Ordinance No. 11,890ORDINANCE NO, 11,890 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTFIORIZING PAR'r j Ol"CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH LEM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., FOR THE WEST DIS'l RICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAN'I- E'XPANSION PROJECT; AUTI-JOR [ZING PAYMENT BYTTIE CITY OF BAYTOWN, IN'rHE TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED NINETY -NINE 'Fl-IOUSAND'I'l IREE HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR AND 64/100 DOLLARS ($199,394,64); AND AUTTIORIZINGTHE CITY MANAGfR'rO NEGOTIATE AND F'XECUTE PART 2 OF SUCH CHANGE ORDER FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCE.".131) ONE I IUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX AND 38/100 DOLLARS ($183,176.38); AND PROVIDING FORTI-11H EFFECTIVE DA'rEI I HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY TI-11"'CITY COUNCIL 01` 141E CITY OFI BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Part I of Change Order No. 3 with LEM Constmetion Company, Inc.' for the West District Wastewater Treatment plan( Expansion Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes, Section 2: That the City Council of` the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of (')NI-` HUNDRED NINETY-NINI�, THOLISAND THREE H E UNDRD NINEITY-FOUR AND 64/100 DOLLARS ($199,394.64) to LEM Construction Company, Inc., for Part I of'Change Order No. 3 for the West District Wastewater Treatment Plant [Expansion Project. Section 3 : That the City Council does hereby authorize the City Manager* to negotiate and execute Part 2 of' Change Order No. 3 with LEM Construction Company, Inc., for the West District Wastewater, Treatment Plant Expansion Project under terms and conditions acceptable to the City Manager and the City Attorney. Section 4,: That the City Council ofthe City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment in an amount not to exceed ONE HUNDRED EIGj-i'r'Y-THREE 'I'HOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX AND 38/100 DOLLARS ($1 83,1.76.38) to LEM Construction Company, Inca, for Part 2 of'Change Order, No. 3 for the West District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project:. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after- its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the C 8"' day of March, 2012. 1 APPROVED AS 'TO FORM: ACIO RAMIRE-, SR., City t )rncy 8 Cl um geOr derN ol West Di , tt ict WWTPPi o.1 ect doc it of the City ofBaytown this the . DONCARLOS, Mayor R E C E I V EDoor., 0 12 012 BAYTOWN M VU! M M M H M& '199,394-64 'ontract Duration - Calendar Time Extensions WOMMM u!ction Co., Project M nag' r r 0, ite Director of Engineering Date E lb M nage te L E401" t r u C t Director of Finance Date City Manager Date PL �DOMlmax lraup�'A Atkins, Project Manager- Date Attachment A — Description of Changes The City of Baytown decided to proceed with the implementation of adding to the ongoing installations within the West District WWTP Expansion to be SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) compatible. Although the SCADA system itself will not be installed during this project, the City will save a substantial amount of money moving forward with this basic SCADA infrastructure readying the West District WWTP for a future system Installation. This change order includes the cost for work (Phase 1) addressed in the SCADA conduit layout plans provided by UA /Shrader Engineering in December of 2011 (Attachment 6) and control panel and equipment modifications (Phase 2) provided by UA/Shrader Engineering in January of 2012 (Attachment Q. Additionally, in order for Centerpoint to provide electrical service hook -up to the West District WWTP, Centerpoint requires the City indemnify their work during electrical installation. Since the City cannot directly indemnify an entity, the Contractor was directed to carry the Centerpolnt Indemnification on its own Insurance. This change order therefore includes the additional Insurance cost (Attachment D) borne by the Contractor to indemnify Centerpoint's work to install electrical service to the plant. The attached Indemnity Agreement between the City of Baytown and LEM shall be added to the contract (Attachment E). The total price for this change includes all labor, equipment, materials, supervision and traffic control to complete the aforementioned work. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change, the Owner will not pay for any additional charges for time, expense, overhead and profit or loss due to this change. ATTACHMENT B LEM PRICING FOR SCADA CONDUIT AND ENGINEERING PLANS FOR SCADA CONDUIT To: Dominick Trupia Atkins 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (261)493-1047 Description. SCADA Conduit Schedule Pricing LE M Construction Company, Inc, 10849 Knghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 281495-9550 Fax: 281495-9995 Change Request Number: 5 REVII Date: 12119111 Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Phone: We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This pricing incorporates the additional conduits beneath the slabs according to the submitted conduit schedulle from Shrader Engineering recieved on 12-13-11. This pricing is complete with the materials, equipment, and labor to install this additional scope of work complete as shown in the drawings. Please note that the Chemical Feed BLDG was placed prior to receipt of this request. However, LEM can get the (2) two 4" required conduits into the building at the lowest elevation possible through the block 10 satisfy the requirments requested. The total amount to provide this work is $134,817,38 (Please refer to attached sheet for d a t ails The schedule is not affected by this change, If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison LEM Construction Co, Inc. Cc: imp Page 1 of 2 • II 0 1 0 * 10849 KJnghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax, 281495-9995 Description: SCADA Conduit Schedule Pricing )escflption Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Plrlc( 'CADA Conduit & Ductbank Ils $126,5WOO $126,500V nstallation Labor Burden Eqpt Service & Repair GC Overhead & Profit GC Profit on Subs Bonds & Insurance Subtotal: $126,500.00 WOO $0 00 $126,500.00 $0.00 $126,500 00 &00% $6,325,100 $132.825.00 1.50% $1,992.38 Total: $134,817.38 Page 2 of 2 SEGO Industrial Maintenance & Controls, Inc. ir 1015 W. 3414 Street Houston, Texas 77018 713 956 7326 Pbone 7 L3 956 5193 Fax www.secoindustrial.com Thursday, December 15, 2011 Electrical Estimate Baytown West District Future SCADA conduits & pull boxes. $126.500.00 Including: ✓ 124" PVC Coated rigid conduit stub -ups per SCADA Drawings issued for this purpose. ✓ PVC conduit per specifications between stup -ups added in duct -bank that is proposed on existing contract drawings ✓ 12, 22x2' concrete "Oldcastle Precast ", pull boxes. Exclusions: o Additional duct bank for added conduits. This estimate does not include additional concrete encasement other than the duct banks that are under construction on current contract drawings. Thank you, David Powell This quote Is valid for 30 days. "Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711,1. 800 - 803 -9202, 512463.6599; webstte: www .license.state.Mue/comphdats" r s k O 0 W V W N oil r) a ..1U� k N a J d O ipS "Jul 94 d 0 a; g p8 9 9�pp F N �p pp f� w � CL i 1 S a ..1U� k N a J d Job tvarne - SAYTOWN WEST GIST SCADA OONDUIT SYSTEM 11 Jab 9 - WITHOUT lCia" 1=211201111.08:21 AM 1 Apo !SEGO INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE iA CONTROLS. INC. 1015 W. 34th STREET !HOUSTON. TEXAS 77018 ,713.858.7328 FAX 713.958.5193 ,�J lrw M,tg � eAzeteas AQs'l34F Prim Summary .. - % At= Database Materiel _Value 48.63927 47.922 Material Total 48.63927 _ 47= DhW Labor 21.33_2.18 21.018 Direct Labor Burden 8 Fdngas 10.000.68 9.853 Indfrect Labor 367.13 0.362 ~ (raiirect Labor Bolden !i F 44.08 0.043 LabarTotal 31,744.03 31.276 Gencral Evenses 2,000.00 82.983.30 1.971 r Prime Cost 81.169 Total Overhead 9,886.00, 9.740 Not Cost 92.26930 90.909 9.091 Total Profit $228.93 Sdbg Price I 101.496.23 100.000 _ Firm Price ! 