Ordinance No. 11,879ORDINANCE NO. 11,879 AN ORDINANCE OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, RENEWING THE 2011 ANNUAL CRACK SEAL CONTRACT WITI-1 SCR CONSTRUCTION CO, INC.; Auri-iORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. I WITH SCR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC, FOR SUCF1 PROJECT; A U`FFIOR VING PAYMENT BY THE CITY 01' BAYTOWN, IN TOTAL SUM OF SIX I-IUNDRED FIFTY-'THREETFIOU SAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY- FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($653,125,00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TI -IF"RE'l 1 0; AND PROVIDING FOR Ti IE EFFECTIVE DATE FIEREOI,. WHEREAS, SCR ConstrUCtiOn CO. 111C., Was awarded the 2011 Annual Crack Sea] Contract oil May 12, 2011, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures, which contract included all option by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and WI-IFREAS, SCR Construction Co. Inc., has indicated its willingness to renew the contract for an additional year under the same terms and conditions; and WI IEREAS, the Administration has reviewed tile market conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest of tile City; NOWTHEREF'ORE BE ICI' ORDAINED BY THE CITY (.`,OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWNJEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council ol'the City of Baytown hereby renews the 2011 A1111LIal Crack Seat Contract with SCR Construction. Co. Inc, for the sum of FIVE I-IUNI)RED'I'WE�',N"I"Y-'f'WO'I'I IOUSAND FIVE FTUNDRI 1 AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($522,500,00), and authorizes payment thereof. Section 2: That the City Council hereby authorizes Change Order No. I Nvilh SCR Construction Co, Inc, I "or the 2011 Annual Crack Seal Contract and authorizes payment in all amount not to exceed ONE 1-1 UNDRFD THIRTY T1 IOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWEN "1 "Y- 1 °'IV1 -: AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($130,625,00) based upon the prices specified in the 2011 Annual Crack Seal Contract, A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked F.'Ahibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its , liassage by the City Council of the City of'Baytowm �/ /, INTRODUCED, READ and PA SS LD by the affirmative vote ol'the City C )uncil of the City Of Baytown this 'cbrUary, 2012. the 23`1 day of'F �A I/ S1 1-JENIT'DONCARLOS, May AT' 1.s1..1.1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 45, NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., City ;6, t rney -0201'N`cbruary 23 lteiiewAiijikiiilCiackSe,�]Coiitrzicinitli25'V,)CIiiiiiVeOrtiet,(Ioc Brief Description of Changes: change order is for the ng. IT ► a i0M,: 2012 Annual Crack Seal Contract 21112012 .......... cease of the contact by 25 %. This will allow the City to take advantage of competive 1*7 CO 411 (will change to contract amount by Change Girder) it increases contract amount by 25% for additional work performed by the contractor. $ 130,625 Contract Summary: Contractor Bate Director of Engineering date Director oaf Finance Date City Manager Gate