Ordinance No. 14,399ORDINANCE NO. 14,399 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 TO THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 6 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT BETWEEN THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY AND PEPPER LAWSON WATERWORKS, LLC; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. **************************************************************************************************** WHEREAS, the Baytown Area Water Authority's enabling legislation requires that the City Council approve certain agreements before Baytown Area Water Authority ("BAWA") enters into the same; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2020, the Board of Directors of BAWA approved Change Order No. 9 to the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City of Baytown desires to approve such change order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the recitals set forth hereinabove are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves Change Order No. 9 for the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC, which change order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of ity of Baytown this the 281h day of May, 2020. NDON CAPETILLO, ayor ATTEST: LETICIA BRYSCH, Cit Jerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: KARE . HORNER, Interim City Attorney e° 7„g, •! ° of`�'S// RAKaren\Files\City CouncihOrdinances\202OWay 28\ApprovingBAWAChangeOrderNo9.doc BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY Change Order No. 9 6.0 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PO: 1806021 Date: 15-May-20 Brief Description of Changes: CO 9.1 Deduction for the deletion of brick masonry at seven structural steel columns at the Operations Building Chemical area which were in conflict with column anchor plates (PCO#38). CO 9.2 Deduction for the Operations Building Lobby Decorative Stone provided on one accent wall instead of 3 walls (PCO A61). CO 9.3 Addition of epoxy floor coating in the Operations Building laboratory analyzer and eye wash area (PCO#62)- CO 9.4 Additional work for the Operations Building administration area wall height adjustment (PCO #63). CO 9.5 Additional work to remove a conflict between the millwork and SCADA operations desks, to modify the millwork and remove cabinets in two locations, bracing the countertop, repair the wall and flooring. (PCO #64), CO 9.6 No cost change to substitute tile for brick at the Operations Building administration area. (PCO #65). CO 9.7 Additional work to provide a cabinet to at the Operations Building laboratory sink area. (PCO 66). CO 9.8 Additional work to upsize the transformer from a 25KVA to a 37.5KVA unit to operate the High Service and Transfer Pumps safely in cold weather (PCO #67). CO 9.9 Additional work to re-route the Operations Building laboratory analyzer trough drain and sinks to the Sludge Pump Station. (PCO; 57). Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit uanti Unit Price Total 9.1 Operations Bldg Column Masonry deletion (PCO 38) 1 LS (4,025.00) $ (4,025.00) 9.2 Operations Bldg Lobby Stone deduction (PCO 61) 1 LS (7,014.50) $ (7,014.50) 9.3 Epoxy Coating in Laboratory area (PCO 62) 1 LS 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 9.4 Operations Bldg admin. wall height adjust. (PCO 63) 1 LS 3,815.00 $ 3,815.00 9.5 Millwork modifications at SCADA area (PCO 64) 1 LS 4,530.00 $ 4,530.00 9.6 Tile in lieu of brick at Operations Bldg admin (PCO 65) 1 LS - $ - 9,7 Operations Bldg laboratory sink area cabinet(PCO 66) 1 LS 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 9.8 Transformer upsizing (PCO 67) 1 LS 21,880.08 $ 21,880.08 9.9 Reroute Operations Bldg laboratory drain and sinks to the Sludge Pump Station(PCO 57) I LS 27,600.18 $ 27,600.18 Total Contract Summary: 52,385.76 Original Revised 1 Ori inat Contract Price $52,186,000.00 2 Owner Contingency $0.00 Previous Change Orders This Change Order Remaining Contingency 3 1 Change Orders Previous Change Orders $ (3,423,196.97) This change order $ 52,385.76 4 Revised Contract Price $52,186,000.00 $48,815,188.79 Original Contract Duration 1095 Previous Extensions 0 This Change Order 0 Revised Duration - Calendar Days 1095 ��ud 5'y 5-15-20 Contractor: PLW Waterworks, LLC Date Christopher F. Smith, Executive Vice President _ 5-17-2020 Consultant: Jones I Carter, Inc. Dare 05/15/2020 Director of Public Works &'T; igineering Date Frank O. Simoneaux Jr. P.E. / City Manager Date Richard L. Davis, ICMA-CM P[W waterworks May 15, 2020 Mr. Andrea Brinkley Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 Re: CPR No. #038, #061, #062, #0639 #064, #065 & #066 BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mrs. Brinkley, PLW requests approval to combine the above