1953 01 08 CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS January 8, 1953 The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas met in regular session on Thursday, January 8, 1953 at 7:30 p. m. in the Council Room of the Baytown City Hall with the following members in attendances J. A. Ward Mayor R. B. Bergeron Councilman Milton L. Campbell Councilman R. H. Pruett Councilman H. M. Campbell Councilman C. D. Middleton City Manager George Chandler City Attorney Edna Oliver City Clerk Absent: W. E. lawless Councilman W. D. Reeves Councilman The Mayor called the meeting to order and the minutes of the regular meeting of December 30th were read. An error was found in the transcription tabulating the price quoted on the advertisement for two (2) 1/2 ton pick -up trucks and the minutes were amended to read: "Franta Motor Company - 1953 GMC pick -up - Two (2) =2,882.68." With this correction the minutes were approved whereupon the following business was transacted: Sewer Line Extension - Layton Drive W. J. Still, spokesman for a group of three (3) residents whose property faces Layton Drive, petitioned the council to approve the installation costs of rerouting their sewer line approximately eighty -six (861) feet, to tie -on to a six (6 ") inch sewer main recently installed by the city. At present the sewer connection at each home is connected to a dead -in four (4 ") inch main which is to be abandoned. At the time each home was built the property owner had laid his own sewer line and made connection _atcthe'plAce designated by city personnel, but, it was later found that the original connection was made on private property and the sewer line was extended and connection made elsewhere. Now the four (4 ") inch sewer main is to be cut off and abandoned and the residents are faced with the cost of extending their sewer lines further if the council does not approve the cost of installing same. Council- man Pruett moved to authorise the rerouting of the three (3) sewer lines and a tie - in be made to the six (6 ") inch sewer main provided the city, its agents and employees be relieved of any and all damages which may be occasioned by the entering on and the construction and laying of the sewer lines across the property. Councilman H. M. Campbell seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None C Councilman Bergeron " M. L. Campbell " Pruett w H. M. Campbell Purchase Trucks - Pick -ups and two (2) ton chassis The merits of the trucks as itemised, were discussed and the performance records were reviewed on trucks operated in the street water water and sewer departuents. Councilman M. L. Campbell moved to purchase the two (2) 1/2 -ton pick -up trucks from Franta Motor Company at a total cost of $2,71545. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Calls Ayess Mayor Ward Nays: None Councilman Bergeron " M. L. Campbell " Pruett " H. M. Campbell Councilman Pruett moved to purchase the heavy two (2) ton truck chassis from Buck Turner Chevrolet Company at a cost of $2,1:5.08. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: _�rw. Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: Councilman M. L. Campbell Councilman Bergeron H. M. Campbell a Pruett In checking the purchase price of the two one -half ton pick -up trucks it was found that an error had been made in the tabulation of the figures and the purchase price of the two (2) trucks should have read $2,882.68. The City Attorney was consulted and he advised that the previous action of the council could be set aside on what he termed a lack of thneeting of the minds." Councilman M. L. Campbell moved that the action of the council concerning the purchase of the two (2) one- half ton pick -up trucks from Franta Motor Company be set aside. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None Councilman Bergeron It M. L. Campbell " Pruett " H. M. Campbell Councilman Pruett moved to purchase the two (2) one -half ton pick2up trucks from Gulf Coast Motor Company at a price of $2,797.00. Councilman H. M. Campbell seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays:, None Councilman Bergeron » M. L. Campbell " Pruett " H. M. Campbell Contract - Brown and Root Councilman Pruett moved to accept the contract of Brown & Root on the.con- struction of the foundations for 1100,000 gallon elevated storage tank in the amount of $6,887.00; authorized the Mayor to execute the contract for the city. Council- man Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Councilman n " Payment - Estimate of Engineer Nays: None Bergeron M. L. Campbell Pruett H. M. Campbell Councilman Pruett moved to authorize the payment of engineering services on plan preparation for the foundations in the amount of $228.43. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None Councilman Bergeron " M. L. Campbell " Pruett H. M. Campbell Authorization - Advertise Bids - Sewage Treatment Plant Councilman Pruett moved to authorise the engineer to immediately advertise for bids on the construction of a sewage treatment plant; the bids to be presented and opened at 7 :30 p. m. Thursday, February 26th. Councilman H. M. Campbell seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None Councilman Bergeron " M. L. Campbell " Pruett. " H. M. Campbell Report - Insurance Coverage 1 The Mayor gave a detailed report on the Committee's recommended insurance coverage rates on all city buildings and contents thereof. Councilman M. L. Campbell moved to accept the Committee's report and authorized the City Manager to notify the Baytown Insurance Exchange of the changes as approved by the Council. Council- man H. M. Campbell seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None Councilman Bergeron It M. L. Campbell it Pruett it H M. Campbell Miscellaneous The Council instructed the City Manager to check the budget to see if it will allow the purchase of a circulator pump which will be installed at the Disposal plant on East James. The City Manager reported that the purchase price of a trAffic light, which is to be installed at the intersection of Felton and West Texas Avenue, will be $1,391.31. Gas Campany Jack Hinds, Attorney for the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, asked the council to act upon the Company's application for a rate increase at the earliest possible date. He stated that the Company was anxious to have a settlement with the City of Baytown before the expiration dateof Larch 15th, if possible. He insisted that the Council should be able to act upon the decision of the City Attorney after some reputable Certified Public Accountant had examined the records of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation and made certification as to the accuracy of the exhibits-submitted. The Mayor informed the group that the city would give its decision as soon as possible, but, it would require time and work to compile the proper evidence. The City Manager was instructed to contact T. H. Dossey, Certified Public Accountant, and see if he will have time to audit the financial records of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation and if so, at what price. Adjournment Councilman Pruett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The ayes were unanimous and the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: KdRa OT ver, City Clerk J - . Ward, Mayor