CC Resolution Book No. 9 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SURJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 934 Requesting that the Dist- rict Engineer, District 12, State Highways and _ Public Transportation, survey the Baytown area to determine if there is stated owned right-of- way that could be used as a park and ride fa- cility. 1-9-86 1682 935 Adopting a cash management policy and rules govern- ing the investment of local funds. 1-9-86 1683 936 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Justice Council for the continued operation of the Harris County Organized Crime Control Unit. 1-9-86 1684 937 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue the Youth and Law Program. 1-9-86 1685 938 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue a program of storing, analyzing and correlating statistical and analytical data for apprehension and crime prevention programs. 1-9-86 1686 939 Authorizing the City Manager to appropriate $10,712, from unforeseen expenses. Account No. 694010-000101. 1-9-86 1687 940 Authorizing the City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Justice Division for a grant for a Victim Assistance Pro- gram. 1-23-86 1688 941 Formally recognizing and thank- ing Jo Roosa for her ser- vice to our community. 2-13-86 1689 942 Urging development of and sup- port for a well-rounded anti-crime package to be presented to the 70th session of the Texas Legislatures. 2-13-86 1691 RESOISPIION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. BOOK NO. DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 943 Approving resolution of Baytaan Industrial Development Corpo- ration concerning issuance of bonds to finance a pro- ject for Davis Bros. Baytown Part- ner ship. 2-17-86 1692 944 Formally recognizing and thanking Gerald Dickens for his ser- vice to his community as Councilman for District 5 from May, 1983, through April 1, 1986. 4-10-86 1693 945 Canvassing the returns of the regular Municipal Election held within the City on the 5th day of April, 1986, for the purpose of electing three coun- cilmen from districts 1, 4, and 5. 4-10-86 1695 946 Authorizing its partici- pation in the coalition of cities with original jurisdiction to include data analysis sharing and intervention with said coalition in the Houston Lighting and Power rate request, Docket No. 6765, before the PUC. 4-10-86 1697 947 Establishing rules and pro- cedures for conducting council meetings. 4-24-86 1698 948 Authorizing the City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Houston-Harris County Area Agency on Aging for grant funds in the amount of $24,500. for the City of Baytown Senior Citizens' Taxi- cab Program. 5-22-86 1702 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJ= DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 949 Formally recognizing Eileen P. Hall for her service to the City of Baytown as City Clerk and her being named 1986 City Clerk of the year by the Salt Grass Chapter of the City Clerks' and Secretarys' Association. 6-12-86 1703 950 Urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make certain modifications to its plan for deep- ening and widening the Houston Ship Channel. 6-26-86 1705 951 Protesting the application for a new waste dis- posal permit for waste water treatment facil- ities by Harris County Fresh water Supply District No. 27; urging the Texas water Commi- ssion to deny such Ap- plication. 7-10-86 1707 952 Urging the legislators from the Baytown area to sup- port legislation modi- fying the EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Per- mit Regulations. 8-14-86 1708 953 Authorizing application to the U.S. Depar t of Housing and Urban lopment for the 1986 C jty Develop- ment B1 ant Funds. / 8-28-86 1710 954 Directing the City C erly to comQlete the official 1 of indicat- ing Council's nice of can- didates to se on the Board of Trus s for the TiE Joint SeYf-Insurance Fund. 8-28-86 1712 Resolution Book No. 9 RES. NO. SUGBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 953 AUTHORIZING application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment for the 1986 Community Development Block Grant Funds. 8-28-86 1710 954 DIRECTING the City Clerk to complete the official ballot indicating Council's choice of candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees for the TML Joint Self-Insurance Fund. 8-28-86 1712 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBIECL DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 955 Establishing a prevailing wage schedule for City of Baytown public works contracts. 