter for council consideration indicating that the Channel Aviation, Inc. plan for expansion has merit. Donald A. Moss, 1211 East Cedar bayou Lynchburg Road, addressed council concerning a petition signed by about 85 residents in the vicinity of the Baytown Airport. The petition expressed opposition to the proposed expansion of Baytown Airport formerly Humphrey Airport. Reasons for opposition follow: i. Contribute to a decline in real estate value in the area surrounding the above named airport. 2. Allow jet- -type aircraft traffic access to the above named airport. 3. Increases the risk of safety hazards to the area that might result from an increase in air traffic. 4. Increase noise pollution associated with aircraft and /or air traffic. 5. Alter or impact the existing Cedar bayou Lynchburg Road in such a way as to restrict or cause the stoppage of traffic flow through the area near the airport. b. Cause property owners to unwillingly surrender their property to this cause. Councilman Philips moved to accept the petition; Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: 71112 -4 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Richard Baldwin, Corporate counsel for Channel Aviation Inc., stated that Channel understood that people are involved here and that the company is in no way asking council to withdraw support or not consider future plans for a regional airport. Channel also understands that the FAA along with others must pass on this plan. Mr. Baldwin assured council that the letter being proposed placed no commitment on the part of the city. Channel is requesting a letter to use in the next step which is before Commissioner's Court to indicate that the proposed plan has merit. The letter which the administration had drafted thanked Channel Aviation for updating council on expansion plans for the airport. It stated that the plan appeared to be a good one, and that council was pleased to lend its support, and concluded by making it clear that Channel's plans will not preclude the city council from participating in an FAA Study for a Regional Airport. Certain members of council had a problem with the wording "and we are pleased to lend our support "; therefore, Councilman Philips moved to authorize the administration to forward the letter to Channel Aviation, Inc. deleting the words "and we are pleased to lend our support ". Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Consider Proposed Resolution, Approving Participation In The Telephone Franchise Study City Attorney, Randy Strong, explained that a number of cities being served by General Telephone and Southwestern Bell have had difficulty negotiating franchise agreements with these companies. The companies have elected to deal with each city individually negotiating a 4% franchise in some places; in others 2 %. 71112 -5 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Therefore, a Telephone Franchise Study Committee has been formed, and that committee would like to hire Don Butler to develop a model ordinance, along with procedures for negotiation and development of a franchise agreement to cover expenses. Each participating city is asked to contribute 1/2 cents per capita. Baytown's cost would be about $300. The administration recom- mended adoption of the proposed ordinance approving participation in the Telephone Franchise Study. Councilman Pruett moved for adoption of the resolution; Councilman Embry seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Resolution No. 1000 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE STUDY COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE. Consider Proposed Resolution, Establishing Guidelines and Criteria For Granting Tax Abatement In a Reinvestment Zone Tax abatement in a reinvestment zone was discussed in a work session prior to the last council meeting. Lee College, Goose Creek Independent School District and the county have adopted this policy. The administration has studied this and believes these to be a reasonable set of guidelines. Abatement could be 100% for two years during construction and 5 years thereafter. If construction takes longer than 2 years, the total abatement will not exceed 7 years. In order for any potential industry or business to qualify, the industry or business must have a value of five million dollars and produce thirty jobs. The administra- tion recommended approval of the resolution. Councilman Simmons moved for adoption of the resolution; Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None 7111 -6 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Resolution No. 1001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR GRANTING TAX ABATEMENT IN A REINVESTMENT ZONE CREATED IN HARRIS COUNTY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Proposed Resolution, Casting the City of Baytown's Ballot For Election of a Person to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District Previously, council had adopted a resolution nominating Tom Bartlett to the board of directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. Now each entity must cast its ballot for election of a person to the board of directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. Councilman Simmons moved to adopt the proposed resolution casting the City of Baytown's vote for Tom Bartlett. Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Resolution No. 1001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, CASTING ITS VOTE FOR THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR, HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, FOR THE TERM ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1989. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Approving the Financing by The Bell County Health Facilities Development Corporation of Health Facil- ities Located Within the City of Baytown, Texas This item was placed on the agenda at the request of John Messer in his capacity as legal counsel to the Bell County Health Facilities Development Corporation. The corporation proposes to issue its Texas Fixed Rate Health Facilities Development Revenue Bonds to provide funds to finance certain specific health facilities for designated participating non - profit borrowers throughout the State of Texas. The feeling is that the use of a single issuer and the consolidation of various borrowers, projects and loans have significant advantages over the financing 71112 -7 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 have significant advantages over the financing of such projects on an individual basis. Advanced Living Technologies, Inc. is the borrower that has requested financing for the following: 1. The acquisition, improvement and expansion of a 100 bed nursing home known as Green Acres Convalescent Center located at 2000 Beaumont Road; and 2. The acquisition, improvement and expansion of a 120 bed nursing home known as Allenbrook Healthcare Center located at 4109 Allenbrook. Councilman Simmons moved for adoption of the ordinance; Councilman Pruett seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None For Certificate and full text of ordinance, see Attachment am Consider Proposed Ordinance, Approving the Execution and Delivery of a Personal Property Finance Contract; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax, Within Applicable Legal Limita- tions, For the Payment of Amounts Due Thereunder; Pledging Such Tax to the Payment of Such Amounts; Approving the Execution and Delivery of an Escrow Agreement; and Containing Other Incidental and Related Matters Adoption of the proposed ordinance will provide funding to purchase the computer equipment authorized previously by council. Funds were included in the 1987 -88 budget to finance the purchase for one year. Payments are to be spread over a five year period. Adoption of the ordinance will authorize the City of Baytown to enter a Personal Property Finance Contract with Public Property Finance Corporation of Texas. Public Property Finance Corpora- tion of Texas is the corporation formed by the City of Belton, Belton Independent School District, and Bell County to issue the bonds necessary to finance the personal property acquisition. As part of the process the city must certify that a direct annual ad valorem tax will be levied sufficient to meet the debt service requirement of the bonds issued by Public Property Rd 71112 -8 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Finance Corporation of Texas for the acquisition of personal property for the City of Baytown. This is the same action that council takes when General Obligation Bonds or Certificates of Obligation are issued. The average interest rate that will be paid by the City is 7.25 %. The administration recommended approval of the ordinance. Councilman Philips moved for adoption of the ordinance; Councilman Embry seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Ordinance No. 4856 AN ORDINANCE OF THE GOVERNING BODY APPROVING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PERSONAL PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACT; LEVYING A CONTINUING DIRECT ANNUAL AD VALOREM TAX, WITHIN APPLICABLE LEGAL LIMITATIONS, FOR THE PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE THEREUNDER; PLEDGING SUCH TAX TO THE PAYMENT OF SUCH AMOUNTS; APPROVING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN ESCROW AGREEMENT; AND CONTAINING OTHER INCIDENTAL AND RELATED MATTERS. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Restricting Entry to Brownwood Area Fritz Lanham, City Manager, explained that an item was placed on the agenda in the form of an ordinance in order that council could take action if the Legal Department after researching the matter felt that an ordinance would be appropriate. After reviewing the matter, the Legal Department felt that there was a problem with adopting an ordinance to restrict entry to the Brownwood area. Randy Strong, City Attorney, explained that during an emergency situation council would have the authority to limit or restrict entry; however, under the present circumstances council would not have this authority because council would be restricting entry to public property. He reminded council that an ordinance was adopted after Alicia restricting entry to Brownwood at the request of the property owners and the City was sued. Now in a less appropriate situation, council is being asked to restrict entry to the Brownwood area again. He pointed 71112 -9 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 out that the courts could wonder why the city would restrict entry to the area rather than increase police patrol. Council inquired if the current loss of property would not be sufficient to justify an ordinance restricting entry. The city attorney responded that the degree of damage is much less than the emergency situation that existed after