CC Resolution No. 64 RESOLUTION NO. 64 A UNr;iNIi.;OUS RESOLUTION 0: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTO.J;d REQUESTING THE STATE IJATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOitRD TO TAKE ALL POSSIBLE ST_PS TO ,B,JE, PREVENT AND CONTROL THE EXCESSIV,� POLLUTIOiN OF PUBLIC HATERS IN AND NEAR THE CITY OF BAYTO':JN; REQUESTIING THE HARRIS COUNTY DELEGATES TO THE TEXAS L GISL:''.TURE TO MAKE .-t STUDY OF THE PRESENT POLLUTION LAl1S TO DETERI�;INE '�JHETHER OR NOT THE. PRESENT LA'.JS .ARE ADEQUATE; AUTHORIZING ;AND DIRECTING THE I:L YOR AND CITY CLERIC ':O EXECUTE THIS RESOLUTION AND DIRECTING THE CITY i:;,'',NAGER TO C+i, IL A CERTIFIED COPY OF SAi.ic TO THE STAT; '.Ji-tT: POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD :AND TO EACH OF THE i,ic1.;B'RS OF "iHE H,ARtIS COUdTY DELEG: TIOIJ TO THE TEXAS LEGISL. TUR., .JHEREiAS, the City of Baytown is virtually surrounded by water, consisting of channels , rivers, bayous and streams ; some of which are located almost in the center of said City; and WHEREAS, this area is noted as a popular resort for fishing, mig- , atory bird hunting and water sports and its economic and recreational ' ' fe is closely tied in with the foregoing ; and .JHEALAS, the above ment.i.oned bodies of water are presently being dangerously polluted by industries and other entities located on such streams ; and WH-EREAS, such po'__ution is making these waters unfit for recrea- t;_onal purposes and are making such waters unsightly to adjacent home o,.ners as well as creating, a molt-t de of unpleasant odors; and 6JHEREAS, such pollution is ki '.ling fish and other marine life in vast quantities ; NO'41, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUiNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby urgently re- ouests the State Water Pollution Control Board to take all possible steps to abate and to prevent the further pollution of the public bodies of water in and near the City of Baytown and to this end the officers and employees of the City of Baytown are hereby authorized and directed to ^-oerate with the State of Texas and the County of Harris for such pur-- pose . That the members of the Harris County Delegation to the Texas Leg- islature are hereby respectfully requested to make a study of this pro- blem and determine if additional legislation is needed and, if so, to sponsor same. That the i:iayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to properly execute this Resolution and the City i;anager is directed to rurnish a copy of same to the State '.Jater Pollution Control Board and a copy of same to each member of the Harris County Delegation to the Texas Legislature. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the unanimous vote of the City Jouncil of the City of Baytown on this the 12th day of November, 1964. C. L. Liggett, 1ci.D. , 1.1ayor Attest: : dna Oliver, City Clerk :,PPROVLD: George Chandler, City Attorney TH-E STATE OF TXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS I , 7dna Oliver, the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk for the City of Baytown, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed by the City Council on this the 12th day of November, 1964. cdna Oliver, City Clerk