1985 10 10 CC Minutes51010 -1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN October 10, 1985 The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, met in regular session on Thursday, October 10, 1985, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Baytown City Hall with the following attendance: Fred T. Philips Jimmy Johnson Perry M. Simmons Ron Embry Roy L. Fuller Gerald Dickens Emmett 0. Hutto Fritz Lanham Larry Patterson Randy Strong Eileen P. Hall Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Clerk The meeting was called to order with a quorum present. The invocation was offered by Councilman Fuller, afterwhich the following business was transacted: Consider Minutes for the Special Meeting Held September 24, 1985 and the Regular Meeting Held September 26, 1985 Councilman Philips moved to approve the minutes for the special meeting held September 24, 1985 and the regular meeting held September 26, 1985; Councilman Dickens seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None Abstained: Councilman Fuller Receive Petitions No one in attendance presented a petition. Reba Eichelberger Will Appear Ms. Eichelberger had called prior to the meeting to cancel her request to appear. 51010 -2 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Rocky Rodriguez Will Appear Rocky Rodriguez appeared to question certain aspects of the contract with Arnold Development, whereupon Mayor Hutto suggested that Mr. Rodriguez should contact his council representative or the administration to have those questions resolved. Mr. Rodriguez responded that as a citizen he was interested in making certain that the charter was adhered to and that due process is afforded the citizens of Baytown. In response to Mr. Rodriguez's question involving the status of the contract, Mr. Lanham stated that the contract had been signed and work is in progress. Representatives of the company met with the city manager and director of planning and traffic about two weeks ago. However, Mr. Rodriguez asked for a more explicit response. Therefore, Councilman Embry suggested that perhaps it would be appropriate to ask for a status report on the project and for a projection of when the first phase of the contract will be completed; council had no objections. Roxanne Gillum Will Appear Mayor Hutto advised Ms. Gillum that she could have addressed her questions to her council representative, the administration or the mayor. In fact, Mayor Hutto had checked on the problem of only portions of rights of way having been mowed in Brownwood to learn that there was a miscommunication that had caused the problem and that it had since been resolved. Ms. Gillum concurred, but men- tioned a problem intersection at Crow Road and Mapleton. With regard to the Olshan Development Contract, it was determined after the contract was let that the best procedure would be to bury the debris on site. To use three sites was not practical because the soil conditions were such that the trucks would get stuck, and the travel by the heavy trucks to three sites would have destroyed the streets. In order to file charges against someone for dumping in Brownwood, the individual must be caught in the act. Letters have been mailed from time to time to individuals when their garbage was found in Brownwood. Signs can be posted through- out the area warning against dumping and indicating the penalty for doing so. The city will schedule garbage pickup in the area periodically, but not on a twice weekly basis. As far as going onto private property to pick up garbage if the owner signs a release, the city attorney will research that question. The claim for damages for the stoppage of a ditch at 106 West Bayshore, property owned by Ms. Gillum, is being investigated. 51010 -3 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 There are no plans to operate the pumps in Brownwood except when necessary to mow or perform work in the area. Plans are that after the Olshan Contract, to mow, spray for weeds and in the next few months pick up the remaining debris. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Amending Taxicab Ordinance to Provide for Increase in Fares and Change in Insurance Requirements Tommy Bright, representative of Joy Hart, owner of Red Top and Safeway Cab Companies, appeared to request an increase in fares from $1.15 to $1.30 to get in the cab and from $ .16 to $ .18 for each 1/5 mile thereafter. This is the first increase requested since 1979 which is necessary for maintenance of the vehicles, insurance costs, and increases in salary for employees. In response to questions from council, Mr. Bright stated that presently the companies are running ten cabs and that all ten are air conditioned. The ages of the cabs vary from 1978 to 1982, but as necessary new engines and other equip- ment are installed. However, the cab company does hope to purchase newer model vehicles in the near future. Council touched on the possibility of a lower rate to handle the City of Baytown Taxicab Program, but Mr. Bright pointed out that as it is these fares take more time than normal calls because the drivers are dealing with the elderly who require special attention. Councilman Fuller moved to adopt the ordinance; Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None ORDINANCE NO. 4283 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 29, "TAXICABS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN BY AMENDING THE LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING THE RATES AND FARES TO BE CHARGED BY TAXICABS IN THE CITY; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO VIOLATE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CHAPTER; CON- TAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. 