1961 04 06 CC Minutes, Special1575 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN April 6, 1961 The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas met in special session on Thursday, April 6, 1961 at 7 :00 o'clock P.M., in the Council Room of the Baytown City Hall with the following members in attendance: Seaborn Cravey Councilman W. L. Ward Councilman K. E. Badgett Councilman Velma J. Ansley Councilman Roy H. Hughes Councilman Lacy Lusk Councilman R. H. Pruett Mayor J. B. Le Fevre City Manager George Chandler Councilman Edna Oliver City Clerk The Mayor called the meeting to order, the Invocation was offered, afterwhich, the following business was transacted; Acknowledged Presence of Visitors The Mayor acknowledged the presence of special visitors, such as Mrs. M. M. Brown, and members of the student council from Horace Mann School; Lane Ward, son o f Councilman W. L. Ward, who is a member of Boy Scout Troop 96, working on Merit Badge, "Citizenship in the Community" and Mrs. Lacy Lusk and Daughter, wife and daughter of Councilman Lusk. Certificate of Award - R. H. Turner The Mayor submitted a Certificate of Award, issued to R. H. Turner, Police Libutenant, who has successfully completed a seventy -hour course in Supervision of Police Personnel, conducted at the Houston Police Academy by the Traffic Institute Northwestern University. Letter - Price Daniel - Special Merit Citation - City of Baytown The Mayor read the contents of a letter, from Price Daniel, Governor of the State of Texas, enclosing a Special Merit Citation awarded by the Highway Safety Commission in recognition of the fine contributions made by the City of Baytown to the cause of traffic safety in Texas during 1960, with a perfect record of No Traf- fic Deaths during the year. Proclamation - Clean Up Week The Mayor issued a Proclamation designating April 15th through April 30th as Clean -Up, Paint -Up, Fix -Up time for the City of Baytown. H. B. No. 475 - Prohibiting Annexation Outside County Limits The Mayor opened discussion on the proposed H. B. No. 475, introduced by Walker, which is an act prohibiting any city, town or village, with certain excep- t tions from annexing any territory which is located in a county other than the county in which such city, town or village is located, and concluded with the summation that the passage of such a bill would curtail the development of Baytown beyond the Cedar Bayou Stream. Councilman Ward stated that he felt the city should protect its ability to grow in that direction by annexing a designated area within Chambers County; should the bill not pass, the City could de- annex. Councilman Lusk suggest- ed that the city go down State Highway 146, cross over the Cedar Bayou bridge and annex.the State Park which is tax free. This would require the city to police the Highway to Cedar Bayou Stream but no taxes would be involved in the annexation. 1576 A second suggestion included the annexation of the recently purchased land -fill garbage disposal site, on Cedar Bayou Stream, then follow the meanders of Cedar Bayou Stream in a northeasterly direction over and across the Cedar Bayou bridge to annex the State Highway park site abutting Cedar Bayou Stream in Chambers County. After some further discussion, a committee was appointed, composed of City Attorney Chandler, City Engineer Busch and City Manager LeFevre, to study the two (2) suggest- ed routes; upon completion of the study the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance, for presentation at the April 12th meeting, which will annex the park site by the most feasible route. Committee - Delegation - Petition - Open Green Street Mr. Joe Nelson, Spokesman for the Lamar School P. T. A., submitted signed peti- tions requesting the City Council to extend Green Street to North Jones Street. In order to open the street, it would be necessary for easements to be granted by prop- erty owners. Councilman Hughes, a member of the Council Committee, objected to the opening of the street as it would be heavily traveled and would require additional policing during school opening and closing. Since the City Attorney had ruled that the opening of the street will not violate any of the provisions of the city's sub- division ordinances Councilman Ward stated he was-convinced that the opening of the street was for the purpose of safety and the elimination of traffic congestion, and moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare all paper work and nego- tiate for the right -of -way easements, afterwhich, proceed with all the work necessary to open the street as an unimproved shell street. Councilman Ansley seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Councilman Cravey Nays: Councilman Hughes to Ward of Badgett of Ansley Lusk Mayor Pruett Bids - City Depository - Contract The City Clerk received two bids for the depository contract of the City of Baytown for the two ensuing years. The summation follows: i CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK C TRUST COMPANY Time Deposits: We will pay interest at the rate of 3% per annum compounded quarterly on any Time Deposit having a maturity date six months or more after the date of de- posit or payable upon written notice of six months or more. We will pay interest at the rate of 2�% per annum compounded quarterly on-any Time Deposit having a