1965 06 10 CC Minutes3062
June 10, 1965
The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, met in regular session on Thurs-
day, June 10, 1965 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Room of the Baytown City Hall with the
following members in attendance:
Robert Barnes Councilman
A. M. Braswell Councilman
Don M. Hullum Councilman
Raymond T. Donnelly Councilman
J. C. Huron Mayor Pro Tem
Fritz Lanham City Manager
George Chandler City Attorney
Edna Oliver City Clerk
Absent: Seaborn Cravey
Clem M. Massey
Mayor Pro Tem Huron called the meet
afterwhich, he called for the minutes of
to dispense with reading of the minutes;
Councilman Donnelly seconded the motion.
ing to order, the Invocation was offered,
the May 26th meeting. Councilman Barnes moved
they be approved as submitted in written form.
The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Receive Petition - Protesting Designation Wisconsin Street - Truck Route
Mr. Grover Edge, resident of Wisconsin Street, presented a petition bearing
101 signatures of resident citizens of Wisconsin Street protesting the designation
of WisoDnsin Street as a truck route and respectfully urged the Council to designate
other streets as a truck route and discontinue the use of Wisconsin Street for such
route. When asked if he had a recommendation for solution of the problem, Mr. Edge
offered three, namely: First, to condemn certain private streets through the Humble
Company property, maintain and use as a city street with proper police control, or
Second, the City, Humble Company and County join in equal participation costs for the
paving of Minnesota Street from end to end, or Third, to condemn the Blue Arrow Coffee
Shop, tear down the building and widen Market at this point to permit proper flow of
traffic. City Manager Lanham introduced and read a letter from H. H. Meier, General
Manager of Humble Company, which stated that the Company had decided to continue its
evaluation of the agreement executed on August 9, 1963 between the City of Baytown
and Humble Oil & Refining Company designating certain refinery streets as truck routes.
Until such time as they have had time to complete this evaluation, he requested that
Mr. Lanham hold in abeyance, 'its letter of May 27, 1965 asking Mr. Lanham to notify
the C ",ty Counc it of the Company's intention to terminate the agreement. After some
further discussion, the Council accepted the petition and agreed to continue its
study on the possible rerouting of truck traffic should Humble Company decide to close
the streets to truck traffic at the conclusion of its present evaluation study. In the
meantime, the Traffic Committee will make a concerted effort to present a proposal which
will ease the flow of traffic at the Blue Arrow Cafe -Post Office, Station A, curve in
Market Street.
Bids - Garbage Truck Chassis
The bids on the truck chassis and cab were presented as follows:
Thad Felton of Baytown Ford $3,860.58 - Delivery time 21 da.
Kemp & Tony's Equip. Company Int'l $4,079.24 - Delivery time 46 da.
Buck Turner Chevrolet Co. Chev. $4,642.26 - Delivery time 75 da.
The City Manager recommended that the low bid be accepted. Councilman Barnes moved
to accept the recommendation of the City Manager; the bid be awarded to Thad Felton
for the low bid of $3,860.58. Councilman Braswell seconded the motin. The vote
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullurp. Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Bids - Packer Type Garbage Collection Body
Bids on the packer type garbage collection body were received and the tabulation
Bid Price
Discount Price
Lowe Equipment Co.
2%. 10 days
Gar Wood - Houston Tk. Eq. Co.
Pak -Mor Manf. Co.
2%. 20 days
South Texas Equip. Co.