9-11-86 1713 956 Protesting the application of an amended waste disposal permit for wastewater treatment facilities by Harris County Fresh Water Supply District No. IA; urging the Texas Water Commission to deny such application; requesting the commis- sion to encourage a contract between the City and District. 9-11-86 1715 957 Setting forth the desired priorities for drainage projects within the city limits of the City of Baytown and in the Baytown area. 10-7-86 1717 958 Endorsing joint cooperative bidding by the GCISD, Lee College, and the City of Baytown. 11-13-86 1719 959 Authorizing the City Council to transfer $401,138.00 from the Contingency Ac- count and other accounts to various General Fund accounts. 11-13-86 1721 960 Formally recognizing and thank- ing Larry Patterson for his service to the City of Baytown as Assistant City Manager. 11-13-86 1723 961 Appointing Fred Philips as rep- resentative to the Board of Directors and General Assem- bly of the HGAC for the year 1987 and Ron Embry as alter- nate. it-13-86 1726 REsmuriON BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJ= DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 962 Setting forth desired priorities for street iprovercent projects within the city limits of the City of Baytown and in the Baytown area. 12-11-86 1727 963 Expressing arpreciatirn to the members of the Sesquicentennial Committee. 1-8-87 1729 964 Recognizing and amending the efforts of Bernard C. Olive for his dili- gsnt efforts on the Save The Battleship Texas. 1-8-87 1731 965 Encouraging certain con- tractors doing work for the City of Bay- town to hire at least 20% of their work force from within the Baytown area. 1-8-87 1732 966 Urging the Texas Legis- lature to adopt legislation which will broaden the base of the current sales tax which is imposed within the State of Texas and the City of Baytown, 1-8-87 1733 967 Supporting proposed legis- lation which would in- crease the menbership of the Board of Commis- sioners of the Port of Houston Authority from five to seven members, along with other related matters. 1-8-87 1735 968 Authorizing the Cicy Manager to transfer $92,368. from Revenue Sharing Contin- gency, Acet. No. 694010- 298000 to Brownwood Park Development and land Ac- quisition, Acct. No. 650110-298000. 1-8-87 1737 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUg7ECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 969 Appointing the Assistant City Manager as Deputy City Treasurer. 1-8-87 1738 970 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue the Youth and Law Program. 1-8-87 1739 971 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue a program of storing, analyzing and correlating statistical and analytical data for apprehension and crime prevention programs. 1-8-87 1740 972 Authorizing the City Manager to transfer $6,500. from Council Contingency, Acct. No. 694010-000101, to Signal Systems, Acct. No. 604100-000108. 1-22-87 1741 4:74 `J173 Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for the con- tinued operation of the Harris County Organized Crime Control Unit. 1-22-87 1742 97-3- 4- Authorizing the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Division for a grant for a victim assistance program. 1-22-87 1743 975 Authorizing the City Manager of the City of Baytown to transfer $50,000 from Revenue Sharing Contin- gency, Acct. No. 694010- 298000 to Economic Develop- ment, Acct. No. 538802- 298000. 2-12-87 1744 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 976 DECLARING THE HISTORICAL Significance of the former U.S. Post Office Building to the City of Baytown. 3-12-87 1745 977 DECLARING THE HISTORICAL significance of the Old Fire Station No. 3 to the City of Raytown. 3-12-87 1746 978 AUTHORIZING THE City Mana- ger to transfer $2,806.71 from account no. 534990-27310, "1981 Building Demolition,; to Acct. No. 534010- 275100, "1983 Housing Rehabilitation." 3-26-87 1747 979 IN OPPOSITION TO proposed legislation which would limit the authority of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence Dis- trict to require certain cities to convert to surface water use. 4-9-87 1748 980 ENCOURAGING the contractors building the Fred Hartman Bridge to use steel and workers from the Texas Gulf Coast area. 5-14-87 1750 981 AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION of notice of intention to issue City of Baytown, Certificates of obliga- tion, Series 1987. 5-14-87 1751 982 NOMINATING Robert E. Seale to serve the unexpired term of Director of the Harris County Appraisal District for the term ending Dec. 31, 1987. 