101,496.23 100.000 Labor Risk Ratio % 29.0867 _ _ Total Labor Hours _ _ 988.33 Average Labor Gast Per Horn 3212 General Enmrsses Per Hour 2.0238 Apo !SEGO INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE iA CONTROLS. INC. 1015 W. 34th STREET !HOUSTON. TEXAS 77018 ,713.858.7328 FAX 713.958.5193 ,�J lrw M,tg � eAzeteas AQs'l34F ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND CONTROL DIAGRAM LEGEND ONE -LINE DIAGRAM LEGEND PLAN LEGEND A Al4FMl f IA1WAIaTt Al1aW,ff10T4C1 'Nrr 1®IR,1 ®YatAaE tnAma I trfAfa aExRSUaI frf�n DESav11oA COfTAOf TeAT•.PRE erlrpwL. — . _ —c— TAfAIOa7AfAfr 1co 1DA oawrmAr"O AOARTACLE FOR fflT. Pv IwRm MCC T10TORO01SAa gY7pi flpArlYlfSlfa a+ I ,P1116M - pC1iwFRRf sIfOWPRR _ ____ -- .[1SOE[Daom1A1 on AsSiF®Qo FIEIL R ME CoQiR :cpcwv7vAAERo vw MASS I=U" acomccho f RCCR RAS FIrF1ALTAif •uCAf OOIrCTCRCR1s3 "Aa, fYPOYooft -- OfANR11 Tom- - WIftE4YKIDRfF>C97rG7 APO ASa/EPO69OD OAN iiali. IitAR flCOOmR RW®COII LCP tEOIONLAIG oAO1O1CS10A! 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LLlal ten . •__I l • . 3NAMU. uh LIEAWA1m9 ao7umumv 012 O m" Lf 1 [OIa./ ;!mamma munch 0Atdn .altlli unab tl31D70Q0 i lo6 • i to-of 3m./aitltlaAtMIw09At6t9 emu= cm i ONISWCOM 300 — • .., , OMxm _. musmMWAW*W*U.'M � TIf00'Ja1 71: IOlal ?SxMSUK=Ufz10 "AG 71MMI�IIIOOSfM� v=Wal•Jwl • 31M1@t/aM361mi9D 4681 _ • _ tlLQMy/^ PmYOY.Jw1 lU► / w10! . _. -3"*=M MMnM OAIAB • —• . -• ""Mar3M amCtiv= 'M► 1 Ipa6 —. _ -.•-. .. .• -- 11fA31BlWW1QOIODA16161 31100wtlliSl'ta amCUMA -or 1 I mU1 aim" bogonS oa at 1411 9r,9mm ll>@41 OIm10D ATTACHMENT C LEM PRICING FOR CONTROL PANEL AND EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S DIRECTIONS Change Request N To: Dominick Trupia Atkins 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079 Ph: (281)629-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 Description: Panel Modifications to make SCADA Ready 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Number: 6 Date: 213112 Job« 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Phone: We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This pricing incorporates the cost to modify the Control Panels from their approved state to make them SCADA ready according to the detail show in the attached Letter dated January 23, 2012, from Shrader Engineering, Each of the below panels and equipment will be modified in order to meet this request: 1. Belt Press Control Panel Z Polymer Feed Control Panel 3. CI-2 Communication Modules 4, Sulphanator Communication Modules 5. 4.20ma Scale transmitters for CL2 6. 4-20 me Scale transmitters for S02 7. Clarifier 3 Control Panel 8. Clarifier 4 Control Panel 9. Grit Classifier Control Panel 10. Mechanical Bar Screen Control Panel 11. Gravity Thickener Control Panel These panels shall be modified to meet the Engineers request for the attached cost of the manufacturer. All warranties shall remain intact. These panels are completed at this time and YMI need to be modified to house the circuitry that is being requested. That pricing, has been included. LEM shall submit drawings showing the changes in the one -Linea for approval by the Electrical Engineer, The total amount to provide this work is $36,442.66 I ....... ............ .... -- ................... (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) Please note that LEM Construction Company, Inc. will require an extra 70 Days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Page 1 of 3 Submitted by� Cc: Approved by: Date: I I'l 0 1 . 0 1 0 .' 10B49 Vinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 2814 95-9550 Fax: 281495-9995 0 . 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 154 Houston, TX 770916 Ph: 281•95-•554 Fax: 281-495-9905 — 1-1 ------- Description: Panel Modifications to make SCADA Ready Description Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Price Inclusion of SCADA Circuitry 1 i $32,640.00 $32,640.00 into the (11) Vendor Supplied Control Panels Page 3 of 3 Subtotal: $32,640.00 Labor Burden $0.00 Eqpt Service & Repair $0,00 GC Overhead & Profit $32.640-00 10.00% $3,264.00 GC Profit on Subs $0.00 Bonds & Insurance $35,,904.00 1.50% $538.56 Total: $36,442.66 Page 3 of 3 From: Rick.Waiser @as -h.com Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 3:22 PM To: Micah Allison Cc: Jeff Houston Subject: West District WWTP - Baytown - Elec. Changes Micah, Got word back from panel vendor. Cost to provide alarm and running status signals to SCADA is $2,080.00. Please advise with change order. rick � Rick Walser I Project Manager ts% a�jt Direct: 281.985.4436 Toil Free: 800.362.90411 Fax: 281.449.1324 wages us Iffuuuur rsrsrsssr 00.08$060 Email: Rick.V.Vaiser@a".com i OOEWAT[f RING '0 11600 East Hardy Road. Houston. Texas 77093, USA Z CLARIFIERS g a Certified to ISO 9001 USA I United Kingdom I Chile I South Korea I Brazil ENO : a MUSTRIAL w�Py.as4LQorn ® M C9 %t AC;ATION I9D�ItIt R9titlIPAQD IRRM �tRt�rs This e-mail Is for the use of the intended recipients) only. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete it. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, disclose or distribute this e-mail without the authors prior permission. Ashbrook Simon - Hartley has taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. Ashbrook Simon - Hartley cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. APlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: James Manuel [jamesmanuel @me.com) Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 4:12 PM To: 'Micah Allison' Subject: RE: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Micah, Good afternoon. Please review the following pricing information per your request. Submittal #124 & #125 - Chlorination System & De- Chlorination System (1) Provide RS485 Serial Communications Module for Regal Smart Valve Controllers. $4,400.00 (8) RS485 Serial Communications Modules for Chlorinators $550.00 each x (8) = (4) R5485 Serial Communications Modules for Sulphonators $550.00 each x (4) = $2,200.00 (2) Provide 4 — 2OmA Transmitter for each ton cylinder scale In addition to local dial indicator. (2) MA420V 4 -20mA Transmitter for Hydraulic Scale Remote Monitoring/Chlorine Scales $1,200.00 each x (2) = $2,400.00 (1) MA420V 4 -20mA Transmitter for Hydraulic Scale Remote Monitoring/De -Chlor Scales $1,200.00 each x (1) = $1,200.00 Please contact me with any questions or comments. Best Regards, James Manuel Chlorinator Maintenance Construction From: Micah Allison [ mailto :mailison @lemconstruction.com] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 3:48 PM To: 'Peter Czerwlnski';'Jeff Houston'; Rick.Walser@as- h.com; famesmanuel @me.com;'David Powell' Cc: hhoward @lemconstnxtlon.com Subject: FW: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA .711 I literally just received this minutes ago. This SCADA idea may not be a fantasy after all. Chal has done his review and feels that the items listed under the respected panels are what they need to make this plant as SCADA ready as it can be. Now please don't freak out just yet. I realize that some of these panels if not all are well into production, and some may already be onsite. I've been trying to get this direction since before Thanksgiving, and here we are. I'd like you to look at these items as they pertain to the equipment you are providing, and price these extras, along