51010 -4 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Consider Proposed Ordinances Authorizing Removal of Signal on West Defee Avenue at North Gaillard Street and Author- izing Installation of a Stop Sign on North Gaillard at West Defee; Authorizing removal of Signals on West Texas at Ashbel, Gaillard and Jones Street and Authorizing Installation of Stop Signs on Ashbel, Gaillard and Jones at West Texas and Authorizing Stop Sign for South Jones Street at West Pearce Avenue Dr. Mahan addressed the removal of signals on West Texas at Ashbel, Gaillard and Jones Street. He pointed to the fact that this would require the removal of some of the planters and sitting booths; therefore, he suggested that the signals remain but on permanent yellow flashing for Texas Avenue and permanent red flashing for the cross streets. The administration will consider this compromise solution and bring the matter back to council. Councilman Embry moved to adopt the ordinance authorizing removal of signal on West Defee Avenue at North Gaillard Street and the ordinance authorizing stop sign for South Jones Street at West Pearce Avenue; Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None ORDINANCE NO. 4284 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, REPEALING THE DESIGNATION OF THE INTERSECTION OF WEST DEFEE AVENUE AND NORTH GAILLARD STREET AS A SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION; DESIGNATING THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH GAILLARD STREET AT WEST DEFEE AVENUE AS A STOP INTERSECTION; AUTHOR- IZING THE POSTING OF PROPER SIGNS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO HUNDRED AND N01100 ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 4285 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, DESIGNATING THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTH JONES STREET AT WEST PEARCE AVENUE AS A STOP INTERSECTION; AUTHORIZING THE POSTING OF PROPER SIGNS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDIN- ANCES; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO HUNDRED AND N01100 ($200.00) DOLLARS FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. 51010 -5 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Consider Proposed Ordinance, Amending the Auto Wrecker Ordinance to Provide for Tncrea'se In Fees The Auto Wrecker Committee had recommended that the auto wrecker ordinance be revised to include increases in certain fees, additional fees, inspection of wreckers by the city garage rather than the police department and a procedure for filing a complaint within thirty (30) days of a suspected overcharge. The city attorney reviewed the proposed changes with council and pointed out that the administration is recommending that the thirty (30) days limitation for filing a complaint for overcharging be eliminated allowing a complainant the full statutory time to file a complaint. In discussing that possibility, council pointed to the fact that thirty (30) days should give ample time for anyone who suspects an overcharge to bring it to the attention of the proper authorities. The point was made that to require the two year limitation would mean excessive and needless record keeping on the part of the wrecker owner /operators. In discussing various aspects of the proposed changes, Councilman Fuller mentioned an article that he had read in the Baytown Sun which compared costs for wrecker service in Baytown to costs for wrecker service in surrounding areas, and it seemed that the proposed revision in costs may be excessive. Bob Walton, Chairman of the Auto Wrecker Committee, was present and stated that the last figures that the committee had reflecting rates in surrounding areas were from 1983. Another area discussed was storage of wrecked vehicles. Mayor Hutto suggested that the ordinance be amended to pro- vide that wrecked vehicles must be stored within the city limits. Citizens of Baytown should not have to go outside the city limits to retrieve their automobiles, valuables, etc. Mr. Walton mentioned that the committee had been looking at establishing an area of limitation for storage but had never decided exactly what that area should be. Council discussed at length the recommended storage fees. Councilman Philips moved to adopt the proposed ordinance as presented with the exception that storage fees will be $6.00 per day and that storage of wrecked vehicles will be inside the city limits of Baytown; Councilman Dickens seconded the motion. Mr. Walton made the point that there is one auto wrecker permittee with storage facilities located outside the city limits. Council did not foresee that as a problem since he could always contract to store inside the city limits. Council members Fuller and Embry expressed the feeling that more attention needed to be given to a comparison of costs for wrecker service; therefore, Councilman Embry moved to table the motion and ask that an ordinance be brought back for council consideration with the suggested amendments, but with more data to be provided. 