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1963 09 06 CC Minutes, Special1938 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MELTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN September 6, 1963 The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas met in a special meeting at 12:00 noon Friday. September 6, 1963, at the Holly Inn Restaurant. The following members were in attendance: Absent were: Velma Ansley Councilman Jack Huron Councilman Tommy Cook Councilman C. L. Liggett, M.D. Mayor J. B. LeFevre City Manager George Chandler City Attorney Seaborn Cravey Councilman Earl Lively Councilman Kenneth Badgett Councilman The Mayor Called the meeting to order. It was explained that this special meeting called for the purpose of taking formal action on an ordinance creating the Baytown Planning Commission. This ordinance has been under consideration for some time, but At the re- quest of the City's planner, Mr. J. Nelson Ash of Bernard Johnson, the meeting was called to expedite the passage of this ordinance. It was explained by Mr. Ash that our application -for Federal assistance under the "701" program had been filed with the State Health Department, but . that under the rule of the "701" program the State Department could not act on this application until an ordinance or resoulution had been passed by the Baytown City Council creating a Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance was discussed at length and amendments were made to Section one of this ordinance. It was passed on a motion by Mrs. Ansley and seconded by Councilman Huron that the ordinance b e adopted as amenede. The vote was unanimous. The caption of the ordinance follows: ORDINANCE NO. 702 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN CREATING THE BAYTOWN PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR THE FILLING OF VACACIES; ENUMERATING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES; REQUIRING THAT ALL ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN COOPERATE WITH SUCH COMMISSION; RE- PEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. The special meeting was then adjourned. C C. L. (Lee) gget Y.D., Mayor ATTEST " rb T _ � I � n / Edna Oliver, City Clerk