Ordinance No. 12,276(_'.)R'D1NANC7b'N0. 12,276 AN C)IRDINOWCE (11, C-11"Y' COUNCIE (__)F I-FIE CI'VY OF B/,\"!"TONVN� _VF,XAS, A1-1-1-1 MMYSM, -1-1 IF, PAYMENT OF ONE HU-NEDIRLED -1-W1..,',_N jl': , SIMEN HUNDRED SITCIA� T-Mill' AND 10/100 DOLLNRS (S124,716.10) IT) VERSWFERM, IN(C., 17CYR i%,?WLQkL. SUPPORY Aj1`41) SO "l''4' MAIN1112DOWCAH; 6"4,NKING OTHER,- PROVISIONS THERIATA; WqD PROVIDING -1-1 EFI_-'ECTIVE.lDA-l-I.H, TI ILERECW'. BE Ul'ORDAUNED BY '10111 CIVIC COUNCIL C31Z WHIS CCUI-Y (.')F' BAS"l-OWN,"I'MMS: SeclOn 1: 11mt the Chy (TouncH ofthe Cit3, c)fBayto\,k)'rx hereby ;LILNII)OriZCS 1110 l3a3ATICI-It ormav "I`1 It SEVEN HUNDFURY-) SIX-FITITAQ AND 10/1 (M) l30Ll,/\,RS (SI 24,716.1 0) to Versalemn, Inc., 1-cw arintial support and soft-ware n_1ZAiT1tCnaT_1CC. Section 2: That ptwsuamt to the 1wovis,ions cw,rexLs I_cxcai ci ove ri-n-ne it cotiez\nnotated §252.048, tile City Manager is hereb3w granted geneml authcmity to apprDvc c1l.ange C)rdCr involving as decrease or at) i.ricrease it, coms oc 'mous.Amm Kim iNNO/100, U)(A-LARS ($50,000.00) or less, suLtiect U) the provision that the or(ginal contract price nmy riot lie increased by more than twenty-fil ve 1,)ercent (2.5'Vo) or decreased by more than twenty-live perccrit (251N)) without tile consent ()C tile c(m1•ack"ir tar such decrease. Section 3: This cwd i na lice shalt tvtkc eft"ect in-irriediately frt)rri and after its passage t').y the C' i t y C" o tL I n c i 1, o f, t 11 c C" i I y () f B 11 >' t o' Nv I -I. Y�" I NTP , 0 1 0 1, J CL-, L), R I �� A 1 (.1 1 11,A, S S I -, I :) b y t I i c a 111 r m a t i ve v ' - Aty Council tif'"Ic City YQU of tile c or mytowy, Uhs the Mh day of June, 2013. S-PI DIFIEN 11. L-3ONCAP,11.0S, Mayor 't_ 4S-' "I % f T" r I c.. ,? 1 W 71" I 71�';- '" I C�� fe"', ill All " US T xy STJ APPP,C)VF',1) , NS A'() F(A]ZM: R: " K a T': It"'T - i I c S"( "i I y (''o t p i c i k( ) rd i vi a i m c c M M 3 U m w I W V c r� � g I . r u I I I , w'n I A w dwa. anti c' f t %" a , , . d oc