Ordinance No. 12,046ORDINANCE NO. 12,046 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE 2007 STREET BOND PROGRAM - YEAR 4 WITH BINKLEY & BARFIELD, INC.; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FORTY - FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($45,700.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: Thatthe City Council ofthe City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes and directsthe City Manager to execute and the City Clerk to attest to the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement for the 2007 Street Bond Program - Year 4 with Binkley & Barfield, Inc. A copy of said First Amendment is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown authorizes funds payable to Binkley & Barfield, Inc., in an amount not to exceed FORTY -FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($45,700.00) for engineering services in accordance with the First Amendment authorized in Section 1 hereinabove. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City o ouncil of the City of Baytown this the 13" day of September, 2012. 1 CIANACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Ci ttorney DONCARLOS, RiK ... nTiles\Ciry Council\Ordinannes\20124,tember 13 \I st endmenmithBinkley& Barfield4200 7SneetBandPmgmmYeer4.do r oittd 'sa�t,JaS �ruuics�to.r�t �t�r aaamaucl �ur..�au�tp u�a.,�laq xiatuaaa „�� �o t uo_ � li.�xu.t5 �ql of uiauitxiau��: ts.u,t 'ltialllaaJif \+ alit u� sc s�ulucaui ,Lacs atlt aney lleys tuaulpuaulN isJi;l sitlt It pasn sl: sasLJyd pue sp.Ont 'txatuoa ayt ulo�l sat >.?dde .CJ.ieala atnueaul ura.laiitp e ssalu f} •suoitrullaCl • I :s,uoll4l sL aaa�c :Cl�enulul ,CgaJatl op ola.ratl sallJed atlt 'patneuloa tllaJall Slllalll:laJlL' pUt: slueuanoa �emnul atll,io uoitltJapEstroa uE pue.[o�} `}�0 ;1E2Ir "1[LI. r11Oi�I `(000aLsr�) S21N -I�UC] 00[ /ON C1NN CI�12IC1{�UI1 -1 N:���S CINNSf1U1-[.E. �Al:1�A.1.21O..i paaaxa of Lou tsoa a .101 lUat1133.12V at{t pue wawpuaurV s11.E1 ul pauleuroa suorupuoa pue surJat alit lllrm aatn,p.[oaar. ui utaJatE paiitaads .y.tont atit «[JO�Jad of sa.nsap Jaaui�3u� `SN321�1[1:11 pue aexa�, `,CtunoO srJJe[ -1 `un%ot,Ceg Lit l paleaol slaaJts �euoiuppe �uimo {lol at}t Jo} stuaulanoJdun ,Cu,E�ul pue a�euleJp `�ui,u:d `uollan.[ISUOaaJ atlt ppe at pasea.raui aq of urauraaJ3�� allt,}o adoas allt aol sa.nsap aaun�O ayt 4 $N_121 =11 IrY1 PUB :( „luaulaaJSN „) 1lOZ `rZ aunr uo `{- Jean — ulrJ501 cl ptrofI taaatS LOOZ alEl giln% pate[aosse saalnJaS �euoissa�oJcl .l�l Jaaul� u�l pue JaumU uaan�iaq tuauraaa9N fo u[ao•1 pJepuetS c otul .rauta lnp (,,.iaaui9u1 „) `'aul 'PlaaJe(} :�' ,Ca�ytnfl ptre ( „JauntO „) u,uol,Ce([ �o ,C11O alit `SN�2131•1r11 �fl.l.: {SSIt`I.LI h1 •payEaads tsel Ja0cularatl atop aNt uo salt.ieci atues at(1 uaan�toq par. ,Cq apetu sl `l lOZ 'i�Z aun( palep `'aul `Plar�Je� � rCaiyui� par. un►ol:Ctlfl _io :itiO ayt uaanttaq „saainJaS [euolssa�oJ� Job Jaaul9u;-} pur..rauntU uaan�taq tuautaaJ�N �o uiao;l plepuelS„ ulct.taa teat of ( „ulaulpuaul� „) ulaurpuawN ts.n;l siti,l. § S12121NF1 cI0 A.Li�If1OJ fi S':171A21;1S 'INNUISS:I:IU2Id 2[U:l 2I:I:INIUN � (I M' 2I:INh10 N�:1r11.L'tlfl .LN,I.6VI;I2I7�' :IU LV2[O3 (I2[�QN�.LS :IH.L U.L .LN:ILV(IN�LVd ,LS2I13 Amendment. 10 The definition ol'Project on Page 1 ol'the Agreement shall be amended to include the following additional streets located in Baytown, Harris County. Texas: 2.02 Section A2.01 of Exhibit A of the Agreement is hereby amended read as lollovs: A2.01 rlcl�lilk�rrul .Serrrcesli'egtrrrh{ Unvmr's.1rrllrwi= rrlirm At:fclrtutce� A, I)esiga 11hase. Upon specific written authorization from OWNER, CONSULTANT shall perform the following design phase services with respect to Bayou Avenue and Cedar Avenue, collectivel\ herein referred to as "Additional Streets ": I . Prepare final Drawings indicating the scope, extent, and character of the Work to be performed and lurnished by Contractor. Specifications will be prepared. where appropriate, in conformance with the 16- division format of the Construction Specifications Institute or other format agreed to in writing by OWNER and ENGINEER. 2. Provide technical criteria, written descriptions, and design data for OWNER's use in filing applications for permits from or approvals of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to review or approve the final design of the Project and assist OWNER in consultations with appropriate authorities. 3. Perlorm or provide the following additional final Design Phase tasks or deliverables: a. Prepare design plans and technical specifications for the proposed pavin g. drainage, and utility improvements for the reconstruction of the Additional Streets. %which constitute the Project; b. Prepare both the written Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan along with drawings and details. c. Update the traffic control plans in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform 'Traffic Control Devices ('I'N1U "fCD) to include the Additional Streets. d. Prepare specific construction notes and specifications limr the Additional Streets. First Amendment to the Standard Form ol'Agreement bemecn Owner and t:neincer tin- Prolessional Services. face 2 e. The standard OWNER detail sheets libr water. sewer, and storm and the standard OWNER detail sheet for paving details and typical cross - sections shall be included in the project plans. I. Cause to be perl'ormed the following services: I. Surveying. A detailed topographical survey for each street segment identifying the evident rights -ol =way will be perlimrmed. The survey shall establish surveying limits based on the best available