Ordinance No. 12,273MD. 12,273 Y%N COfZ-[-)INYXPqC:E 01" 'FI-IE C.711-Y COtJNCIL FHE ci-i-Y oi- t.,,i.,AY-FoWN, 'lT.',XAS, AT.YFJIORfXINC! O E'er IDER NO. I imm i S K F: CAMS-15MCOMON, LLCA FOR. 1111E W.I.1ENf310(-)K ROAD NVATIERIANE PI C)JECT; AW"rimmizimi PAYME'N'I"BS"I'l ILE CITY OF' IMNA-CMIN, 154 AN A ICI C3UNY NOW TO EXCIRIEV YAM INJINDRIED SET%. W RMSANEKTIA/0 I IIJANDRI-`,L) ww NO/I 00 DOLVIMS (5006,250,00); X N L') 1-11 1 Z C)VIDINCT.FOR Yl M BF', I-F 0,7 DIONITE) BY WHE C11-le CX31MCII. 040 I-PlE C&I-Y ()I' BAY'FOWN,'FF'XAS: Section 1: '111at the City CAYLInCil Clow hereby aryd-torize Order No I with SIB 1? C(.)nstructicin, L.I.C7, Wr th s Nlleribrook Road Waterline Itchabilitatiun Prqject. A copy of" said change order is antaelled hereto), rna•ked llxhibil -A- and. made a part hereW fbr an intents and purposes. Section 2: "I "hat the CAty Council 0 I'thC C-'U_N? 01'F3LLYL,Owll hel-C11' y' aL1tl-l0riZCS tile JILlyll-Wilt in all arnourit ric-A to excecd caf"FI NIC) I-I1 ,1NI,3R.1-A,:7 sixw4o1JSA.NL3TNV0 l-ILJNNf)PED F11"'T'll' AND NO/100, DC31-I_.! RS ($206,250.00) to SKE Chmstruction, I.I.C1, fbw Change Order No. I for tile Allenbr"M Rcad Waterline Rehabilitation IMIject. 'Section 3: 'rhis urdinancc shall take ellbet inirnediately frorn id afler Us pzmsage by the 'ro C,ily Col,.tncil ofthe City , INTMOMMED, READ and IMSSED by the aailirraaaatiA„fe vt.a CY 'tile (Tily-Cocluncil Mule City of Baytown this the 13"' day of June, 2013. A " I " I " I % APFIRC)VI D, AS 'FC) l-()I'ZN4: It 0 )1-1 ley STEPI IFQQ 1 I. IDC)NCAI-Z-1-C)S, Mayor R I wCon"g"I wer-M, IA He f1hr ookkcad V,",a ter] ine I 'Gch abPro jcct , doc Brief Description of Changes: Exhibit "A" 54"k-YAU01A Change Order No. I F-3089M.W.MMMEMPTIVAR Mrra-MMUM This Change Order is to add an additional 1,167 LF of 6" and 1,198 LF of 10" waterline to be rehabilitated using the P,reChlor pipebursfing rnethod. This will include installation of new valves and fire hydrants as needed. Add or Delete Items: Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days Previous Time Extensions This Change Order Revised Contract Duration - Calendar Days SKE Construction, U.C, Date 12 365 Director of Engineering Date Director of Finance Date City Manager Date