Resolution Index Book 11 - 1998 NAMING The Sterling Municipal Library meeting room 01-22-98 2564 in honor of Flora Richardson Wilhite APPOINTING the Board of Directors of the Baytown 01-22-98 2565 Crime Control and Prevention District; Establishing the term of each member of the board AMENDING Resolution No. 1299 concerning 02-12-98 2566 the Community Development Homebuyers’ Assistance Program guidelines. APPROVING the1998 Single Family Mortgage Revenue 02-12-98 2567 Bond program of the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corp. directing the mayor to execute the appropriate certificates evidencing the approval of the same. AUTHORIZING the C/M to make application to the 02-12-98 2569 Office of National Drug Control Policy for a grant in conjunction with the HIDTAproject designating an authorized representative. AUTHORIZING C/M to submit a grant application 02-12-98 2570 to the State Emergency Management for the purchase of materials to enhance readiness to respond to major disasters. AUTHORIZING to place sections of Bayway Drive, 03-12-98 2572 Tri-Cities Beach Road and East Texas Avenue on the Harris County Road Log SUPPORTING action by congress to amend the Federal 03-12-98 2574 Fair Housing Act and the Fair Housing Act Amendments to return zoning and use of controls to localities when siting group homes in single-family neighborhoods; endorsing H. R. 3206 REPEALING Resolution 1280 passed on June 13, 3-26-98 2576 naming the fire station to be located at 3311 Massey- Tompkins in honor of Fire Chief V. H. “Buddy” McBride BAYLAND PARK boat ramps located at 2641 South 3-26-98 2577 Highway 146 to be named in honor of Fire Chief V. H. ‘Buddy” McBride AUTHORIZING Chambers County mosquito control 4-9-98 2579 AUTHORIZING the C/M to make application to the 4-23-98 2580 TDOHACA for home grant funds for owner-occupied hou sing rehab for low-income citizens; AUTHORIZING the C/M to make application to 4-23-98 2581 the TDOHACA for home grant funds for the Home- Buyers Assistance Program for low and moderate income citizens; CANVASSING the election on the one council member 5-7-98 2582 from district six. AUTHORIZING publication of notice or intention to issue 5-7-98 2584 certificates of obligation. AUTHORIZING PW Director to acquire, improve, and 5-14-98 2586 maintain certain dedicated drainage easements DESIGNATING certain officials dealing with Texas 6-25-98 2587 Parks and Wildlife Dept. to participate in the grant programs and authorizing application for outdoor recreational uses. AUTHORIZING C/M to make application to the 6-25-98 2589 H-GAC for solid waste management implementation grant funding. AUTHORIZING CM to make application to the USD 7-9-98 2591 OF AUD for the 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant Funds. AUTHORIZING C/M to make application to the Texas 7-23-98 2592 Parks and Wildlife Dept. for a grant for the development of the Nature Center. REQUESTING legislative action preserving local 8-31-98 2593 gover nment authority to save taxpayer dollars through cooperative purchasing programs. SUPPORTING action preserving local government authority to save taxpayer dollars through 8-13-98 2594 cooperative purchasing programs. REQUESTING the Governor develop a major 9-10-98 2595 legis lative initiative for the 76th legislative session to promote and enhance the Integrated State Recreation and Parks System. AUTHORIZING the CM to make application to 9-10-98 2597 TTIFB to enhance public Internet access at the Sterling Library APPROVING investment policy and strategy of the 9-24-98 2598 City of Baytown in compliance with the Public Funds Investment act AUTHORIZING CM to accept additional funding under 9-24-98 2599 A federal grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy for the cooperative agreement pertaining to the Houston HIDTA Project CASTING vote for the offices of trustees, places 6,7,8, 9-24-98 2600 and 9 of Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool AMENDING the Police-Initiated Tow Agreement. 11-12-98 2601 APPROVING Refinancing of the Single Family 11-12-98 2602 Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Series the 1987 A and 1988 A of the STHFC. APPOINTING E. Frank Hinds, Jr. as Rep , Board 11-12-98 2604 Of Directors for H-GAC for year 1999 and Pete C. Alfaro as alternate. ESTABLISHING rules and procedures for conducting 11-24-98 2605 briefing sessions AUTHORIZ ING C/M to apply for a grant to 11-24-98 2608 Office of the Governor Criminal Justice Division, T.N.C.P. Program in connection with the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force AUTHORIZING the C/M to make application 11-24-98 2609 to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for home grant funds for owner-occupied housing rehab for low-income citizens AUTHORIZING the C/M to make application 11-24-98 2610 to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for home grant funds for the Homebuyers’ Assistance Program for low and moderate income citizens AUTHORIZING the C/M to accept a grant 12-10-98 2611 award from the United States Department of Justice. AUTHORIZING the C/M to accept additional 12-10-98 2612 funding under a federal grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy for the cooperative agreement for the Houston HIDTA area project