Ordinance No. 12,272C) F,D I N A N CT- N (). 12,2 72 AN ORIDINANCE', OF AA IE CFFY CO0..JNC711, OF T] IF CITY OF BAYA'(DWN, TEXAS, Ac,c"LA-11-INCJ "ME REIIAB111,11"ATION CAI: NVA-FEl-C 'FANKS ON BAYNAKAY TATIVE AND BAKER RC3AFA PRX)JECIT; FINAL PPAY"N,lF,N-F(Al--, SUM (AF F(")1111-1-y- `FVVC") T11OUSAM'.3 NIN17-- 11UNDRIFT.3 SEVF.-..NTEF,N AND 60/101) IDUMARS (01-2,917.60) FQ rVI, t,--- PAINKING, I•CV., FOR SMD PRCA-IFIC0% ANL) PRC3VIDYNO Y-C)R -FUI', E1--FF,C-'-Y1VE F)ATE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w* * as ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 'All HEREAS, the City of Motm"i contracted whii M. K. Pail-Ain', hic_ for the Rehabilitation c)f- %Vater Fanks on Biyway 1-3riv,cand Baker Road Pr(-.->j[ect (the "Project-); and SAVIAERITAS, all of the said hmprovurrients, as provided in the plans and specillications Ile retcof1cwe prepared by the My's engineer and as ay)f-)roved Enid adopted by, the My C7ouncil lurve been perflorined and coiripleted in lbli accordance %vith 01 nf the te"ns and condhion.s oftlic al-ores-aid ccmtract; and WI 1U`,R*E'AS, the -City's engineer in the mariner provided, by the terms of tine said con1twet and the lAnns and sj--)ecificaations thereof, has approved mixt neceptea the ofWater Tank,,; on Bayv�.,ay Driv• an'd Liakcr R.oad Project, has heretc-Ifore issued his Certificate or Mal Xecepwric" has certified %arne to the C.7ity Muricil, an;d has rccotruncrided that it accept Enid receive said work mid improvements as cansAructed and c,completed by Contractor; and ATMEREML there remanis due and oming to NA. K. Painting, hic-, the Sritir of l--'0PT'S`-TNjV10 11 CC; USAND NINE Ht INDRF-r".3 AND 60/100 001-LARS (,-42,91 7.6,0); 'NOW Secticm 1: That tile, C"ity clo"1101 hereb-y accepts and approves the abov✓-described aud improvements, and finds arid dMern-thics Mit all of" said havo been cornpleted as provided in tile plans and specificatiorm thereof, and in full a,-:cordaiicc %vith nH of the tenns and prc>visions c)f the ntbresaid co"tract- Section 2-- i,iat tine uer-tivicate or Final Acceptarice hcruWfooi-ea issued b ' (he c7ity"s engineer and comined. 10 the CAty C70"FICil is hereby accepiml and recciveM Sew ion 3: What final, payment to NA. K. Puhning, fire, in the mnount or FcA&rNnAAvcO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SINVENTEEN AND -60/100 DOLLARS ($4-1,91A60) is hereby atjthot-izcd secticm 4: iris ordinance shall take eMet inn"Mately fic"n and as C:,oullcil of-the ("'itv c& llaytown. MYRODUCIED, RE 01) mid PASSED by Ore aninnmive vote or ti, B a t co,,v ir this I It c 13'`i c.daay t >LJt.tane, 2013. A I " V 14 7k-41' L II 1, . I ", E F.O'— IA,V';, V k —, I rerK d Ci, A t torn cy kNA( IC) I < A Pvt I P, Z S C i $ M"m I XXW W 105 4 n ay"ayAL Il a t:c LIZ ch.'aW; t krycc t doc passage by the C74y, (11nuncil or the City of . DONC.'ARL.C.),S. N/favor