referenced PCO's to complete requested modifications in the Operations Building. This change will result in a increase in the amount of $3,441.56 . Please feel free to contact me at (713) 301-8637 with any questions or concerns. Regards, PLW Waterworks Katy Drown Project Manager Page 1 Baytown Area Water Authority BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAN A Job No. 1906021 Combined PCO's at Ops Building Scope of Work Combination of PCO N038 PCO N061, PCO N062 PCO N063 PCO #064 N065 & N066 CPR No.:, N065 & N066 Date: 05 I5/20 PLN Job No.: P3T Non -Taxed Labor Material Subcontract Taxed Mat'1/E ui Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Item No. Dmcn lion Qtv Unit Con Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost 1 PCO N038 - Credit for Deleting Brick Columns at Operations Building I 1 Credit from Masonry Contractors (Addilrond materials will be IcA onsne for BAW 1 LS $ - S - S - S - f (J 0 i 5 00) S (4 025 00) S 2 PCO #061 -Operations Building Stone Credit S pT r, 14 Si,, Subtotal 21 Credit to delete (3) %ails of Stone Veewr duc to bcandcolumn cerdkcts I LS S - S - S - f - S (121r•140) S (12.76440) f - f 22 Add Stow Vaewr to South Wall 1 LS t - f - S - f - $ 5 14990 S 5.74990 t 3 PCO #062 - Operations Building Epoxy Coating at Second Floor Trougb Drain 3 1 Add Epoxy Coating to Operations Building Second Floor Trough Dmm Eye Wash I LS S - $ S J I[M.00 f J.Irni 10 S - t Area Needed for watcryrooling and pmper d�in slope to without towards lab floating J PCO N063- Pony Wall Refight Adjustment JI Ad)ust Pon)Wullat Adnnlnn Arcato42'on Facaf Ponry Wall I LS f - S - S - S - S 391500 S 4.K19H1 f - S - 5 PCO N064-Control Room Mill —It Modification, f 453000 Subtotal $ - 5 1 Remo%a lower cabinets and Ica, a countenop in place 2 EA S - S - f - f - f 765011 S 1 530 00 S 3 52 Farm & Flooring Repaus 2 EA S - S - $ t S 1 500(a1 f 1 000 (a) 6 PCO N065 - Pomv Wall Stone Remo-1 vs. Tile ./ Accent Tilr 61 Delete Stone at Pon) Wall and add Tile with Accent TiI 1 LS f - $ - f 5 - f - 3 - S 7 PCO N066 - Lab Cabinet Sinks Doors 71 Add Lower Cabrwl Doors I LS S - S - S - 3 - f 1,50000 S 1 100 00 S - t - Direct Con Subtotal - N05 50 Snail Tools n 5 0'. - - No Equipment Burden n 50 0'. Na u a da n Tax a a 25-. da ua Na Subtotal 2 - - 2905 50 - Oscnkad & Profit rn 15 0'. 41581 Subtotal - _ 134133 - Bonds & Insumsic a 3 0'. A 10024 Subtotal J 144156 Total of all column, 1731 6 Other Grand Total Cost 3,441.56 AM', ft��m MASONRY COMPACTORS, I.I.0 NEWOW 18510 FLORENCE KNOLL OR, CYPRESS, IX 77429 Masonry Contractors, LLC proposes a credit of $4,025.00 for the deletion of decorative stone for 7 columns at canopy area at BAWA project. 7 X $575 = ($4,025.00) John Hill Hamersveld Holdings, LLC Houston Area Commercial Flooring 722 Talmalge Hall Dr. Conroe, TX 77302 Submitted To: PLW Waterworks Attention: Anonio lbarra Cust Address: 5359 E. Grand Parkway S. Baytown, TX 77520 Contact: Anonio lbarra Email; aibarra@plwus.com Phone: Mobile / EXT: (713) 412-1867 Proposal Office: 832-401-1339 f website: Project: BAWA: Lobby Stone Pony Wall at Millwork Desk Date: 4/13/2020 lob Address: Proposed -By, Mark van Hamersveld Email: hamersveldholdingsAgmail.com fdL 832 401 1339 Tag Description IUnitj Qty. Unit Sell Extension SCOPE: Stone for Entrance x Three Walls, North, East, & West STN-1: Emser, Veneer Stone, American Rockies, Calgary sf 875.00 $ 11.25 $ 9,843.75 STN-OC: Emser, Veneer Stone Corner, American Rockies, Calgary if 85.00 Thinset-2: Laticrete, 4-XLT White bags 100.00 $ 18.59 $ 1,859.00 LABOR TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL CRDIT Sales tax not included unless noted above. TOTAL TAX $ (12,764.40) $ Total Credit With Tax 1 $ (12,764.40) All work warranted one(1) year from installation. Moisture tests will be billed at $115.0 for each required to cover manufactures warranty. Alternate 1 Epoxy Grout and Backer Boards Not included unless specifically stated above. Additional Bags of Floor Prep Will be charged at $45.00 per bag. Excluded no testing performed by outside Technician. No furniture moving included unless specifically stated. Job changes not conforming to last print date on proposal; incurring more materials or labor will require a change order. Prices are based on clean Floors, broom swept and ready to receive Flooring. Floor preparation, demo, mopping, vacuuming, waxing, and protection is not included unless specifically stated in proposal. All prices are based on work completed during normal hours unless otherwise noted. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure all slabs are cured to meet Floor Covering Standards. Moisture Remediation, Asbestos Testing/removal, Final Clean, Wax / Polishing All not Included Remobilization Fee of $500 if jobsite is not ready for install and installation crews arrive ready to work. Will be applied per each occurrence. Waterproofing not included unless noted in above proposal Terms Net 30 Accepted By Date 11W �94? Hamersveld Holdings, LLC Houston Area Commercial Flooring Change Request 1 722 Talmalge Hall Dr. Office: 832-401-1339 Conroe, TX 77302 fax. website: Submitted To: PLW Waterworks Project: BAWA: Entrance, South Wall Attention: Antonio Ibarra Stone Cust Address: 5359 E. Grand Parkway S. Baytown, TX 77520 Date: 4/9/2020 Contact: Antonio Ibarra job Address: Email: aibarra@plwus.com Phone: Proposed By: Mark van Hamersveld Mobile / EXT: (713) 412-1867 Email: hamersveldholdingsagmail.com Cell: 832 4011339 Tag Description IUnitj Qty. I Unit Sell I Extension SCOPE: Install new stone wall on south wall in lieu of west wall Use existing stone from original contract Balance needed for materials and labor to apply to this change order STN-1: Emser, Veneer Stone, American Rockies, Calgary sf 218.00 $ 12.50 $ 2,72S.00 STN-OC: Emser, Veneer Stone Corner, American Rockies, Calgary If 61.00 $ 13.88 $ 846.68 Thinset-2: Laticrete, 4-XLT White bags 30.00 $ 20.66 $ 619.80 ADD: Miter cuts for fur out wall angle ea 1.00 $ 555.56 $ 555.56 ADD: Scisor Lift ea 1.00 $ 1,002.86 $ 1,002.86 LABOR TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL SUBTOTAL Sales tax not included unless noted above. TOTAL TAX $ 1,002.86 $ 5,749.90 $ - Total With Tax I $ 5,749.90 All work warranted one(1) year from installation. Moisture tests will be billed at $115.0 for each required to cover manufactures warranty. Epoxy Grout and Backer Boards Not included unless specifically stated above. Additional Bags of Floor Prep Will be charged at $45.00 per bag. Excluded no testing performed by outside Technician. No furniture moving included unless specifically stated. job changes not conforming to last print date on proposal; incurring more materials or labor will require a change order. Prices are based on clean Floors, broom swept, and ready to receive flooring. Floor preparation, demo, mopping, vacuuming, waxing, and protection is not included unless specifically stated in proposal. All prices are based on work completed during normal hours unless otherwise noted. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure all slabs are cured to meet Floor Covering Standards. Moisture Remediation, Asbestos Testing/removal, Final Clean, Wax / Polishing All not Included Remobilization Fee of $500 if jobsite is not ready for install and installation crews arrive ready to work. Will be applied per each occurrence. Waterproofing not included unless noted in above proposal Terms Net 30 Accepted By Date I April 2, 2420 01ANG : ORD111 t}uO'19161IAWA 20-021 PL W Waterworks 3701 Kirby Drive Ste 1133 1 kruston 1'X 77098 Attention, Katy DroWn Office; Ice: Cell: 713-301-9637 1:-trtttil: kdrow�g�ilws�te} Reference, 1:poxy Floor containment coating on second near. Attention: Katy, painting Professionals, Inc is pleased to submit our Lump Sum proposal for the above referenced project. Our pricing includes supervision, labor, equipment, miscellaneous materials and all tools necessary to complete the scope of work as outlined herein. Our proposal, associated pricing and clarifications are based on information received from scope and Email. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Best Regards, Edward Ware Painting, Professionals Office: 713-401-0004 rl_ii_ :� -AlI-.[lM We are pleased to submit our scope for the following project. If at any time during the duration of the project, an unplanned scope of work is incurred or hold points or inspection delays occurring longer than 1 hour or plant outage causing a delay, a change order will be submitted as per TIM rates. Scoy-e of Work: • Mobe up and set up equipment. • Surface Prep concrete floor with diamond grinder for profile • Hold for inspection. Document on Daily QC report. • Apply caulking around edge of wall • Apply Epoxy Coating Plasite 4500S to prepped areas ;-' 40 Mils DFT • Hold fbr inspection. Document on Daily QC report. Items included in pricing: 1. One mobilization and demobilization fee. 2. All labor. 3. Safety and training. 