Ordinance No. 12,269C)REMNANC_71: NC). 12,269, nIQ CMALAINANCE 010 -rills CITY COUNCIL 010 _TI II: C711"N' C-)V' I3AYTC)%VN, TE'XAS, ANI FR 04 F 3 1 to 0 C f I A I * 1,1!R I , " G E TO I! It A I - P R 0 V 15; 1 () N S, - SEC. Y I ON 1-2, 11 E F FN II I CYN S AN RJ.3l.,ES Of'-­ CC NS-FRUcrriorw (31: -11 111 CODE 01" ORDINANCES. 13 it le"'I' C 3 W 14, -F E XA S, A N1 N E3 I - Fill It U I - Is C) FF ITOR -LDEI-EGATUDN C-JIF D,LFYY— TO mi'limmout i% PI?WSC7)N C3,1 1 -I l wl l IF UAN A St-313OR13INATIE mci Acm on IMERF13RNI A 1111,t(.WIDINC A CLACJSIT; CONVAINING A SAVINCJS CA-A.U.Sl'; AND Pit(:)VIL)INCi imit li lit vi, i-,­F,,c:"F,ivu,.' DA'l-l", I"I'"CIRMAINIT13 fill I'l Us CAN COUNCIII, 0].-Il 11,7" C."l.l...,A, (31: [3jVVT(­,)WN, "I'FiXAS: Seclion I- . Iltat Chapter I Wencral Provisioms!" Section, 1-2 -Det-mitions and Rules of' Cc'mstruction­ cal, the C'ode (.)f' Ordinances, BuNlown, I-exas, is hereby amended it) runcrul the rule of- ct:,insirticticmi Cor the -dclegatiOFA ol"ClUlty," 10 I-Cad kAS COIIONVS� 1­1'41!1c° X,'�Clflh,.)'Pa Whenever a section (.>f this Code reqUires or mahorizes an officer or ernlYloyce of thu city to CIO soul e act or perforn) Some 'Linty, it Shall lam ecnistriled to authorize the off flecl- or C111111c.0yee to CleSignale", dClegIte 11111<11 t)uJhC1riZC` another officer or elm'-floyee of- the city, to perform the act or dutn unless the teens of the somion spuNfIcalt, proWde ot-her"ise. S'ectiorl 2 All i,-,.)rcfinanccs or pans cnf_ ordinances inconsistent "vith the terrils of this cwthnance urc hereby yepenled; provided, husvever, that such repeal shall hC ol-Ov tO the e-NULmll Of- sUch WCOInSiStCney and in adl kmthcr respects this ordinance shall be cnanulattive ot, ()thQr ordinaneos regnialing and governing the su4Mct matter covercd by this ordirizince- Seclkr-)n 3: If' any provision, section, excepdon, subsection- paragrapin sentence, Muse or phrase orthis twd4tance cm the atlalnlica.ticnun c)f-same to any Frorson or the set ofeketirtistancQs, shall J-,L)r any reason h,e held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not anbet the vaHdhy or m, renlaining provisions ofthis ordinance c"- tiveir applicabon to other persons sets of-ciremnstances and to, this mul a! I w3viswis or this omlinance are declared to be several-fie. SCClitrM 4: 1-his ordinance shall take etTect in-imedialoly, Crom i after its p"'Iss'age by the Cily Coultcil of the C"ity of_ Baytown. �17 I NWROM JC2 lira, READ, and PASSED by- the all-trinative v,c)te Haytow", this the. 13"' day crf.lttno,, 2013. q Al 1 y§W I 47 X C011 Work A1111IR'OVE'l) A S 1,017C. Y, R"Nl: XC C - k__ e-4 XN41111SAR: WO: Cc" Nt, � I I C Pity' C'o n lie i I "') f, I it e C i ty,, tuff' NCAM.01h MU5,61,