Ordinance No. 12,302ORDINANCI`1' NO. 12,302 AN ORDINANCE OFTHE CITY COUNCIL OF-11 HE CITY 01 T!"'XAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 102 "V1,141CLES FOR HIRE," ARTICI.,E III "TOW TRUCKS," DIVISION 2 "CONSE'NTAND NONCONSEN'r TOWS- OF, THE CODE OF' ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS, TO ADD A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMB EIS IJ1) AND ENTITLE-D SECTION 102-175 4OFFICIAI. IDENTIFICA"HON; DISPI.,AY" TO REQUIRE AN OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION FOR TOW TRUCK OPERATORS PF1RI`ORMl`NG NONCONSENT TOWS PURSUANT TO THIS ARTICLIH; AMI NDING CHAVITR 102 "VEHICLES FOR HIJZI ," ARTICU III "TOW TRUCKS," DIVISION 3 "PERMIT," SECTION 102-196 "APPI-ICATION," SUBSEC'nON (13) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, `ET XAS, TO Rf,-1QUIRE TOWFNG COMPANIES TO SUBMIT WITH TI IEIR APPLICATIONS INF'ORMA,riON CONCERNING THEIR TOW TRUCK OPE"RATORS; PROVIDING A REPI"'I'AUNG CLAUSI'l; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSt'; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PIENAI-A'Y OF' FIVE HUNDRI'D AND NO/100 DO111,ARS ($500.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE .1 ` E PUBLICATION AND EF'E FcTiVE DATE DA THER OF. 4, * * * * * * * * 4, * * * * * * * aka} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 44 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4, * * * * * * BF'l 11 ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCII-, OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TF'XAS: Section 1: That Chapter 102 "Vehicles for Hire," Article III -Tow rrucks," Division 2 "Consent And Nonconsent Tows" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to add a new section to be numbered and entitled Section 102-175 "Official identification,- display," which section shall read as Follows: CHAPTER 102. VEHICLES FOR HIRE ARTICLE 111. TOW 'I DIVISION 2. CONSENT AND NONCONSENTTOWS' Sec. 102-175. Official identification; display (a) No person may perform a nonconsent Low under this article unless: (1) the person holds incident management towing operator's license issued by the state department of licensing and regulation that is valid at the time of the nonconsent tow; (2) a copy of such a valid state license is on file with the city clerk; and (3) the person has been issued an official identification by the Chiet'Of police pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. (b) No towing company may dispatch or otherwise allow a person to operate a tow truck oil its behalf under this article if* Such person does not have both (i) an incident management towing operator's license issued by the state department of' licensing and regulation all(] (ii) all official identification issued by the chief" of police that are valid at the time of the person is dispatched to or otherwise performs a nonconsent tow oil behalf' of the towing company. (c) After filing as copy of a valid incident management towing operator's license as required in subsection (a) of this section with the city clerk, each tow truck operator shall request all official identification card to be issued by the chief of police, which request shall include a photograph meeting the requirements of section 102-196 (b)(12). This official identification shall contain the tow truck operator's name, a photograph of the tow truck operator, the name of the towing company for which the tow truck operator performs nonconsent tows, the issuance date of the official identification and the expiration date of the same. 'rhe expiration date of the official identification shall coincide with the expiration of the incident management towing operator's license issued by the state department of licensing and regulation. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any activity for which an incident management towing operator"s license is required by the state or official identification is required under this article unless lie displays such license and identification to the peace officer at the scene of the nonconsent tow. Section 2: That Chapter 102 "Vehicles for I-lire," Article III "Tow Trucks," Division 3 "Permit," Section 102-196 Subsection (b) of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, J'exas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 102. VEHICLES FOR HIRE ARTICLE M. TOW TRUCKS DIVISION 3. PERMIT (b) A towing company must submit the Following information oil its tow truck permit application: (t) J'he name and address of the owner and the name and address of the towing company; (2) A copy of the incident management towing operator's license issued by tile state commission of licensing and regulation for each tow truck to be operated by tile towing company for nonconsetit tows; M (3) The amount of" parkin; available, i.e., space to keel) cat's and tow trucks off the street; (4) The make, model and type ofvehicle(s) to be operated by the towing company for nonconsent tows; (5) Whether the vehicle(s) shall be operated by the owner or his employee Nvith a bona fide ern 1) 1 oyer-em ploy ee relationship, together with a copy of` the owner's or employee's incident management towing operator's license issued by the state cornmission of licensing and regulation; (() Whether the applicant proposes to own, rent or lease the vehicle(s) to be used; (7) Proof that the applicant has a storage facility within the corporate city limits o C the city, which is licensed by state law suitable for the protection of stored vehicles and fenced as required by city ordinance; (8) Proof of insurance coverage as required in the tow agreement and state law; (9) Proof that the vehicle(s) have undergone and passed all inspection performed by the chief of police within the two -month period immediately preceding the application Im• proper equipment required to be oil each tow truck as stated in this division and in the tow agreement; (10) Proof that the storage lot to be used by the applicant is currently licensed as an automobile storage lot under the applicable statutes and regulations, including a copy of the vehicle storage facility license issued by the state commission of licensing and regulation; (I 1) A copy of the cab card issued by the state commission of licensing and regulation for each tow truck to be operated by the towing, company; (12) A copy of tile incident management license of each tow truck operator performing nonconsent tows on behalf' of' the towing company along with a color visa-sized photograph cut to 1 V4 inches by 1 /4 inches of each such tow truck operator; and (13) A completed tow agreement executed by the towing company. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of SLICII inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject niatter covered by this ordinance. Section 4: If any provision, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or the set of' 3 circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of` ci rcum stances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 5: Any person who fails to comply with any provision ofthis ordinance shall Ire guihy of as misdemeanor and, Upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding FIVE HUNDRED AND 1^ O/100 DOLLARS ($500.00). Each act of violation and each day, upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate of'f'ense. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the city may pursue other remedies such as abatement of' nuisances, injunctive relief, administrative adjudication and revocation ollicenses or permits. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect front and after ten ('10) days front its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof ley causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of'"the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage ofthis ordinance, I INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSE'D by the affirmative City of Baytown, this the 25"' day of'July, 201 3 ). AT"FEST: LF"TICIIA BI YSCH, C11brk" APPROVED AS TO FOI 1 FZ, 1 ty ICI, CIO RAMIREZ, S . attorney RAKaren\l:a I o\()ty COU [I Ci I )rtfinancea\2013\Ju I), 2-,\To%vTruck[D doc 4 MFAM the City Council 01. , the NCARLOS, Mayor