Alicia. if council desires to abandon and block off streets in the area, there is a procedure that must be adhered to. The city manager indicated that if the city could close the streets and have only two entrances to the area, that may be helpful in controlling vandalism and arson in the area. The city attorney indicated that it would be necessary to obtain releases from the property owners along the streets. Billy Mix, 3440 Shady Hill, owner of property in Brownwood Subdivision, inquired why persons who were apprehended on her property were not prosecuted. The Police Chief explained that at that particular time the only charge that could have been pressed would have been criminal trespass and certain elements must be present in order to prove that case. Therefore, he suggested that the owners of property in Brownwood post signs on that property indicating that the property is vacant and trespassers will be prosecuted. Roxanne Gillum, 523 W. Pierce, explained that the city needs to have liability insurance coverage due to the pilings and other debris in the water which could cause injury. The city attorney responded that the city had liability insurance coverage. Ms. Gillum emphasized the problem of homes being burned in Brownwood. She stated that one home per month has burned in Brownwood this year. Three have burned in the last two weeks, and the property owners are unable to get insurance out there. Ms. Gillum indicated that she would obtain the waivers from property owners in order for the city to abandon and close streets in the Brownwood area. The city manager informed the residents present that the Police Chief had issued an order for patrol in the Brownwood area to be increased, and the city would continue to look at the possibility of closing off all but two of the roadways. Councilman Fuller requested that the city step up their arson investigation in the area. 71112 -10 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 The city attorney again emphasized that the fact that several homes have burned in the area is not sufficient to estab- lish a curfew. Police patrol has been increased in the area and property owners are free to build out there. The city's offer that was made to Ms. Gillum a year ago is still valid. N Barbara Blalock, 2004 Cedar Bayou, stated that the situation in Brownwood was different than in other parts of the city. In other parts of the city there are neighbors who can call for help; however, in Brownwood there are no phones nor utilities. The Brownwood Civic Association has met and all agree that there is no problem with blocking off roads or whatever must be done to help with the problem. Ms. Blalock indicated that tempers were running high and that someone could be injured in the Brownwood area. Chief Henscey advised those present that taking matters in their own hands was not the answer. He advised that No Trespassing signs should be placed on the fascia boards on each house. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Authorizing Payment of $13,645.07 to Exxon Pipeline for Damages and Relocation of Their Line During the reconstruction of Willow Street it was necessary to lower a pipeline to meet federal government regulations; therefore, the administration is recommending approval of the ordinance to reimburse Exxon for damages and relocation of the pipeline. Councilman Philips moved for adoption of the ordinance; Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Abstained: Councilman Embry The city manager noted that the payment would come from budgeted funds. 71112 -11 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Ordinance No. 4857 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHOR- IZING THE PAYMENT OF THIRTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE AND 07/100 ($13,645.07) DOLLARS TO EXXON PIPELINE COMPANY AS TO THE COST FOR DAMAGES AND RELOCATION OF THE EXXON PIPELINE BELOW WILLOW STREET; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Approval of a Request For a Median Cut on Garth Road North of Longhorn Cafe A map posted in the council chamber depicted a median opening on Garth Road to access two parcels of property on the west side of Garth north of the Longhorn Cafe. There are no street light standards that will be moved; however, there are two planters that will need to be moved. The property owner has agreed to bear all costs. The Traffic Commission has recommended that the median cut be approved: the administration concurs. Councilman Pruett moved to approve the request for a median cut on Garth Road north of Longhorn Cafe. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Consider Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Installation of Water and Sewer Lines to Department of Public Safety Office Building, 1308 South Highway 146 The developer constructing the new Department of Public Safety offices on Highway 146, has requested that the City of Baytown take bids and set up a refund schedule for water and sewer lines to provide service to that location. Originally, the administration had recommended the installa- tion of an 8" water line. However, in checking further, it was learned that the line would be tied to an existing 2" water line; therefore, the administration is revising its recommendation and requesting authorization to advertise for bids for a 2" water line and a 2" sewer force main. In the event that others tie onto the lines, a refund schedule will be developed for reimbursement to the developer. The estimated cost of the 2" water and sewer lines is $8,500. 