Ordinance No. 12,061ORDINANCE NO. 12,061 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A MEET AND CONFER AGREEMENT WITH THE BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL POLICE ASSOCIATION, INC.; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest to a Meet and Confer Agreement with the Baytown Municipal Police Association, Inc. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 27`" day of September, 2012. APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4VNACIO Sr., City 19omey R:VCeren\iiles \City Council \Ordinances\2o12\Sepmmber 2TMC ,..WonkrAgeemamd. H. DONCARLOS, Mayor Exhibit "A" Ty Iq AGREEMENT between THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS .lq BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL POLICE ASSOCIATION, INC. Ao*4- TABLE OF CONTENTS INTENTAND PURPOSE ................................................................................. ..............................3 ARTICLE I - AUTHORITY AND RECOGNITION ...................................... ..............................3 ARTICLE 2 — PREEMPTION PROVISION .................................................... ..............................3 ARTICLE 3 — REIMBURSEMENT OF ACADEMY TRAINING 'COITION ..............................3 ARTICLE 4 — SIGNING INCENTIVE ............................................................. ..............................4 ARTICLE 5 — ALTERNATIVE HIRING ......................................................... ..............................4 ARTICLE 6 — RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR ALTERNATIVE HI RES ... ..............................5 ARTICLE 7— RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR EXISTING POLICE OFFICERS .....................5 ARTICLE8 — COMPENSATION ................................................................... ............................... 5 ARTICLE 9 — COMPLETE AGREEMENT CLAUSE .................................... ..............................5 ARTICLE10 — SAVINGS CLAUSE ............................................................... ..............................6 ARTICLE 11— DURATION OF AGREEMENT ............................................. ..............................6 2 U", 4�,- I • /-?. lz �r INTENT AND PURPOSE It is the intent and purpose of this Agreement, entered into by the City of Baytown, Texas, a home rule municipality hereinafter referred to as (lie "City" and the Baytown Municipal Police Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Association," to achieve and maintain harmonious relations between the Parties related to working conditions and other conditions of employment in accordance with Subchapter B of Chapter 142 Texas Local Government Code and not deny local control by the City. The Agreement has been reached by the City and the Association, collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Parties," through the process of Meet and Confer with the objective of fostering effective cooperation between the City and its Police Officers. ARTICLE 1 AUTHORITY AND RECOGNITION The City recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all covered police officers as defined in Texas Local Government Code Section 143.003, excluding the employees exempt under Section 142.058(b) of the Police Department, hereinafter referred to as "Police Officers," pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Section 142.051, et seq. ARTICLE 2 During the term of this Agreement and to the extent of any conflict, the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede the provisions of all contrary statutes, Executive Orders, local ordinances, and rules, including for example and not by way of limitation, the contrary provisions of Texas Local Government Code Chapters 141, 142 and 143, Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas, and the Rules and Regulations of the Police and Firefighter's Civil Service Commission for the City of Baytown, Texas. This preemption provision is authorized by Section 142.067 of the Texas Local Government Code, and the Parties have expressly agreed that each and every provision involving or creating such a conflict shall have the effect of superseding the statutory standard or result, which would otherwise be obtained in the absence of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 REIMBURSEMENT OF ACADEMY TRAINING TUITION Subject to the provisions of this article, a Police Officer who