with the pricing to have them installed by a manufactures rep. If the items requested will require your panel to be removed from the site, please make a note of that and have you pricing refiecl that cost and the time frame that will be added to the lead time of that panel. If your panel needs to leave the site, I want you to allot for the freight cost in your pricing each way to keep each panel pricing separate per vendor and cleaner for me to present. It is my understanding that these are going to be added to the panels now to make them ready for future use under some other contract to provide the actual SCADA System and controls. Please call me for questions and or forward an email to me Identifying specific questions that you may have with regards to pricing. Micah Allison Project Manager LEM Construction Co., Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Ste. 150 Houston, Texas 77099 281.495 -9550 PH 281.495- 9995 FAX malllson Dlemconstruction.ccm From: Trupla, Dominick [malltq :Dominlc .Trupia@atkinsglobal.com] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 2:53 PM To: Micah Allison Cc: hhoward@Iemconstruaon.com; Reamy, Shirley M; Ambdz, Perfecto M; John.Dupuls, Gerald.Guderrez Subject: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Micah, Attached are necessary changes to the equipment and control panels to make them SCADA -ready for a future system installation. These SCADA changes are in addition to the previous conduit and ductbank changes for which you already submitted pricing. Please price these changes as soon as possible for approval by the City. If you have any questions let me know. Dominick Trupia, P.E. Group Manager, Construction Services ATKINS 1250 wood Branch Park Drive, Suite 300; Houston, Texas 770791 Tel: +1 (281) 529 42731 Fax: +1 (281)493104T I Cell: +1 (281) 888 49001 Emall: dominick -trupla®alkinsglobal.troml Web: wrwv .atkinsglabaf.00nvnorthamerica www.alkinsglobal.com This etectronic mail communication may contain privileged, confidential, andlor proprietary information which Is the property of The Atkins North delete tt n. Atkins pie or one of its affiliates. if you are net the intended recipient or an authorized agent of the intended recipient piesse no* the sender that you have received it in em. A fist of wholly owned Atkins Group oompenles can be found at t ittp: l�e�ev. atlsnsgiobal .comLsite- s�tcealgroups�ompany. ragiatratton- delaAs Consider the environment. Please don't print this ornail unless you ready need to. From: Peter Czerwinski (Peter.Czerwinski @ett- inc.com] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 201210:30 AM To: Micah Allison (mallison@lemconstruction.com) Cc: Brenda Haws Subject: Price to Modify the existing Five Control Panels - C.O. Baytown, Texas - West District W.W.T.P. Micah: We are pleased to provide the PRICE INCREASE to modify the five (5) Control Panels for this project. The price Increase Is $17,800.00 for all five (5) Control Panels. Final Clarifier No.1 Control Panel Final Clarifier No. 2 Control Panel Gravity Thickener with Airlift Pumps Control Panel Mechanical Bar Screen Control Panel Grit Pump & Grit Classifier Control Panel The major cost component is for the additional labor to dismantle the existing control panels and to reassemble the components Into the new enclosure. There Is also the cost of new larger control panel enclosures. Also on another note, we have submitted an informal review drawing to Schrader Engineering for their preliminary comments. We have never heard back from Schrader Engineering. I suppose we shall just make the official Control Panel Submittal to Lem Construction as soon as we know if the SCADA Modifications are going to be required. Peter J. Czerwinski From: Jeff Houston [Jeff @El2Hou.com1 Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:57 PM To: Micah Allison Subject: FW: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Here you go on the Polymer. Thanks, Jeff From: Bowman, Lori E (WT) [maiit o:l ori.Bowman @siemens.com] Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 4:41 PM To: Jeff Houston Subject: RE: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Jeff, We can provide the changes requested in the comments listed under " #51- Polymer Feed System" on page 3 of your attachment. In order to provide these changes, E12 will need provide a change order for $2,580. If your customer would like us proceed with these changes, please forward me a copy of your revised PO. Thanks. With best regards, Lori Bowman Project Manager Siemens industry, Inc. Water Technologies Business Unit 2155112th Avenue Holland, Ml 49424 T: 616- 748 -2564 F: 616- 748 -2568 E: lori.bowmern@siemens.ccm W: www.siemens.com /water Con5dentlailly Note: This e-mail message and any attachments to it are intended only for the named recipients and may contain confidential Information. If you are not one of the intended reapients, please do not duplicate or forward this e-mail message and Immediately delete It from your computer. From: Jeff Houston [malito *Jeff @ei2hou.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:12 PM To: Bowman, Lots E (WT); 19m, Yong H (WT) Subject: FW: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Lori /Yong, Please note below and the attached. Please review the items noted on the Polymer System section and advise what changes can be made and the price needed to accomplish. The subject s.o. p SPLO193 Baytown, TX Thanks, Jeff From: Micah Allison [ mailto :mallison @lemconstrucdon.comj Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 3:48 PM Td: 'Peter CzerwinsW; Jeff Houston; RIck.Walser @as- h.com; jamesmanuel@me.com; 'David Powell' Cc: hhoward@lemconshOon.com Subject: FW: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA All: I literally just received this minutes ago. This SCADA idea may not be a fantasy after all. Chal has done his review and feels that the items listed under the respected panels are what they need to make this plant as SCADA ready as it can be. Now please don't freak out just yet. I realize that some of these panels if not all are well into production, and some may already be onsite. I've been trying to get this direction since before Thanksgiving, and here we are. I'd like you to look at these items as they pertain to the equipment you are providing, and price these extras, along with the pricing to have them installed by a manufactures rep. If the items requested will require your panel to be removed from the site, please make a note of that and have you pricing reflect that cost and the time frame that will be added to the lead time of that panel. If your panel needs to leave the site, I want you to allot for the freight cost in your pricing each way to keep each panel pricing separate per vendor and cleaner for me to present. It is my understanding that these are going to be added to the panels now to make them ready for future use under some other contract to provide the actual SCADA System and controls. Please call me for questions and or forward an email to me identifying specific questions that you may have with regards to pricing. Micah Allison Project Manager LEM Construction Co., Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Ste. 150 Houston, Texas 77099 281 - 495 -9550 PH 281 -495- 9995 FAX malllson @lemconstruction.com From: Trupla, Dominick [ mailto: Dominick .Trupia @atkinsglobal.com] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 2:53 PM To: Micah Allison Ca hhoward@lemconstrucdon.com; Reamy, Shirley M; Ambriz, Perfecto M; ]ohn.Dupuls; Gerald.Gutlerrez Subject: Baytown WWTP Expansion - equipment changes for SCADA Micah, Attached are necessary changes to the equipment and control panels to make them SCADA -ready for a future system installation. These SCADA changes are In addition to the previous conduit and ductbank changes for which you already submitted pricing. Please price these changes as soon as possible for approval by the City. If you have any questions let me know. Dominick Tmpia, P.E. Group Manager, Construction Services ATKINS 1250 Wood branch Park Drive. Suite 300; Houston. Texas 770791 Tel: +1(281) 529 42731 Fax: +1(281) 493 1047 1 Cell: +1 (281) 666 49091 Email: 0-omIn[ck.trs Is@otkk- "Iobal coral web: www.atldnsglobal.cominorthat adea wyw.atktnsglobal.com This eleaftnlc mall communWation may contain privileged, confidential, andfor proprietary Information which is the property of The Atkins North Amerlca Corporation, WS Atkins plc or one of its affiliates, if you are not the intended recipient or an authorized agent of the Intended recipient please delete this communkaton and notify the sender that you have received 4 In error. A list of wholly owned Atkins Group companies can be found at http. lfw ww. etdnsglobel. comisl*- servioesfgroup- companyregistmWn- dela<1e Consider the environment Please don't print this email unless you ready need to. S.