71112 -12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Councilman Pruett moved to accept the recommendation of the administration. Councilman Embry seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Consider Authorizing an Increase of $3,000 to the Maximum Grant Allowable for Community Development Housing Rehabilitation Grants to be Used in the Event of Foundation Work Only Under the Community Development Housing Rehabilitation Program, in some cases there is a need for extensive foundation work, as well as rehabilitation to the structure. Therefore, the Community Development Advisory Committee is recommending an increase of $3,000 to the maximum grant allowable which $3,000 will be used only in the event of foundation work. This will increase the maximum grant allowable to $15,000 rather than $12,000 when foundation work is necessary. The administration recommended approval of the increase. Councilman Johnson moved to authorize that the maximum grant allowable for Community Development Housing Rehabilitation Grants be $15,000 in the event of foundation work. Councilman Simmons seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Consent Agenda Since a citizen had registered to speak to Item 14 a, that item was excluded from the Consent Agenda. Council considered the Consent Agenda as follows: b. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -6, changes a stop inter- section to a yield intersection. This is a tee - intersection where eastbound traffic stops at the McKinney /Cedar bayou inter- section. This ordinance would change that Stop to a Yield. This is a recommendation of the Traffic Commission. 71112 -13 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 We recommend approval. c. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -7, authorizes an inter - local agreement with the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District and Lee College to allow these entities to purchase fuel from the City of Baytown's annual contract. This is a renewal of an existing interlocal agreement. The supplier has agreed to this arrangement. We recommend approval. d. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -8, authorizes payment to Ebsco Subscription Service for magazine subscriptions in the amount of $5,477.25. The Library has 226 subscriptions to various newspapers, magazines, and journals with varying renewal dates. The library has been using Ebsco Subscription Services to coordinate these renewals for the past five years. If another subscription service company was used, there would be a loss of continuity of service and various issues might not be delivered. We recommend approval. e. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -9, awards the bid for the purchase of chairs for the Police Department to the low bidder meeting specifications, S -A -M Office Furniture in the amount of $2,623.95. Bid packets were mailed to eight vendors, of which six returned quotations and two no -bid. The two low bidders offered a chair that does not meet specifications. We recommend that the third low bidder, S -A -M Office Furniture, be awarded this bid. f. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -10, awards the annual carrier service of bank deposit contracts to the low bidder meeting specifications, Loomis Armored, in the amount of $5,280. Invitations to bid were mailed to two vendors and two responded. We recommend approval. 71112 -14 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 g. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -11, awards the bid for a 3" self priming pump to the low bidder meeting specifications, Baytown Ace Machine in the amount of $3,700. The low bidder's proposed pump does not meet specifications regarding the size of solids that it can handle. Invitations to bid were mailed to nine vendors, of which two returned quotes and three no -bid. We recommend approval. h. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -12, will award the annual auto fittings contract to the low bidder meeting specifications Baytown Oil Sales in the amount of $15,462.10. Invitations to bid were mailed to 12 vendors and seven responded. We recommend approval. i. Proposed Ordinance No. 71 purchase of a 3/4 ton van to the tions, Salleria Area Ford, 'Inc. This van is a replacement for the to bid were mailed to 20 vendors, tions. We recommend approval. 112 -13, awards the bid for the low bidder meeting specifica- in the amount of $12,635.51. Fire Department. Invitations of which five returned quota- j. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -14, authorizes a contract with Bayshore Community Development, Inc. to provide transpor- tation service for low income citizens of Baytown. The Community Development budget allows for $29,377 for Bayshore Community Development, Inc. to provide transportation for Baytown as well as various locations outside the city limits for low income persons. This contract will allow the Community Development Office to reimburse Bayshore Community Development for rides on a bi- monthly basis. For rides inside Baytown city limits, the reimbursement price will be $3.00 each way per person. For rides outside of the city limits other than Houston, the reimbursement price will be $5.00 each way per person. For trips to Houston the reimbursement price will be $10.00 each way per person. We recommend approval. 