5-14-87 1756 983 APPROVING the settlement of a tax claim against the Gustafson Group. 5-14-87 1757 984 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- er to mate application to the Houston-Harris County Area Agency on Aging for Grant Funds in the amount of $24,500 for the City of Baytown Taxicab Program. 6-11-87 1758 RESOWTION HOOK NO. 9 RFC %� SIiRThTT DATE P SSFD PA!_F' 985 CASTING the vote for for unexpired term of office of Direc- tor, Barris County Appraisal District, for the term ending Decarber 31, 1987. 6-11-87 1759 986 AUTHORIZING the Baytown Canmmity Development Program to apply for a grant fran the Hous- ing and Urban Develop- ment Rental Rehabili- tation Program. 6-23-87 1760 987 AUTHORIZING the transfer of $3,000 fran the con- tingency account to Social Services Account. 6-23-87 1762 988 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to request the United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to d offer the 312 Loan Program e O�'/�,1 to the citizens of the City of Baytown. 7-09-87 1763 989 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to reapportion $30,000 fmn account no. 694101-000101, "City Council Contingency," to account no. 538802-000101 "Economic Development Foundation." 7-23-87 1764 990 %U6U ATING Robert L. Gillette to serve as mesber to the Port of Houston Commission. 7-23-87 1765 991 OPPOSING a Regional Rein- tegration Center being located within the City of Baytown. 7-30-87 1767 992 AUTHORIZING application to the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for the 1987 Community Deve- lopment Block Grant Funds. 8-13-87 1768 993 AMENDING Resolution No. 988 by authorizing the City Manager to request the United States Dept. of HUD to offer the 312 Loan Program to the City of Baytown. 8-27-87 1770 RFSOLVI'ION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUB= DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 994 EXPRESSING support and endorsement of the Bond Elec- tion for Harris County, the Harris County Flood Control District, and the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County to be held November 3, 1987. 9-24-87 1771 995 Rmcc mmn and commend- ing the service of the Baytown Volunteer Fire Dept. Emergency Corps, Inc. for its fifty- four years of service and its donation to the City of Baytown. 10-5-87 1773 996 NOMINATING Tan Bartlett for the office of Di- rector, Harris County Appraisal District, for the term beginning Jan. 1, 1988. 10-5-87 1775 997 `F+4RC the driveway through Unidad Park as Clyde Messiah Dr. 10-5-87 1776 998 AppoimrING Fred Philips as Representative of the City to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the Houston- Galveston Area Council for the year 1988 and Ron Embry as alternate. 10-22-87 1777 999 ESTABLISHING a policy of maintaining a minimum fund balance in the General Obligation In- terest and Sinking Fund. 10-22-87 1776 1000 APPRavmIr. participation in the telephone franchise study caunuittee. 11-12-87 1780 1001 APPRCR/ING and adopting guide- lines and criteria for granting tax abatement in a reinvestment zone created in Harris County. 11-12-87 1782 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1002 CASTING its vote for the Office of Direc- tor, Harris County Appraisal District, for the term ending December 31, 1989. 11-12-87 1792 1003 OPPOSING the permit application of Bic Waste Management Co., Inc. concern- ing a proposed waste disposal site. 12-10-87 1793 1004 AUTHORIZING the trans- fer of $271,221. from the Contigency Acct. and other accounts to various General Fund Accounts. 12-10-87 1795 1005 RECOGNIZING and camiend- ing the service of Robert Bartnett and the Harris County Mosquito Control Dis- trict for its outstand- ing service in mosquito control in the City of Baytown. 12-10-87 1798 1006 ESTABLISHING projects and priorities for the ori- mary arterial street system and Federal Aid Urban St. System. 1-14-88 1799 1007 AUTHORIZING the sutiussion of a Texas Emergency Shelter Grants Program Application to the Texas Dept. of Ccnnunity Af- fairs for renovation of Baytown Area hicmen's Center. 1-14-88 1801 1008 AUTHORIZING the sutmission of a Texas Emergency Shelter Grants Program Application to the Texas Dept. of Community Af- fairs for renovation of Baytown Sheltering Arms Building. 1-14-88 1803 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1009 REC'0CNIZING and ccn mending Eileen P. Hall for profes- sional achievement and excellence as City Clerk for the City of Baytown. 