Ordinance No. 11,845ORDINANCE NO, 11,845 AN ORDINANCE' ()[' THE CVFY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAY.. OWN, TT`XAS, Au'riioRIZING'f']-If','I)AYMI,'N'1'01E''I'lil,'St,JMOF1'-'11-r "l'Y-FOL.JR'1'1IOUSANDONI'l-[LJNDRED FIFTY-EIGHTAND NO/100 DOLLARS ($54,158,00) TOCASCO INDUSTRIES, INC., FOR TI II PURCHASE OFf"IREFIGHTING PROTECTIV E'CILOTH ING; MAKING OTI-If"R PROVISIONS RE-L.ATED ANF) PROVIDING F ORTI IE EITECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WI-11"."RI'AS, Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.022 provides that when the functional requirementsofthe City can only be satisfied by one source, the requirement for competitive bids is not applicable; and WHEREAS, the procurement of firefighting protective clolhing can be satisfied by only ogle SOL11-Ce, CaSCO Industries, Inc., as it is the sole source distributor for Globe bunker gear in the State ofTexas and surrounding, states; NOW TI fl ICI " FORE I BE IT ORDAINED BY TI IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ury OF BAYTO\A1N,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council ofthe City of'Bayto\vn, Texas, hereby declares that only one source can satisfy the needs of the City 4'or liretighting protective Clothing. Section 2: '"I'llat the City Council ofthe City offlaytown,Texas, ultil0rizes Payment ofthe sum off,'IFTY- FOUR THOUSAND ( NFI' HL)NDRED FIFTY-f'11(31 IT AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($54,158.00) to Casco 111CILISIrieS, Inc., as the sole source, for the purchase of firefighting protective clothing. Section 3: That PL11-SWUlt to the provisions ofTexas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, tile City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or all increase in costs of I"IFTY11 IOU SAND AN 1) NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($50,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than INventy-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent ofthe contractor to SuCII decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its 'age by tile City Council of after the City of " Baytown, INTRODUCFD, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of tile City .,o incil ofthe City ol-Baytown, this the 12"' day of.lanuary, 2012, 1 ZY, I APPROVE'D ASTO FORM� e.; IN4XACIO RAMIRE-Z, SR., City A lorney V,Cob1'.s,0 Cou 116N)i d mances\2 0I 2\.1;lnwlry STF'P)4EN-Ff­DONCARLOS, Mayor