Ordinance No. 11,843ORDINANC]"' NO. 11,843 AN ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY COLJNCIL 01 fill, CITY OF'BAYTOwN, TEXAS, Aurl-IORIZING CHANGE ORI)ER NO. 2 WITH NUNN CONSTRUCTORS, INC., FOR Till; CDBG NON-HOUSING WASTEWATER EMERGE'NCY POWER IIROJI"-C'.F: AUXILIARY PUMPS & LIFT STATION SUBJEICT TO APPROVAL BY T111---'TEXAS GENE'RAL LAND OFF'ICE; AUT FIORIZING PAYMI..`.N'-FBYTl-IE CITY 017,13AY-roWN, TI IF' OF IWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-f,`lGIITTI IOUSAND EIGHTHUNDPLED SEVENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($278,870.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE l.-1`FFl`CTlV[1 DATE 'rHEREOF', * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k* * * * * * * 4: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 * * * * * * * 4, :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHL? CITY (.)F`BAYT0\VN,TFXAS: Section 1: That subject to approval by the Texas General I-and Office, the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 2 with NL11111 Consti•tictors, Inc., for the CDBG Non- Housing Wastewater Emergency Power Project: AL1Xili,-11-yPui-nl)s & Lift Station, A cop), of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council ofthe City ' ' ity of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT 'rm i-i,jsAND f,'IGHT 14UNDRED SEVENTY AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($278,870.00) to Nunn Constructors, Inc., f=ear Change Order No. 2 (:or the CDBG Non-FIOUsing Wastewater Emergency Power Project: Auxiliary Pumps & Lift Station, Section 3: This ordinance shall take of immediately From and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCF-117, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote f the City Council OfthC City of Baytown this the 12"' day ot'January, 2012. APPROVED AS TO l"ORM: 157 (1-(NNACI0 RAMIREZ, SR., Crty )Atlorney S'V-�Pf DONCARLOS, Mayor ky CounCO"Oldifu ... es2012J.n,,ftfw 12. Chanv0v&AM,24(1)131 do, Exhibit "A" �fX,�S. CHAPTER n CONTRACT i"- IENDIIENTS Form 9 -4 Construction Contract Change Order Approval Request Owner: Contract For: Date : November 9, 2011 City of Baytown CDBG Non - Housing 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 Wastewater Emergency Power Auxiliary Pumps and Lift Station Project No. Phone #: 281 - 422 -8281 5466 -006A Contractor: Engineer: DR Contract No. Nunn Constructors, Ltd. Jones & Carter, Inc. 010220 23602 Botkins 6335 Gulfton, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77447 Houston, TX 77081 Agreement Date: July 7, 2011 Phone #: 713 - 777 -5337 Change Order No. 002 Phone #: 281 - 351 -8383 Engineer's Project No: 5466 -006A You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: Item Description of Changes- Quantities, Units, Unit Prices, Decrease in Increase in No. Change in Completion Scheduled, Etc. Contract Price Contract Price 7.7 Remove abandoned force main that conflicts with $5,600.00 pier placement and cap. Construct a new lift station at the Point Royal site. $273,270.00 16 Disaster Recovery Program Project Implementation Manual Page 2 of 5 0 f' Al CHAPTER � C0NTRAC7 AN1E-NDMENTS Change in Contract Price Change in Contract Time Original Contract Price: $1,435,300.00 Original Contract Time: 237 days Previous Change Order(s) No. 000 to No. 001 $568.00 Net Change From Previous Change Orders 135 days Contract Price Prior to this Change Order $1,435,868.00 Contract Time Prior to this Change Order 372 days Net Increase /Decrease of this Change Order $278,870.00 Net Increase /Decrease of this Change Order 150 days Contract Price With all Approved Change Orders $1,714,738.00 Contract Time With all Approved Change Orders 522 days Cumulative % Change in Contract Price: 19.5 % DH Division reimbursement of costs approves Dy rrns cnangs oraer is suoteci to approval oy I unn. RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: I A E By. ENGINEER: Jones & Carter, Inc: Gregory S. Baird, P.E. Date: 1 o r 1 By: OWNER: City of Baytown: Jose Pastrana, P.E. Date: JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGE By- CONTRACTOR: Nunn Constructors, Ltd. Date: M1 ntee: City of Baytown DRS Contract No.: 010220 Change Order No. 002 Disaster Recuvery Program Prgject Implementation i1lallual Page 3 of 5 CATER 9 CONVTR:ICT .A.MENVDN�IENVTS TI'�r1? 1. Will this Change Order increase or decrease the number of beneficiaries? ❑ Increase ❑ Decrease No Change If there is a change, how many beneficiaries will be affected? Total UM 2. Effect of this change on scope of work: ❑ Increase ❑ Decrease I No Change 3. Effect on operation and maintenance costs: ❑ Increase ❑ Decrease I No Change 4. Are all prices in the change order dependent upon unit prices found in the original bid? ❑ Yes No If "No ", explain: Original plans called for steel stirrups that were re- evaluated and required increasing the size of the steel. 5. Will this change be completed within the contract period? If "No ", expected completion date: December 11, 2012 6. Has this change created new circumstances or environmental conditions which may affect the project's impact, such as concealed or unexpected conditions discovered during actual © Yes . ❑ No (completion date) construction? ❑ Yes M No If "Yes ", is an Environmental Re- assessment required? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7. Is the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) clearance still valid? M Yes ❑ No Disaster Recovery Program Project Implementation N-Ianual Page 4 of 5 --OF R(, CHAPTER " CONTILAW T r1I•IENDIMENTS 8. Is the TCEQ permit approval still valid? (sewer projects only) Yes ❑ No 9. Are the handicapped access requirements /approval still valid (if applicable)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 10. Are other Disaster Recovery contractual special condition clearance still valid? Yes ❑ No (If no, specify): NOTE: * Generally, a cumulative change in the contract price in excess of 25% cannot be approved. * Generally, items not included or identifying unit costs in the original bid documents cannot be approved as change order items. Disaster Ilecovery Program Project Implementation Manual Page 5 of 5