4. All equipment needed for preparation & application Items to be supplied by customer: 1. Porte cans 2. Dumpster for disposal of waste Crew Size: 3 • 3 Applicators • 1 Supervisor Work schedules will be coordinated with project management and are based on a forty -hour work week. maintains a ten hour per day, 5-day work week. No additional overtime, holidays or nights are included in our pricing for this project. Should additional overtime, weekend, holiday or night schedules be requested by the client, additional charges will be accessed at overtime rates. Painting Profmionals, Joe agrees to perform above work in a timely manner for a total price of Secondary containment coating: $4,100.00 ], larma of PnXment: ice JHN'GROUP `0001-- 15344 Vantage Pkwy. E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 11 Ph: 832.626.1060 1 Fax: 832.626.1057 1 Toll Free: 800.795.0696 PROPOSAL 69793-CO3 To: City of Baytown Wastewater Treatment Plant Baytown, TX Bid Date: 5/5/2020 Date: 5/5/2020 Project: City of Baytown WTP Location: Baytown, TX Architect: Joiner Addendum:0 We propose to furnish the following as manufactured by Phoenix Millwork using standard design, materials, construction sizes and colors. Based on Change Order #3 request. Specification Section: Change Order #3 Millwork Material, freight and installation ......................... 3 815.00 Pricing Includes: 1. Per request for change order #3 we will revise East side of pony wall to 42" and the 90 degree wall will be revised to 30" per ADA requirements. Qualifications: 1. Pricing good for 1 production run and 1 delivery with completion not later than June 30, 2020. 2. Due to the unsettled nature of "Steel Tariffs" and "Freight Regulations", any such surcharges are not included in this proposal. Any steel or freight surcharges incurred will be passed along to the customer. 3. We reserve our right to a schedule extension; change orders for additional costs (including but not limited to material escalation; labor rate increases; acceleration costs; shipping costs; storage costs; administration overhead; etc.) related to any occurrence of an event which is outside of our reasonable control and which prevents us from performing our obligations (Examples but not limited to: acts of God; strikes or other labor disturbances; delays in transportation; war; acts of terrorism; epidemics (such as COVID-19); etc.). Excludes 1. State Sales & Use Taxes. Purchaser by acceptance of this quotation agrees to furnish Tax Exemption Certificates when requested on non-taxable materials, otherwise any applicable tax will be added at time of invoicing. 2. Any Liquidated, Consequential and/or Actual Damages clauses. 3. Over time or after hours work. 4. Charges for vertical transportation, Mechanical utilities and connections, Electrical utilities and connections, Bonds, Removal of existing equipment, Traps, Ducts, Fume hood fan/blowers, Fume hood testing/balancing, Rubber/vinyl base, In -wall backing/blocking. 5. Note: Clean-up to be limited to removing all debris, dirt and rubbish accumulated as a result of our installation to a dumpster provided by others, leaving the premises broom clean and orderly. Solutions for industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 CVO%h2iorouo.com L _ mfoY�h2ioroun.corn Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta Austin I Baltimore I Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columba I Dallas I Denver I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison I Mam, I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City Omaha I Seattle Pagel of 3 H2I1GROUP .' 15344 Vantage Pkvvy. E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 II Ph: 832.626.1060 1 Far: 832.626.1057 1 Toll Free: 800.795.0696 SEE PAGE 3 for Terms & Conditions This proposal is based upon usage of the AGC/ASA/ASC "Standard Form Construction Subcontract', 1996 Edition or a subcontract form otherwise acceptable to 1-121 Group, Inc. TERMS: Net 30 Days ACCEPTED: Company Name Date RESPECTFULLY, H21 Group, Inc. By D� s4 Brett Starr Project Manager 281.979.8806 Note: This quotation is offered for acceptance within 30 days and is subject to revision beyond that time. Solutions for Industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 _ COOP:: %WLW-� Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta I Austin I Baltimore I Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columbia I Dallas I Denver I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison i Miam I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City Omaha I Seattle Page 2 of 3 4000%1**w !H2IGROUP lsi� 15344 Vantage Pkwy. E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 11 Ph: 832.626.1060 1 Fax: 832.626.1057 1 Toll Free: 800.795.0696 PROPOSAL 69793-CO4 To: City of Baytown Date: 5/12/2020 Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: City of Baytown WTP Baytown, TX Location: Baytown, TX Architect: Joiner Bid Date: 5/12/2020 Addendum: 0 We propose to furnish the following as manufactured by Phoenix Millwork using standard design, materials, construction sizes and colors. Based on Change Order #4 request Specification Section: Change Order #4 Millwork Material, freight, and installation................................................................................... $1,530.00 Pricing Includes 1. Per request for change order #4 we will remove base cabinet at 209 Control Room, Cut down countertop to next most cabinet, finish side of exposed next cabinet, re -laminate countertop cut. Qualifications: 1. Pricing good for 1 production run and 1 delivery with completion not later than June 30, 2020. 