Ordinance No. 12,291ORDINANC-71"', NO. 12,291 AN C)P-E)INA,'NCI-, (--)F '['"[-]E C1'1'Y C(.)UNCII- C)U'l-1--lFCITV C)F 13A'Y'I-'(:.)WN, Tl-�---XAS, AMl7-.Nl.:)VNC! THE ZONINU MAP 01- -I- HE Cl-[--Y (-3+' B/S Y'"I'OWN CONCER>-NINCY APPROXIMATEI-Y A 10.01 -ACRE� PIARCELI 01", I.ANE) I.-OCATI--,.-D 2,0 O 171-11-,T NVEST OF SH 146 ADJACENT -U0 -rI-IE IN-FEERSTATE 10 EASTBOUND FEEEWIZ ROADI , BAYTOWN, I-IAP-RIS (:7c:)LjN,i,Y, rEXAS, T'O RLI'ZON- SUCH PRC)PFR'I'Y FROM OPEN SPACE/REC'P-EATIO-N (C) R) ZC-)N 11-�4 Ci IDISTRICT I.C3 OENL?IRAILI C(-)N/IN41--,RC'IAI.- (OC) Z0114ING L)IST12IC-17; PRIESCUUBINIC3 "N' MAXImum PET-4ALTY OF TWO -I'IIOUSA�14r) AND 7*,TO1100 DOI-I-ARS ($2,000.00)-1 PROVII-31-NG J*%- REPl:-'1AI,LNCi CI-AUSE"; CON-VAININO A SAVIT-TGS C,L,AL.JSI.-.--; AND 111�-'OVIOING FOR1 - IJIE PUBEICA'I'lON AN I.FFECTIVI-1' A, * * * * * * * * * * A, * * * *- * * * * * * * -J -41 * * 144 * 41 * IP * * * * * * * IP * * * * * 'j, ft 4" 'j, * * It * * * * 4, zj, * 'j, sIt spa je 'j, 'Ic * I,: * *- * 'kt It 4,t 't- * * +t * BE' 1'1' BY CI'l'Y CI'I'Y Of-' BAY'l'WA/N, Section 1: That the City CC)UnCil (,4)f't]-ic City (.)f' Baytown, `I'exas, hereby arrlcnds tile, official zoning rural-) ol' the City ol' Baytown t(-) CH`eCtUate zoning district changes for apl:)roxirnately a 11),()1 -acre parcel of' Land located 2,000 flect west ol'SI-1 146 ad ' jaccilt to the Interstate 10 castboUrld feeder road, Baytown, I-larris COUnty, to rezone Such property fi-orn Space/P-ecreation (OP-) (.-niing 1-3istrict t(-.) Clerieral Corni-nercial (GC) Zoning District. 'I'lic arnerided portion c,,)f- the 01-11ICial zoning map is attached hereto as Exhibit -A- mid incorporated herein 1-or all intents and purposes. Section 2: Any person who l'ails to cornply ,vith any provision of- this ordinance shall be guilty of a misclei-neanor and, upon conviction, shall be l--,)1L111iS1-icd by as 1-111c not exceeding TWO T1 IOUSAND /-'NLNLD NC)/I00 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). E-'ach act of- vi(:)lation and each day ul-,)on -which any SLICh Violation shall OCCUr shall ccwtstitutc as sef-mrate ofTense. In additigc-)n to the penalty prescribed above, ti-IC City naaay 1-3111-SLIC other remedies such as abatement CW FlLliSaFACCS. ill.jUnctive relief-, achninistratiVC ad-jUdication and rev<)eati(,->n (:W licenses or permits. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordimaiices inconsistent with the terms this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent ()t- such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be CL11-1-It-datiVe of' 0t17C1- 01-dirlUrICCS regulating and governing the :subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4: If, any pr(--)visik-.)ii, section, eXCCl-3ti1-71-1, SL1t)1SCCti01-1, paragraph, sentence, ClaLlSe or phrase of this ordinance or the application of sanic to any person or the set of' cii-CLIVIISUMICCS, shall Gor any reason be field axncorastitratiornaal, void c-.)i- invalid, SLICII invalidity shall not at-f-ect the validity of tile remaining j.-3rovisions of- this ordinance or their application to othcr. persons or sets Of Cil-CLITTISUIFICcs and to this crid all pr(--)visit)ris (-Wthis ordinance are declared to be severaNc. Section 5: ]'his ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days fron-i its Massage by the City Council. The C ity Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be Published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordi nanW INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the City of Baytown, this the 25't' day ol'July, 2013. ATTEST: LETICIA B'K,)P,C11f1. Ci APPROVED AS °1 FORM: ell(JINACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Ct 1 Attorney ative vote of the City Council of the NCARLOS, Mayor RAKarenkFiles\Oty 25'WZ�,)iieMti-)Amiicii(Jtiici)tf3iy(,)kil3cildi Vil<trk.doc 7 I T %owl j Owl- M I % 0 NJ t NJ JJ a 100M#6M a In It mimor City Limits MF2 (Mid -Rise Mixed Res.) i Streets MF3 (High Density Mixed Res.) ETJ - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction MU (Mixed Use) Zon,ing Districts DISC (Neighborhood Serving Commercial) ACE (Arts, Cultural and Entertainment) OR (open Space/Recreation) GC (General Commercial) SF1 (Low Density Single-Fam. Res.) HI (Heavy Industrial) SF2 (Mixed Res. Low/Med. Density) LC (Livable Center) SFE (Single-Fam. Estate) LI (Light indw s tria Lill UN (Urban Neighborhood) MF1 (Med. Density Mixed Res.)