Ordinance No. 11,831ORDINANCE NO. 11,831 AN ORDINANCE OF T1-ff!.CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFBAYTOWN, 'FEXAS, Rl--.'NLWIN(J THE' [.1MERGENCY S1-RVlCES FOR FOOD AND SUPPLIES Pl��E-1 VEN'I' .AG REE vll-,'N'I'WI'1'11 SYSCO FOOD S('--'RVICI"-'S OF HOUS'"I'ON L.P.: AND PROVIDIN(3 FORTHE WHEREAS, pursuant to competitive proposal procedures, Sysco Food Services ofl-Iouston L.P., entered into an Emergency Services for Food and SUPplieS Pre-Event Agreement with the City oaf' Baytown oil September 2, 2009; and WHEREAS, said contract included the option to renew for additional one-year periods, and renewals were authorized on November 24, 2009, and December 10, 2010; and WHEREAS, Sysco Food Services cif F loo ston I .P,, has indicated its willingness to renew the contract for an additional )'Car Under the same tern-is and conditions; and WIII 'REAS, the Administration has reviewed tile market conditions and recomillends renewal as being in the best interest of (lie City; NOW] I IIER17FORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE, CITY COUNCIL OFTI IE CITY Ol" BAYTOWN,TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of' Baytown hereby renews Emergency Services for Food and Supplies Pre-l"vent Agreement with. Sysco Food Services of I louston I-P., under the same terms and conditions. Section 2: '['his ordinance shall take eff'ect immediately from and after its passage by tile City Council of tile City of Baytown. If INTRODUCED, READ and PASSI-J) by the affirma ote ofthe City Council ofthe City of Baytown this the 12"' day of January, 2012. �1 A W11MV1 1A APPROVED JNWACIO RAMIREZ, SR., y Attorney 12\SyscoRcnewahloc DONCARLOS, Mayor