2. Due to the unsettled nature of "Steel Tariffs" and "Freight Regulations", any such surcharges are not included in this proposal. Any steel or freight surcharges incurred will be passed along to the customer. 3. We reserve our right to a schedule extension; change orders for additional costs (including but not limited to material escalation; labor rate increases; acceleration costs; shipping costs; storage costs; administration overhead; etc.) related to any occurrence of an event which is outside of our reasonable control and which prevents us from performing our obligations (Examples but not limited to: acts of God; strikes or other labor disturbances; delays in transportation; war; acts of terrorism; epidemics (such as COVID-19); etc.). Excludes: 1. State Sales & Use Taxes. Purchaser by acceptance of this quotation agrees to furnish Tax Exemption Certificates when requested on non-taxable materials, otherwise any applicable tax will be added at time of invoicing. 2. Any Liquidated, Consequential and/or Actual Damages clauses. 3. Over time or after hours work. 4. Charges for vertical transportation, Mechanical utilities and connections, Electrical utilities and connections, Bonds, Removal of existing equipment, Traps, Ducts, Fume hood fan/blowers, Fume hood testing/balancing, Rubber/vinyl base, In -wall backing/blocking. 5. Note: Clean-up to be limited to removing all debris, dirt and rubbish accumulated as a result of our installation to a dumpster provided by others, leaving the premises broom clean and orderly. �..0"AS 1i ESON ��./r ,r s k Solutions for Industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 h&hZig o.com �nfa h i rim ith2igroup Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta Austin I Baltimore I Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columbia I Dallas I Derive, I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison I Mom I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City I Omaha I Seattle Page 1 of 3 lrol'"Oorals. tnc. May 14, 2020 Painting Professionals, Inc. is proposing to patch, rub and paint two location in control room where proposed control room cabinets are to be removed. PPI proposes to provide all labor, material and equipment to bring wall back to finish. 2 Locations - $1,000 each Total Proposal - $2,000.00 Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Ed Ware (307) 431-0087 Proposal Hamersveld Holdings, LLC Houston Area Commercial Flooring 722 Talmalge Hall Dr. O ce• 832-401-1339 Conroe, TX 77302 Im. e ite: Submitted To: PLW Waterworks oje • BAWA: Tile Repair in Control Attention: Anonio Ibarra Room under Cabinets Cust Address: 5359 E. Grand Parkway S. Baytown, TX 77520 Date: 5/14/2020 Contact: Anonio Ibarra lob Address: Email: aibarra@plwus.com Phone: Proposed Bv: Mark van Hamersveld Mobile / EXT: (713) 412-1867 mil: hamersveldholdinos(ftmail.com fe • 832 4011339 Tag Description Unit Qty. Unit Sell Extension SCOPE: Add the under removed cabinets in control room EA 2 $500.00 $1,000.00 LABOR TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL SUBTOTAL Sales tax not included unless noted above. TOTAL TAX $ 1,000.00 $ - Total With Tax I $ 1,000.00 All work warranted one(1) year from installation. Moisture tests will be billed at $115.0 for each required to cover manufactures warranty. Alternate 1 Epoxy Grout and Backer Boards Not included unless specifically stated above. Additional Bags of Floor Prep Will be charged at $45.00 per bag. Excluded no testing performed by outside Technician. No furniture moving included unless specifically stated. job changes not conforming to last print date on proposal; incurring more materials or labor will require a change order. Prices are based on clean Floors, broom swept, and ready to receive Flooring. Floor preparation, demo, mopping, vacuuming, waxing, and protection is not included unless specifically stated in proposal. All prices are based on work completed during normal hours unless otherwise noted. