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March 27, 1952
The City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, met in regular session on
Thursday, March 27, 1952 at 7:30 p. m. in the Council Room of the Baytown City
Hall with the following members in attendance:
J. A. Ward
R. B. Bergeron
E. W. Buelow
Milton L. Campbell
R. 11. Pruett
H. M. Campbell
C. D. Middleton
City Manager
George Chandler
City Attorney
Fdna Oliver
City Clerk
Absent: 11. D. Reeves
The Mayor called the meeting to order and the minutes of the regular
meeting of March 13, 1952 were read and approved, whereupon the following business
was transacted:
Municipal Retirement
The Council again discussed the possibility of the dty participating in
a Municipal Retirement Plan. Councilman M. L. Campbell expressed being in favor
of getting an opinion of the voters 'before final steps were taken in the en-
dorsement of such a plan by the Council. lie asked if it would be possible to sub-
mit the question to the voters, at the city election to be held an April 1st,
in the form of a straw ballot or would such procedure be illegal. The City
Attorney informed the Council that this would not be illegal, however, it would
not be a binding election. After a discussion Councilman M. L. Campbell
moved to table further :discussion of the Municipal Retirement Plan until some
later date. Councilman Buelow seconded the motion. The roll call vote was
as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: Councilman Bergeron
Councilman Tcalow. <. " H. M. Campbell
" Pruett
M. L. Campbell
Citizens Committee - Telephone Rates
Attorney Joe Zorn, representing the Citizens Committee, petitioned the
Council to make a full and careful study of the telephone rate request before the
burden is thrown uron the people by irereased rates. Attorney Robert Strickland,
representing the Telephone.Company, urged the Council to take definite and
immediate steps to begin the examination of the Company's books in order that the
investigation can be completed and a hearing be held on the rate increase request.
City Manager Middleton informed the Council that the delay on the examination of the
books had been caused by sickness of an employee in the accounting department and
the semi- annual audit report which is required by Charter, as of the end of each
six months of the fiscal year. In order to complete the investigation at the
earliest date possible, Councilman 11. L. Campbell moved to instruct City Controller
Gordon Lewis to be in Dallas, 'Wednesday Morning, April 2, 1952 in the office
of the Southwestern Associated Telephone Company's accounting department by
8:o'clock a.m. Councilman Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote
was as follows: -'
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None
Councilman Bergeron
" Buelow
M. L. Campell
" Pruett
H. E. Campbell
Drilling Permits Approved
„Councilman Bergeron moved to approve the drilling application of Foretich
Well Service on the McAlister -Lehde Lease, Well No. 1. Councilman 17. M. Campbell
seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Days: None
Co8uncilman Bergeron
" huelow
" M. L. .Campbell
" Pruett
" B. M. Campbell
Councilman R. M. Campell moved to approve the drilling application of
Andrews, Snowden and Thompson on the MaxBeilstein Lease, well No. 1. Councilman
Bergeron seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor ward Nays: None
Councilman Bergeron
" Buelow
11. L. Campbell
" N. X. Campbell
Preliminary A&roval — Milbydale Section 5
Councilmn Pruett moved to give preliminary approval of the eighteen (19)
re[aining lots in Milbydale, Addition, Section 5• Councilman H. 1;. Campbell
seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayeff:M.ayor ward Nsys:Nore
Councilman Bergeron
" Buelow
" M. L. Campbell
" R. M. Campbell
Record — No increase Tax ,-Zeta — Bond Issues
council had been approached as to the possibility of a tax rate
increase if
proposed ,-1,005,000 Bond Issues are approved, and to reassure the
property owners
within the city, Councilman 14. L. Campbell moved to have the Council
go on record
stating that this council does not. anticipate a tax rate increase,
neither does
see any reason for any dubsequent council increasing the present
tax rate due
the passage of the proposed issues. Councilman B. M. Campbell
seconded the
motion. The roll cell vote was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Bays: None
Councilman Bergeron
14. L. Campbell
a. M. Campbell
Drainare Program
Councilman buelow moved, if the proposed bond issues are approved, that the
city start an L =ddiate drainage proms am in the areas where there is a direct need.
Councilman Bergeron seconded the notion. The roll call vote was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None
Councilman Bergeron
w q M. L. Campbell
! ■r " Pruett
" B. M. Campbell
Street Lights
Councilman Buclow moved to instruct the City Manager to notify the Houston
Lighting and Power Company that the City of Baytown would accept credit for the
thirty —two (32) street lights, in lieu of the actual lights, for the year 1952, as
set forth in an agreement betaene the City of Baytown and the Houston Lighting and -`
Power Company dated, March, 1951. This concession was made due to the shortage of
materials and the inability of the company to make the recommended installations at
Lhis time. Councilman H. M. Campbell seconded the motion. The roll call vote was
as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None
Councilman Bergeron
" M. L. Campbell
" Pruett
" H. Y. Campbell
Purchase— Tra €fic jaL� is
Upon the recomueudation of Chief of Police McKee, Councilman M. L. Campbell
moved to authorize the purchase of three (3) 4 —way traffic lights which will be
installed at West Defee and North Gaillard, Whiting and West Texas and North
Main and Sterling. Councilman Buelow seconded the motion. The roll call vote
was as follows:
Roll Call: Ayes: Mayor Ward Nays: None
Councilman Bergeron
M. L. Campbell
' }f. M. Campbell
The Mayor instructed the Chief of Police to get an estimate on the cost of
materials and installation of a walk light for Felton Streeet where it crosses
West Texas Avenue. There will be a need for such an installation when West Gulf
opens onto Robert E. Lee Drive.
Ad.i ournement
Councilman Bergeron moved that the meeting adjourn. Councilman M. L.
Campbell seconded the motion. The ayes were unanimous and th:Mayor declared the
meeting adjourned. ._.
Y.Playor, City of ytowa
City Clerk