1965 09 23 CC Minutes4011 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,.TEXAS September 23, 1965 . . The City Council of the City of Baytown met in regular session on Thursday, September 23, 1965.at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Room of.the Baytown City Hall with the following members.in attendance: Absent: C. M. Massey Councilman Don M. Hullum Councilman A. M. Braswell Councilman J. C. Huron Councilman Raymond T. Donnelly Councilman Seaborn Cravey Fritz Lanham George.Chandler Edna Oliver Robert Barnes Mayor City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Councilman The Mayor called the meeting to order,.the Invocation was offered, afterwhich the minutes of the regular meeting of September 9th and the Special meeting of September 16th were called for reading. Councilman Huron moved to dispense with reading of the minutes and they be approved with the following corrections: Drainage of Allen Field Property - "Will not drain sufficiently without the lowering of the siphon and by increasing the capacity of the existing ditch." Special Meeting - Bank Bids: Mr. LeFevre, Diretor of Finance, was eked to open the bids. An outline of the proposals follow: Budget Hearing - Hearing on the 1965 -66 budget was set for Thursday. September 23, 1965. Councilman Massey seconded the motim. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell, Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None Committee - Rod. Reel and Gun Club - Stream Pollution Messrs. Edge and Walker, representing the Rod, Reel and Gun Club of Baytown, urged the Council to appoint a committee to study stream pollution in and around Baytown; to assist in any feasible manner to promote a program which will curtail pollution in the future. The spokesman spoke in behalf of the Club and offered the services of its mem- bers in the promotional effort. Bank Depository Mayor Cravey asked for discussion from the Council on the Depository bids which were received and tabulated at the September 16th special meeting. Since all of the bids have been closely reviewed, he asked that the remarks be as brief as possible. It was his opinion that the Council's responsibility was to decide which of the bid proposals offered the greatest benefits to the tax - payers of Baytown - other problems, such as wording, legality, etc., can be covered in the contract instrument. In order the get the discussion under way, Councilman Donnelly stated he was prepared to make a motion - also, to explain the basis of the motion - after making a thorough and complete study based on the bids. He moved that the depository contract, from October 1, 1965 through September 30, 1967, be awarded to Citizens National Bank and Trust Company based on the bid proposal. Council- man Braswell seconded the motion. Huron - Feel need some real justification for motion, based on his original statement that fringe benefits be left out of bid altogether . . . two bids so equally close . . . can't see fairness to the motion to award the depository contract to bank which has had the contract for last 2 -years . . . to be fair . spread business to other banks who pay taxes. Mayor - First National.Bank has the bid which offers, by far, the greatest benefits to the tax - payers of Baytown. 4012 Hullum: Personnel of each bank thought Council would do what was right for people of Baytown . . . and each of the banks concerned . . . this year we have competition . . . something haven't had . . hate to do anything to eliminate competition - First National has best bid. Braswell: Tried to go over in detail . . . tried to assign value to each item . . admit difficult . . as near as he able to determine . . Citizens Bank afford the tax - payers greater savings than other bids. Massey: Had asked the Administration to contact Tom Masterson . . he would com- ment on specific points if have such a report, would like to hear if in order. Lanham: He had no opinion as to which is better bid to City of Baytown . . . had questions about certain items in both bids. . was oral . . did not indicate which is bet- ter bid for City of Baytown. . some items be improper. Donnelly: Since majority Council asked for other considerations . . fair and legi- timate . . basic parts bids identical . . . some items of service offered . . question the desirability . . city needs to maintain some degree of control . . not possible if accepted all offers . . . bidders to be com- mended for offer of real benefits to City and tax payers. . any of the three could act as depository . . supply services . . unfortunate cannot place funds with all three . . or cannot rotate . . . . actual monetary offer First National $5.000 total contract. . Citizens, $10,000 total contract. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Cravey called for the question. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braswell, Massey and Donnelly. Nays: Councilmen Hullum and Huron Mayor Cravey Several items were again discussed, afterwhich Councilman Huron moved to award the depository contract to First National Bank. Councilman Hullum seconded the motion. The vote follows: 7 Ayes: Councilmen Hullum and Huron Mayor Cravey Nays: Councilmen Massey, Braswell and Donnelly. The Council then proceeded to pass on to the order of business outlined for considera- tion as per the agenda. At the close of the order of business, unfinished items were considered and the Council again discussed the depository.bids in relation to the monetary value of other considerations, afterwhich, Councilman Huron moved to award the contract to First National Bank of Baytown. Councilman Hullum seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen .Hullum and Huron Mayor Cravey Nays: Councilmen Massey, Braswell and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey pointed out that the bids were extremely complicated and were difficult for the Council to interpret. It was apparent that the Council did not agree and was not likely to make a decision tonight, and upon suggestion of Councilman Huron, Mayor Cravey asked the Presidents of First National and Citizens National Banks and Paul Edwards of Peoples.State Bank, for permission to leave the bids as is, until the special meeting, September 29th. The representatives were agreeable to the extension and further discussion nn the nrnnnsals was tahled. Wrecker Service Bids - Abandoned Cars Bid proposals for tow away service were received and tabulted as follows: Bayshore Motors. Inc. $ 7.50 day -time 10.00 night -time Manuel R. Pease Enterprises Jack Smith Auto Parts & Service Thad Felton of Baytown Lister H. Schofield Wrecker Service 4013 $ 7.39 (24 -hour service) $ 4.95 day -time 7.45 night -time $ 7.40 (24 -hour service) $ 8.00 (24 -hour service) Councilman Huron moved to accept the low bid of Jack Smith Auto Parts & Service. Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. Councilman Donnelly called for discussion and stated that the low bid of Jack Smith was not in conformity with bid form as there was no mention of day -time and night -time rates. He moved to make an amended motion to throw out the two (2) bids which have a distinction between day and night service and award the contract to the.low bidder of those that did conform to the bid.form. Councilman Massey seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Donnelly and Massey. Nays : Councilmen Braswell, Hullum, Huron Mayor Cravey Mayor Cravey then called for the vote on the original motion to award the contract to Jack Smith. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell and Huron Mayor Cravey Nays: Councilman Donnelly Councilman Braswell moved to authorize the Administration to use the second low bidder, Manuel R. Pease, for calls when Jack Smith's wrecker is not available. Council- man Hullum seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell, Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None Bid - Metal Salvage Privileges - Sanitary Landfill 71� Only one bid was received on the advertisement for bids for exclusive metal salvage privileges at the city -owned sanitary landfill. The bid was received from Johney Ford, 8205 Sunbury, Houston, Texas at the rate of $65.00 per month beginning the date of the contract.for a period of twelve months. Councilman Donnelly moved to award the contract to Johney Ford. Councilman seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell, Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None Representatives Craigmont Civic Association - Street Connection - Ponderosa & Craigmont Mr. C. L. Miller, representing the Craigmont Civic Association, appeared with a delegation from the.area to urge the Council to take some definite action to provide a connecting street from Craigmont Addition to to Baker Road. This matter has had definite study given to it by a committee appointed at an earlier.meeting but an agreeable solution has not been formulated to date. Mr. Miller pointed out the inconvenience suffered by residents of the area due to the construction of Decker Drive; no inlet or outlet to the shopping center; opposing the construction of a street crossing at the park site; the urgent need for a solution due to the nature of the Decker Drive construction. Councilman Donnelly, spokesman for the Committee, reported that some estimates of cost have been prepared. Cost estimate at Dorris & Hemlock - $4,672.82; at park site - cement stabilized shell with hot - mix asphalt - $9,317.99; (2) sand stabilized shell base, two - course inverted penetration, no curb and gutter - $6,301.85. Several solutions have been found but none have been agreeable to all parties concerned. The Committee is making an effort to get some clarity on points of responsibility on the part.of the developer in the deviation from the prelimin- ary platting. If the developer is involved, to get him to support the street - crossing pro- ject. The Mayor assured the group that the Council would expedite the crossing as soon as a decision could be reached by all parties concerned. 