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to make sure all slabs are cured to meet Floor Covering Standards. Moisture Remediation, Asbestos Testing/removal, Final Clean, Wax / Polishing All not Included Remobilization Fee of $500 if jobsite is not ready for install and installation crews arrive ready to work. Will be applied per each occurrence. Waterproofing not included unless noted in above proposal Terms Net 30 Accepted r WIGROUP N� 15344 Vantage Pkwy. E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 II Ph: 832.626.1060 1 Far: 832.626.1057 1 Toll Free: 800.795.0696 SEE PAGE 3 for Terms & Conditions This proposal is based upon usage of the AGC/ASA/ASC "Standard Form Construction Subcontract', 1996 Edition or a subcontract form otherwise acceptable to H21 Group, Inc. TERMS: Net 30 Days ACCEPTED: Company Name Date RESPECTFULLY, H21 Group, Inc. By FW& Sty Brett Starr Project Manager 281.979.8806 Note: This quotation is offered for acceptance within 30 days and is subject to revision beyond that time. Solutions for Industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 Q�..70i'� h2iarouo.com rA �..r info(dh2,arouo.com r -s--•• Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta I Austin I Baltimore, Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columbia I Dallas I Denver I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison I M•am I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City Omaha I Seattle Page 2 of 3 PCO #65 - Proposed Change (zero cost) rWIIGROUP t® 15344 Vantage Pkvvy. E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 II Ph 832.626.1060 1 Fax: 832.626.1057 1 Toll Free: 800.795.0696 PROPOSAL 69793-CO4 To: City of Baytown Date: 5/12/2020 Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: City of Baytown WTP Baytown, TX Location: Baytown, TX Architect: Joiner Bid Date: 5/12/2020 Addendum: 0 We propose to furnish the following as manufactured by Phoenix Millwork using standard design, materials, construction sizes and colors. Based on Change Order #5 request. Specification Section: Change Order #5 Millwork Material, freight, and installation....................................................................................... $1,500.00 Pricing Includes: 1. Per request for change order #5 we will build a lower cabinet for sink in the Lab area. Price includes door & hardware. Qualifications: 1. Pricing good for 1 production run and 1 delivery with completion not later than June 30, 2020. 2. Due to the unsettled nature of "Steel Tariffs" and "Freight Regulations", any such surcharges are not included in this proposal. Any steel or freight surcharges incurred will be passed along to the customer. 3. We reserve our right to a schedule extension; change orders for additional costs (including but not limited to material escalation; labor rate increases; acceleration costs; shipping costs; storage costs; administration overhead; etc.) related to any occurrence of an event which is outside of our reasonable control and which prevents us from performing our obligations (Examples but not limited to: acts of God; strikes or other labor disturbances; delays in transportation; war; acts of terrorism; epidemics (such as COVID-19); etc.). Excludes: 1. State Sales & Use Taxes. Purchaser by acceptance of this quotation agrees to furnish Tax Exemption Certificates when requested on non-taxable materials, otherwise any applicable tax will be added at time of invoicing. 2. Any Liquidated, Consequential and/or Actual Damages clauses. 3. Over time or after hours work. 4. Charges for vertical transportation, Mechanical utilities and connections, Electrical utilities and connections, Bonds, Removal of existing equipment, Traps, Ducts, Fume hood fan/blowers, Fume hood testing/balancing, Rubber/vinyl base, In -wall backing/blocking. 5. Note: Clean-up to be limited to removing all debris, dirt and rubbish accumulated as a result of our installation to a dumpster provided by others, leaving the premises broom clean and orderly. �.fft"�.� Solutions for Industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 ZESOPI h2icrouo.com 1. n�o.[glh2 groug.[5m $W�W' Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta I Austin I Baltimore I Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columbia I Dallas I Denver I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison i Miami I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City Omaha I Seattle Page 1 of 3 IH2IGROUP N� 15344 Vantage Pkwy E , Suite 150 1 Houston, TX 77032 II Ph: 832.626.1060 1 Far: 832.626.1057 1 To0 Free: 800.795.0696 SEE PAGE 3 for Terms & Conditions This proposal is based upon usage of the AGC/ASA/ASC "Standard Form Construction Subcontract', 1996 Edition or a subcontract form otherwise acceptable to H21 Group, Inc. TERMS: Net 30 Days ACCEPTED: Company Name Date RESPECTFULLY, H21 Group, Inc. By F SM= Brett Starr Project Manager 281.979.8806 Note: This quotation is offered for acceptance within 30 days and is subject to revision beyond that time. ItOnplt� Solutions for Industry, Education, and Healthcare Since 1924 h2g gua.com EMP tnfa{��vrou�mm #h2igroup 6/�1�� Serving all 50 states, Offices located: Atlanta I Austin I Baltimore I Chicago I Cedar Falls I Columbia I Dallas I Denver I Des Moines I