=�,�SHRADER ENGINEERING [lortsical . Nochenical • Informntlon Technalva• MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Ronnie McKinney Cmftcdon Manager UA Engineering & Surveying, Inc. From: Jon -Paul Dixon, EIT Project Manager Date: January 23, 2012 Re: Equipment Submittal Reviews for City of Baytown West District Future SCADA System SEI Project No. 4056 -UA The following list the necessary revisions, status signals, and equipment to be furnished for use with the future SCADA system. These requirements are in addition to the proposed signals already provided. Bar Screen Contra] Panel • Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. 1. Phase Fail Relay Trip 2. Drive Motor Forward overload trip 3. Drive Motor Reverse overload trip 4. HOA switch Hand position S. HOA switch Auto position Grit CIassiRer Control Panel Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. 1. Phase Fail Relay Trip 2. Classifier Drive Motor overload trip 3. Classifier Drive HOA switch Hand position 4. Classifier Drive HOA switch Auto position S. Grit Pump No.1 overload trip 6. Grit Pump No.1 HOA switch Hand position 7. Grit Pump No.2 HOA switch Auto position 8. Grit Pump No.2 overload trip 9. Grit Pump No.2 HOA switch Hand position 10. Grit Pump No.2 HOA switch Auto position 800 Town and Country Blvd. I Suite 430 1 Houston, TX 77024 -4562 1 www.shrader.nat 1 0: 713.467.9961 1 F. 713.465.6502 Equipment Submittal Reviews for City of Baytown West District Future SCADA System Shrader Engineering Inc. Submittal#87 -C ariflerControl Panel • Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. 1. Phase Fail Relay Trip 2. Clarifier Drive Motor overload trip 3. Clarifier Drive Run /Stop position Indication Submittal #52 - Thickener & AIM Control Panel • Provide Current Monitor Relays on power feeders for each solenoid valve. Current monitor shall detect current flow in the circuit which will give a positive indication that the solenoid Is energized. • Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. I. Phase Fail Relay Trip 2. Thickener Drive Motor overload trip 3. Thickener Drive On/Off switch position indication 4. WAS Airlift No.1 HOA switch Hand position 5. WAS Airlift No.1 HOA switch Auto position 6. WAS Airlift No.2 HOA switch Hand position 7. WAS Airlift No.2 HOA switch Auto position 8. SCL Airlift No.1 HOA switch Hand position 9. SCL Airlift No.1 HOA switch Auto position 10. SCL Airlift No.2 HOA switch Hand position 11. SCL Airlift No.2 HOA switch Auto position Submittal #102- Belt Press No.2 Control Panel Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. 1. Emergency Stop Position 2. Belt Misalignment Alarm 3. Belt Broken Alarm 4. No Cake Alarm S. Low Hydraulic Pressure Alarm 6. Low Washwater Pressure Alarm 7. Belt Drive Fail Alarm 8. Wash Booster Pump Run Status 9. Hydraulic Pump Run Status 10. Belt Drive Run Status 11. Belt Drive VFD speed indication 12. Sludge Conveyor Run Status 13. Sludge Pump Run Status 14. Sludge Pump Selector Switch Position, all three positions 15. Polymer Pump Speed Command 16. Polymer Pump Run Status 23 January 2012 Page 2 of 3 SEI #14056 -UA Equipment Submittal Reviews for City of Baytown West District Future SCADA System Shrader Engineering Inc. Submittal #51- Polymer Feed System • Provide ethernet communications module with Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). VFD shall incorporate Modbus TCP /IP Protocol for communications with future SCADA system • Provide Terminal Strip with the following contact points for SCADA wiring connections. 1. Mixer /Pump Switch "Off' position 2. Mixer /Pump Switch "Auto" position 3. Speed Control Switch "Local" position 4. Speed Control Switch "Remote" position Submittal #124 & #125 - Chlorination System & De- Chlorination System • Provide RS485 Serial Communications module for Regal Smart Valve Controllers. • Provide 4-20mA Transmitter for each ton cylinder scale in addition to local dial indicator. This finalizes our review of the equipment submittals. The above changes to the equipment and control panels will make them SCADA -ready and reduce the overall work required for the installation of the future SCADA system. Please contact our office for additional information where required. 23 January 2032 Page 3 of 3 SEI #4055-UA ATTACHMENT D ADDITIONAL INSURANCE COST FROM LEM To: Dominick Trupia Atkins 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Suite 300 Houston, TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 • BEM-= 10849 Kingihurst, Suite 160 Houston, TX 770'99 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax: 281495-9995 Change Riequest — li=-- Number: 4 REV 2 Date: 2121/12 Job: 2011 -02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Phone: Description: Center Point Indemnity Section 8.02.02 Language Modification We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This change incorporates the additional cost to LEM to modify the existing Terms & Conditions of the Contract to included that attached Indemification of Center Point Energy for work to be performed at the West District WWTP. LEM agrees to indemnify Center Point Energy as detailed in the attached language. For this additional risk to LEM and LEM's Insurance provider, The total amount to provide this work is $28,134.70 (Please refer to attached sheet for d e I a Ils The schedule is not affected by this change, If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison LEM Construction Co, Inc. Cc: Approved by: Date; Page 1i of 2 Change Request 4 REV 2 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: Center Point indemnity & Section 8.02.02 Language Modification Description Units Labor Material Contract Ammenidment to IIS Indemnify Center Point Engery 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph ; 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Equipment Subcontract Other Price $25,577.00 $25,577.00 Subtotal; $26,577.00 GC Overhead & Profit $25,577.00 10.00% $2,557,70, Total: $28,134.70 M."OHM To: Carol M. Sweeney Subject: Your OCP quote OCP Quote Dates 02/1312012 Quote Numbers 1100162- 021312. 