Book11 - 1999 NAMING a 50-acre tract on Crosby Cedar Bayou 01-14-99 2613 to be dedicated to the Communities Foundation of TX for future dedication to the City of Baytown in honor of George and Freda Chandler GRANTING consent to the creation of Spring Meadows 01-14-99 2614 MUD No. 1 URGING the 76th TX legislature to increase 01-14-99 2618 appropriations for road and bridge maintenance and expansion AUTHORIZING C/M to accept a grant from 01-28-99 2620 Office of NDCP in conjunction with HIDTA COMMENDING Bobby Rountree for his leadership 01-28-99 2621 and accomplishments APPOINTING members Community Development 02-11-99 2624 Advisory Committee ENDORSING Guiding Principles for Cleaner Air for 02-11-99 2626 HGAC APPROVING the amended Senior/Disabled Citizen 02-25-99 2627 Taxicab Program Guidelines and Agreement ESTABLISHING the Commencement date for the Guidelines And the use of the agreement AUTHORIZING the C/M to apple for a grant with the 2-25-99 2628 State of Texas, Office of the Governor, criminal Justice Division, for the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition APPROVING the single family mortgage revenue note 3-11-99 2630 Program of the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corp. AUTHORIZING the C/M to accept additional funding 3-22-99 2632 Under a federal grant from the office of National Drug Control Policy in conjunction with the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Project REQUESTING the sheriff to sell certain properties at a 4-22-99 2633 Public sale pursuant to section 34.05 (C) of the Texas Tax Code CANVASSING the returns of May 1st 1999 elections for 5-04-99 2635 Council members for district 1 & 3 and declaring results AUTHORIZING the Chambers County Mosquito Control 5-13-99 2637 Department to use aerial application methods 1390 ADOPTI NG the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy 6-10-99 2638 1391 ADOPTING the guidelines for the Homebuyers’ 6-10-99 2639 Assistance Program APPROVING the travel authorization and expense 6-24-99 2640 policy of the City of Baytown APPROVING the sale by sealed bid of the property 6-24-99 2641 lots 15 and 16 block 3 East Baytown also APPROVING all previous actions taken by city concerning the foreclosure of he city’s tax lien on this property AUTHORIZING the city manager to make 7-8-1999 2643 application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grant Funds EXPRESSING its desire that the City of Baytown 7-22-1999 2644 remains as a class participant in the lawsuit styled City of Wharton V. Houston Lighting & Power in the 127th Judicial District Court and that Benjamin L. Hall continue to represent the city’s interest in such lawsuit AUTHORIZING the CM to make application to the TDOT 7-22-1999 2645 enhancement program for funding for various projects integral to the master plan of the Baytown Nature Center REQUESTING the sheriff to sell certain properties at a 7-22-1999 2647 public sale pursuant to the Texas Tax Code APPROVING the sale of foreclosed properties due 8-17-1999 2650 to Delinquent ad Valorem Taxes to highest bidder AMENDING Resolution No. 1137 designating the CM 08-26-1999 2653 and the DOF as the officials authorized to act on behalf of the city in the purchasing program of the state purchasing and general services commission. AUTHORIZING the CM to make application to the 08-30-1999 2654 United States Department for a grant from the 1999 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program In the amount of $96,754.00. APPROVING the investment policy and strategy 09-09-1999 2655 of the City of Baytown in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act. 1402 GRANTING tax abatement in a reinvestment zone 09-23-1999 2656 1403 SUPPORTING the expansion of Port of Houston 10-14-1999 2658 AUTHORIZING the CM to make application to the 10-14-1999 2660 Houston Galveston Area Council for Victims of Crime Act Grant Funds AUTHORIZING the CM to accept additional funding 10-14-1999 2662 under a Federal Grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy for the Cooperative Agreement Pertaining to the HIDTA APPOINTING Bill Harry as Representative to the 10-14-1999 2664 Harris County Appraisal District for the year 2000 APPOINTING Frank E. Hinds Jr. to the Houston- 10-14-1999 2665 Galveston Area Council for the year 2000 REQUESTING the sheriff to sell a certain property 10-28-1999 2666 at a public sale AUTHORIZING the CM to transfer funds from various 10-28-1999 2668 accounts within the general fund CASTING the COB’s Ballot for the election of a 10-18-1999 2669 representative to the board of director of the HCAD for the year 2000 AUTHORIZING the CM to make application t the 11-11-1999 2670 Texas General land Office, Coastal Management program for a summer 2001 Wetlands ECO-Program; Designating and authorized representative authorizing the representative to accept or affirm any grant award that may result therefrom; Authorizing a match of ($16,177.00) INCREASING the CM’s change order authority from 11-11-1999 2672 ($15,000.00) to ($25,000.00) REQUESTING the sheriff, to sell certain properties 11-11-1999 2673 at a public sale REQUESTING notice from the Agency or Political 11-23-1999 2675 Subdivision of the State that proposes to construct or operate a Correctional or Rehabilitation Facility AUTHORIZING and Directing the Mayor to execute 11-23-1999 2 676 the General Certificates of Local Governmental Unit relating to the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds and Residual Revenue Capital Appreciation Bonds by Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation REQUESTING the sheriff to sell certain properties 11-23-1999 2678 AUTHORIZING the CM to apply for a grant to the Office 11-23-1999 2680 of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division DENYING consent to the operation A Board of Parsons 12-09-1999 2682 And Paroles Office at 1307 State Highway 146