has completed a course of instruction at an accredited peace officer academy within one (1) year of his/her hire date, shall be reimbursed the cost of the academy tuition in an amount not to exceed $2000 in accordance with this article. This reimbursement shall be paid as follows: $500 within 30 days after successful completion of the FTO program and the balance in equal monthly installments until the end of his /her probationary period; provided, however, should the Police Officer fail to complete his /her probation period for any reason, such Police Officer shall reimburse the City all monies paid to him /her pursuant to this article. Reimbursement shall be made only if the Police Officer has expended his/her personal funds for such instruction, has not been reimbursed for the same by any governmental entity, and provides necessary documentation, as determined by the City, for reimbursement. 3 %� / /?• IZ ARTICLE 4 SIGNING INCENTIVE Subject to the conditions listed below, any person initially appointed to any position in the class of Police Cadet on or after the effective date of this agreement, but no later than March 31, 2013, shall receive $1,500 as follows: $500 upon successful completion of the FTO program and the balance in equal monthly installments until the end of the probationary period for a total payment of $1,500; provided, however, should the Police Officer fail to complete his/her probation period for any reason, such Police Officer shall reimburse the City all monies paid to him/her pursuant to this article. ARTICLE 5 ALTERNATIVE HIRING Notwithstanding any provisions in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143, the Parties have agreed that the needs of the Police Department for qualified and capable personnel require the adoption and implementation of these provisions to modify the hiring provisions in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143: a. The City shall be authorized and entitled to hire peace officers from other Texas law enforcement agencies, or who have been employed by such agencies within the last six (6) months and have left such employment in good standing, in accordance with the provisions and limitations contained in this article. b. for purposes of the pay scale, Police Officers, who (i) have experience in another Texas law enforcement agency as a peace officer, (ii) otherwise meet the qualifications for a Police Officer in the Baytown Police Department, and (iii) are hired by the City, shall be credited with up to five (5) years of service as follows: Number of Completed Years of Service as a Peace Officer in the Immediately preceding Law Enforcement Agency Credited) Years of Service in the Baytown Police Department 2 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 This service credit applies only to the pay scale and does not apply to City longevity, seniority, or department seniority for the purposes of shift picks, vacation picks or promotional opportunities. The training program for officers hired under this article shall be determined by Chief of the Police Department. The expiration of this Agreement after the hiring of any cadet or officer shall not affect the employment of such cadet or officer, irrespective of the fact that the cadet or officer may not have finished the 4 7/4 4�2. 9-011 A*,"- academy or other training programs or requirements. This Article shall supersede all contrary provisions in Texas Local Government Code Chapters 141, 142 and 143, including Sections 143.021 — 143.025. ARTICLE RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR ALTERNATIVE AIRES The City shall reimburse the cost of moving household goods and effects to the City of Baytown for officers hired under Article 5 up to a maximum of $2,000, The officer will obtain three (3) bids from reputable moving firms and the City Manager may elect the moving firm of choice, reserving the option to select the lowest responsible bidder. Moving reimbursement is available only for moves from outside the city limits to inside the city limits of Baytown. ARTICLE RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR EXISTING POLICE OFFICERS Existing City of Baytown police officers residing outside the City limits wishing to move into the City limits will be eligible for closing cost assistance of $2,000 to purchase a conventional home within the City limits. This assistance will be provided only once to