1956 04 26 CC Minutes, Special3045 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BAYTO0 April 26, 1965 The City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas met in special session on Monday. April 26, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the Baytown City Hall with the following members in attendance: Robert Barnes Councilman Kenneth Badgett Councilman A. M. Braswell Councilman M. E. Lively Councilman J. C. Huron Councilman Seaborn Cravey David C. Funderburk George Chandler Edna Oliver Absent: Fritz Lanham Mayor Cravey called the meeting to order tests received from citizens who disapproved council was filled at the April 20th special Mayor Acting City Manager City Attorney City Clerk City Manager and discussion was opened on the prop - of the manner in which the vacancy on the meeting. It was reported that petitions are being circulated petitioning the Council to rescind its previous action and give the citizens an opportunity to select someone to fill the vacancy occuring in District No. 2 by election rather than by Council appointment. Mayor Cravey admitted there was some indication of a problem but hoped that the dicision of the Council would stand.' Councilman Lively, Badgett, and Braswell alked for an election, while Councilmen Barnes, Huron and Mayor Cravey favored letting the Council's former action stand. The protests that had been registered with the council were not against the appointee, Clem Massey, but against the council for acting in haste in the appointment of Mr. Massey. In the opinion of Councilman Barnes, the Council did not exercise poor judgement in its selection but, did act in haste. However, should the council vacillate now, the vacillation would be the greater error. City Attorney Chandler ruled that Mr. Massey was a duly - appointed member of the City Council whether or not he had been administered the Oath of Office and would have to be expelled from the Council for some reason before an election could be called. The Council agreed to take a long slow laic at the problem before doing anything further. Adiournment Councilman Huron moved for the meeting to adjourn. Councilman Badgett seconded the motion. The ayes were unanimous and the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Q na Oliver, City Clerk