1-28-88 1805 101O AUTHORIZING the City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for the continued operation of the Harris County Organized Crime Con- trol unit. 2-11-88 1807 1011 AUTHORIZING the City Manager of the City of Baytown to rake application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Division for a grant for a Victim Assistance Program. - 2-11-88 1808 1012 AUTHORIZING the City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue a program of storing, analyzing and corre- lating statistical and analytical data for Apprehension and Crime Prevention Programs. 2-11-88 1809 1013 AUTHORIZING the City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue the Youth and Law 2-11-88 1810 Program. 1014 SUPPORTING the forma- tion of the Gulf Coast Economic Devel- opment District, Inc. approving the dis- trict's organiational structure and appoint- ing a representative of the city on the district's board. 3-10-88 1811 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. v0. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1015 REPEALING Res. No. 767 duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Baytown and declaring said Res. to have no force and effect; finding, de- claring and establish- ing that manufacturing industires near the cor- porate limits of the City rarely use Bay- town's municipal ser- vices to the extent as do private citizens, and such manufacturing indus- tries as a whole should compensate the city pro- portionately as to their use and enjoyment of such municipal services. 3-24-88 1814 1016 FORMALLY recognizing and commending Robert W. "Bob" Chase for outstand- ing community service to Baytown, Texas. 4-14-88 1817 1017 NAMING the City Manager of his designee as being responsible for acting for and on behalf of the City in dealing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. for the purpose of participating in the Land and Conservation Fund Act of 1965; certifying that the city is eligible to receive assistance under such program. 4-28-88 1819 1018 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to request the United States Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to offer the Urban Homesteading- Program to Baytcxm, designating the Cacmnutity Development Planner and in his absence the Direc- tor of Planning and Traffic as the person responsible for administering the program. 5-12-d8 1r,21 RESOLUTION 130OK NO.9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1019 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to request the City of Houston Office on Aging to offer f mding for the Baytown Senior Citizens Taxi Program for the citizens of Baytown, 5-26-88 1822 1020 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to transfer $10,731. from the contingency account to various Library budget accounts. 5-26-88 1823 1021 SUPPORTING and promoting the creation of trust finds for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Historic Preservation Fled. 5-26-88 1824 1022 EXPRESSING support and endorsement of the Houston-Galveston Area Council's (HGAC) Policy Statement re- garding Federal Clean Air Act Legislation. 7-14-88 1626 1023 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to transfer $15,000 from account no. 536105-000203, "Demolition of Build- ings," to account no. 536100-000401, "Vacant Lot Clearing." 7-14-88 1829 1024 REFERRING to the City Coun- cil as "Applicant," and designating certain offi- cials as being responsible for, acting for, and on behalf of the "Applicant" in dealing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. for the purpose of par- ticipating in the Grant Programs. 7-28-88 1830 1025 ADOPTING the Community Deve- lomuent Citizen Participa- tion Plan as required for Cmrnmity Development Block Grant Funding. 8-25-88 1832 1026 AUTAORIZING application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the 1988 Cocmunity Develop- ment Block Grant Funds. 8-25-88 1837 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUB= DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1027 ENCOURAGING USX to seek other options for the Texas Wbrks Steel ^Lill other than the sale of the mill to Iraq. 9-8-88 1840 1023 CASTING its vote for the offices of trustees places 11, 12, 13 and 14, Texas Municipal League Self-Insurance Funds Board of Trustee for the term beginning October 1, 1988. 9-22-88 1842 1029 URGING and recommending that Harris County Cct missioners Court name the golf course being built in this area after Jim Fonteno. 