51010 -6 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Consider Proposed Ordinance, Waiving the City of Baytown's Option to Adopt the Provisions of the Vehicle Storage Facilities Act.._. The auto wrecker committee had recommended that the provisions of the Vehicle Storage Facilities Act be waived because the requirements of the act are more stringent than the requirements of the city's ordinance and would require a considerable expenditure to provide the required lighting. However, the administration felt that it would be best for the citizens of Baytown to allow the state law to take effect since the requirements are more stringent providing for greater protection and more information to the public. Also, if Baytown's requirements are less than the state's, there could be a proliferation of storage facilities inside the city limits. The statute provides that the state will take the responsibility of inspection and permitting of the facilities. The city would still have control over charges for storage of wrecked vehicles inside the city limits. Council took no action to adopt the ordinance which means the state law will be effective in Baytown. Recess and Reconvene Mayor Hutto called for a brief recess. When the open meeting reconvened the following business was transacted: Consider Proposed Ordinance, Awarding Bid for Microcomputer System for Police Department and Municipal Court and Chuck Wolff Has Asked to Appear in This Regard The administration, along with Bob Greer, Computer Con- sultant, have been working for several months to develop specifications for a microcomputer system for the police department and municipal court. A pre -bid conference was held to familiarize the bidders with the specifications and answer any questions that the prospective vendors might have. Bids were received based on the specifications dis- cussed, and the administration recommended that the bid be awarded to Sperry Corporation because that company met all the specifications. Allen Computer Corporation did not meet specifications on two major points: one central processing unit was bid and an audited copy of their annual financial report was not submitted. Plexus also failed to submit the financial documentation. Bob Greer, Computer Consultant, explained that the staff had determined the necessity for sixteen work stations to be broken into groups of four: 4 for municipal court, 4 for dispatch, 4 for records and 4 for supervisors. There is a space problem at the police department and in the court; therefore, the decision was made not to go to main frame or mini computer environment where there would be a large box with special wiring and air conditioning. With this technology today, there are boxes with a very very small footprint which means that they can sit on a desk, hang on the side of a desk and run off normal wiring and air conditioning. Then you have the choice of going anywhere 51010 -7 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 from a PC up to a super micro. The staff looked at all those configurations to determine what would give the best mix, and determined that multiply computers with networking was the best choice. This technology is on the upslope and can be expanded without any difficulty. Mr. Greer ended his presentation by stating that personal computers with file servers are too expensive, nor would he recommend going with one computer. Chuck Wolff, representative of Allen Computers, stated that when the bids were opened on August 14, Allen Computers was the low bidder by approximately $28,000 to $29,000. Approximately 5 weeks after the bid opening the company contacted the staff to learn that the bid was not being considered for the reasons stipulated earlier. Allen Com- puters is a very young company, a very small company, and there were questions concerning financial stability. In the bid document, Allen Computers had stated that upon award of the contract, a cashier's check for the full amount of the bid will be submitted. Mr. Wolff felt this would substantiate that the company fully intends to stand behind this contract. There is some very strong backing behind the company, and the company is a Baytown firm. Mr. Wolff stated that there is no reason for concern should Allen Computers fold for some reason, Gunn Enterprises, a well established company, the Houston area representative for Cromemco Computers would stand behind the contract. Crememco Computers invented the microcomputers ten years ago. The Crememco Computers are very successful, with the US Air Force being one of their major customers. Cromemco is a privately held company and does not release financial information, but it is a fact in the computer industry that their sales average is between $50,000,000 and $100,000,000 a year. An $84,000 computer system will not strain the company. Cromemco is standing by ready to come in and demon- strate the equipment. There is no question that the Cromemco System will meet every aspect of the bid specifications. Mr. Wolff inquired if Mr. Greer, the city's consultant, would know of any reason that a two CPU Networked Cromemco System would not meet every specification of the city. Larry Patterson, Assistant City Manager, responded that the staff is not arguing the capability of the Cromemco box. The issue is that Allen Computers did not bid a linked system. Under the number of CPU's bid, the company bid one CPU and under networking column the indication is that networking is not required. If that is the case, then in fact, the company has bid a one CPU System which does not meet specifications. Therefore, the company is low on the basis that the company bid only one CPU. No cost is in- dicated for networking which Mr. Wolff now indicates is rolled into the CPU costs. If maintenance cost is added, along with networking and another CPU, then Mr. Wolff would be the high bidder of these three companies. In response to a question from council, Mr. Wolff stated that the company had spent a month to one and one -half months putting the bid together. The company looked at the 30 -page document and the responses during the pre -bid conference and tried