an officer and only when the officer moves from outside the City limits and purchases a conventional home within the City limits and establishes that home as his /her primary residence. Mobile homes, manufactured homes, and homes purchased under a contract for deed will not be eligible for this benefit. A Police Officer, whose home is annexed into the City after the effective date of this Agreement will not be eligible for this benefit. ARTICLE Base Compensation. Effective January I, 2013, Police Officers covered by this Agreement shall be paid base compensation in accordance with the amounts specified in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Certificate Pay. Effective January I, 2013, Police Officers, who have completed the FTO program and have the following certifications, shall be paid the following monthly certificate pay: Intermeiate d $80.00 Advanced $145.00 Master $200.00 ARTICLE 9 COMPLETE AGREEMENT CLAUSE This Agreement constitutes the full and complete Agreement of the parties and there are no others, oral or written, except as specified in this Agreement. This Agreement, however, does not supersede Article 7.5 "Bonus Pay" contained in the First Amendment to the Agreement approved by City Council on September 22, 2008 via Ordinance No. 10,996, which amendment shall continue in force and effect until October 31, 2012, or until the fourth quarter FY2011 -12 bonus payment is made, whichever occurs first. l,q eC j1112 It is understood and agreed that the contract may be amended by only mutual consent of the Parties to this Agreement subject to the provisions of Chapter 142 of the Texas Local Government Code. ARTICLE 10 SAVINGS CLAUSE Should any provision of this Agreement be found to be inoperative, void or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, it being the intention of the Parties that no portion of this Agreement or provision herein shall become inoperative or fail by reason of the invalidity of any other portion or provision. ARTICLE 11 DURATION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall become effective upon the signature by the Mayor of the City Council of the City after ratification by the affected employees pursuant to a vote conducted by the Association and after approval by the City Council. It shall continue in effect until December 31, 2013, unless terminated in accordance with Section 142.065 of the Texas Local Government Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HAVE CAUSED TO HAVE THIS AGREEMENT TO BE SIGNED BY THEIR DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ON THIS DAY OF , 2012. CITY OF BAYTOWN BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL POLICE ASSOCIATION, INC. STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, Mayor AARON CROWELL, President ATTEST: ATTEST LETICIA BRYSCH, City Clerk (Signature) (Printed Name) ('title) 6 Police Officer Sergeant Lieutenant Assistant Chief Exhibit "A" FY2013 Police Salary Effective January 2013 Years in rank 2013Annual Salary Probationary 1 $44,400 1 $ 46,250 2 $ 47,869 3 $ 49,544 4 $ 51,278 5 $ 53,073 6 $ 54,930 7 $ 56,853 8 $ 58,843 9 $ 60,902 10+ 1 $ 63,579 Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salary 1 0 -2 $ 66,122 2 3-4 $ 68,436 3 5+ $ 70,832 Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salar 1 0 -2 $ 73,445 2 3-4 $ 76,502 3 5+ $ 79,560 Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salary 1 0 -2 $ 83,538 2 3-4 $ 84,677 3 5+ $ 92,607 AGREEMENT between THE CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS and BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL POLICE ASSOCIATION,INC. T//}*£<?./?•a TABLE OF CONTENTS INTENT AND PURPOSE 3 ARTICLE 1-AUTHORITY AND RECOGNITION 3 ARTICLE 2-PREEMPTION PROVISION 3 ARTICLE 3-REIMBURSEMENT OF ACADEMY TRAINING TUITION 3 ARTICLE 4-SIGNING INCENTIVE 4 ARTICLE 5-ALTERNATIVE HIRING 4 ARTICLE 6-RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR ALTERNATIVE HIRES 5 ARTICLE 7-RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR EXISTING POLICE OFFICERS 5 ARTICLE 8-COMPENSATION 5 ARTICLE 9-COMPLETE AGREEMENT CLAUSE 5 ARTICLE 10 -SAVINGS CLAUSE 6 ARTICLE 11 -DURATION OF AGREEMENT 6 INTENT AND PURPOSE It istheintentandpurpose of thisAgreement,enteredintobytheCity of Baytown,Texas,ahomerule municipalityhereinafterreferredtoasthe"City"andtheBaytownMunicipalPoliceAssociation,Inc., hereinafter referred toasthe "Association,"to achieve and