160@8 -A Quote Cless(es)s 16292 Agent a Agency Carol Sweeney -- Insuropahita of Texas, Inc. (Agent Code: 12311.1) iAgent Address 2909 Hlticreft, Suite 600 Agent City,, state, Vp Houston, TX 77055 Insured Name CanterPoInt Energy Insured Address 3000 Harrisburg Blvd iInsured City, State, Zip Houston, TX 77003 Contractor Hama LM Construction Co., Inc. Job Description Waste Water Treatment Plant oxpamion rot City of Baytown, TX Job Location 1510 I -10 East Baytown, TX Coverage OCP h r r i Carrier Mid Continent Policy Dates Effective 2/15/2012 Expiration 2115/2013 Llmks $5,000,000 Each Occlirrence $5,000,000 General Aggregate Limit Premium $25,577.00 Minimum and deposR en nn Surcharge $25,877.00 Total PremWM to adjustable based on contrast coat of $18,893,900 Rates: Any policy with a uncle over 2mel will be subject to an additional prembam if extended beyond 24 months. Declaratton Nuclear Energy LIaMOW Exclusion SWO or Shire- gslated Dust MAMon CG0009 Owners and Contractors Protactive Wabllity Coverage Farm for Operations of Designated Contractor State Mandatory Forms for applicable state Fungus Mildew Mold ExcWslon Asbestos ExcWslon _ Lead occlusion Two quotattan Is based moldy on the tnformatian you provided. If there Is a change in any of the information prior to the aNective date of coverage, 333osp.cam must be notified Immediately. Please note that any change in Information may reside in a change in premium. Quate is valid for 30 days from quote date. IF coverage is bound the premium Is due and Payable at the inception date of the polley. fie carrier reserves the right to refuse any binder far ineligible exposuras including but not limited to any eneneow, Inaompkt% ar Imtotxaets applle Uons. ATTACHMENT E INDEMNITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF BAYTOWN AND LEM EXHIBIT " A" INDEMNITY AGREEMENT For TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR DOLLARS AND 701100 (528,134.70) and other good and valuable consideration, LEM Construction Company, Inc. (the "Contractor") agrees as it pertains to the City of Baytown's West District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project ( "Project): THE CONTRACTOR, ITS SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS (OF ANY TIER) HEREBY AGREE TO PROTECT, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD CENTERPOINT ENERGY, ITS CORPORATE AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS, FREE AND HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS OR OTHER LITIGATION (INCLUDING ALL COSTS THEREOF AND ATTORNEY'S FEES) OF EVERY KIND AND CHARACTER ARISING IN FAVOR OF CITY OF BAYTOWN OR ANY THIRD PARTY (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONNEL FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR OR ITS SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS OF ANY TIER) ON ACCOUNT OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PROPERTY, IN ANY WAY OCCURRING, INCIDENT TO, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK PERFORMED OR TO BE PERFORMED HEREUNDER OR OCCURRING, INCIDENT TO, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRESENCE OF CITY OF BAYTOWN PERSONNEL, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS (AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PERSONNEL) ON THE PREMISES, ALL REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE JOINT, CONCURRENT, CONTRIBUTING OR COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT, BUT NOT THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT, OF CENTERPOINT ENERGY, ITS CORPORATE AFFILIATES, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS. The releases and indemnities contained herein shall be in addition to those contained in the construction agreement for the Project. It is expressly understood and agreed the terms hereof are contractual and not merely recitals. The official executing this indemnity agreement on behalf of the Contractor warrants that he has the authority to execute this indemnity agreement and that he has read this agreement and fully understands It to be an indemnification of all claims, known or unknown, now existing or that may arise hereafter that the Contractor has or may have against the party or parties named herein, related to the matters described above. The officer executing this release, warrants that he is of legal age and legally competent to execute this release, and that he does so of his own free will and accord without reliance on any representation of any kind or character not expressly set forth herein. LEM Construction Company, Inc. Signature L -a ,7 IZ`-f 't tZn tZ Printed Name Title SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by on this the day o 201_,7, (seal) NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FORT STATE OF TEXAS ��,•�R r� PAM CIA CAr0.--1q$ Notary Public. r . N 'fir �tj` State Of Texas fell Comm. EOes 10.08.13 s Exhibit "A" RECEIVED 012012 CITY OF BAYTOWN Part l of Change Order No. 3 West District WWTP Expansion BAWOM March 1. 2012 Brief Description of Changes: See Attachment A. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Additional SCADA Conduits LS 1 $134,817.36 $134 817.38 2 SCADA Panel Modifications LS 1 $36,442.56 $36,442.56 3 CP Indemnification LS 1 $28.134.70 $28.134.70 Total $ 199.394.64 Contract summary: Ori inal Contract Price $18 893 900.00 Previous Chance Orders $40.037.31 This Change Order $199,394.541 Revised Contract Price $ 9,133,331.9 Original Contract Duration-Calendar Days 730 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order -01 Revised Contract Duration-Calendar Days 730 Xa� ie' h-sue -3A1,,rDB ilz LE tru on Co.,Project Mbnager a ZDirr g nee ng Date � -1 zl L 3- zDirector of Finanoe Date nager Date DOM/NlCA YW&A'A J// �x- Atkins,Project Manager Date CITY OF BAYTOWN V. Change Order No. 3 BMTOWN West District Part 2 of 2-ordinance 11,999 WWWTP Expansion August 9, 2012 Brief Description of Changes: See Attachment A. These items were approved during the March 8,2012 council meeting,ordinance# 11,999 Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Catwalk LS 1 $29,840.17 $29,840.17 2 Effluents litter box modifications LS 1 95,180.39 $95,180.39 3 MCC Roof&Gutters, Downpouts, Trim LS 1 30,315.65 $30,315.65 4 Belt press building column LS 1 1,352.84 $1,352.84 5 Field Services-Site Work(erosion)not to exceed, based on time&materials 26,487.33 26,487.33 Total $ 183,176.38 Contract Summary: Original Contract Price $ 18,893,900.00 Previous Change Orders $ 239,431.95 This Change Order , Revised Contract Price $ 19,316,508.33 Original Contract Duration-Calendar Days 730 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order Revised Con ct ati n-Calendar Days 760 020 —lyze0l� Constru&orf Inc., ProjecTManager Date Dir r of Engineering Date irector of Finance Date City NranageF Date $ / /2- Atkin Protect Ma ager Date 96 Adf;164 1. E. u� ,.rj, Attachment A— Description of Changes In order to provide access to City of Baytown plant personnel from the newly constructed CCB(chlorine contact basin)structure to the existing plant the Contractor will fabricate and install a new galvanized steel catwalk. This catwalk will enable personnel to traverse the distance between both plants via elevated walkways(Attachment B). In order to ensure the City can meet all TCEQ requirements,the Contractor will add an outfall connection between the existing effluent pump station and the newly installed effluent splitter box. Also,the Contractor will tie in the new 30"effluent line to the existing 20"effluent line to the north of the existing pump station,which will create one outfall for sampling as dictated by the current TCEQ permit. Finally,the Contractor will add a%"sample port to the new effluent splitter box to allow the City plant personnel to take manual samples from ground level at the mixing station again to maintain TCEQ requirements(Attachment C). Due to the necessary sequencing of this work taking place after the bulk of all other work is completed,it has the potential to push out the Contractor's end date by 30 calendar days which is supported by schedule evidence. Therefore,this change order adds 30 days to the contractual duration. In RFI#44 the Contractor pointed out the plans for the Motor Control Center(MCC)building show no roof