to distill out of those words what the 51010 -8 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 city was truly looking for, and one thing that came out in these discussions of two CPU's was the question of redun- dancy and realiability. The company had the same concerns. Two computers networked have a certain service factor associated with them. If one CPU is a service factor, two CPU's have a somewhat less service factor. The network itself has a service factor. The reason that the company bid one CPU is that they saw the opportunity to improve realiability and save the city money. Before the company submitted the bid, a call was placed to the purchasing agent and they said that they were considering a one CPU bid because it is more reliable and could save the city money. The response was "fine." Mr. Wolff stated that that response was somewhat misleading, and the company took that as a license to submit a one CPU bid. Since that time the company has met with the staff and Mr. Wolff said that he now understands why Mr. Greer had recommended two CPU's. However, he did not necessarily agree that this is the best answer, but that is his decision to make. The bid document of Allen Computers is a valid legitimate response to the two CPU option. Even if the Allen Computers bid document is taken and the total cost of a second CPU is added, the company will still be low bidder. The company's equipment will meet or exceed the specifications provided by the city. Larry Patterson, Assistant City Manager, pointed out that the bid specifications were explicit and the instruc- tions given at the pre -bid conference were also explicit in that to bid less than 2 CPU's would not be acceptable. The specifications provided that all calls for information concerning the bids must be in prior to five (5) days before the actual bid opening. The call that Mr. Wolff was referring to came in the day before the bid opening, and it was not a question that was put forth but a state- ment of the document that the company was going to submit. The staff is not in process of telling someone that they can or cannot bid something; therefore, the response to the statement "I am going to bid one CPU configuration," was, "fine." The concern for the financial stability of the companies lead the staff to ask for an audited copy of the annual financial report, balance sheets, revenue reports and expense statements. The only thing received from Allen was a June, 1985 balance sheet. The contract issued here tonight would be with Allen Computers. There is nothing in the bid document that indicates that Cromemco, nor Gunn Enterprises would stand behind that product. Mr. Allen has submitted a letter from Gunn Enterprises to himself indicating that they would, but there is no guarantee in the bid document that they would. On the basis of financial support, Sperry Corporation better meets the bid. IQ 51010 -9 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Bob Greer, in response to council, stated that during the pre -bid conference at least three times that he had stressed that the minimum CPU's that would be acceptable would be two - one for police and one for municipal court. The four figure configuration was explained by stating that 3/4 of the bid would go to police and 1/4 would go to municipal court with the exception of the printers. In response to an inquiry from council, Tom Waters of Sperry Corporation stated that it is true that the company does not manufacture all the components and pieces that go into their system, but neither does any company that council has been looking at. As far as the components bid, most of the main components do come from NCR Corporation. Sperry has stock in its warehouses of parts and whole systems for an amount in excess of $50,000,000. The company does not have to go to NCR for parts. The parts are available in the warehouses with Sperry's people for support. Sperry is a one tier company. There is a complete stocking of systems, parts and components just as Sperry manufactured them. Larry Alexander from Plexus was present and stated that Plexus does the very same thing. He emphasized that in the pre -bid conference, it was made quite clear that one CPU was not acceptable. There was never any question that the option was two or four CPU's. Therefore, of all the companies that bid that met specifications, Plexus is the low bidder, and the chief financial officer of the company had visited with Ken Mitchell, Finance Director, who agreed that the company is very sound financially. Plexus is a privately held corporation that does not distribute its financial statements. The city attorney reminded council of the fact that when the city enters into a bidding process, there are severe limitations under state law. Once the bids are opened, bidders are not allowed to come in and make changes. There are some exceptions, for instance mathematical errors. In the past, when an error has been found, council has allowed that bidder to withdraw from the process rather than holding the bidder to this bid. The city attorney also instructed council that he felt if council were to award the bid to Allen Computers, there would be eight other plantiffs in a lawsuit. He felt that council would not have the authority to accept Allen's bid because the company did not meet specifications. Councilman Philips moved to rebid the microcomputer system; Councilman Embry seconded the motion. The city attorney noted that state law has been changed and if the microcomputer system is rebid, it can be bid on a request for proposals basis. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons and Embry Nays: Council members Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto 51010 -10 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 Consider Proposed Ordinance, First Reading on Proposed Annexation of Portions of Hoesch Tubular Products, Amoco and Chevron The administration recommended approval of the ordinance annexing portions of Hoesch Tubular Products, Amoco and Chevron on first reading. Councilman Dickens moved for adoption of the ordinance; Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Philips, Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None ORDINANCE NO. 4286 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEXATION OF PORTIONS OF HOESCH TUBULAR PRODUCTS, AMOCO AND CHEVRON, WHICH SAID TERRITORIES LIE ADJACENT TO AND ADJOIN THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Amending the Health and Sanitation Ordinance to Revise 'the Weed Mowing Provisions *Councilman Philips no longer present. There are two major changes. One would make it unlawful for a person owning or occupying property to permit the area to have stagnant or unwholesome water, sinks, filth, weeds, rubbish, etc. and makes it a misdemeanor with a fine punish- able by $1,000.00. it would also increase the adminis- trative charge for the mowing. The present charge is 50% of the mowing costs up to $15. During the budget session, the recommendation was that that be increased because that is not enough to pay for administering the ordinance, plus if that amount is raised, this may encourage some of the lot owners to arrange to have their own lots mowed. The increase would be up to 50% of the costs of the mowing, but with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $100. The adminis- tration recommended approval of the ordinance. Councilman Embry moved for adoption of the ordinance; Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None 51010 -11 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 ORDINANCE NO. 4287 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15, "HEALTH AND SANITATION," TO AMEND THE RUBBISH AND WEED PROVISIONS; REPEALING INCON- SISTENT ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF ONE THOUSAND AND N01100 ($1,000.00) DOLLARS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Proposed Ordinance, Amending the Swimming Pools and Spas Ordinance to Increase Permit Fee and Change Permit Date This ordinance was discussed during budget sessions, and would increase the fee from $20 to $30 to license pools and spas. The administration recommended approval of the ordinance. Councilman Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance; Council- man Embry seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None ORDINANCE NO. 4288 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 28- 5(6)(3) AND 28 -6 OF CHAPTER 28, "SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CHANGE THE RENEWAL DATES AND FEES FOR LICENSES; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO HUNDRED AND N01100 ($200.00) DOLLARS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Proposed Resolution, Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Federal Grant Assistance for the Central Sewer District Treatment Plant The proposed resolution would authorize application for $4,188,856 to make improvements to the Central Sewer District. The capacity would be increased to 1,000,000 gallons, plus making changes necessary to meet the new standards for sewer- age treatment plants. The administration recommended approval of the resolution. Councilman Embry moved for adoption of the resolution; Councilman Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None 51010 -12 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 922 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR THE CENTRAL SEWER DISTRICT FACILITIES PLANNING AREA; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. Consider Proposed Resolution, Supporting Adoption of the New Texas Water Plan at the November 5, 1985 Constitutional Amendments Election Mayor Hutto served on a state -wide committee that is promoting these Constitutional amendments, and there was a meeting of local government officials in Houston recently calling attention to these amendments. This plan has wide spread support throughout the state, and most people feel that there is a good possibility that it will be adopted. The plan does make available, if adopted, funding on a loan basis. The administration recommended approval of the resolution. Councilman Embry moved to adopt the resolution; Council- man Dickens seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 923 A RESOLUTION OF THE BAYTOWN CITY COUNCIL, BAYTOWN, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF THE NEW TEXAS WATER PLAN AT THE NOVEMBER 51 1985 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS ELECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Consider Proposed Resolution No. 924, Casting the City of Baytown's Nomination for Board of Directors, Harris County Appraisal District for Two Years Term Beginning January 1, 1986 All of the cities in Harris County with the exception of Houston together select a person to be nominated to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. There has been some discussion among the city officials, and there will be a recommendation from the Mayor and Councils' Association that Marta Greytok be nominated. Councilman Simmons moved to adopt the resolution nominating Marta Greytok for another two -year term on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None 51010 -13 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 924 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, NOMINATING