CCPD Resolution No. 21 CCPD CanvassingContinuationElection RESOLUTION NO. 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTO N CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE CONTINUATION ELECTION HELD WITI- IE1 THE' DISTRIcrS, BOUNDARIES ON THE 1 TH DAY OF MAY, 2011, FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING FOR OR AGAINST `l"I IE PROPOSITION OF WHETHER THE BAY"ITOATN CRIME CON,RO AND PREVENTION DISTRICT SHOULD ICE CONTINUED FOR FIVE YEARS AND THE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT ICT SALES AND USE TAB" SHOULD BE CCINTfNUED FOR FIVE YEARS; FINDING THAT NOTICE OF THE CONTINUATION ;ELECTION WAS PROPERLY HELD AND THE RETURNS THEREOF MADE BY THE PROPER OFFICIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF T1" IE STATE OF 'TEXAS; AND PROVIDING FOR TI IE EFFECTIVE DATE; THEREOF. y WHEREAS, on January 18, `011, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District (the "District") ordered a continuation election to be held within the District's boundaries between the hours of seven o'clock a.m. and seven o'clock p.m. on May 14, 2011,, for the purposes of determining whether to continue the District and the associated sales and use tag (the "Election"); and WHEREAS, on May 14, 2011, the Election was held under and pursuant to the provisions of the resolution calling the election as well as the provisions of'state law: and WHEREAS, oil May 20, 2011, the early voting ballot board met to verify and count provisional ballots pursuant to Chapter 65 of'the Texas Election Code; and WHER1 AS, pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Texas Election Code, the Board at a meeting;held. on the 23 day of'May, 2011, proceeded, as required by law, to canvass the returns of the Election; and WHEREAS, the Election having been duly and regularly had and held according to law, and the returns thereof leaving been duly made and the Election Judges having certified the results of the Election, as hereinafter set out, and the Board having duly and regularly canvassed the returns of the Election and finding that the total votes cast at the Electron were as follows, to-wit: elm, III Total Percentage For 1388 87.19% Against 204 1 .81% Total 1592 96.19% (the `Election Returns"); and WHEREAS,the Board finds the Election Returns set out above to be accurate and correct and no election protest or contest have been Bled with the Board or instituted in connection with the Election Returns;NOW THEREFORE BE IT REISOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECT OIZS O E lEE BAY'rwhrN CRIME CONTROL AND PREW"'NTION DISTRICT: Section 1: That the Board ol'Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District hereby finds that the above-re I'e re need recitals are true and correct. Section 2. That the Board ot' Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District further finds that the notice of' the Election was duly and properly given a.,; required by law and as provided in the resolution calling the Election and that the Election 'was duly and regularly held and the returns thereof duly arid regularly made by the proper officials of said E"Jection and in all things according to law. Section 3: That a majority of tile votes cast at tile Election were in favor of the following proposition: PROposrrION NO. I Whether the Ica-vtoxvii Crime Control and Prevention District should be I continued for five (5) years and the crime control prevention district sales and use tax should be continued for five (5) years. and accordingly, the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District and the associated 1/8 of I% sales and use tax is continued for live: years. Section 4: This resolution shall take effect immediately froal arid after its passage by the Board of Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the Board ot' Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District, this the 23'd day of May, 2011. R I K "I WHI"EIA"I- president l�, 10 A try Z, V,wY tP1111 APPROVED ASTO FOIW C4IACIO RAN4IIZI-Z, SR., GIen real Ioulsel &Ploculam Dwflcl 2