4014 Report - Clean -up Committee Fred Wichelp, Chairman of the Clean -Up Committee of the Baytown Chamber of Commerce, gave a brief report on the organization of the Clean -up Committee, its division as to areas, Operation Mow -Dawn for month of September and submitted two recommendation to accelerate the time required to reach goals of a cleaner, safer, healthier and more attractive Baytown. (1) Found the City's mowing of high weeds in vacant lots has been greatly Impeded by the debris which has been dumped in these lots - - understands the city plans to remove this debris in February . . urged the City Council to take whatever steps are necessary to remove this debris as soon as possible . . since the city is reimbursed by the lot owner little cost . . . matter of scheduling. (2) Asked Council consider improveing the appearance of street corners by application of permanent grass killer or the laying of asphalt on corners . . . this would eliminate the need to mow corners in future . . permanent elimination of this on street corners might prevent accidents caused by inability to see stop signs. Committee - First Christian Church The Administration was instructed to have sketches drawn and prepare cost estimates on the improvement of a 10 -foot strip of city's easement abutting upon property owned by the First Christian Church and being used as a parking lot between Marion and Forrest Streets. This action was taken following a request from the church for city's partici- pation in the cost of improving the 10 -foot strip butting the parking lot which the church proposes to have hard - surfaced. Conduct Budget Hearing - 1965 -66 Proposed Budget City Manager Lanham reported that the proposed 1%5 -66 budget totals $3,439,365 in expenditures. The proposed expenditures for the 1965 -66 year exceeds the current year's budget by $499,329, however, the major increase, $390,000, is in the General Obligation and Water & Sewer Interest Sinking Funds to finance bonds approved by the voters and scheduled to be sold during the 1965 -66 fiscal year. A major portion of the remaining increase was brought about by September 18th approved referendum which gave the Police and Fire Department employees, covered by Civil Service, a $50 per month per person salary increase, and subsequently resulted in a salary increase for all city employees as set forth in the Statement of Intent approved by the Council on September 2nd. In order to balance the budget, the Council will be required to levy a tax.rate of $1.43 per on hundred dollar valuation. At the September 21st special meeting, Mayor Cravey had suggested the annexation of additional taxable properties belonging to industry, this would provide the funds needed to balance the budget at a possible lower tax rate. At this meeting he gave a report on the realationship between indus- try and a municipality, Texas City, where industry pays between 80 -85% of the tatal tax burden. The Council was not entirely adverse to the proposal, however, it was pointed out that no funds would be available for the 1965 -66 fiscal year and as an- ticipated revenue, it would be necessary for the Administration to negotiate with.in - dustry and show the need, if an early payment was to be forthcoming. Councilman Massey suggested an alternate - to increase the monthly garbage collection fee an additional $0.25 per customer, making it $1.25 per month per customer. This would bring the budget Into correct alignment in a fee area where an increase is.justified by providing an addit- ional $30,000 annually. Too, it would permit a decrease in the proposed tax rate of $0.02 per one hundred dollar valuation. Councilman Huron and Hullum favored the annex- ation approach; preparing field notes and meeting with officials of industry and ne- totiating for areas of annexation to provide funds necessary to balance the 1965 -66 budget. After a lengthy discussion, Councilman Braswell moved to increase the monthly garbage collection fee $0.25 per customer. Councilman Massey seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Braswell, Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: Councilmen Huron and Hullum. Councilman Donnelly then moved to adopt an ordinance providing a budget for the 1965 -66 fiscal year in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City. Council- man Massey seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Mastiey, Braswell, Hullum, Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None 4015 The caption of the ordinance follows: ORDINANCE NO. 757 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1. 1965, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. f Ordinance Settina Tax Rate Councilman Donnelly moved to adopt an ordinance setting a tax rate for the City of Baytown for the fiscal year. 1965 -66. The total tax set was $1.41 per each ONe Hundred Dollars worth of property located within the city limits of Baytown. Council - man.Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Braswell. Hullum and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: Councilman Huron The caption of the ordinance follows: ORDINANCE NO. 756 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1966, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDI- NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLI.CT THEREWITH. Appointment New Member to Electrical Board - I. M. Jones Retiring City Manager Lanham reported that Mr. I. M. Jones. presently a member of the . Baytown Electrical Board, is retiring from electrical industry and has resigned from the newly appointed Electrical Board effective as of September 30, 1965. The Board has recommended thatMr. Joe Phelps, a member of the present Board, be named to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Jones and W. E. Trousdale be named to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Phelps. Councilman. Donnelly moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Jones, effective as of September 30, 1965; to accept the recommendation of the Board and name Joe Phelps and W. E. Troudale as replacements to fill the unexpired terms as Electrical Contractor and Journeyman Electrician respectively. Councilman Hullum seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum. Braswell. Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None Amendment - Electrical Ordinance Councilman Massey moved to adopt an amendment to Ordinance No. 743, Section 4 -c., the City's Electrical Code - which makes it clear that the city electricians will hence- forth have the right to work on city owned and operated elctrical equipment. Councilman Hullum seconded the motion. The.vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell. Huron and Donnelly. Mayor, Cravey Nays: None A. J. Busch - Report on the Davis Road Extension A. J. Busch, consulting engineer, presented a brochure and plat drawing of the Davis Road extension which will commence at North Main Street, extend and connect with the present terminus of Davis Road an d continue easterly to cross State Highway 146. Baytown's Com prehensive Plan recommends that the improvement of Davis Road between North Main Street and Highway 146 consist of a single roadway 60 feet in width which will provide 4 moving lanes of traffic and 2 lanes of parking and will regire- an 4016 80 -foot right -of -way. The existing righ4 -of -way on Martin Street is 50 feet wide, thus requiring an additional 30 feet of right -of -way which will require the removal of one house and one garage and the north right -of -way line will be rather close to 6 residences. In this report he submitted an alternate route which may reduce the right -of -way cost between the railroad and North Main Street. The Council discussed the reduction of the right -of -way to 60 feet and a possible third alternate on the street right -of -way proposal. After some further discussion, the Council authorized the appraisal based on both 80' and 60' right -of -way acquisitions. Lease - Public Scale North Commerce - Baytown Feed and Supply The Council discussed a proposal made by Baytown Feed and Supply to construct a public scale on the east side of Commerce Street. The scale will be built on railroad right -of -way between bight and Sterling however .a small building must be constructed In connection. with the scale and the firm has proposed to base a 4 -foot strip of the city's easement abutting upon Commerce Street, on which to construct the building. Since this is a facility that is badly needed in Baytown, Councilman Donnelly moved to approve the request for construction of the scale and building; the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a lease agreement with a 90 -day written notice provision for termination of the leasr by either Lessor or Lessee. Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Mayor Cravey Nays: None Committee Reports Hullum, Braswell, Huron and Donnelly. Councilman Braswell reported on a recent meeting of the Committee appointed to study the possible construction of a Fresh Water Lake in Baytown. He is to present a brief report on his finding to members of the Baytown Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon meeting, September 24th. Ci tv: Manager' s Report Mr. Lanham gave a brief report on the progress of Phase 2 of the 1964 -65 Street Improvement Project, drainage in Central Heights and additional engineering work on Burnet Drive. He reported a recent request from the Civil Defense Director for permission to purchase a mobile radio until radio monitor and a 30 -KW generator. This request was made afger visiting New Orleans and observing the lack of power and communication as a result of Hurricane Betsy. Councilman Braswell moved to approve the request and . authorized the purchase of the mobile radio unit, radio monitor and gernerator. Councilman Donnelly seconded the motion. The vote follows: Ayes: Councilmen Massey, Hullum, Braswell, Huron and Donnelly. Mayor Cravey Nays: None He was instructed to write a letter to officials of the Missouri- Pacific Railroad Company and express appreciation for the manner in which the grade crossing are bdng kept. A special meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday, September 29th, to canvass elction returns of the September 18th referendum. Members of the Council were invited to attend the annual barbeque picnic for city employees which will be held Saturday, October 2, 1965 at Roseland Park, This invitation Included wives and children also. Adiournment The motion was made to adjourn. The ayes were unanimous and the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. .1� (to J �� Edna Oliver, City Clerk