Kansas City I Houston I Madison I Miami I Minneapolis I Salt Lake City Omaha I Seattle Page 2 of 3 PLW waterworks May 14, 2020 Mr. Andrea Brinkley Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 Re: CPR No. 67 BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mrs. Brinkley, PLW proposes to upgrade the transformer to provide required amps to be able to utilze the Heat Trace Panel. Current designed transformer does not have required amperage load to power the Heat Trace Panel. This change will result in a increase in the amount of $21,880.08 Please feel free to contact me at (713) 301-8637 with any questions or concerns. Regards, PLW Waterworks Katy Drown Project Manager Page 1 Baytown Area Water Authority BAW A 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Heat Trace Panel Transformer Upgrade Scope of We l p;. Lade transformer r: that Heat Trace Panel can be utilized in cold weather et eats CPR No.: 67 Date: 05114120 PLW Job No.: P3T Non -Taxed Labor Material Subcontract Taxed Mat'UE ui Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total 11em No. D—ri lion Qty Unit Coo Cost Cost Cost Cost Coat Cost Cost 1 Transformer Modifications . t • pgmdc Tmnsfonncr and Conduc 1 Ls S - S - $ - S - SI84- S 181`200 S Duccl Cost Subtotal - - 18 472 GO - SnullTools n' 50°. - Na - a/a da Egmpmwu Burdcn 7 50 0% r. a n a Na Na Tac a 825% 'La ua da Subioul 2 - - IS 472 00 - Oscdead do Pmftt rt 15 0°. 2 770 80 Sublot.11 - - 2124290 - Bonds k Insumnct d i M. 61728 Sublowl 4 2188008 Tout o all column 21 880 O8 Oiler Grand Total Cost 21,880.08 PFEIFFER & SON, LTD. ECectricaCContractors PHONE - (281) 471-4222 * FAX - (281) 471-6856 116 N. 16TH ST. * P.O. BOX 1116 LA PORTE, TEXAS 77572 CHANGE ORDER BID DATE: May 14, 2020 TO: Pepper -Lawson Waterworks PROJECT: BA WA SURFACE WATER PLANT 23-XMR-001 TRANSFORMER MODIFICATIONS We are pleased to offer for your consideration our lump sum quotation for the completion of the above referenced work, according to our interpretation of the plans, specifications, correspondence and conversations with the owner and design engineers. We propose to furnish all material, labor, equipment, and supervision in a safe and skillful manner for a complete and functioning system as discussed and detailed below for $18,472.00. To avoid confusion, we offer the following clarifications: 1. Price includes direct replacement of the existing 25 kVA 23-XMR-001 transformer with a 37.5 kVA transformer, adjustment of primary breaker trip settings and upsizing of primary and secondary conductors to accommodate higher current. 2. All work to be done per applicable specifications in neat and workmanlike manner meeting or exceeding NEC standards. 3. Temporary electrical power for systems downstream of existing transformer is NOT included nor thought to be necessary. 4. Proposed 37.5 kVA transformer will have approximately the same footprint as existing 23-XMR-001. Existing housekeeping pad is thought to be sufficient to support and ensure proper ventilation around transformer. 5. Bond is included. 6. We will provide insurance coverage in accordance with the specifications. Additional coverage specifically required by the contractor may necessitate additional premium charges. We appreciate this opportunity to quote on this project. If you have any questions or need additional clarifications, please call me at (281) 471-4222. Sincerely, PFEIFFER & SON, LTD. Mark Antley Estimator REGULATED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE SIS259 P.O. BOX 12157, AUSTIN, TEXAS, 75711 (S00) 803_92091W R (512) 463.65" 1 W W.TDLTEXAS.GOV ADOPTED ADMINISTARTIVE RULES 73 51 (C) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR S RESPONSIBILITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PFEIFFER&SON, LTD. Electrical & Telecommunication Contractors PFEIFFER AND SON JOB # 4200119 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Date: 5/14/2020 Project: BAWA 6MGD SWTP Description: Increase existing 25 KVA transformer to 37- 1 /2 KVA General Labor Supervisory Labor Subtotal items 1 and 2 Labor Burden 55% x Item 3 Cost of Materials Equipment Cost of Transportation Subcontractor Subtotal items 3,4,5,6 and 7 Cost of Insurance 4% x item 8 Cost of Bonds ( Subtotal lines 8,9 and 10 Overhead 10% Profit 5% Not Used Total change order amount items, items 11,12,13 and 14 Page 1 49.00 hours x $ 6.00 hours x $ 29.9 1,465.10 55.0 330.00 1,795.10 987.31 11,783.00 346.72 0.00 0.00 14,912.13 596.49 554.00 16,062.62 1,606.26 803.13 n nn $ 18,472.01 JONES CARTER RFP NO.: 009 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) 1. PROJECT NAME: 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant 2. AC PROJECT NO.: 09986-0002-00 3. CONTRACTOR: Pepper Lawson Waterworks 4. SUBMITTED TO: Katy Drown S. SUBJECT: Baytown Process Analyzer Drain Routing 6. REFERENCE: Proposed Change Order No. 057 7. REF. DWG. NO.: N/A S. REF. SPEC. NO.: 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (The Contractor is requested to furnish a price proposal for the below described work. Please complete, sign, date, and return a proposal at your earliest convenience. Please attach a detailed cost breakdown to your proposal. The following RFP is per Owner request and direction from on -site meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020. 