MARTA R. GREYTOK FOR THE OFFICE OF DIREC- TOR, HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT, FOR THE TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1986. Consider Plans and Specifications for East Little League Ballpark and Authorize A'dvertis'ement for Bids Bobby Rountree, Director of Parks and Recreation, said that the plans as presented to council represent Phase II of the East Little League Ballpark work. The site work for the ball fields has been complete. The fencing is about 90% complete. What the administration is asking is that council authorize the advertisement for bids for the concession stand area, the concrete pavement between the fields, the lighting of the ball fields, the walkways, the stairs and the wheelchair access. Estimated cost of the project is approximately $118,000 including engineering, but does not include the parking lot. In order to save money, the staff is recommending that the major electrical work and the building and concrete work be in a separate contract. The Little League has already expended about $2,500 to hydromulch the infields and outfields on the ball fields, and they have paid for the lights at a cost of $11,300. They also plan to pay for the dugout work and the small scorekeepers stands behind the two fields. For a short period, it will be necessary to use slag for the parking lot and the Little League will work with the city on that. Councilman Johnson moved for approval of the plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids; Councilman Dickens seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None Consent Agenda Mayor Hutto mentioned that Item f is to be removed from consideration because the lease has been paid, and he asked that Item c be discussed separately. Council considered the consent agenda as follows: a. Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -11, will update service credits under the Texas Municipal Re- tirement System. This ordinance will provide for the updating of service credits for both annuitants and city employees. We recommend approval of Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -11. 51010 -14 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 b. Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -12, will award the contract for clearing and grubbing of proposed Airhart Park site. Eight bids were received. Hatcher Construction Company submitted the low bid of $11,200. The low bid is considerably less than our estimate of $35,000. We are familiar with Hatcher Construction Company on work performed elsewhere for us. We are confident this contractor has the equipment and expertise to do the work required. We recommend the low bidder, Hatcher Construction Company, be awarded this contract. d. Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -14, will authorize final payment to Titan Fence Company for installation of the fence at the East Little League Ballpark. The final payment amount is $17,594. All work has been completed according to the plans and specifi- cations and meets with our approval. We recommend approval of Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -14. e. Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -15, will authorize final payment to Angel Brothers for 48" Outfall Pipe from Tenth Street Detention Pond /Park to Adams Street Ditch. Angel Brothers Construction Company, Inc. has completed the construction of the 48 inch outfall pipe from the Tenth Street detention pond to the Adams St. ditch. The original contract amount was $146,580. One change order in the amount of $2,484.54 was added bringing the adjusted contract amount to $149,064.54. The final cost based on work completed was $144,868.85. No previous payments have been made. We recommend that a final payment of $144,868.85 be paid to Angel Brothers Construction Company. Councilman Dickens moved to adopt the Consent Agenda Items a, b, d and e; Councilman Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Lanham mentioned that Titan Fence Company has some work remaining, but the check for final payment will be withheld until the work is completed. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Mayor Hutto Nays: None For bid tabulation, see Attachment "A." 51010 -15 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 ORDINANCE NO. 4289 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS" IN SAID SYSTEM FOR SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SAID SYSTEM WHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN PROVIDING FOR IN- CREASED PRIOR AND CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. (Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -11) ORDINANCE NO. 4290 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST TO A CONTRACT WITH HATCHER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CLEARING OF AIRHART PARK; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -12) ORDINANCE NO. 4291 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT TO TITAN FENCE COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE FENCE AT THE EAST LITTLE LEAGUE PARK; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -14) ORDINANCE NO. 4292 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT TO ANGEL BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. FOR THE 48 INCH OUTFALL PIPE FROM TENTH STREET DETENTION POND /PARK TO ADAMS STREET DITCH; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. (Proposed Ordinance No. 51010 -15) Consider Proposed Ordinance, Awarding Bid for Purchase of 1/2 Ton Longbed Pickup Truck Mayor Hutto pointed out that there is only $39 difference between a vendor