FCPEMSD Resolution No. 6 t:SOLU`IO<NO,6 A RESOIt ION OF THL BOARD OF DIR CI"C'tRS OF THE BAYFOWN FIRE CONIROI-PREVLNTION-:rAND FMERGE".vCY NILDIC:AL SERVICES DISTRICT ADOPTING AN ATTENDANCE POLICY ME ITS MEMBERSHIP:AND PROVIDINIG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATETHEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED BY TJI BO\RD OF DIRECJORS OF IIIE BAYTOWN PIRF CONTROL,PRE I;9T1ON,AND L.Uit[GFNC Y\1ED]CAI,SFRV"ICES DISI.RICF: Section 1:That the B.omd of DircetuiT of the M,yt.,n Fire Control;Pm,mfion,mnd flt-L-,cy Medical S-irvv Diwli t h rd,y ad,11%The attached attendance policy,whichia marked as I hibit"A and iti-porttted herein for all tentsmnd per I over,for it,membership. See ion 2:Th,resolution'hall tale eff ct i imwh fiom and aft,its p-ge by the Bond ri Dir-tow ofthe Bato-Fir,Co ml,Preoelion„andFt tgo-Nkdi,alS-i-Diwiar. IN`PRODUC:ED,READ.and PASSED,by the atfi,liv,v nte,oft0e Board of Directors of the I3avtowai Fu,Contldl,PiC enticn,and f ui ia-Ct ediWd S•,,,i-District Chia tht 22'day M April, 2008, 'IERRY Sa.I,ire+idcnt u AEI I�S'F: K.1Y Y'tEDAR*,tII A t tSa•rat IC` APPROVED AS DO FORM:'�> 4 f-V,sAC IO RAMIRD-SR:o"l-I 11 p:.,", Exhibit"A" Attendance Policy for the Board of Directors of the Baytown Fire Control,Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District I.Definitions.The following words,terms and phrases when used in this policy shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section,except where the contest clearly indicates a different meaning. Assistant Secretary shall mean the Assistant Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Baytown Fire Control,Prevention,and Emergency Medical Services District. Board of Directors shall mean the Board of Directors of the Baytown Fire Control.Prevention.and Emergency Medical Services District. Excessive absences shall mean more than three absences,excused or unexcused,in any consecutive 12-month period;and Genera!Afanager shall mean the General Manager of the Baytown Fire Control,Prevention,and Emergency Medical Services District. iWenlber shall mean a person appointed to the Board of Directors by the City Council of the City of Baytown. 2.Attendance Requirements.There is an expectation that a member of the Board of Directors will arrange the member's schedule to make most.if not all..of the scheduled board meetings.In the event that a member has a recurring conflict,the member may resign at any time.If a member of the Board of Directors is clearly unable to attend regularly scheduled meetings and has Excessive Absences,such member may be removed by the General Manager.with confirmation of the Mayor,for such Excessive Absences. 3.Attendance Records.The Assistant Secretary shall be required to keep attendance records and to submit monthly reports to the Assistant Secretary setting forth both the excused and unexcused absences of each member.The Assistant Secretary will notify the General Manager and request direction regarding the removal of any member having a record of Excessive Absences.