system other than a 1.5"galvanized steel deck and joist leaving the equipment inside exposed to the elements. In the response the Engineer agreed the MCC building must be closed and kept cool at all times,and requested the Contractor provide a quote for 2"of insulation and a standing seam roof with gutters and downspouts. Therefore,the Contractor will provide an engineered roofing system for the MCC building complete with 2" iso-board rain gutters,flashing,trim,and downspouts. Additionally,to avoid rain runoff directly onto doorways,the City requested the Contractor place gutters,downspouts, and trim for the MCC 2 building, MCC 3 building,the chemical feed building and storage,the blower building,and the belt press building(Attachment D). As outlined in RFI#46,when the Contractor demolished the existing wall at the belt press building, it was discovered that the location of the existing support column within the wall on the south side of the building is in direct conflict with the new belt press framing. Therefore,the Contractor will relocate the existing support column to avoid the conflict per the Engineer's response to RFI#46(Attachment E). The total price for this change includes all labor,equipment,materials,supervision and traffic control to complete the aforementioned work. The Contractor further agrees that for the consideration in this change,the Owner will not pay for any additional charges for time,expense,overhead and profit or loss due to this change. ATTACHMENT B GALVANIZED STEEL CATWALK LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston,TX 77099 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Change Request To: Dominick Trupia Number: 8 Rev 1 Atkins Date: 2/16/12 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 Description: Additional CCB Catwalk-REV 1 We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This change incorporates the cost of labor, equipment, &materials to install a new Galvanized Steel catwalk from the newly constructed CCB structure to the old plant. This catwalk enables the City operators to traverse the distance between both plants via elevated walkways. included in this pricing is the following: 1. Materials cost for fabricated Galy structural steel bridge, grating,Aluminum handrail, stairs to accomdate the elevation changes, and structural supports 2. Installation 3. Clean up 4. Engineering The total amount to provide this work is $29,840.17 .................................................................................................. (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) The schedule is not affected by this change. If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison Approved by: LEM Construction Co, Inc. Date: Cc: Page 1 of 2 LE LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph : 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Change Request 8 Rev 1 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: Additional CCB Catwalk-REV 1 Description Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Price Buy Catwalk Materials, l is $22,710.00 $22,710.00 grating, handrail, &hardware Install elevated catwalk and 1 Is $960.00 $150.00 $1,110.00 anchor Install Handrail&Grating 1 Is $480.00 $480.00 28 Ton Picker 1 day $350.00 $350.00 Subtotal: $24,650.00 Labor Burden $1,440.00 55.00% $792.00 Eqpt Service&Repair $350.00 35.00% $122.50 GC Overhead&Profit $25,564.50 15.00% $3,834.68 GC Profit on Subs $0.00 Bonds&Insurance $29,399.18 1.50% $440.99 Total: $29,840.17 Page 2 of 2 SpecM m Metals Corporation 16%Country Squire Dr,idchmond,TX 77406 Office 281-341-9080 Fox U-762-OM A Women Owned Business Enterprise Bid No: 1039 Revised Engineer: Project: City of Baytown WWTP Spec.Div: Metals Location: Baytown,Texas Addendum: Bid Date: Wednesday,May 02,2012 Gentlemen: We are please to submit the following quotation for the fabricated metals on the above mentioned project. la Aluminum Handrail 30 LF lb Galvanized 11/2"Grating 52 SF 1c Galvanized Catwalk Bridge 1 LOT ld Galvanized Stair with Grating Treads&Aluminum Handrail 1 EA le Engineering&Design (Breakout $2500.00) 1 LOT TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE FOR BID ITEMS ABOVE: $22,710.00 QUAUFICA71ONS 1 Shop Drawing Submittal 4-6 Weeks After Receipt of Purchase Order. 2 Material Prices Good for 30 Days and Subject to Increase Thereafter. 3 All Aluminum Railing to be Furnished Mech.Sub Assembled. 4 Freight is Based on Full Truckload Shipments of 40,000 Pounds. Partial Shipments will be an Additional Cost. STANDARD EXCLUSIONS 1 Any Steel Item not Listed in Above Inclusions 2 Sales Tax 3 Retainage 4 Liquidated Damages 5 Fees&Permits 6 Cost for Inspection,Testing or Testing Agency 7 Field Measurements 8 Corrosion Protection for Contact of Dissimilar Metals 6 Touch-up Paint and Painting 7 Pipe Hangers,Supports,Straps,and Concrete Inserts(Unless Noted In Inclusions Above) 8 Pipe Sleeves,Wall Sleeves and Wall Casting 9 Pipe Sleeves/Plates For Pipe or Ductwork Penetrations in Steel or Concrete 10 Unistnrt 11 Non-Ferrous Metals Unless Noted in Inclusions Above 12 Bolts for Wood to Steel 13 Cast Iron 14 Rebar 15 Per Engineered Building 16 R-Panel Roof Deck 17 Standing Seam Roof Deck Katherine Rhodus 281-341-9090 Office 832-449,3633(NEW) 713-206-3310 Cell soectrum.mtis(alemail com loft ATTACHMENT C EFFLUENT SPUTTER BOX MODIFICATIONS E LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 ll Houston,TX 77099 Ph:281-495-9550 Fax:281-495-9995 Change Request mi To: Dominick Trupia Number: 7 Rev 1 Atkins Date: 2/14/12 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 Description: Outfall Addition and Tie In-REV 1 We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This pricing includes the addition of the outfall connection between the existing effluent pump station to the newly installed effluent splitter box. In addition, LEM is charged with tying in the new 30"effluent line into the existing 20"effluent to the north of the existing P/S. This pricing includes the following as dipicted in the attached drawing from LJA Engineering: 1. Excavation and investigation of existing 20"connection 2. Purchasing&installtion of 30"&20 Piping, fittings, and accessories 3. Removing existing effluent piping to the north and abandoning. Concrete replacement of pipe penetration 4. Saw cutting new penetration to the south 5. Purchase and installation of Fabricated Galvanized header piping for effluent piping to the new splitter box 6. Coordination of plant shut down with City of Baytown 7. Effluent tie in to re-route effluent flow for existing plant 8. Neccesary testing 9. Backfill&Clean up Notes: 1. LEM can procure this material and shop drawings within reciept of an appoval from the City of Baytown. However, LEM feels the best option for the City would be to wait until LEM has prepared the new plant for service, and begins filling the new basins with flow. The City can raise the gates in the existing splitter box, forcing all flow into the the new plant, buying LEM the time they need to make the efflunet connection modifications, and not interupting normal flow periods. While the plant is being perged, LEM will coordinate to remove the South blind flange at the existing eff P/S header, relocate it to the north, and connect the new piping to the splitter box. Once connected,the City may re-establish flows utilizing the new Effluent splitter box and either the new 30"effleunt line tied to the EP-Brady line going to the San Jacinto River,the new 30"line installed by LEM, or both. In addition to transitioning the effluent flows, LEM shall modify the new eff. splitter box with a 3/4"Sample port at a reasonable level to allow Baytown Operations to take manual samples from ground level at the mixing station