Ordinance No. 11,875ORLMNANCF� NO. 11,8,75 AN 0RDINANCF C�)F 'I'HE Cl'I'Y COUNCIL (SF- -ITIE CVTY OF BAY'Y'OWN, -17 EXAS, CON'ri,'kAC'1- OF BAY'FOWN ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR'l-1-11- ANNUAt_ EL_U_',_'CT1� ICA L. SERVICES CON-I'RAC'YAND A(_J'ITI(_')R'IZlN0 PAYMF.,"N-r BY'1-11E CITY OF BAY-I-C)WN, THI.--- SUM OF "E" 'O I-ILJNE3IZF1D -11-HO4.1SAND AND N"/100 DOLA,ARS ($200,000.00); MAKING C3THEzR PUkOVISIONS RE1,ATI_--I3 T1 1ETRE-FO; AND 131ZOVIDING FOR -11-1 E ELF FEC-I`-IVI_:_' DA'I'E 'TH E'_�REOF. W1 IE,-RL-"AS, Baytown F_'Icctric Company was awarded the ArIMIC11 Electrical Services Contract On Al-aril 2-11, 2008, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures which contract included an c)I,)tion by the parties to renew for additional one-year periods; and WHEREAS, such contract was renewed oil March 12,2009�, FebrUary 11, 2010, and FebrLJa,Q,1 10,201 1, and cart be renewed again f"br an additional orte-year terns; and NA7I­lERL-.'AS, Baytown l"lectric Conij-'muly has indicated its willingness to renew the contract lbran additional Year under the Sal-lie terms and conditions with all allowable 3'No Consm-ner Price Index rate increase for all 1101,11-ly rates; and WI IFRL_'AS, the Administration has rcvie%ved the inarket conditions alid recorm-riends, renewal as being in the best interest ot the city; BE IT CORDAP',TED 13'N" TUIE CITY CO(_JNCII_ ITIEE CITY' OI_-'BAYTOWN,'I'F XAS; Section 1: 1-hat the City Council orthe City of Baytovvll hereby rene"'..'s file contract of- Baytown I.E'lectric C rrip,any for the Annual LlIectrical Services Contract for the SLIM of"IAVO HUNDRED'f1­1(:DUJSAN1_3 AND N(--)/l 00 DOLLARS ($200,0,00.00), and airthorizes Intyment thereol". Section 2: 'I'llat p1lI'SUant to the provisions of"l-exas Local Govtrnvvienl Code Annotated §252.048, Ille City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving as decrease or an increase in costs ofFIFTY 'I-I IOLJSANI"-') AND NO/] 00 D(')I,-,L,ARS ($50,000.00) or less, provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five j-.)crcerkt (25%) or decreased lay more than twenty-five 1-lercent (25'No) without the consent of the c(_-)ntt'act('m- to such decrease. Section 3: 'rilis (.),ci inaiec siiaall lake ellect itnuriediately froin and atl t'45�1 -�3assage by the City Council Of, the City ofBaylovvii. IN'T'RODUCED, RFAD and PASSED by (lie affirtriative vote ofthe file 23a`t day ol'February, 2012, Cl 11� 'Nty (s"Ie v ACID R-AMIREZ, SR., Cit-VA"Norricy 2 3N RenewA n mud I, ]cc t rica IS e rvieesCont ract doe it of file City of Baytown this CAREOS, N4