71112 -15 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 k. Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -15, authorizes the demo- lition contract for 713 South Pruett to Daniels Dump Truck Hauling in the amount of $2,000. This is a recommendation of the Urban Rehabilitation Standards Review board. We recommend approval. 1. We recommend the personal computer bids for one IBM computer and one IBM compatible computer be rejected and readver- tised. Invitations to bid were mailed to 10 vendors, of which one returned a quotation. The quote for IBM clone appears to be excessive. An interlocal agreement will allow the city to pur- chase this computer from H -GAC. The IBM Corporation apparently lost the bid packet and has indicated that they would quote if we rebid the IBM computer. We recommend these bids be rejected and rebid. M. The owners of Rod's Sports Bar have requested water and sewer service for their business at 5229 Garth Road. The build- ing is located just outside the city limit line on Garth Road. Both water and sewer service are available on Garth Road. We recommend approval. Councilman Johnson moved for adoption of the Consent Agenda Items b through m. Councilman Pruett seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Ordinance No. 4858 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, CHANGING THE INTERSECTION OF CEDAR BAYOU ROAD AT CEDAR BAYOU ROAD /McKINNEY ROAD FROM A STOP INTERSECTION TO A YIELD INTERSEC- TION; AUTHORIZING THE POSTING OF THE PROPER SIGNS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO HUNDRED AND NO /100 ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR EACH VIOLATION THEREOF; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -6) 71112 -16 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Ordinance No. 4859 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH GOOSE CREEK CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND LEE COLLEGE FOR THE PURCHASE OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL THROUGH A COOPERATIVE PURCHASE PROGRAM AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -7) Ordinance No. 4860 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHOR- IZING THE PAYMENT OF FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY -SEVEN AND 25/100 ($5,477.25) DOLLARS TO EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES AS TO THE COST FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFEC- TIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -8) Ordinance No. 4861 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF S -A -M OFFICE FURNITURE FOR THE PURCHASE OF INSTITUTION SIDE CHAIRS AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE AND 95/100 ($2,623.95) DOLLARS. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -9) Ordinance No. 4862 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF LOOMIS ARMORED FOR THE ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR CARRIER SERVICE OF BANK DEPOSITS AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY AND NO /100 ($5,280.00) DOLLARS. (Proposed Ordi- nance No. 71112 -10) Ordinance No. 4863 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF BAYTOWN ACE MACHINE FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 3" SELF - PRIMING PUMP AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO /100 ( #3,700.00) DOLLARS. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -11) 71112 -17 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1487 Ordinance No. 4864 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF BAYTOWN OIL SALES FOR THE ANNUAL AUTO FITTINGS CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY -TWO AND 10/100 ($15,462.10) DOLLARS. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -12) Ordinance No. 4865 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF GALLERIA AREA FORD, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 3/4 TON WINDOW VAN AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY -FIVE AND 51/100 ($12,635.51) DOLLARS. (Proposed Ordinance NO. 71112 -13) Ordinance No. 4866 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO A CONTRACT WITH BAYSHORE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, INC. TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR LOW INCOME CITIZENS OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -14) Ordinance No. 4867 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF DANIELS DUMP TRUCK FOR THE DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 ($2,000.00) DOLLARS; MAKING VARIOUS FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. (Proposed Ordinance No. 71112 -15) For bid tabulations, see Attachments "B" through "H." Consider Proposed Ordinance, Authorizing the Purchase of Various Parcels in Brownwood Area The attachment to the ordinance lists the properties that have been acquired over the recent months and weeks and as in the past, council is presented with one ordinance to cover those purchases. The administration recommended approval of the ordinance. 