to maintain TCEQ requirments. LEM will ensure this is in place before the transission takes place. The total amount to provide this work is $95,180.39 .................................................................................................. (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) The schedule is not affected by this change. If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Page 1 of 3 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Submitted by: Approved by: Date: Cc: Page 2 of 3 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Change Request 7 Rev 1 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: Outfall Addition and Tie In-REV 1 Description Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Price Buy Piping Materials 1 Is $62,558.69 $62,558.69 Excavate and install 30" 1 Is $1,440.00 $120.00 $1,560.00 Piping to tie in point Sand bedding 40cyd $600.00 $600.00 Thrust Blocks 4ea $300.00 $280.00 $40.00 $620.00 Back Fill 31 cyd $300.00 $300.00 Sawcut wall for new pipe and 481f $825.00 $480.00 $1,305.00 to remove old remove wall piece north side 1 ea $375.00 $375.00 Install fabicated Galv header 1 Is $915.00 $30.00 $945.00 riser Grout/Concrete wall piece 1 Is $300.00 $105.00 $405.00 and opening Spread footing for base 90 1 Is $105.00 $75.00 $180.00 support Coordinatee Plant Shut down 1 Is $120.00 $120.00 with COB Pump Ballance of water 1 Is $240.00 $300.00 $540.00 Tie in 20"connection 1 Is $360.00 $200.00 $560.00 Clean up&Place into 1 is $225.00 $225.00 Operation 28 Ton Picker 1 wk $1,341.00 $1,341.00 PC 220 Excavator 2 wks $4,158.54 $4,158.54 580 Backhoe 2wkc $1,351.28 $1,351.28 Subtotal: $77,144.51 Labor Burden $5,505.00 55.00% $3,027.75 Eqpt Service&Repair $6,850.82 20.00% $1,370.16 GC Overhead&Profit $81,542.42 15.00% $12,231.36 GC Profit on Subs $0.00 Bonds&Insurance $93,773.78 1.50% $1,406.61 Total: $95,180.39 Page 3 of 3 QM w Y .1 0 N O 10A r01 M O O VM1 aq 10/3 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 n S O O I� 1r1 00 ry� et �p 1V N O O ��pp O pp pp M. W mn O C 01 M 1� r 1 N p1 c N N 1f %n c N t71 10 M. 1� G1 V1 V1 1p Pft V1 N 1G 01 V1 f� M Vi V1 O O V1 M m V! 01 01 N m �l rl tD 4 M M M �-1 W4 lD r-1 .-1 N d O W IR MM S �* VM1 p0o '2 O O O O O p O p O S 4 O O O O^1 W-1 n M N O N M VM{�S ^ M O1 t0 V4 T4 1�0 V01 Ln 0 N r l M cn r 1 N V1 V1 V1 0 M "t m N m m a a c c 3 qq z m c'a�i -0 c c C � W C � N t s 19 � a co 1A O O O1 am94 a�i a�ia uu G 3 N a�iu+ 0 n Y N N V > > L �p -0 ° , Q N O � 0 C9 l7 �° y 1m-0 c 0 's ev to z ��' m O c ypAolWn W c cc 13 .Le LA. dot °' 3 c { co R u �CLg �' mvws3N V1N m N3 — � I V Q ti C O o u. 3 N c0 cl Cc M M M 1D rl O h N a M M v-I f V M M Y0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 o C c M M 1Y1 14 M M N co m M M M 1Y1 m M M M M M M C e-/ N r4 V4 v-1 O M 1� ^ 1� f� e-1 N N r4 .-4 1-1 M M .-1 IM rl � k , 1 � r---------------------, i ' 1 I y 1 D`rg\J I ' I I , 1 1 I L--------------- P. I Or IMam oil , I h � I - 1 ■ o aa000 p d d a bb w , • 1 w _ w I E� I I i I r d II d i R ATTACHMENT D MCC ROOF & GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, AND TRIM l' LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston,TX 77099 Ph:281-495-9550 Fax:281-495-9995 Change Request To: Dominick Trupia Number: 9 Rev 1 Atkins Date: 3/8/12 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 Description: MCC Roofing Addition&Trim, Gutters, &Downspouts for all Buildings REV 1 We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: Attached is the pricing involved with providing an Engineered roofing system for the MCC building complete with 2"iso-board rain gutters,flashing,trim, and downspouts. Please find the attached quotation from our roofing subcontractor for reference. In addition, LEM was asked to provide pricing to the Owner for Gutters, Downspouts, &Trim for the followings buildings: 1. MCC 2 2. MCC3 3. Chem Feed Building&Storage 4. Blower Building 5. Belt Press Building Please see the attached quoatation dated 5-9-12 for this pricing back up. The total amount to provide this work is $30,315.65 .................................................................................................. (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) The schedule is not affected by this change. If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison Approved by: LEM Construction Co, Inc. Date: Cc: Page 1 of 2 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph: 281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Change Request 9 Rev 1 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: MCC Roofing Addition&Trim, Gutters, &Downspouts for all Buildings REV 1 Description Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Price MCC Roof Addition Ills $14,225.00 $14,225.00 Gutter, Downspouts, &Trim Ills $14,220.37 $14,220.37 (All Buildings) Subtotal: $28,445.37 Labor Burden $0.00 Eqpt Service&Repair $0.00 GC Overhead&Profit $28,445.37 $0.00 GC Profit on Subs $28,445.37 5.00% $1,422.27 Bonds&Insurance $29,867.64 1.50% $448.01 Total: $30,316.65 Page 2 of 2 Energy Waterproofing&Roofing Systems,LP Change O rd e r 0 7115 Belgold St, Suite F g Houston, TX 77066 Date Change Order# Phone# 281-376-5171 Fax# 281-655-9070 2/29/2012 631 Name/Address Project Address: LEM Construction Company Inc. Baytown West District WWTP EXP 10849 Kinghurst,Suite 150 1510 110 East Service Rd Houston,TX 77099 Baytown,TX 77521 Customer Phone Customer Fax P.O. No. Project 281-495-9550 281495-9995 Baytown West District WWTp oty Description Rate Total I-120 Writer on warranty 14,225.00 14,225.00 Provided: Install 2"ISO Install 2"Treated Wood Nailer Install 24ga Galvalume FF-150 Standing Seam Roof Panel 1.5"Tall Install DL trim Install 6"Box Gutter&Downspouts along low side of roof Provide 2 yr workmanship warranty&manufacture warranty upon final payment. Total $14,225.00 Signature authorizing change order Energy Waterproofing&Roofing Systems,LP Change Order e 7115 Belgold St, Suite F g Houston,TX 77066 Date Change Order# Phone# 281-376-5171 Fax# 281-655-9070 5/9/2012 689 Name/Address Project Address: LEM Construction Company Inc. Baytown West District WWTP EXP 10849 Kinghurst,Suite 150 1510 110 East Service Rd Houston,TX 77099 Baytown,TX 77521 Customer Phone Customer Fax P.O. No. Project 281-495-9550 281-495-9995 Baytown West District WWTp Qty Description Rate Total Belt Press Bldg 3,301.60 3,301.60 -Install 60'-6"box gutter Galvalume 24 ga. -Install 2 downspouts Galvalume 24 ga -Seal joints with polyurethane caulk and rivets Chemical Feed Block Bldg-25'Gutter 20'of Downspout 3,759.85 3,759.85 Chemical Feed MCC Block Bldg-20'Gutter 25'Downspout -Hammer drill 1/4"cement anchor holes along gutter line -Install NP-1 caulk between Gutter&cement roof -Install 1 1/2"cement pins to anchor Gutter to building -Install 1/2"bead of NP-1 to seal top line of gutter to cement creating a double seal -Install 6"box gutter Galalume 24 ga -Install 4 downspouts Galvalume 24 ga Chemical Feed Meatal building 70'Gutter 80'Downspout 3,579.46 3,579.46 -Install 70'-6"box gutter Galvalume 24 ga. -Install 2 downspouts Galvalume 24 ga -Seal joints with polyurethane caulk and rivets Blower Metal Building 70'Gutter 80'Downspout 3,579.46 3,579.46 -Install 70'-6"box gutter Galvalume 24 ga. -Install 2 downspouts Galvalume 24 ga -Seal joints with polyurethane caulk and rivets Total $14,220.37 Signature authorizing change order Mi. Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston,TX 77099 Ph:281-495-9550 Fax:281-495-9995 RFI To: Dominick Trupia RFI#: 44 Atkins Date: 2/20/2012 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District VWVfP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph:(281)529-4273 Fax:(281)493-1047 CC: Subject: MCC Building Questions Drawing: Spec Section: Cost Impact: None Schedule Impact: None Request: Date Required: Please look at sheet 66 for the MCC building.The building shows no roof system other than 1.5"Galvanized steel deck and joist. Is there gutters,downspouts,insulation,weepholes,space between the face brick and CMU block.Time is of the essence on this as the gear is set to arrive soon and we dont want it to be exposed to the elements. Requested by: Hunter Howard LEM Construction Co, Inc. Response: Answered by Company Date Page 1 of 1 Trupia, Dominick From: Ronnie McKinney[rmckinney@ljaengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3:42 PM To: Hunter Howard(hhoward@lemconstruction.com) Cc: Wallace Trochesset;Trupia, Dominick Subject: Baytown WWTP-MCC Building Hunter: In answering RFI#44 it appears there is not enough information on the roof structure of the MCC building for LJA to answer the part of the roof section. The MCC building is one area that must be kept cool at all times especially in the summer months. Therefore, I ask LEM to provide LJA with a quote for 2 inches of insulation and a Standing Seam Roof for the MCC Building that will have gutters and down-spouts. Thank you, Ronnie This message has been checked for all known viruses by MessageLabs. i ATTACHMENT E BELT PRESS BUILDING COLUMN RELOCATION LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph:281-495-9550 Fax:281-495-9995 Change Request To: Dominick Trupia Number: 10 Atkins Date: 5/31/12 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph: (281)529-4273 Fax: (281)493-1047 Description: Belt Press Building Column We are pleased to offer the following pricing to make the following changes: This change incorporates the removal of an existing column not indicated on the contract drawings inside the belt press building south block wall. LEM has been requested to re-fabricate a new column to replace the old one. Included in this pricing is the frabrication and installation of the new column. The total amount to provide this work is $1,352.84 .................................................................................................. (Please refer to attached sheet for details.) The schedule is not affected by this change. If you have any questions, please contact me at 281-495-9550. Submitted by: Micah Allison Approved by: LEM Construction Co, Inc. Date: Cc: Page 1 of 2 LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurst, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77099 Ph :281-495-9550 Fax: 281-495-9995 Change Request 10 Price Breakdown Continuation Sheet Description: Belt Press Building Column Description Units Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Other Price New column at Belt press 1 Is $880.00 $880.00 Bldg Install New Column 1 Is $180.00 $180.00 Subtotal: $1,060.00 Labor Burden $180.00 55.00% $99.00 Eqpt Service&Repair $0.00 GC Overhead&Profit $1,159.00 15.00% $173.85 GC Profit on Subs $0.00 Bonds&Insurance $1,332.85 1.50% $19.99 Total: $1,352.84 Page 2 of 2 From: Hunter Howard [hhoward@lemconstruction.com] Sent: Monday, May 21,2012 11:21 AM To: Micah Allison Subject: Fwd:RE: New Column Baytown ----------Forwarded message---------- From: "Gregg Vernon"<GVernon a,medcalffabricationinc.com> Date:May 21,2012 11:16 AM Subject: RE:New Column Baytown To: "Hunter Howard"<hhoward(@Iemconstruction.com> Labor and material to fabricate ans delivery one 4A tube column with base plate and stainless installation bolts. $880.00 From: Hunter Howard [mailto:hhoward@lemconstruction.coml Sent:Wednesday,May 02,2012 2:16 PM To:Gregg Vernon Subject: New Column Baytown Greg, I need to get a price for this column that will split the platform out here at Baytown.You have a contract through E12 but I talked to Jeff over there and he said that he would pass this through for us. I need the price for this asap if you can get it for me and also add the price for the lintels for it.Call me if you have any questions. � Il Hunter Howard Project Manager Lem Construction 10849 Kinghurst suite 150 Houston,Tx,77099 P 281-495-9550 F 281-495-9995 www.lemconstruction.com CONFIDENTIAL:This e-mail and any attachments thereto are intended only for use by the addressee(s)named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this e-mail,and any attachments thereto,is strictly prohibited.If you have received this e-mail in error,please immediately notify me at (281)495-9550 and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and any printout thereof. LEM Construction Company, inc. 10849 Kinghurst,Suite 150 Houston,TX 77099 , Ph:281-49"550 Fax:281-495-9995 RF! To: Dominick Trupia RFI#: 46 Atkins Date: 3/5/2012 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011.02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph:(281)529-4273 Fax:(281)493-1047 CC: Subject: Beltpress Building Structural Question Drawing: Spec Section: Cost Impact: None Schedule impact: None Request: Date Required: Upon demolishing the existing wall at the beltpress building LEM has discovered that there Is a column supporting the roof that was embedded in the block.After uncovering this column it has come to our attention that this member Is directly in the way of the placement of the new beltpress platform framing.We can not simply out the grating and place the grating around the column.Please advise LEM as to what action to take to keep the buildings roof structurally sound.Time is of the essence with this RFI because the mason is currently on site working on this building. Any changes in design that will affect his work need to be brought to our attention immediately. Requested by: Hunter Howard LEM Construction Co,Inc. Response: �G�.4^ Tm y'YLE l...vB6Bid eon �"�� Jr�✓biUlo �U�jd2Di�� L��etiYl/u G�vv,� �.v u�/� m•v - .sourr>���,c.� ��' ram�wsrw C.cN/.fc�GT'. T��'�,��, 7�����.y���r�° � 1�•P�9�<��Iv6 �.l�sarpo��,,,� /r►'r� ���./���� Ol�'f� �CN�7"^'"_"/1/ Q��rE' 7�� �Y�.zv �"�~r//Yr�L�a.S' 7—AoV �'aci ST6if/G A940,0PZir/ /'T TS GL�iQ/✓�Uj 5 �../3 L/0-aT /�.� CAN p�dio� uJ G�'�oG,/„r�'. �,y.�-sr� w�rl.�r c�r� ,9��a eoLv�-v• Answered by Company Date Page 1 of 1 a . .,� if-off�g ex i rr e.a ar r ("U Imea a .arr ams rw .ms oil If R Ip � Lea p a8 � � poll gig E ill rw oil IVI �-- A 11� u at M _ " p g Is >a R I l g Ir .�'mkw�SCi R 11N[�1b f-Y 6 Y Y-r riiId61�Wlf oa kmim$ Jr Lo op i m OR s 1p RRp R t MI R TXP"� LYINPI loll jP1 IA Its aI Oki o� ll LEM Construction Company, Inc. 10849 Kinghurs%Suite 150 Houston,TX 77099 • Ph:281-496-9550 Fax 281-495-9995 RR ! To: Dominick Trupla RFI 0. 46 Atkins Date: 3/5/2012 1250 Wood Branch Park Drive Job: 2011-02 Baytown West District WWTP Exp Suite 300 Phone: Houston,TX 77079 Ph:(281)529-4273 Fax:(281)493-1047 CC: Subject: Beltpress Building Structural Question Drawling: Spec Section: Cost Impact: None Schedule impact: None Request: Date Required: Upon demolishing the existing wall at the belipress building LEM has discovered that there is a column supporting the roof that was embedded in the block.After uncovering this column it has come to our attention that this member is directly in the way of the placement of the new beftpress platform framing.We can not simply cut the grating and place the grating around the column.Please advise LEM as to what action to take to keep the buildings roof structurally sound.Time is of the essence with this RFI because the mason Is currently on site working on this building. Any changes in design that will affect his work need to be brought to our attention i immediately. I Requested by: Hunter Howard LEM Construction Co,Inc. Response: Riege-s s ' e Answered b - i 2/'00-t- Company Date Page 1 of 1 i ! p � I E F � v 3 �m m _C i 12 , ------------- f row, row, row, row] g ; 5 s ;� IS row, row] row, row, s-s s s C-s r s �xnu a-s� wu�a auw a•s� g