from Baytown and one outside the city limits. The city attorney pointed out that it would not be possible to do this legally. Councilman Dickens moved to adopt the ordinance; Council- man Fuller seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Council members Johnson, Simmons, Embry, Fuller and Dickens Nays: Mayor Hutto 51010 -16 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 ORDINANCE NO. 4293 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF KNAPP CHEVROLET, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 1/2 TON LONGBED PICKUP TRUCK AND AUTHOR- IZING THE PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF THE SUM OF NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY -FIVE AND N01100 ($9,483.00) DOLLARS. For bid tabulation, see Attachment "B." Consider Appointments to the Clean City Commission These appointments will be made at a later date. Citv Manaaer's Report Massey Tompkins at North Main Improvements - The appraiser has advised the administration that there would be very little, if any, enhancement to the property abutting Massey Tompkins Road. The improvements are to be from the east right of way line of North Main east about 590 feet. On the two corners of North Main and Massey Tompkins, there is a stop- and -go and a new Exxon facility. Since these structures are facing on North Main, they would not recognize any significant enhancement in property value by pavement of Massey Tompkins. The properties behind that are primarily residential, and the appraiser feels that since this is not a major commercial thoroughfare, that the enhanced value of these properties will be relatively small. The administration asked if council would like to go ahead with the hearing or would council like for the administration to bring an ordinance to council at the next meeting to cancel the assessment process. Council con- curred that an ordinance should be presented for consid- eration at the next meeting to cancel the assessment pro- ceedings. Interlocal Agreement with H -GAC - With regard to the five pickups for which funds are included in the current budget, H -GAC has taken bids for 1986 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton trucks. The low bidder has submitted a base bid of $8,087 for a Dodge 1/2 ton full -sized long bed pickup truck. The total cost for five would be a little over $44,000. There is budgeted over $50,000; therefore, the city would save about $6,600 by going through H -GAC. Normally, the admin- istration could do that, but presently the city does not have an Interlocal Agreement covering this year's acquisitions. Because Dodge is going to be closing to renovate its plant, it will be closed down on December 20. H -GAC said that the only way that the city can get in on this price is to notify H -GAC that the city wishes to participate prior to October 15. What the staff would like to do is notify H -GAC, and present an Interlocal Agreement to council at the next meeting. Council had no objections. Elevated Water Tower - Bids are to be received on November 2. 51010 -17 Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 10, 1985 East District - The East District contractor is making good progress. A total of 3,000 linear feet of force main has been installed. Drainage - The city's crew has completed the work on Middleton. Recess into Executive Session to Discuss Pending Litigation Mayor Hutto recessed into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. When the open meeting reconvened, the mayor announced that there was no action necessary as a result of the executive session. Adj ourn There being no further business to be transacted, the meeting was adjourned. "Z� Eileen P. Hall City Clerk Attachrrmt "A" CONSULTING ENGINEERS BUSCH, HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARCHITECTS 1 107 FLEETWOOD DRIVE • BAYTOWN. TEXAS 77520 • PHONE (7131422-8213 3333 EASTSIDE. SUITE 285 • HOUSTON. TEXAS 77098 • (7131 823.2387 October 1, 1985 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Baytown P. 0. Box 424 Baytown, TX 77522 CONTRACT AWARD RECOMMENDATION FOR CLEARING THE AIRHART PARK SITE Eight lump sum bids were received and opened for this project on Tuesday, October 1, 1985, at 10:00 a.m. They were as follows: 1. Hatcher Construction Co. $11,200.00 2. J.H. General Contractor $13,347.50 3. Savell Contractors, Inc. $26,800.00 4. Cox Construction Co. $26,900.00 5. River Road Contractors, Inc. $29,800.00 6. Femesol Construction Co. $36,710.00 7. Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc. $38,900.00 8. Russ !Miller Construction Co. $42,150.00 The low bid is considerably less than our estimate of $35,000.00; however, we are familiar with Hatcher Construction Company on work performed elsewhere for us. We are confident he has the equipment and expertise to do the work required. I have personally questioned him as to whether he is comfortable with such a low bid and he says he is. We recommend that he be awarded the contract on the basis of low bid. Sincerely yours, ames P. Hutchison, P. E. PH /aa CITY OF BAYTOWN BID TABULATION TITLE: 1/2 TOM LONGBED PICKUP TRUCK 510 NUMBER: 8509 -118 DATE: 9 -24 -85 11:00 P.M. Attachnient "B" KNAPP CHEVROLET 18AYSHORE DODGE /TOYOTA; MORT HALL FORD ;ITEM; QTY ;UNIT ;DESCRIPTION ; ;UNIT PRICE;EXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICE Q . PRICE;UNIT PRICE;EXT. PRICE;UNIT PRICE;EXT. PRICE; I ; I ; ea ; 1/2 TON LONGBED PICKUP ; 1$ 9,485.00; ;s 9,524.25; NO RESPONSE ' TRUCK,' VEHICLE I.D. 1: ;IGCOC14H4FS131086 ; 1B7GD14T619158 2 ; 2 ; ea ; ALTERNATE: Saae Truck, to be painted the Clty's; ,standard colors. , DELIVERY: ; 7 DAYS ; ; 7 DAYS