Ordinance No. 12,300ORDINANC71- NIO. 12,300 AN (-")R,'D1-NANC',E OF 'YIIE CC)UNC711- C)F -FFIE C'YFY C.-)F BAY-IV)WN, -1-1--'XAS, AU-FI IORIZINO -I-l-IF- PAYMEN'l- (.�F- AN AMC-)UN'FN0-l-'Y(,3 L-,XCF--L--F) E101-11'Y -1-1--IOtJSANI,7 ANE) NO/100 1301-LARS ($80,000-00) TC) FEOURAL, SIONAI, C(:)RPC)RA'l-1C)N FOR' PURC211ASE 4731! DIVUE(TwIaN FOR BAY'F(-�O WN'S C,-,)FFlC2L-, OF Erv1l-.--R,C3EN'Y N/lANAC.-vl---'N/lEN'F; N/lAKIN(i PROVISIONS AND 131MVIDINC3 FCMI WME EFFECKIN/E f3mr-u&WHIOREC310. WIIERF:�AS, Texas I.ocal Ouvernment C2odu Announed §252A)22 Im-ovides that wheel the functional requircli-lents oFthe City can only be satisfied byone soin-ce, the recithrcrticlit Orcompothive Ms is notappUcable; anti WHIRREAS, the procurement of-detection hISti-LinlentiAti011 for Baytown's (A'fice ofEtriergency Managernent call only be satisfIed In' One SOLWCO, Fcdmml Signal Corporation, NC3)W TI I F'R E F`<-3 F1, E im rr ummkipum E&N, ri 11 cfl"Y CX-)LJNC,'Il, Cif' -VllF CI -I'V OF Section 1: What the (City C,'OUnCii (-)rthe My of Baytown, '1 hereby CICC121-CS that Only (>Ile SOLa-CC Call satisfy the neuds of the City for warning sirens For Buytoww's (311-ice of Emergency Management. Section 2: "I"hat (lie City Cotiticil ofthe City of-Baytown,'rexas, authorizes payment caftan atuount not U) exceed ElCiUFFY 1-1-MUSAND AND NCW1OO OCMA.ARS ($80,000.00) to Federal Sippial C7"rljoration, as the nude SOUT-CO, lbr file 134-11-CIMSC Of VVarning sirens for Baytown's UFFice of Eraierge ncy Managenrent- Sention 3: I'luit pursuant to the proviskms oCI-exas. Local 0overnment CAide Arn"Aated § 252.048, the Clty Manager is hereby grmUed general authority to app"we any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs ul- F] F'I-Y J-1 IC7WSAN F3 ANLI NC3/l 00 13WI.I.A ITS (OR50,000.00) or less, SL[t-)jCCt to the I-WOViSiOn that the Original Contract price may not be increased by n-tore than "venty-five percent Q25 x,) or decreased by nmwe than twenty, -flive percent (2510) �,Vitl)[C)Llt the Consent 01-the contractor to Such decrease. Section 4: 'I'll isord inai ice sliall take effect inimediately from and alltej i J-)aSSage by the City (�COUFTCH OIQ Uity, c)c flaytown, /"-1 READ and 1'ASSEEJD3 by the affirmative v(-#Ie cWthe C 25'f, day of-July, 2013. S"r EC 1 11 , WK111, C4, 6A LTTICAA 131Z AS 'I-C) FORWATQ��, Yoe -�A t C--IC�) FZAMIRIF�---Z-, it Ircirney R AK m en\F, fl esW""ity Comicih( )rdimances\20 M 3\.1 tj Al y IC cns.doc tacit (-->fthe C7ity of Bayt(:.)xvn ill is (lie Mayor