maturity date less than six months and not less than 90 days after the date of deposit or payable upon written notice of less than six months and not less than 90 days. We will pay interest at the rate of 1% per annum compounded quarterly on any Time Deposit having a maturity date less than 90 days after the date of deposit or payable upon written notice of less than 90 days. It is the intention and purpose of this bid to pay to the city the maximum allowed by Regulation "Q" of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System._ Earned interest on each such deposit shall be payable in any manner requested. Demand Deposits: According to Regulation "Q" of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, at this time payment of interest is not permitted on daily balances of Demand Deposits. 1577 Bond Guarantee to secure funds of the City of Baytown on deposit by pledging with you as provided by law, U.S. Government securities and /or Municipal Bonds of Texas political subdivisions. Other Banking Facilities Will work with finance officers; offer to make loans without charges or interest on loans or credit advances as the City Council is legally empowered to negotiate; provide without charge, pending sale to permanent investors, interim financing of voted bonds; and, provide free of charge any and all other services and supplies and use of facilities in connection with account. PEOPLES STATE BANK Interest on Time Deposits 3% per annum, compounded quarterly, on deposits having a maturity date six months or more after the date of deposit or payable on written notice of six months or more; 2Y2% per annum, compounded quarterly, on deposits having a maturity date less than six months and not less than 90 days after the date of deposit or which is originally or becomes payable upon written notice of less than six months and not less than 90 days; 1% per annum, compounded quarterly, on deposits having a maturity date less than 90 days after the date of deposit or which is originally or becomes payable upon written notice of less than 90.days. Should, during the life of the contract, the permissive rates be increased, that increase will be passed on to the City in legal manner. Interest on Daily Balances: Existing regulations prohibit the payment of interest on demand deposits; however, if during the period covered by this contract the rules and regula- tions make it permissible, we will pay to the City the maximum rate permitted. Interest on Loans and Other Facilities No interest will be charged on loans made to the City; Depository Pledge with the First City National Bank in Houston, Texas, depositing with them U. S. Government obligations with a market value of not less than our deposit liability to the City; will act as paying agent for bonds and coupons and transfer funds to any designated paying agent without charge; night deposi- tory, safe deposit box or storage locker furnished without charge. Councilman Hughes moved to accept the bid of Citizens National Bank C Trust Company as the City depository for the next two years. Councilman Lusk seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Councilman Cravey Nays: None of Ward Badgett of Ansley of Hughes " Lusk t Program - Grass Cutting - Commercial Weed Cutters The Council approved the suggestion of City Manager LeFevre to ask for bids from commercial weed cutters for the cutting of weeds on vacant lots and acreage plats within the City of Baytown after the City Attorney ruled that the City would 961 1J 10 be protected, by ordinance, from any type of trespassing suit by such negotiations. Form letters will be mailed to all owners of vacant property asking that the weeds be cut and urging them to contact interested contractors, however, if not conven- ient the city will handle upon written request and bill the property owners. Library Advisory Board - Hire Librarian - Salary Approved City Manager LeFevre reported that he had met with the members of the Library Advisory Board and they asked that a Librarian be hired immediately. The Board had suggested a salary of $600 to $650 depending upon the qualifications of the candidate. Councilman Ward moved to approve the recommendation of the Library Advisory Board; the monthly salary of a Librarian be set in a range from $600 to $650 depending upon the qualifications and experience of the Librarian candidate. Councilman Badgett seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Councilman Cravey Nays: None Ward " Badgett Ansley Hughes Lusk Mayor Pruett Miscellaneous The City Manager reported receipt of a check in the amount of $3,025.99 from the Baytown Housing Authority in lieu of ad valorem taxes. The City Manager extended an invitation to the City Council to meet with the Student Council from Robert E. Lee on April 13th; also, to attend the City Employees' Annual Picnic in May. 1961. The Council-rejected any proposal to act as contractor for the installation of curb and gutter. for drainage purposes on any city street. The City Manager was instructed to refer the request to private contractors for price, terms, etc. Adiournment Councilman Ward moved that the meeting be adjourned. Councilman Lusk seconded the motion. The ayes were unanimous and the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. - e R. fr. Pruett, Mayor ATTEST: (�Uk.e.J Edna Oliver, City Clerk I SEi L