maintain harmonious relations between the PartiesrelatedtoworkingconditionsandotherconditionsofemploymentinaccordancewithSubchapter BofChapter142TexasLocalGovernmentCodeandnotdenylocalcontrolbytheCity.TheAgreement hasbeenreachedbytheCityandtheAssociation,collectively hereinafter referredtoasthe "Parties," throughtheprocess of MeetandConferwiththeobjective of fosteringeffectivecooperationbetweenthe CityanditsPoliceOfficers. ARTICLE 1 AUTHORITY AND RECOGNITION TheCity recognizes the Association asthesoleandexclusive bargaining agentforallcoveredpolice officersasdefinedinTexasLocalGovernmentCodeSection143.003,excluding the employees exempt underSection142.058(b)of thePoliceDepartment,hereinafterreferredtoas "Police Officers,"pursuant to Texas Local Government Code,Section 142.051,etseq. ARTICLE 2 PREEMPTION PROVISION Duringtheterm of thisAgreementandtotheextent of anyconflict,theprovisions of thisAgreement shallsupersedetheprovisions of allcontrarystatutes,ExecutiveOrders,localordinances,andrules, includingforexampleandnotbyway of limitation,thecontraryprovisions of TexasLocalGovernment CodeChapters 141,142 and143,OrdinancesoftheCity of Baytown,Texas,andtheRulesand Regulations ofthePoliceandFirefighter'sCivil Service Commission fortheCityof Baytown,Texas. ThispreemptionprovisionisauthorizedbySection 142.067 oftheTexasLocalGovernmentCode,and thePartieshaveexpresslyagreedthateachandevery provision involvingorcreatingsuchaconflictshall havetheeffect of supersedingthestatutorystandardorresult,whichwouldotherwisebeobtainedinthe absence of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 REIMBURSEMENT OF ACADEMY TRAINING TUITION Subjecttotheprovisionsofthisarticle,aPoliceOfficerwhohas completed acourseof instruction atan accreditedpeaceofficeracademywithinone(1)year of his/herhiredate,shallbereimbursedthecost of theacademytuitioninanamountnottoexceed$2000inaccordancewiththisarticle.This reimbursementshallbepaidas follows:$500within30daysaftersuccessfulcompletion of theFTO program andthe balance inequal monthly installments until theendofhis/her probationary period; provided,however,shouldthePoliceOfficerfailtocompletehis/herprobationperiodforany reason, suchPolice Officer shall reimburse theCityallmoniespaidto him/her pursuant tothisarticle. Reimbursement shallbemadeonlyifthePoliceOfficerhasexpendedhis/herpersonalfundsforsuch instruction,hasnotbeenreimbursedforthesamebyanygovernmentalentity,andprovidesnecessary documentation,as determined bytheCity,for reimbursement. ARTICLE 4 SIGNING INCENTIVE Subjecttothe conditions listedbelow,anypersoninitially appointed toanypositionintheclass of Police Cadetonorafterthe effective date of this agreement,butnolaterthanMarch 31,2013,shallreceive SI,500 asfollows:$500upon successful completion of the FTO programandthebalanceinequal monthlyinstallmentsuntiltheend of theprobationaryperiodforatotalpaymentof SI,500;provided, however,shouldthePolice Officer failto complete his/herprobationperiodforanyreason,suchPolice Officer shall reimburse theCityallmoniespaidtohim/herpursuanttothisarticle. ARTICLE 5 ALTERNATIVE HIRING Notwithstanding any provisions inTexasLocal Government Code Chapter 143,thePartieshaveagreed thattheneeds of thePolice Department forqualifiedand capable personnelrequirethe adoption and implementation of theseprovisionstomodifythehiringprovisionsinTexasLocalGovernmentCode Chapter 143: a.TheCityshallbeauthorizedandentitledtohirepeaceofficersfromotherTexaslaw enforcementagencies,orwhohavebeenemployedbysuch agencies withinthelastsix (6)monthsandhaveleftsuchemploymentingoodstanding,inaccordancewiththe provisionsandlimitations contained inthisarticle. b.For purposesofthepay scale.Police Officers,who(i)haveexperienceinanotherTexas lawenforcementagencyasapeaceofficer,(ii)otherwisemeetthequalificationsfora PoliceOfficerintheBaytownPoliceDepartment,and(iii)archiredbytheCity,shallbe credited withuptofive(5)years of serviceasfollows: c. Number of Completed Years of Service as a Peace Officer in the Immediately preceding Law Enforcement Agency Credited Years of Service in the Baytown Police Department 2 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 ThisservicecreditappliesonlytothepayscaleanddoesnotapplytoCitylongevity, seniority,or department seniority forthe purposes ofshift picks,vacation picksor promotionalopportunities. Thetrainingprogramforofficershiredunderthisarticleshallbedeterminedby Chief of thePolice