Ordinance No. 12,270OR-D1NANC,A-.-, NC,). 12,270 AN ORDINAMAT QF 'rin, cri-N, cxWMAI. C)F WHE CITY C)F 13AY'rOWN. TFXA-', AC7C�'.F-',P'F'tN,c3 'rim mw STUU-1--f 130TAD PROORAM -- YEAR 3; AU'F1,:I014,1ZlN(3 FINAL P1'"a.YN,113NT C)10 'rim sum cw ams til-w[wim Fil-rY.tootim A-i-lotiswin wvv� IIUNEIREID� EIC314-Fle-SIX AND 35/100 DOMAMS (SIS4,5=35) 11-1 AMAEL 13ROMIERSS F",N'FERPRISES. 1-11,3, SAIL-3 AND 1'1Z,C)V11;71 NCj FC.)R' THU, 1-',FFL-',C7TlVl-, DeVVITMAER13011. wj itansm, the city w na00%vn cararacted %vith Angel 13rothers Enterprises, Ltd!, for the 2007 Street 11ond Pro grain -- Year 3 (the -P"Acci-j; and TAMITREASk all W the said imp"werrients, as jli-4.)vided in the plans and specificaticmis heretothre prepared by the City's engineer and a-, apprc ved and adoill,ed, li*,? the C`it-�,' COMACil h ass C been J)L-1-601-nled and iii full accordance Nvhh aH of the terrus mid condhOns cifthe aforesaid corltracU, atid NAII 11 1111SAW, dic My's crighicer in the rnan"er pirovided by die tennis c3f the saki con"net and the 10ans M"I spCCUMMi"ns there ot" Ilas; appro'Ved and accepted the 20()7 Street 13c-a ncf Prograin - Year 3, has herctof-ewe issued his Mrtificate of" Final Acceptance, has cortil-ted S.11ne 10 tile C-'ity CA)MIC'l, and 11aIS rectir"ine"Cled, that 'I accept and receive said wc,)rk arid inqn-civeinents as consMucted and corripleted b.),, C7o nlractor; ,ind NAMERtEAS, there rernains chic and o"Ing U3 Angel Brc-*th,crs Enterprises, Ltd, tile surn ot, HUMMED FI1=TY-1:01912 1"FIC)USANID F]VE'. HUMMED UKAFFY-SIX A?ql3 35/100 13CM.I-NFIS QI 54,586-3-5); NOW 'IT] F-.',REF'ORF- BE Yr OROMMID BY THE C'UTY C.'.C)UNC.U. (31: 71 W (-'FFY OF' 13AY'FC)V.1N,, '11EXAS. Seet On V Thai the City COotincil hereby accepts mid, approves (lie above-described wcwk arid i"limovernents, and finds and dnermines that all of-said inil-n-civernents have been conil-fleted as provided ill tile plans and specifications thercoG anti in flill accorchinee %vilh aall or the terns mid pzxivisicmis of the alkwesaid contract. Section 2: That the c7crtifiicaxte of F'iurlt Acceptance heretofore issued by the City's engincer anti cellificd Its tile clity° clou"c" is 1wreby accelited and received. SecticMi 3: 'rhat final Ina yrrient. tcr Angel Brothers Enterprisen LAd, in the ainount c*f- ONE Mewwrin F11 1"Y-10LJ1t T11C)USAND FIVE-', 1-1LJND12ITD 1110141-e-SIX AND 35/100 IXA-LAR'S, CS 1 51586.35) is hereby authorized. SoMon 4: -]'his oridinance slitill take enbet, inuriccliately Front and C'.ouncil card` tine Cily of Baytwxn. IN'U'RIODUCIED, READ and PASSF-