10-27-88 1843 1030 AUT7-ORIZING the City Man- ager to transfer $5,550. from the Council Contin- gency Fund to the mos- quito control fund. 10-27-88 1845 1031 NOMINATING a candidate to fill the unexpired term of a position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Ap- praisal District. (Mayor Lee Tipton of Tomball) 11-10-88 1846 1032 APPOINTING Fred T. Phi- lips as representative to the Board of Direc- tors and the General Asseibly for the Hous- ton-Galveston Area Council for the year 1989 and Ron Embry as alternate. 11-10-88 1848 1033 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to transfer $4,600 from the Council Contingency Fund to the City Hall Annex Maintenance and Heating Fund. 11-29-88 1849 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1034 ADTHORIZLVG the par- ticipation of the City of Baytown in the Hous- ton Coalition of Cities with original jurisdic- tion and the interven- tion of the coalition of cities in Docket No. 8425 before the PUC in connec- tion with the review of the rate increase proceeding instituted by Fouston Light and Power. 12-8-88 1650 1035 CASTING its vote for the Office of Director, Harris County Appraisal District, for the term ending Dec. 31, 1989. 12-8-98 1852 _ 1036 AUTHORIZING. the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Justice Coun- cil for a discretionary grant to fund the East Harris County Drug Task Force. 12-22-88 1853 1037 AUMORIZING the City !-]anger to transfer $86,119. from the Council Contingency Elnd to various accounts. 01-12-89 1854 1038 URGING the Texas Legislature to adopt legislation which will prohibit the imposition of a Municipal Income Tax. 01-26-89 1856 1039 OPPOSEC the proposed fifty percent (50%) pay increase for Congressmen and other Federal Officials unless voted by Congress. 01-26-89 1857 1040 AUTHORIZING the City IManager to transfer $5,410. from the Council Contingency Fund to the Hm an Resources Medi- cal Account Fund for immuni- zations of Fire, Police and EMS. 01-26-89 1858 1041 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make application to the Texas Criminal Justice Coun- cil for the continued opera- tion of the Harris County Organized Crime Control Unit. 0-09-89 1859 RESOLUTION HOOK ND. 9 RFC. NO. SUB= DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1041-A FORMALLY recognizing and thanking Ron R bbry for his service to his cur munity as Councilman for District 6 fran June 7, 1984 to January 26, 1989. 2-09-89 1860 1042 APPOINTING Rolland J. Pruett as alternate representa- tive to the Hoard of Di- rectors and the General Assembly of the HGAC for the year 1989. 2-09-89 1862 1043 AUTHORIZING application to the Economic Development Administration for a grant available from the State and Urban Planning Program operated under the authority of Section 302(a) of the Public Works and Economic De- velopment Act of 1965. 3-09-89 1863 1044 ENCOURAGING the Legislature of the State of Texas to adopt the Texas smoke- Free Indoor Air Act. 3-09-89 1864 1045 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ges of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for a grant to continue a program of storing, analyzing and correlating statistical and analytical data for apprehension and crime prevention Programrs. 3-09-89 1866 1046 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make application co the Texas Criminal Justice Council for a grant to con- tinue the Youth Law Program. 3-09-69 1867 1047 ENCOURAGING the Harris County Appraisal District to re- tain the branch office in Baytown and increase the services offered to proper- ty owners served by this 1868 office. 3-30-89 REsowri N BOOK NO. 9 FES. NO. SUBMCP DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1048 ENCOURAGLW. support of the proposed improve- ments to the Houston Ship Channel. 3-30-89 1870 1049 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make ap- plication to the area Agency on Aging to fund taxi service to senior citizens. 3-30-89 1872 1050 APPROVING the projects contained in the sub- mission of Baytown Area wrnien's Center to the Texas Dept. of Community Affairs for a Texas BTergency Shelter Grant. 4-13-89 1873 1051 NJTMRSZING the City Manager to make ap- clicat.on to the Texas Criminal Justice Division for a grant for a Victim Assistance Program. 4-13-89 1875 1052 ESTABLISHING the 1990 Census Cc mittee. 4-13-89 1876 1053 CaNSEEIDEC and thank- ing Fritz Lanh m for his years of excellent leader- ship and many ac- complishments as City Manager. 4-27-89 1878 1054 CCPNENDING and thank- ing Marceine Lanham for her many years of service as wife to the City Manager. 