Department. The expiration ofthis Agreement afterthe hiring of any cadet or officer shall not affect the employment ofsuchcadetor officer,irrespective ofthe fact thatthecadetorofficermaynothave finished the <rV-It'll. i/A 42^9/7-iz /it*- academy orothertraining programs or requirements.This Article shall supersede all contrary provisions inTexasLocalGovernmentCodeChapters141,142and143,includingSections 143.021 -143.025. ARTICLE 6 RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR ALTERNATIVE HIRES TheCityshallreimbursethecost of movinghouseholdgoodsandeffectstotheCity of Baytownfor officershiredunderArticle5uptoamaximum of $2,000.Theofficerwillobtainthree(3)bidsfrom reputablemovingfirmsandtheCityManagermayelectthemovingfirm of choice,reservingtheoption toselectthelowestresponsiblebidder.Movingreimbursementisavailableonlyformovesfromoutside thecitylimitstoinsidethecitylimits of Baytown. ARTICLE 7 RELOCATION EXPENSES FOR EXISTING POLICE OFFICERS ExistingCity of BaytownpoliceofficersresidingoutsidetheCitylimitswishingtomoveintotheCity limitswillbeeligibleforclosingcostassistance of $2,000topurchaseaconventionalhomewithinthe Citylimits.This assistance willbeprovidedonlyoncetoanofficerandonlywhentheofficermovesfrom outsidetheCitylimitsandpurchasesaconventionalhomewithintheCitylimitsandestablishesthat homeashis/herprimaryresidence.Mobilehomes,manufacturedhomes,andhomespurchasedundera contractfordeedwillnotbeeligibleforthisbenefit.APoliceOfficer,whosehomeisannexedintothe Cityaftertheeffectivedate of thisAgreementwillnotbeeligibleforthisbenefit. ARTICLE 8 COMPENSATION Base Compensation.EffectiveJanuary I,2013,PoliceOfficerscoveredbythisAgreementshallbepaid base compensation in accordance withthe amounts specified in Exhibit "A,"which is attached hereto and incorporatedhereinforallintentsandpurposes. Certificate Pay.EffectiveJanuary 1,2013,PoliceOfficers,whohavecompletedtheFTOprogramand havethefollowingcertifications,shallbepaidthe following monthlycertificatepay: Certification Monthly Certificate Pay Intermediate $80.00 Advanced $145.00 Master $200.00 ARTICLE 9 COMPLETE AGREEMENT CLAUSE This Agreement constitutesthefullandcomplete Agreement ofthepartiesandtherearenoothers,oralor written,exceptas specified inthis Agreement.This Agreement,however,doesnot supersede Article 7.5 "BonusPay"contained intheFirst Amendment tothe Agreement approved byCity Council on September 22,2008via Ordinance No.10,996,which amendment shall continue in force andeffect until October31,2012,oruntilthefourthquarter FY2011-12 bonuspaymentismade,whicheveroccursfirst. T//I ^C 9.17-tz It is understood andagreedthatthe contract maybeamendedbyonlymutual consent of thePartiestothis AgreementsubjecttotheprovisionsofChapter142oftheTexasLocalGovernmentCode. ARTICLE 10 SAVINGS CLAUSE ShouldanyprovisionofthisAgreementbefoundtobeinoperative,voidorinvalidbyacourt of competent jurisdiction,allother provisions ofthis Agreement shall remain in full force andeffectforthe duration ofthis Agreement,itbeingthe intention ofthe Parties thatnoportionofthis Agreement or provisionhereinshallbecomeinoperativeorfailbyreasonoftheinvalidity of anyotherportionor provision. ARTICLE 11 DURATION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall become effective upon the signature bythe Mayor of the City Council ofthe City after ratification bytheaffected employees pursuant toavote conducted bythe Association andafter approval by the City Council.It shall continue in effect until December 31,2013,unless terminated in accordance with Section 142.065 of the Texas Local Government Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THEPARTIESHAVE CAUSED TOHAVETHISAGREE§eENT TO BE DAY OF>Y rill-.ll<DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ON j_.2012. THIS BAYTOWN MUNICIPAL POLICE ASSOCIATION,INC. RON CROWEI.L.President ATTEST (Signature) (Printed Name) CMkk (jmZT Police Officer Sergeant Lieutenant Exhibit "A" FY2013 Police Salary Effective January 2013 Years in rank 2013Annual Salary Probationary $44,400 1 $46.250 2 $47.869 3 $49.544 4 $51.278 5 $53.073 6 $54.930 7 $56.853 8 $58.843 9 $60.902 10+$63.579 Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salary 1 0-2 $66.122 2 3-4 $68,436 3 5+$70.832 Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salary 1 0-2 $73.445 2 3-4 $76.502 3 5+$79.560 Assistant Chief Tier Years in rank 2013 Annual Salary 1 0-2 $83.538 2 3-4 $84.677 3 5+$92,607 "T/^/£?r/l7iX