2%. 30 days
The City Manager recommended that the Council defer further action upon the collection
body bids until he has had time to investigate maintenance record, availability of parts,
etc. on the Heil loader, the low bid of Lowe Equipment Company. The City presently operates
five side loaders, Hyde Pak and one rear loader, Gar Wood; it is not familar with this
type loader. The City of Houston operates some fifty Heil loaders and he will conduct
his investigation at this source. Councilman Barnes moved to accept the recommendation
of the City.Manager. the purchase of the garbage collection body be deferred until
the next meeting. Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Bids - City Property - Bavway Drive
The bids on the sale of the former Wooster Water Collection Office, a prefabricated
metallic building and a .55 acre tract of land were opened and tabulated as follows:
W. D. Rice, Highlands Trading Post $ 9,600.00
Messrs. Beverly and Girardeau $ 12,000.00
A. D. Mookhoek $ 12,505.00
Mildred E. Pease $ 2,113.13
C. N. Cook $ 7,501.00
Ola Mae Kennedy $ 10,010.00
Garl S. Tharp $ 9,505.00
W. D. Hinson $ 16,001.00
Prior to the receipt of the bids, the tax appraiser was instructed to make an appraisal
of this property. His total appraised value was $29,753.56. Councilman Barnes moved
to reject the bids and consider the sale again at a later date. Councilman Donnelly
seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Unfinished Business
Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Councilman Donnelly gave a report on the work of the Committee appointed at the
special meeting of June 7th, to further discuss the contract proposals with the two
engineering firms, Turner & Collie of Houston and A. J. Busch, Jr., of Baytown. The
Committee made every attempt to get the best protection and best terms possible for
the City. At the last meeting, Mr. Turner agreed to all of the changes suggested
at the June 7th meeting - in order for these changes to be shown in the contract document,
it will be necessary for the instrument to be retyped. Mr. Turner also agreed to in-
clude another clause which will tie the salaries referred to in the contract as salary
cost times a multiplier, etc. to a schedule of salaries which will be filed with the
City Manager. Also, a project budget will be compiled which will clearly outline the
cost in dollars and cents. Councilman Donnelly concluded his report with a motion
that the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney be authorized to execute the contract
agreement with Turner & Collie, Consulting Engineersof Houston, Texas, for the first
phase of the improvements to the Sanitary Sewer System of the City of Baytown as out-
lined in the bond program. Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows: ,,,
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Councilman Donnelly moved to authorize the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney
to sign the contract with Turner & Collie, Consulting Engineers, upon .the retyping of
the contract with the changes agreed to, for the improvements to the Water System which
are included in.the first phase of the bond program. Councilman Braswell seconded the
motion. The vote follows:
Nays: None
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Councilman Donnelly moved to authorize the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney
to sign the contract with Turner & Collie, Consulting Engineers, for the appraisal of
the phusical properties of the Water & Sewer Systems of the City of Baytown. Councilman
Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
The Council had determined, on June 7th, that the proposed contract of A. J. Busch,
Jr. was basically the same as the one prepared by Turner & Collie and the Council spent
only a short time reviewing the instrument. However, Mr. Busch did express a preference
to furnish the Council with a fixed rate for the services of a.Project Representative
and for the preparation of property, right -of -way easements and maps rather than the
use of the multiplier. In the recent meeting with the Contract Committee, Mr. Busch pro-
posed a fixed rate of $6 per hour for the Project Representative; $8 per hour for Senior
Draftsman; $6 per hour for Junior Draftsman and $5.25 per hour for the stenographic
work. These are in lieu of the 1.50 and 2.25 multipliers. In section V. Ownership of
Documents agreed to the change of all documents, field notes and data to remain the
property of the Owner, the City of Baytown. In the Percentage of Construction Cost,
the Committee recommended.a change in the wording for the benefit of Mr. Busch. As it
presently reads, Mr. Busch may have to wait until he completes the preliminary phase
and bids are received before he can be compensated for his services. The Committee
asked that he change the wording by setting out a means of collecting his compensation
prior to the completion of the.first phase. He and the City Attorney will meet and draft
the wording to the satisfaction of both parties. Based on these changes, Councilman
Donnelly moved to authorize the Mayor, City Manager and City Attorney, to sign the
contract for the first phase of the street improvements as outlined in the bond program,
upon completion of the retyping of the contract with the stipulated provisions included.
Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
City Manager Lanham and Mr. Turner of Turner & Collie will go to Austin Thursday,
June 17th to discuss, with the State Department of Health, possible revisions to the
sanitary sewer project in the Cedar Bayou area. This trip will be made in order not
to delay the processing of the application for federal funds to assist in the con-
struction of the proposed improvements.
Committee Reports - Varied
School - Council Contract Committee
(a) Councilman Barnes gave a brief report on the work of the School - Council
Contact Committee during the past few weeks. Two meetings of the entire committee
have been held and one meeting of a smaller group from the committee. They have
discussed and tentatively agreed to several suggested improvements, such as:
(1) Gentry Drive - from Lee Drive to Stadium Drive - School to participate
in the improvement by paying for the cost of installing curbs on the north side of
Gentry; city curb south side abutting railroad property and repair street base.