4-27-89 1881 RESOLUTION BOOK NO.9 RES. NO. SUHTEL.T DATE PASSED PAGE NO. 1055 PROVIDING that the Fist !lain Street Bridge over Goose Creek be named The Perry Sim- mons Bridge. 5-11-89 1883 1056 AUTIORIZING the Acting City Manager to apply for Federal Grant As- sistance under the Federal Water Pol- lution Control Act. 5-11-89 1884 1057 AUTHORIZING the Acting City Manager of the City of Baytown to make application to the Texas Criminal Justice Division for a grant for a victim assistance program; repealing Res. No. 1051. 5-11-89 1885 1058 CANVASSING the returns of a regular Munici- pal Election held on May 20, 1989, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Councilman- at-Large, and five councilman. 5-23-89 1886 1059 CANVASSING the re- turns Of the Mu- nicipal Run-off election held on 6-3-89 to elect a Mayor and a coun- cilman from Dis- trict 3 and 4. 6-8-89 1890 1060 FORMALLY recogniz- ing and thanking Fred T. Philips for his service to his community as Councilman for District 3 from April 11, 1979, through June 8, 1989. 6-8-89 892 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PASSED PAGE NO. -061 FORMALLY recogniz- ing and thanking Perry M. Simmons for his service to his community as Councilman for District 1 from April 30, 1980 to June 8, 1989. 6-8-89 1894 1062 FORMALLY recognizing and thanking Roy L. Fuller for his service to his community as Councilman from Dist. 2 from April 9, 1981, through June 8. 7-13-89 1896 1063 CONFIRMING the declara- tion by the Assistant Emergency Management and Preparedness Di- rector and the Emer- gency Mgmt. and Pre- paredness coordinator of the existence of an emergency on the 26th day of June, 1989. 7-13-89 1898 1064 AUTHORIZING the City Man- ager to transfer $4,675. from the council contin- gency fund to the Library Account Fund. 7-13-89 1900 1065 APPOINTING Pete C. Alfaro as representative of the City of Baytown to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the HGAC for the remain- der of the year 1989 and Rolland Pruett as alter- nate should Pete C. Alfaro become ineligible or re- sign. 7-27-89 1901 1066 CONFIRMING the declaration by the Assistant Emergency Managment and Preparedness Director and the Emergency Management and Preparedness Coordinator of the existence of an emergency on the 1st day of August, 1989. 7-27-89 1902 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO, 1067 AUTHORIZING application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban - Development for the 1989 Community Deve- lopment Block Grant Funds. 8-24-89 1904 1068 SUPPORTING THE week of October 22-29, 1989 as Red Ribbon Week. 10-12-89 1907 1069 NOMINATING Lee Tipton for the office of Director, Harris County Appraisal District for the term beginning on January 1, 1990. 10-12-89 1909 1070 SUPPORTING Proposition No. 8 amending the Texas Constitution. 10-24-89 1910 1071 CONFIRMING the declara- tion by the Assistant Emergency Management and Preparedness Di- rector of the exis- tence of an emergency on the 15th day of October, 1989. 10-24-89 1912 1072 APPOINTING Pete C. Alfaro as Representative of the City to the Board of Di- rectors and the General Assembly of the HGAC for the year 1990 and Rolland J. Pruett as alternate. 11-6-89 1913 1073 APPOINTING the Assistant City Manager as Deputy City Treasurer. 11-6-89 1914 1074 SUPPORTING the Regional and Urban Design Assis- tance Teams (R/UDAT) Program and welcoming them to Baytown. 11-6-89 1915 1075 REVIEWING the current guidelines and criter- ia for granting tax abatement in a rein- vestment zone created in Harris Countv. 12-14-89 1917 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1076 MAKING application to the Harris County Community Develop- ment Agency for a grant to construct water and sewer lines in the ETJ of the City of Baytown. 12-14-89 1919 1077 AUTHORIZING application to the Harris County Private Industry Coun- cil for a contract available under the job training partner- ship Act Title IIA. 1-25-90 1921 1078 FORMALLY thanking Con- gressman Jack Fields for his concern and efforts to save the Texas Works Steel Mill and to restore it as an operational facility. 02-08-90 1922 1079 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make appli- cation to the Texas Criminal Justice Di- vision for a grant for a Victim Assistance Program. 02-08-90 1924 1080 TRANSFERRING $1,049,811. from the Contingency Funds and between de- partments to cover budget overruns for year ended 9-30-89. 