CCPD Resolution No. 19 ReprogrammingCapitalFunds RESOLUTION NO, 19 A RESOLUTIONN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAY"IOWN CRIME CONTROL AND PREWNTTON DISTRICT REPROGRAMMING CAPITAI. FUNDS CONTAINED IN THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT'S FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUDGET" FROM ]'HE MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ACCOUN'P '10 THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACCOUNT FOR EXPENDITURES NECESSARY TO REPLACE THREE (3) AGED VEHICLES;. MAKING OTHER REPRESENfAT"IONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFECTIVE DATETHEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-]E CITY OF BAYTOWN, FLXAS: Section 1: That the Board of Directors of the Baytown Crone Control and Prevention District hereby reprograms capital funds contained in the Baytown Crime Control Prevention District's Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget frorn the Machinery&Equipment account to the Mentor Vehicles account for expenditures necessary to replace three (3) aged vehicles, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This resolution stall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the Board ot'Direetors of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District. INIRODUCED,.READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors of the Baytown Crime Control and:Prevention District on this the 1 S°i day of January, 2011. t 6 ii , KI WITF�ELER, President AT LDS i I C1lC1 BRYS r'aecretary fxv fF�ffgti.tl it +A}CA.. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACID RAMiREZ, S1 eneral Counsel R U:f •nAfilesVCitC.m,,rComcCntrclRP,e, nfiu� I Nununy I81R4 .... EXHIBIT"A" BUDGET APPROPRIATION TRANSFER FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 DATE 1-6-11 Period 4 FUND 206 CCPD DIVISION 20601 CCPD CONTROL NUMBER TRANSFER FROM: CURRENT ADJUSTED ACCOUNT ACCOUNT AVAILABLE BUDGET TRANSFER BUDGET NUMBER NAME BALANCE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT Capital Outlay- 84042 Machinery&Equipment S 105,659.96 S 189,040.00 S (68,000.00) S 121,040.00 TRANSFERO Capital Outlay- 84043 Motor Vehicles S 116,934.31 S 208,000.00 S 68,000.00 S 276,000.00 EXPLANATION: NOTE: Explanation must be completed for ALL Budget Transfers. Transferring$68,000 from 84042 Machinery&Equipment funds in order to replace three aged vehicles. The 2011 Crime Control and Prevention District(CCPD)budget allotted S56,000 for In-Car Video Cameras and$12,000 for Radar Units. The Police Department was able to use Federal Grant funds to purchase the cameras and Automated Red Light Enforcement revenues to purchase the radar units. TO BE EXECUTED UPON CCPD BOARD APPROVAL: Requested y Date Director of Finance vote Audited y Date CityManager/ Deputy/Assistant City Manager Date (If applicable) Entered y Date