1. Remove analyzer trough drain from the Operations Building Sanitary Sewer system and route to the interior west wall of the structure, down the wall, and exit the building approximately 12" above the finished floor elevation 2. Route drain line outside the building to 18" to 24" below the sidewalk adjacent to the building 3. Route the 6" drain line to the 4" drain line located at the northeast corner of the pulsed bed clarifier per Engineer Drawings. 4. Tie in 6" gravity line into the existing 4" drain line at the northeast corner of the pulsed bed clarifier. S. Reroute the sink drains located in the laboratory to tie into the new analyzer drain line inside the building. 11. Requestor's Name & Signature: Larry Weppler Date: 5/15/20 The Contractor acknowledges that this RFP is to be used to request pricing information only, and does NOT constitute a contract modification. The Contractor is NOT AUTHORIZED/DIRECTED to perform this work UNTIL/PRIOR TO written notification that a contract modification is approved. I:wp\docs\const\forms\rfi or rfp\rfpform doc REV 9.14 ii Ptw waterworks May 15, 2020 Mr. Andrea Brinkley Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 Re: CPR No. 57 BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mrs. Brinkley, Per the Engineer's request, PLW proposes to modify Operations Building plumbing confirgration per the attached drawings and quote. The plumbing modifications will be completed on a time and material basis, not to exceed $12,000. Any resulting savings will be applied to a future change request. This change will result in a increase in the amount of $27,600.18 Please feel free to contact me at (713) 301-8637 with any questions or concerns. Regards, PLW//Waterworks l 10— Katy Drown Project Manager Page 1 Baytown Ana Water Authority BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAW A Job No. 1806021 Anaylzer Trough from Ops Building to Treatment Train CPR No.: 57 Date: 0515;20 PLW Job No.: P3T Scope of Work Modify Analyzer Trough Drain Eye Wash Station and Laboralon Sink Collection into single dram line Analyzer Dram combination to go out rest side of operations building and tie into eyenash dram closest to manhole 5 to dram to the sludge lagoon Non -Tried Labor Material Subcontract Tried Mat'IIE ui Item Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total Unit Total No. D"Cri lion Qtv Unit Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Coil Coat Cost I PLW Coordination Efforts l l Pmjmt Martiger 0 HR f 9800 S - S - S - S - S - f - S - 12 Project Engucecr 0 HR f 7600 S - S - S - f - S - S - S - I 1 Superintendent IS HR f 12100 S 1.at5 M S - f - $ - S - S 2 100' of J" diameter whJO pipe and pipe inmlatioc 21 Foreman 40 HRS S 6500 S 2,600 iw $ - $ - f - f - f - S 22 100 of 1' diameter seh40 pipe mod pipe insulation 100 FT f 4500 S 4,50000 S - f f - $ S S 23 Muu F.—.1os 3 DAY $ - $ - f - f S f f 31000 f 1 050 00 24 Dclncn Pickup 2 EA S - S - f - s - f - f - f 21000 $ 5tian0 25 Opcmtor 20 HRS S 5000 26 Final Gmdc Ckamrp I LS S 25000 f 25000 $ - f - S - S - f - S - 3 JM Reed lie -Route of Sinks in Lab Arta I LS S - S S - S S12.000 00 $ 12.000 GO S Duccl Cost Subtotal 9 16500 - 12 Ora) on 1 550 00 Small Tools a 5 0% 45825 - Na of. Equipment Burdcn a 500°. nla na W. Na T.0825°. Na UL n/a 12788 Subtotal 2 9.62125 - 1200000 167789 01 erhead & Protit ? 15 Os. 144149 1.90000 25168 Subtotal 1 11.066 71 - 11.80000 1 92956 Bonds & Insumsice d 3 0••. 112 60 41400 5789 Subtotal 4 11 39874 14 214 ti0 198744 Tow] of all co umu: 27.600 18 Other Grand Total Cost 27,600.18 Payr 1 1. M Reed Plumbing Co. LLC A Division of Derryberry's, L.P. 2203 W. Cedar Bayou Lynchburg Baytown, TX 77521 (713) 943-1483 Fax (281) 837-6803 To: Albarra Our price to rework the 5 SK sinks to tie into the 6" line is a not to exceed $12,000.00. Thanks Mike Broz Project Manager Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration, PO Box 12157, Austin, TX 78711, 1-800-803-9202 TACL A024531E Regulated by the State Board of Plumbing Examiners, PO Box 4200, Austin, TX 78765, 512-458-2145 M-10717 Regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 149104, Austin, TX 78714 SCR-U-1768030 RME-U-1795129 �. 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