02-22-90 1925 1081 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make ap- plication to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for the continued ope- ration of the Harris County Organized Crime Control Unit. 03-08-90 1930 1082 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make ap- plication to the Texas Criminal Jus- tice Council for Texas Narcotic Con- trol Funds. 03-08-90 1931 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1083 AUTHORIZING application to the Economic De- velopment Adminis- tration for a grant available from the State and Urban Planning Program operated under the authority of section 302(a) of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended. 3-22-90 1932 1084 AUTHORIZING publication of notice of inten- tion to issue Certif- icates of Obligation. 4-05-90 1933 1085 REQUESTING the Commission of the Port of Houston Authority to sponsor the deepening and straightening of Cedar Bayou in the Baytown area. 4-05-90 1936 1086 APPROVING the projects contained in the sub- mission of Baytown Area Women's Center to the Texas Department of Com- munity Affairs for a Texas Emergency Shelter Grant. 4-05-90 1937 1087 APPROVING the projects contained in the sub- mission of Baytown Sheltering Arms to the Texas Department of Community Affairs for a Texas Emergency Shelter Grant. 4-05-90 1938 1088 COMMENDING the Exxon Company U.S.A. Baytown Refinery for its designation as an official Texas His- torical Landmark; con- gratulating it for its 70th anniversary. 5-10-90 1939 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1089 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make ap- plication to the Area Agency on Aging to fund taxi service to senior citizens. 5-24-90 1941 1090 AUTHORIZING publication of notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation. 6-11-90 1942 1091 ADOPTING recommendations of the Regional and Urban Design Assistance Team Steering Committee. 7-26-90 1944 1092 REVIEWING the current guide- lines and criteria for granting tax abatement in a reinvestment zone creat- ed in Harris County or Chambers County. 7-26-90 1945 1093 REPEALING Resolution No. 1015 duly adopted by City Council and de- claring said Resolution to have no force 6 effect. 7-26-90 1954 1094 SUPPORTING and encouraging the construction of the Grand Parkway segment from Interstate 10 to the Fred Hartman Bridge. 7-26-90 1957 1095 AUTHORIZING application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment for the 1990 Community Development Block Grant Funds. 8-9-90 1958 1096 SUPPORTING the TML's pro- posed amendments to the Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143. (Municipal Civil Ser- vice Act) 8-9-90 1961 L097 REQUESTING that IH-10, East of Houston's Loop 610 to the Cham- bers County Line, be officially named the Baytown East Freeway. 9-13-90 1973 RESOLUTION BOOK NO.9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1098 AUTHORIZING the city Manager to make application to the State Dept. of Highways and Pub- lic Transportation for a Traffic Manage- Grant. 9-13-90 1975 1099 RECOGNIZING, commending and congratulating Exxon Chemical Amer- icas upon its 50th Anniversary. 9-13-90 1976 1100 AUTHORIZING the City of Baytown to participate in the Coalition of Cities. (HLSP) 9-27-90 1978 1101 REPEALING Resolution No. 1097 and request- ing that IH-10, East of U.S. Highway 59 to the Chambers County line, be officially named the Baytown East Freeway. 10-11-90 1980 1102 SUPPORTING the week of October 21-28, 1990, as Red Ribbon Week. 10-23-90 1982 1103 SUPPORTING the City of LaPorte in its effort to have the Texas Water Commission reconsider and withdraw its action approving the applica- tion of Houston Chemi- cal Services, Inc. 10-23-90 1984 1104 AUTHORIZING the Adminis- tration to apply to the Community Rating System established by the Federal Insurance Ad- ministration; 1-31-91 1985 1105 AUTHORIZING application to the Harris County Pri- vate Industry Council for a contract avail- able under the Job Training Partnership Act Title IIB. 1-31-91 1987 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1106 SUPPORTING our Coalition Troops in the Middle East and demanding humane treatment of prisoners of war. 02-14-91 1988 1107 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to transfer funds from the Contingency Account Fund to other departments. 02-14-91 1990 1108 APPOINTING Pete C. Alfaro as representative of the city to the Board of Di- rectors and the General Assembly of the HGAC for the year 1991 and Bobby J. Credille as alternate should Pete C. Alfaro become ineligible or resign. 02-14-91 1997 1109 COMMENDING and thanking Randall B. Strong for his years of excellent service and wise counsel as city attorney. 