71112 -18 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 To an inquiry from Roxanne Gillum, the City Manager responded that the city is purchasing both land and structures including slabs. If there is a structure on the property the property owner is allowed salvage rights. The administration is basing its offers on the value of the property prior to Alicia. On property that is still in fair condition, the city is offering near to what is listed on the tax roll. The more damage to the property, the less amount is offered. The City Attorney reiterated that the ordinance is formal authorization and approval for the expenditure of funds for the purchase of property and payment of taxes and assessments on property in the Brownwood Subdivision. The administration recom- mended approval of the ordinance. Councilman Fuller moved for adoption of the ordinance; Coun- cilman Pruett seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None Ordinance No. 4868 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AUTHORI- ZING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND PAYMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS ON PROPERTY IN BROWNWOOD SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Appointments to Cultural Arts Council Councilman Philips moved to appoint Wanda Brown to the Baytown Cultural Arts Council to replace Carol Terry who is no longer a resident of the city. Councilman Embry seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Pruett Mayor Hutto Nays: None 71112 -19 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Consider Appointment to Electrical Board This appointment will be made at a future meeting. City Manager's Report Second Council Meeting in November and December - Council scheduled the second council meeting in November for Tuesday, November 24, and unless there is an emergency, the second council meeting in December is cancelled. U.S.S. San Jacinto Committee - The committee would like to know if council would like to attend the commissioning of the U.S.S. San Jacinto. Bond Rating - The lowering of the bond rating from AA- to A on a $5,000,000 bond issue would result in an increased cost of .15% or $60,937.50. Central District Contracts - The treatment plant is about 56% complete. Rehabilitation of the collection system is 95% complete, and lift station modifications are about 65% complete. Contracts 2 and 3 must be completed by the end of 1987. Both contractors expect to meet that deadline. Smoke Testing and Sanitary Sewer Repairs - City crews con- tinue to smoke test and repair sanitary sewer main lines. They have found 215 main line leaks and have repaired 72. In those same areas, 227 service line leaks have been located, and ulti- mately, property owners will be notified that they need to take care of that problem. James Street Water Tower - Work on the James Street Water Tower is complete. Oklahoma Street Storm Sewer Inlets - Work on Oklahoma Street storm sewer inlets is complete. W r" 71112 -20 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1997 Goose Creek Development Plan - Council had been provided with a copy of the Goose Creek Development Plan and Councilman Philips commented that the Strategic Planning Committee would like to continue its work in this regard. Councilman Fuller commented that this was a good beginning. Bobby Rountree, Assistant City Manager, explained that the reason an item had not been placed on the agenda was that the administration felt that the Parks and Recreation Board would like to take formal action prior to presenting the proposal to council. Comments and Questions of Council In response to an inquiry from council, Mr. Lanham stated that the work on Texas Avenue is a result of the work in progress in the Central District. Mayor Hutto addressed a letter from Ms. Barbara Wadley regarding the fine job of the Emergency Medical Department and in particular, Craig Grey. That letter will be placed in Mr. Grey's personnel file. Recess Into Executive Session to Discuss Land Acquisition a. West Main Bridge Improvement Project. b. Brownwood. C. Discuss right of way exchange. Mayor Hutto recessed the open meeting into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. When the open meeting reconvened, Mayor Hutto announced that no action was necessary as a result of the Executive Session. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Authorizing the City Attorney to Make Offer For Purchase of Land for West Main Bridge Improvement Project, and If Said Offer Is Refused Authorizing Condemnation Proceedings To Be Instituted No action was taken on this item. Minutes of the Regular Meeting - November 12, 1987 Adjourn 71112 -21 There being no further business to be transacted, the meet- ing was adjourned. - Eileen P. Hall City Clerk 3 -1 -27 Attachment "A" THE STATE OF TEXAS § § CERTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE CITY OF BAYTOWN § I, the undersigned officer of the City of Baytown, Texas (the "City" ), do hereby make, execute and deliver this certificate for the benefit of all persons interested in the actions and proceedings of the City Council of the City. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: (1) I am the duly chosen, qualified and acting officer of the City for the office shown beneath my signature, and in such capacity I am familiar with and have personal knowledge of the matters hereinafter stated. (2 ) The City Council of the City convened in regular SESSION ON THE 12 DAY OF November 1987, at the designated meeting place in Baytown, Texas, and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of said City Council, to wit: Mayor Btmett O. Hutto and Council members Fred T. Philips, JiMW Johnson, Perry M. SinVans, Ron Embry, Roy L. Fuller and Rolland J. Pruett and all of said persons were present except thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon, among other business, the following was transacted at said Meeting: a written Ordinance was duly introduced for the consideration of said City Council and read in full. Thereupon, the presiding officer instructed the members of said City Council that if any member of said City Council or any relative by blood or marriage to such member has a substantial interest in any business entity which would be peculiarly affected by action on said Ordinance, such member must file an affidavit prior to the vote on said Ordinance with the Secretary of said City Council stating the nature and extent of such interest and must abstain from participating in the discussion and vote on said Ordinance, all as more specifically set forth in Article 988b, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended. The following persons filed an affidavit and abstained pursuant to the foregoing instructions: A copy of each affidavit so filed is attached hereto as an exhibit to this Certificate. It was then duly moved and seconded that said Ordinance be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said Ordinance, prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: (3) A true, full and correct Ordinance adopted at the Meeting de: foregoing paragraph is attached to and 7 0 copy of the aforesaid cribed in the above and follows this Certificate; said Ordinance has been duly recorded in said City Council's minutes of said Meeting; the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full and correct excerpt from said City Council's minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the adoption of said Ordinance; that the persons referred to in the above and foregoing paragraph are duly chosen, qualified and acting officers and members of said City Council; and that each of the officers and members of said City Council was duly and sufficiently notified as required by applicable law of the aforesaid Meeting. (4) Written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of said Meeting of said City Council was posted on a bulletin board located at a place convenient to the public in the City Hall of the City of Baytown, Texas, for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of such Meeting, or, in the case of emergency or urgent public necessity, for at least two hours preceding the scheduled time of such Meeting; such place of posting was readily accessible to the general public at all times from such time of posting until the scheduled time of such Meeting; and such Meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which the Ordinance and the subject matter thereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252 -17, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, this the 12 day of November 1987. (SEAL) By /. ZgLx� Title: City Clerk 2 W Ordinance No. 4f355 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS APPROVING THE FINANCING BY THE BELL COUNTY HEALTH FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF A HEALTH FACILITY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Health Facilities Development Act, Article 1528j, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended (the "Act "), authorizes and empowers the Bell County Health Facilities Development Corporation (the "Issuer ") to issue revenue bonds on behalf of Bell County, Texas (the "Issuing Unit"), to finance the costs of health facilities found by the Board of Directors of the Issuer to be required, necessary or convenient for health care, research and education, any one or more, within the State of Texas and in furtherance of the public purposes of the Act; and WHEREAS, Section 4.01(1) of the Act provides that the Issuer may provide for the financing of one or more health facilities located outside the limits of the Issuing Unit with the consent of every other city, county or hospital district within which such health facility is or is to be located; and WHEREAS, Advanced Living Technologies, Inc. proposes- to obtain financing from the Issuer from a portion of the proceeds of the Issuer's bonds issued pursuant to the Act for the costs of the health facility described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Project ") ; and WHEREAS, the Project is or is to be located within the City of Baytown, Texas (the "City ") and outside the limits of the Issuing Unit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS : . Section 1. The City hereby consents to and approves the financing by the Issuer of the Project as required by Section 4. 01 (1) of the Act. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its adoption and it is accordingly so ordered. 1987. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the _ 12th day of November , ATTEST: EMMETT . HUTTO, Mayor EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Project consists of the following: (1) the acquisition, improvement and expansion of a 100 bed nursing home known as Green Acres Convalescent Center located at 2000 Beaumont Road, Baytown, Texas 77520; and (2) the acquisition, improvement and expansion of a 120 bed nursing home known as Allenbrook Healthcare Center located at 4109 Allenbrook, Baytown, Texas 77520. IQ M M 9 CITY OF BAYTOWN BID TABULATION ITLL: INSTITUTION SIDE CHAIRS 10 NUMBER: 8708 -109 ATE: 10 -22 -81 2:00 P.M. Attachment "B" lS -A -M OFFICE FURN. 18 a 8 OFFICE - BAYTOWN KWIK -KOPY ;PENCIL BOX ; ITEM; M ;UNIT 'DESCRIPTION ' ' _1 1_; !UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE:UNIT PRICE1EXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICE:EXT. PRICE' I. 1 35 'CHAIRIINSTITUTION SIDE CHAIRS ! 