CC Resolution No. 38 RESOLUTION NO,31. A RFSOLTTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AUTHDRIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY OF BAMWN 1,ND THE SHERIFF OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO SELL, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW OF TEXAS AND CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RAYTOWN; INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TD DELIVER A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE SHERIFF OF THIS COUNTY AND THAT SUCH RLSiCLUTION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A WRITTEN RFJ)UEST TO HIM FOR THE MAKING OF SUCH SALE; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION THEREOF, BE IT h!_'iOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tir CITY OF BAYTOWN: Section L That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorises and direr to the City Attorney of Baytown and the Sheriff of Harris County, Texas, to sell, at public auction, certain tracts and parcels of land for whloh Judo- went has been entered by the City of Baytown and Intervenors, Goose Creek Cassell- dated Independent School District and Harris County, Texas, for delinquent taxes, to accordance with the In of Texas and Charter of the City of Baytown. Said cause being No. 432-944. entitled City of Baytown vs. Mrs. A. Grander. in the 129th District Court, Harris County, Texas, Judgment foreclosing lien for taxes van entered as February 24. 1961, execu- tion issued to March 29. 1961 and Sheriff's deed to the City of Baytown dated May 2, 1%1, in File No, 329280, Volume 4356. Page 607. Records of Harris County, Texas, on the following tracts and parcels of land, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of lead situated in the City of Baytown. Harris County. Towns, and being were particularly described as follows: Lets. Nos. Three (3), Four (4). Seven (7), Eight (B). Nine (9), Tea (10). Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block No, Four (4), EAST RAYTOWN ADDITION to the City of Baytown, Harris County. Texas, Section 2: That the City Attorney of the City of Baytown is hereby instructed to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to the Sheriff of Harris County, Texas, and that such certified copy shall be considered a written request to said Sheriff of Harris County, Texas, to proceed with the execution of suck sale. Section 3: That this Resolution shall take effect from and after Its passage by the City Council, INTRODUCEU, READ and PASSED.by the affirmative vote of the City Council this, the 12tb day of March, 1964, C. L. Liggett, N.D., Mayor ATT EST: Eden Oliver, City Clerk APPROVED: GeergW Chandler, City Attorney THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF HARRIS 1 1, Edse Oliver, City Clerk of the City of Hatton, Harris County, Texas, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a Resolution styled: RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AVTHDRIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY OF BAYTOWN AND THE SHERIFF OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. TO SELL, AT PUB- LIC AUCTION, CERTAIN TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAW IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE LAM OF TEXAS AND CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAY- TOWN; INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATIURNLY TO DELIVER A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION 10 THE SHERIFF OF THIS COUNTY AND THAT SUCH RESOLUTION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A WRITTEN RF QUEST TO Ulm FOR THE HARING OF SUCH SALE; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFGCTIVE DAT AND PUBLICATION THEREOF. which was duly passed and approved at a meeting of the City Council on the 12th day of March, 1964. 2daa Oliver, City Clerk