02-14-91 1998 1110 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to make application to the HGAC for funding of D.A.R.E. Baytown (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). 02-28-91 2000 1111 SUPPORTING legislation to create a Metropolitan Transit Authority for the City of Baytown. 03-14-91 2001 1112 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to make application the the Texas Criminal Justice Council for Texas Narcotic Control Funds. 03-14-91 2002 1113 AUTHORIZING the Building Inspector acting in his capacity as the Flood Plain Administrator to grant a variance of Sec- tion 12 1/2-30 Article V(d) to property at 1300 Market Street. 03-14-91 2003 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE P4GE NO. 1114 SUPPORTING House Bill 1573 for a Texas Local Park Fund. +-11-91 2005 1115 SUPPORTING Legislation to extend the authority to designate enter- prise projects and granting of related tax benefits. 4-11-91 2007 1116 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to submit a pre-application pro- posal to the Economic Development Adminis- tration for A Public Works Program Grant. 4-25-91 2009 1117 ENDORSING the applica- tion of Baytown Habi- tat for Humanity, Inc. to participate in Resolution Trust Corp. Property For Public Use Program. 5-09-91 2010 1118 SUPPORTING Legislation to require a tax permit to move a manufactured home. 5-23-91 2012 1119 SUPPORTING the appoint- ment of Dr. Drew D. Williams, M.D. to the Texas Board of Medical Examiners. 5-23-91 2013 1120 SUPPORTING the estab- lishement of a Com- munity Correctional Facility in Baytown. 6-13-91 2014 1121 EXPRESSING opposition to redistricting plans that will place the city in two separate county precincts. 6-27-91 2015 1122 AUTHORIZING the City Mgr. to make application to the State Dept. of High- ways and Public Trans- portation for a Traffic Light Synchronization Grant and to execute necessary documents for the application. 7-11-91 2017 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1123 AUTHORIZING the City Manager to make application to the Economic De- velopment Admin- istration for a Public Works Grant. 7-11-91 2019 1124 EXPRESSING opposition to redistricting plans that will place that portion of Baytown which is located within the boundaries of Harris County in two sepa- rate U.S. Congres- sional districts. 8-20-91 2020 1125 AUTHORIZING application to the U.S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development for the 1991 Community Development Block Grant Funds. 8-20-91 2022 1126 REQUESTING that the pony baseball field at Jen- kins-Holloway Park be renamed the "Elbert Barringer Field" in honor of Mr. Elbert Barringer, and that a memorial plaque in honor of Mr. Barringer be placed in a promi- nent location at or near said filed. 9-26-91 2026 1127 REPEALING Resolution No. 999 which requires that a minimum fund balance be kept in the General Obliga- tion Interest and Sinking Fund. 9-26-91 2028 1128 NOMINATING Lee Tipton for the office of Director, Harris County Appraisal District. 10-10-91 2029 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1129 CASTING its ballot for the eclection of a person to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Apprai- sal District. 10-22-91 2030 1130 CANVASSING the returns of the Special Elec- tion held on 11-5-91 for the purpose of authorizing the sale or exchange of the McElrov Park loca- tion on Decker Dr. and Baker Rd. for a new park of greater or equal value. 11-07-91 2032 1131 APPOINTING Pete C. Al- faro as Representa- tive of the City of Baytown to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the HGAC for the year 1992 and Bobby J. Credille as al- ternate should Pete C. Alfaro become ineligible or resign. 11-14-91 2034 1132 AUTHORIZING the City Mana- ger to sign and submit an application to the Economic Development Administration for a Public Works Grant. 11-25-91 2035 1133 APPROVING issuance of Single Family Mort- gage Revenue Bonds and Revenue Refunding Bonds by the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corp. 12-2-91 2036 1134 ADOPTING a Floodplain Management Plan and Repetitive Loss Plan. 12-12-91 2039 1135 ADOPTING the Conceptual Plan, "The Goose Creek Stream: The Greenbelt Initiative." 12-12-91 2041 RESOLUTION BOOK NO. 9 RES. NO. SUBJECT DATE PAGE NO. 1136 DESIGNATING certain officials as being responsible for the City of Baytown for participation in Grant Programs for Texas Parks and Wildlife. 12-12-91 2043 1137 AUTHORIZING an Interlocal Agreement with the State Purchasing and General Services Commission for various purchases. 12-12-91 2045