CC Resolution No. 57 RESOLUTION N0. 57
At a regular meeting of the Baytown City Council held on
August 13, 1964, on motion made by Councilman J. Robert Barnes and
seconded by Councilman la. E. Lively, the following resolution was un-
animously adopted:
WHEREAS, Section 218(p) of Title II of the Federal Social Se-
curity Act has been amended to permit participation of firemen in
positions covered by a retirement system, and
JJHEREAS , the policemen of the City of Baytown, Texas , through
committee representation, have requested this City Council of the City
of Baytown, Texas to ask the Texas State Department of Public ':Jelfare
to hold an election by the firemen of said City of Baytown who are
members of the Texas i,;unicipal Retirement System to determine whether
or not they wish to have Federal Old Age, Survivors , and Disability
Insurance coverage in addition to the existing retirement system;
NO`.J, THEREFORE, in order to meet the requirements of Section
218(p) of Title II of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, this
City Council of the City of Baytown requests the Texas State Department
of Public lielfare to hold as expeditiously as possible a referendum
of the firem a n, members of the retirement system, as required in said
law and in House Bill 603, Acts of the 52nd Legislature of the State of
Texas , 1951 .
C. L. Liggett, M.D. , Tiayor
Edna Oliver, City Clerk
Geor ,Chandler, City Attorney