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1949 01 20 CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS . January 20, 1949 .. . The city council of the city of Baytown, Texas met in regular session on January 20, 1949 at 7140 p.m. in the council room of the Baytown city hall with the following members in attendancet E. D. Cleveland Mayor. H. I. Davis Councilman 0. 0. Dorris Councilman 111 Robert Strickland Councilman Weldon H. Williams Councilman , C. Darwin Middleton - City Manager David Donoghue City Attorney Edna Oliver City Clerk Absent - Baby Godfrey Councilman J. A. Stroud Councilman The mayor called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, 1949 were read and approved, whereupon the following busi- ness was transacteds Mark Carter Presents Petition Mark Carter, Local Attorney, presented a petition with one hundred thirty -live (135) signers, from former Pelly, asking that garbage collection be discontinued from the street and that the city use the alleys. The alley gar- bage collection had been eliminated in 1947, due to the condition of the alleys. The mayor told Mr. Carter he preferred using the alleys, but most, if not all, were impassable the major portion of the year. However he referred the question to the city manager and the garbage superintendent. If they gave a favorable reply, the garbage collection would be resumed from the alleys. J. J. Rady - Report Mr. J. J. Rady presented his preliminary report on the long range im- provement program for the city of Baytown. As he explained to the council, the report was a result of conclusions based on the studies he had made and he wanted the report to serve as a basis for discussion. It was not supposed to be "fool- proof" and he was sure after the mayor and councilmen gave it careful study, they would differ on some, if not many, things. They could meet together for a general discussion, eliminating portions if necessary, and a final report could be pre- pared which would go before the public. The present or immediate need was based on an estimated 30,000 population which would be reached in approximately five (5) years; while the future need was based on a 50,000 population which would be reached in 1965, these estimates being based on an average normal growth. Waterworks: His recommendation for the waterworks was connection of the water lines from old Baytown and Pelly, and also Baytown and Goose Creek, Construct a new water plant on Market Street which would strengthen both, the old Baytown and the old Pelly, systems, and surface storage facilities for Pelly and Goose Creek. The cost was estimated at $435,000. Sanitary Sewert Construction of a sewage disposal plant in old Pelly for an eat ma , 00 people, rehabilitation of Goose Creek disposal plants, and sewering Busch Terrace. The cost was estimated at $356,000. Storm Sewers Due to the flat terrain, this would be the most expen- sive improvemen He recommended that storm sewers be constructed in all parts of the city, where needed. They should be built every five or six blocks apart, and depend on the surface drainage on areas between the sewers. The most criti- cal need was in old Baytown. The estimated cost was $4161000. Street Pavings He recommended that this improvement should be made on the assessment basis, with the property owner bearing 213ts of the expense and the city's share being 113. Due to the long thoroughfares, bad drainage and lack of base on some streets, it would be impossible for the city to carry the full cost of the improvements. Health Ordinance - No. 36. The city manager introduced and read an ordinance to promote the health conditions of the city of Baytown by providing a code on sanitary regulation and requirements for all food establishments. Upon the reading of the ordinance Councilman Strickland asked that in Section 6 of Article III the provision with re- r r January 20, 1949 spect to animals being excluded from food establishments be revised to allow the temporary admittance of a "Seeing -Eye!' dog. The council approved of this change and the city attorney was instructed to make the revision, with the above revision incorporated. Councilman Williams moved that the ordinance be adopted as read. Councilman Davis seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows Roll Calls Ayess. Mayor Cleveland Nays: None Councilman Davis " Dorris " Strickland " Williams The caption of the ordinance is as follows ORDINANCE NO. 36 AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE THE HEALTH CONDITIONS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN BY PROVIDING A.CODE OF SANITARY REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PLACES, BUSINESS AND PERSONS WHEREIN OR BY WHOM FOODSTUFF OR DRINKS FOR HUMAN BEINGS IS PRODUCED, HANDLED, PREPARED, CARED FOR OR SOLD, AND ALL VEHICLES USED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SUCH BUSINESS, AND FOR THE CONDUCT OF HOTELS AND LODGING HOUSES; AND PRES- CRIBING THE PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE SEVERAL PROVISIONS HEREIN CONTAINED; AND CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE. Ordinance No. 37 - Amendment to the Building Ordinance City Attorney Dossoghue introduced and read an ordinance amending the building ordinance passed by the city Commission of the city of Pelly. The question was raised whether this amendment would comply with the State Fire Commission requirements or effect the fire rate in any way. The city manager was instructed to investigate and give his report at the next meeting. Council- man Williams moved that the ordinance be adopted as read. Councilman Davis seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Calls Ayes: Mayor Cleveland Mayes None Councilman Davis " Dorris Strickland " Williams The caption of the ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 37 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUILDING ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PELLY, NOW BAYTOWN, ON THE 28TH DAY OF MARCH, A. D., 1939, WITH RESPECT TO PARAGRAPHS 13 AND 14 OF SEC- TION VI THEREOF; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. B. B. Williams - Woodlawn Waterlines for the Woodlawn Addition were discussed. It was mentioned that no money was available for water lines, even though a former council had agreed to lay the lines. City Manager Middleton urged the council to adopt a de- finite policy for water main extensions so future appeals and work could be governed thereby. Several new subdivisions were in the process of being planned and it was expedient that a policy be adopted. Councilman Williams moved that the request of Mr. Williams for additional water lines be denied. Councilman Davis seconded the motion. The roll call vote was as follows: Roll Calls Ayes: Mayor Cleveland Nays: Councilman Strickland Councilman Davis " Dorris " Williams Sewer Line - New Administration Building Lowell Lammers asked the council to work out a plan, if possible, to lay the sewer connection to the new administration building now nearing completion. This was referred to the city manager and the superintendent of Public Works. 4lephone Company - Increased Rates Mr, Ray F. Red, General Commercial Manager of the Southwestern Associated January 20, 1949 Telephone Company, asked the council to consider a resolution, that he prepared, increasing the telephone rate immediately. He pointed out that the company was in urgent need of more finances, showing only a net earning of 1% for the year 1947 and when the audit is completed for 1948 he is sure a loss of-from $800 to $1,000 will be shown. The investment increase ranged from $328,000 in 1946 to a present $840,000. When the present construction is completed, with the dial system installed, the investment will be $1,600,000. The cost of installation has increased from 110$ to 139% and no increase had been made in the telephone rate. The last increase of rates had been in the year 1926, and a reduction was given in 1933. The resolution asked fors Business Lines: Individual, $5.00 to $7.50; and two -party lines, $3.75 to $5.75 Residence Linest Individual, $3.25 to $3.65; two -party lines, $2.75 to $3.15; and tour -party lines, $2.25 to $2.65. Mr. Red asked to leave the resolution for the council's consideration and urged that action be taken as quickly as possible. Councilman Williams moved that the meeting adjourn. Councilman Dorris seconded the motion. The ayes were unanimous and the mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Maya, City of ytown.�s ATTRSTt City Clerk 11