(2) Tentatively agreed to move Gentry Drive from the railroad property to
school property between Stadium Drive and Carnegie Street; curb and improve street
on the same basis as the first section when street is dedicated to city.
(3) Agreed to work with V. V. Ramsey in trying to expedite the improvement
of the Baker Road Extension near the new high school. Also, widen from 2 -lane to
4 -lane near this point.
(4) Get estimate of cost on proposal to eliminate the traffic problems
presently existing at Horace Mann School.
(5) Prepare estimate of cost to curb and gutter certain streets near the
Alamo School.
(6) School to move Stadium Street at the south end westward to remove the
sharp curve and align Stadium to intersect Gentry at oak Street. This will improve
traffic flow and give the school additional bus parking area on the east side of
Stadium Drive.
(b) Telephone Committee
For the benefit of those in the audience who were not at the June 7th special
meeting, Councilman Barnes reviewed the proposal which the Telephone Company made to the
City of Baytown to freeze the present telephone rates until the company will be able
to give the city extended area service; at that time to freeze the extended area service
rates to the level that exists at the present time in Houston's second tier rates.
The Company further agreed to reduce the charge for color telephones by twenty -five (25�)
cents per month and, thirdly, they agreed verbally to improve telephone service in
the-City of Baytown. If the Council does not agree with the proposals offered by the
Company, its alternate will be to hold a Rate Hearing. Councilman Barnes was of the
opinion that the City would suffer a possible greater loss by the cost of the Hearing
and the refusal of the Telephore Company to abide by the terms of the proposal should
the hearing be held. He readily agreed that the citizens of Baytown had paid excessive
rates in the past but they were more nearly in line with other rates at this time
and by the freezing of the rates according to the proposal, will be the greatest
single advantage that the city will have from the economic standpoint. Too, it was
doubtful that a Rte Hearing will improve service and the primary need at this time is
improved telephone service. The Council was of the opinion that a Rate Hearing was
not the solution, and even though there were some reservations, it was better to accept
the Telephone Company's proposals at this time. Councilman Barnes moved to accept the
proposals of the Telephone Company. Councilman Donnelly seconded the motion. The
vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes,
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Appointment - Utility Committee
Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Councilman Donnelly moved to authorize the appointment of a Utility Committee
by the Mayor; the Committee to be comprised of two members of the City Council, the
City Manager and the City Attorney. Councilman Barnes seconded the motion. The
vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
. Councilmen Barnes and Hullum were appointed as members of the Utility Committee
to work with the City Attorney and City Manager in upgrading utility services within
the ci ty.
Joint Meeting - City Attorney and School Board Attorney
Councilman Donnelly moved to instruct the City Attorney to hold a joint meeting
with the Shool Board's Attorney, at the earliest possible date, for the purpose of
briefing the new enabling act passed by the Texas Legislature for the Houston School
District; to see if it can be made applicable to other school districts in Harris
County in relation to City - School joint elections. Councilman Braswell seconded the
motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None.
Proposal - Reactivate Charter Committee
Councilman Braswell suggested the reactivation of the Charter Committee and proposed
that the Mayor either reappoint the former Committee or make necessary appointments
for the purpose of this study function; that the Committee prepare plans for a definite
course of action and present same to the Council for its perusal at the earliest
possible date.
Mayor Cravey Urged Attend Annual Congress - Detroit
At the suggestion of Councilman Barnes. the City Manager was instructed to advise
Mayor Cravey of the Council's wishes for him to attend the 42nd Annual Congress to
be held in Detroit, Michigan July 24 -28 for which the City will provide funds for the
necessary expenses.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron urged members of the City Council to attend the regular
monthly meeting of the Mayors' and Councilmen's Association which is to be held
at Deer Park on Thursday, June 17th.
Barnes - Visual Inspections
For the benefit of the new councilmembers, Councilman Barnes reviewed the policy
of the Council in making visual inspections of the several districts-at intervals.
In the inspections, they observe the things that need to be done and can be done to
improve the "house keeping" practice of the City. In many areas, violations and
visual obstructions are prevalent. The Council expressed some concern over the lack of
pride manifested by city personnel when it is apparent they have reason to know of
the violations and obstructions. Councilman Barnes suggested that it was possible
that council was not spending enough money to keep Baytown clean and proposed that
they look seriously at the budget and see. if this is the case; if so, some of the
undesignated monies be transferred to provide additional man -power to accelerate
the program.