inlbrmation. This shall include a limit of 100 lect within the existing right-of-way in each direction for all intersections.. z. TDI.R Review An ADA review shall be provided and plans shall be submitted to the TI)LIt. La. All geometric design shall be in conformance with the applicable OWNI:R standards. except where variances are permitted, applicable Harris County standards, and TNIU'TCD. h. Consult with the OWNEIt and afi'ected utility companies to define and clarify the project requirements and available related data. i. Meet and coordinate ►with the MVNLA' . Harris Count\ Flood Control District (I-ICI:CD), stakeholders. utility owners. as needed to fhcilitate coordination and approval of the Construction Documents. j. Prepare for and attend project status meetings with the OWNER. k. The Project will require plans to be reviewed in accordance with Texas Architectural Barriers Project Registration (TABPR) guidelines. ENGINEER will submit the drawings to a state licensed reviewer l'or revic►v and approval. ENGINEt:lz will prepare the TABVIt application and estimate the revic►► Ice. ENGINEER will submit the completed application and a set of construction drawings to the reviewer for review and approval. ENGINI:E12 will coordinate with the reviewer to address comments. Once all comments have been cleared. the Project will be registered with the 'Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDl -R). The application fee along with any review fee(s) required by 'TDI.R will be a subcontractor fee, and therefore, will be billed as such. 4. The deliverable shall include final plan and proille drimim�s of ' the Additional Sweets 3.03 I-or Construction Phase Services. the definition of Project on Pace I of the agreemcnt shall be amended to include the lolltm ing additional streets located in Ba)-town, 1 larris County, Texas: First Amendment to the Standard Form ot'Agreement hemeen Owner and Eneineer ror Processional Ser%ices. Page 3 2.04 Section 04.03 of Exhibit C of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: C4.03 Foa• Adrliliclrral Services A. OWNER shall pay CONSULTANT for Additional Services as follows: 1. General. For services of CONS ULI'ANT's employees engaged directly on the Project pursuant to paragraph A2.01 or A2.02 of Exhibit A of the Agreement, except for services as it consultant or witness under paragraph A2.01.A.13. an amount based upon the actual hours worked and the rate schedule. which is attached as Appendix I of Exhibit C and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes plus Reimbursable Expenses. Additional Services shall not be performed without the prior written consent of the OWNER. Additional Services shall not exceed the following: Design Phase for Additional Streets ..... ............................... $22.226.00 Construction Phase Services f'or the Additional Streets ....... $ a. Section C4.05 of Exhibit C of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: 04.05 Ibr CONSUL"T'ANT' CuusrrlrarN'.r C'lurr�es A. (Modified) Whenever compensation to CONSULTANT herein is stated to include charges of CONSUTA'ANT'S Consultants, those charges shall be the amounts billed by CONSULTANT'S Consultants to CONSULTANT times a Factor of (1.10). The consultant charges shall not exceed the following amounts specified for each of the lollowwing services, unless approved in writing by the OWNER. The charges include the factor, and shall not exceed the following without prior written consent of the OWNER. Basic Services: Surveying.................................................. ............................... S7 3,603 Geotechnical Investigation ............................... ........................ $16.082 Urban Forestry .......................................... ............................... $30.800 Environmental Investis•ation ..................... ............................... S 4.620 Fin-a a_1it endmem to the Standard Form between Owner am.1 Rntincer liar Protcssional Sen-iec%. Page 4 ADAlI'AS Compliance ............................... ..............................S 1.815 Additional Services for the Additional Streets: "Topographical Survey ........ ............................... ........................$20.300 3. Entire Agreement. The provisions of this First Amendment and the provisions of the Agreement should be read together and construed as one agreement provided that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this First Amendment and the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of (his First Amendment shall control. Nothing contained in this First Amendment shall be construed in any way to limit or to waive the City's sovereign immunity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment in multiple copies, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which shall constitute but one and the same amendment, this day of , 2012, the date of execution by the Interim City Manager. CITY OF BAYTOWN ROBERT 1). LEIPER, City Manager ATfES "T: LETICIA BRYSCI•l, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IGNACIO RAMIRE %, SR., City Attorney BINKLEY #ILIC)I- DA F1ELD, INC. By' (Sig Vj d d . (Printed Name) V. (-Title) First Amendment to the Standard Fonn of Agreement between 0%%ncr and Engineer for Professional Services. Page 5 ATTEST: nAl Se retary 8 -2q ^l/�, s;pp ASHLEE MICHELLE McCONNELL Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. Exp. 0712212014 R Apiwi ilWBinklei & Birlicld U07 Su vi Bond hopain • Ycar a FIRS I' ANIINUMAiM. " First Amendment to the Standard Form ol'Atarcement between Owner and Engincer for ProlCSSional Services. Page 6