74.97' 2,623.95! 78.001 2,730.001 66.501 2,327.501 55.39' 1,938.65' 1 1 !BIDS SENT TO 8 VENDORS. 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! I , , It CITY OF BAYTOWN BID TABULATION PAGE 2 ITLE: INSTITUTION SIDE CHAIRS 10 NUMBER: 8708 -109 ITE: 10 -22 -87 1:00 P.M.' 1NATNERNE'S 1BAYSHORE OFFICE i TEN; QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION ; 1 _;_i 1 ;UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUHIT PRICEIEXT PRICEIUNIT PR1CH EXT PRICE; 1. 1 35 ;CHAIR;INSTITUTION SIDE CHAIRS 1 86.00; 3,010.00; 87.12; 3,049.201 0 m CITY OF BAYTOWN 810 TABULATION J: ANNUAL CARRIER SERVICE OF BANK DEPOSITS NUMBER: 8708 -114 -E: 10 -21 -87 2:00 P.N. Attachment "C" W I 1 ROOMIS ARMORED 1BRINKS ; EMI QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION !UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT PRICE; 1 12 INONTHICARRIER SERVICE OF BANK ! 440.001 5,280.001 450.001 5,400.001 ! ! 1 ! ' I I :DEPOSITS ' I 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OEU YERY:IAS REQUIRED :AS REQUIRED 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I ( 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 ! ! (BIDS SENT TO 2 VENDORS. ! ! 1 ! 1 1 ! ! 1 1 ! ! 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I ! 1 I 1 ! 1 1 I 1 I ! ! ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! .1• I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W CITY OF BAYTOWN BID TABULATION TLE: 3' SELF PRIMING PUMP D NUMBER: 8708 -106 10 -20 -87 2:00 P.M. Attachment "D" i i i ! BAYTOWN ACE MACHINE ICELCO PUMP COMPANY IEN! QTY !UNIT !DESCRIPTION !UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE UNIT PRICEIEXT PRICHUNIT PRICEIEXT PRICE; I. 1 LOT ; LOT !30 SELF - PRIMING PUMP 1 3,700.001 i 21283.00; ; 1 1 !BIOS SENT TO 9 VENDORS. CITY OF BAYTOWN BID TABULATION ITLE: ANNUAL AUTO FITTINGS CONTRACT 10 NUMBER: 8708 -115 ,1TE'. 10 -21 -87 2:00 P.N. Attachment "E" ia !GULF COAST SCREW !POLAR IND. SUPPLY ;ALL -TEC PRODUCTS 180WMAN OIST. ; ITEM! QTY !UNIT !DESCRIPTION ; ; ; 1UNIT PRICE1EXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE: UNlT PRICE1fXT. PRICEIUHIT PRICEIEXT PRICE, !. 1 LOT 1 LOT !AUTO FITTINGS CONTRACT ' 1 15,624.811 1 16,296.081 1110,948.741 1 25,172.58; ! 1 1 OELIVERY:12 DAY ARO ! lAR0 1 1 1 14 DAYS AR01 1 ! 1 101SCOUNT ON MISC. ITEMS 115% 1 NO OISCOUNT 1 1 NO DISCOUNT 1 1 1 'NOT ON CONTRACT 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS:! ! 1 ! !'NOT ALL ITEMS 010 ! 1 ! 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 !BIOS SENT TO 12 VENDORS. 1 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 ia CITY OF BAYTOYN 810 TABULATION PAGE 2 LE: ANNUAL AUTO FITTINGS CONTRACT NUMBER: 8708 -115 10 -21 -87 2:00 P.N. w ! ; WAR PRODUCTS I8AYTOWN OIL SALES EM! QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION ;UNIT PRICElEXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICElUNIT PRICEIEXT PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT PRICE! . ; LOT ; LOT (AUTO FITTINGS CONTRACT 1 171112.221 1 151162.101 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 t I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DELIYERY:I7 DAYS AROI 12 DAYS AROI 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! !DISCOUNT ON MISC. ITEMS 110 X I I I ! I I I I I I !NOT ON CONTRACT I I I I ! I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I I SPECIAL CONDITIONS:! ! I I ! ! ! 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Attachment "F" = 1 ; INORT HALL FORD 'GALLERIA FORD !KNAPP CHEVROLET ;JACK ROACH FORD ; TENI QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION -1.1 1 ;UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE; I. ; I ; EA. 13/4 TON VINOOV VAN ; 1 12,737.001 1 12,635.51; ; 13,359.15; ; 12,656.52; 1 1 118105 SENT TO 20 VENDORS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF BAYTOWN 810 TABULATION ITLE: 3/4 TON WINDOW VAN 10 MUNBER: 8708 -110 4TE: 9 -29 -87 2:00 P.N. I I 1A.C. COLLINS FORD ITEMI QTY !UNIT ;DESCRIPTION ,UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE! UNIT PRICE,EXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICEIEXT PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE, 1. 11 1 EA. 13/4 TON WINDOW VAN It 1 12,756.001 1 ! I I TITLE, Ugnolition of Structures 81D TABULATION elo: �� �� -�� -65 �ATE� October 29. 1987 g:aQ a.m. ® � ® � • .. �'� � .. - - - -- ��� �■�����■ �� ��s iii � � '��.�■��.�..�.�.�■� o m -� o� m' r f" • m o ; l 1 cr V 1� f0 1 hm K a n N N O �D 7 O 01) En a. M V A 1! �O 1 n O R f4 p O H R � c D - CD C r� D ' O( Z : w W El IIII III II IIIAlllllll�l��e IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN�I�� Illlllllllllllllllllllif� o m -� o� m' r f" • m o ; l 1 cr V 1� f0 1 hm K a n N N O �D 7 O 01) En a. M V A 1! �O 1 n O R f4 p O H R � c D - CD C r� D ' O( Z : w W CITY OF BAYTOWN 810 TABULATION TLC: PERSONAL COMPUTERS 0 NUMBER: 8708 -107 I 10 -22 -87 2:00 P.H. Attachment "H" COMPUTER CRAFT TER; QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION ; —1-01-11 11UNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICEIEXT PRICEIUNIT PRICEIEXT PRICE! 1. ; 1 ; LOT ;180 -AT MODEL SI7O -339 ;NO 810 2. ; l ; LOT ;18M -AT CLONE ; 4,072.10; ;BIOS SENT TO 10 VENDORS. , I , W