Resolution VFW - Space In New City Hall - Veterans Service, Center
The Council accepted a resolution, presented by Grover Edge, which had been
unanimously adopted by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 912 urging the Mayor, City
Council and City Manager to make space available for the Veterans Service Center in
the proposed new City Hall. The Mayor Pro Tem expressed his thanks for the presenta-
tion but no further action was taken b y the Council upon the request at this meeting.
Garth Road Extension - Sketch I Accepted
A. J. Busch, Jr. engineer, submitted three sketches of the location of Garth
Road from Park Street to Decker Drive for the council's observation. At the May 26th
meeting, Mr. Roy Cates, developer of the proposed Graywood Shopping Center, had asked
the Council to approve plans, which he had drawn, for the Garth Road Extension at this
point. The Council had refused to approve his design without a detailed engineering
survey but promised to expedite the detailed survey as soon as a consulting engineer.
was hired; hence, the three sketches. After some observation and discussion. Council-
man Donnelly moved to approve Sketch No. 1 for the locatim of Garth Road extension from
Park Street to Decker Drive. Councilman Braswell seconded the motion. The vote fol-
Ayes: Councilmen Braswell, Barnes. Hullum and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Preliminary Plans - South Main Extension to Hiwav 146
The Council reviewed the preliminary plans for the extension of South Main to its
intersection with State Highway 146 on the east. By using the routing shown on the
drawing, the city will be able to use an existing dedicated undeveloped forty (40')
foot right -of -way. Several suggested changes were offered, afterwhich, Councilman
Barnes moved to grant approval to start the project. Councilman Hullum seconded the
motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braswell, Hullum, and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Preliminary Drawing - Davis Road from North Blain to Highway 146
The Council reviewed the preliminary drawing for the extension of Davis Road
from Highway 146 to North Main Street. After some discussion, Councilman Donnelly
moved to grant approval to start the survey project. Councilman Braswell seconded
the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braswell, Hullum and Donnelly
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Cost Estimates for Phase No. 2 - 1965 Street Improvement Program
City Manager Lanham submitted cost estimates of the proposed Phase No. 2 of the
1965 Street Improvement program. Presently the City has approximately $140,000.00
remaining in the Capital Outlay of the street budget for the 1964 -65 fiscal year.
The estimate for the improvement of the portions of the sixteen (16) streets set forth
in the proposed program was $134,031.72. A statement from the Director of Public
Works preceded the street, showing its location, type street and amount of work to be
done.. The streets are listed as follows:
Downtown Area:
Ashbel -
Gulf to Sterling
- 830'
$ 4,061.56
Gaillard -
Gulf to Defee
- 624'
Jones -
Gulf to.Sterling
- 810'
Connecting Streets
- Downtown Area:
Hemphill -
Texas to Defee
- 185'
Felton -
Texas to Lobit
- 1,281'
East Defee -
First to Fourth
- 1,060'
Wooster Areas:
North Street -
Bayway to Ashby
- 2,554'
Connector Streets:
Gentry -
Lee Drive to Carnegie
- 1,654'
Bayshore -
Fill at Brownwood
- 400'
Central Heights:
Atlantic -
Ontario to dead end
- 1,400'
Monterrey -
Ontario to W. Texas
- 221'
Texoma -
Atlantic to Laredo
- 795'
Superior -
Atlantic to Laredo
- 795'
Humble -
Atlantic to Laredo
- 920'
Ontario -
Monterrey to Laredo
- 1,142'
Gulf -
Atlantic to Laredo
- 859'
$ 134.031.72
Councilman Barnes suggested that the Council reverse the trend. take out some
of the proposed improvements for the downtown area and move it to outlining areas
where repairs are needed to handle traffic which cannot bet to good streets as can be
done by the traffic using the downtown streets. He further suggested to improve
one of the two feeder streets into the Lakewood area such as Burnet Drive or Lakewood
Drive. In December, 1964, an estimate was submitted for the improvement of Burnet
Drive from Bayway Drive to South Burnet totaling $41,000.00. This estimate does not
include a possible $5.000 more for drainage purposes. In reviewing the streets, it
was proposed that Ashbel, Gaillard and Jones Streets be eliminated from the proposed
Improvements at this time. Also, only one block of Felton, from Texas to Defee,.be
retained in the program at this time and the remaining portion be eliminated.
