Ordinance No. 11,850ORDINANCt"NO. 11,850 AN ORDINANCE 0FTU2CITY COUNCIL OFT B1"[KTYQfB8YTOWN.TEXAS, /\UTBAX</ZUNQ TBE PAYMENT Of" ONE B0NDK[[) FII,TY-TW0l0()DSAy4D TURI"'I"' HUNDRED FIFTY AND N(/100 DOLLARS ($152,350.00), TO DALLAS DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP TBK0U68 THE NO0ST0M-WAL\/E8T0N AREA COUNCIL F0KT0E PURCHASE OF ONE, (l) NEW /lN\Bk]L/\NCI'-'W]TUI-0AZER TyPE|14`GENBRATOKPOW£82DMQDULE MODNTSDON A20\2 DODGE RAM 4500 6.74,I1"ER D]ESE'LC0ASSlS' P�/\��IN() QTB5K P[<0\/|5IO#S RELATED , WHEREAS, tile City Council of the City ofBaytown has approved all Interlocal Agreement which authorizes the HOUStOn-Galveston Area Council to take bids forcertain items oil belialfol"the City ol'Baytown; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SUChagreement, the Houston-Galveston Area Council has taken bids for one (|) new ambulance with youe r]ype]l4`gencruWrpawcredmodu\emmmn\mdwua20|2DmdgeRuro4500 �.7'|iterdiemd chassis; NOW Ti 1"REf(}0LG BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY (I I OUNCIL, OFTHE CITY Of," BAYTOWN, -f']--"XAS: Section \: That UluC6v Council nf the City u[8ay&rwn hereby authorizes tile pm>muVvfONE HUNDRED F[[TY-[w0 7B0USAMD Tl{KI"1`1 HUNDRED FIFTY AND NOY100 DOLLARS ($152,350.00) to Dallas Dodge Chrysler Jeep thrOUgh tile 1-IOUston-Galveston AreaCounci I fbr tile pUrchase of one (i) new ambulance wit h Frazer Type | l4, generator powered mudu|emouuu6:d oil m2u|2Dodge Rum 4500 6.7-liter diesel chassis, Section 2: That pmcsuomt to the provisions of'l'esoo Local Government Code Annotated §252.040, the City K4mnnSer is hereby grm)1o] gemsod authority to approve any change order involving decrease orum increase io costs o[F}rTY T0QUS/\ND AND ND/|80 DOLLARS ($50,00Q.0O) mrless, provided that tile original onobuot price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%)or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (2596)vvhhout tile consent ofthc contractor to such decrease, Sectioo3� This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by file City Cmunoilnf the City ofBmyimvmn. INTRODUCED, READ and lASSGQby the affirmative vote City Conned ofd#[ity Of Baytown this the 26`"day o[Jumumry, 2012. 7 v fee �C^b1's0I |ruummoT d�/ * « a} \ y iNl