This would provide approximately $27.500.00 toward the cost estimate to improve Burnet
Drive from Bayway Drive to South Burnet. It is possible an $6.000 may yet be in
the Capital Outlay division and should United Carbon assist the City in payment for
the topping of North Street, a street heavily traveled by trucks going to and fro into
the plant, additional funds will be provided which will be applied to the cost estimate
for the improvement of North Burnet Drive. After some further discussion, the council
agreed to eliminate Ashbel. Gaillard.and Jones entirely and all of Felton Street,
except the one block from Texas to Defee, from the proposed Phase No. 2 Improvement
program and to add North Burnet Drive from Bayway to South Burnet. Councilman Barnes
then moved to instruct the.Administration to prepare plans. specifications and advertise
for bids on the streets included in the revised program; these to be received about
the middle of July. 1965. Councilman Donnelly seconded the motim. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
The bids will be listed as two projects, with North Burnet Drive being listed as
a separate project and the other streets grouped as a single project.
Authorize Take Bids - Wooden Fence Public Works Yard
Councilman Donnelly moved to authorize the City Manager to ask for bids for
construction of a wooden fence around the Public Works area abutting upon Lee Drive.
Councilman Barnes seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes,
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Transfer Resolution - Approval
Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Councilman Barnes moved to adopt a resolution transferring $6,000 from Water ..
Contingency to budget items 1001 -5 -2 and 1006 -5 -2 for maintenance of machinery and
equipment at the water wells and disposal plants. Councilman Braswell seconded the
motion. The. vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
The caption of the resolution follows:
1006 -5 -2.
City Manaaer's Report
The City Manager reported on the notice from the Houston Lighting & Power Company
on reduced rates for small business firms and for the City of Baytown. Also, the chang-
ing of street lights from incandescent to mercury vapor.
One of the requirements of the city's contract for the Comprehensive Planning is
that a Zoning Ordinance must be prepared by the Planner and presented to the Planning
Commission for its study. Mr. Lanham reported that the ordinance has been drafted by
the Planner, copies have been delivered to the Planning Commission and it will begin
study on the ordinance within the next week. Public meetings will be held in order for
the Planning Commission to properly complete its study and make recommendations to.the
Council relative to the adoption or rejection of the proposed ordinance. This will
require a two /three months study. .
Mr. Lanham reported that the application to participate in the Neighbor Youth
Corp program had been submitted to Austin and Dallas as approved by the Council.
However, some new developments will permit the city to work the program in cooperation
with the school - this would emiminate the city having the administration of the program.
Mr. Le Fevre informed the Council that the school had made application for the sane
program and if the two programs are combined, the city will only be required to
furnish him with the number of employees needed and supervision for those employeed
for the city as the school can only provide supervision up to a point. At the close
of each 2 -week period the city will be required to submit the time record of each
employee to the school, the payroll will then be handled by them and the employees will
be paid by the federal government. The school, rather than pay the 10% as was outlined
to the city, is furnishing supervision of the youths in lieu of the 10 %. In the adminis-
tration of the program, they will hire and send the city the number of employees designa-
ted. If they send an employee who proves unsatisfactory, all the city will be required
to do is send him back. This program is based on need; the same as the one applied
for by the city. Should the city become dissatisfied with the program, it can be dropped
at the cose of any two -wait period. After some discussion, Councilman Donnelly moved
to instruct the City Manager to withdraw the City's application; determine the number
of employees needed; ask school to furnish the number, plus recommend a supervisor for
the summer months. Councilman Barnes seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braswell, Hullum and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
The City Manager was Instructed to invite Mr. Cecil Babbitt, CPA, to attend the
next meeting of the City Council to answer any question the Council may have to
offer after completing their study of the semi - annual audit report of the City of
Councilman Braswell moved to approve the request of the City Manager to be out
of the City on Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and 15 in order to attend a City Manager's
meeting in Beaumont. Councilman Barnes seconded the motion. The vote follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Hullum, Braswell and Donnelly.
Mayor Pro Tem Huron
Nays: None
Councilman Barnes moved for the meeting to adjourn. Councilman Braswell seconded
the motion. The ayes were unanimous and the Mayor Pro Tem declared the meeting ad-
Endo Oliver, City Clerk