Ordinance No. 12,262ORDINANCE N0. 12,262 11., (fl "I TIll", Cl']'�Ol�'IIAYI'OWN,'I'I,"XAS, AN ORDINANCEOFTHE (,'TI-Y COUNC Rl"NEWING THE ANNUAL CON'FRACT FOR FOOD AND StATUES FOR THE 111RATE"S BAY WATERPARK 1' 1111 13 EN F. KEITH FOODS AND AUTHORIZING PAYN11" NT' BYTHE CITY OFBAYTOWN OF AN ANIOUNT NOT TO EXCE ' I ' -'D 0 N F ' I 1UNDRI"ID'"I'l IOU SAND AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($100J)00M); N�IAKING OTHER PROVISIONS ICI -.L A I E DTH I"'R FTO; AND PR0Vll',)IN(,3 FOR TI ll. lsFFE'C"L°IVE I ATF, Mumma *r& ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 * * * 1, * * * * * * 4,****** * * * * * * * * * 4, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * -* * :'** #* WHEREIAS, Ben L�- Keith Foods was mvar(le(l the A111ILKII Conlract for Foodand Supplies for the Pirates Bay Waterpark oil April 14,2011, I)tirsii,,iiittocoi)ii)etitive I)iciclitigl)i°oce(,ILII-CS,WIliCII 001111-aCt iTIC11RIC(I an option by tile partics to renew 1,61. "Icklitional one-year periods;allid \VI ]EIREAS, such contract was renewed on April 1'?, 2"t112, and can be renewed again fioran additional one-year term; and WI Ben l". Keith Foo(Is has indicated its willingness to renew the contract liar anadditiolial year filar the same unit pricing; and Will"'REAS, the Adininistration has reviewed the imirket conditions awl reconinlends renevval as beint, in the best interest cif the City; NOWTI 111"'RI'l-ORE BE ITORDAINI","'D OFTI 11" CITY 0FBAYTO1'1a N,TFXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of,the City offla)1oxvil herel,)y renews the Annual Contract for I-`00d 111RI SUI)I)HeS t1or the Pirates Bay Waterpark ��ith Ben F", Keith Foods flor an amount not to exceed ONE HUNDREDTHOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS (Sl 00,000.00) anclauthorizes payment thereof. Soctimi 2: That purstiant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §251048, the City Nlanager is hereby granted general atithority to approve any cliange order involving it decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTY TI JOUSAND AND NO/] 00 IX)LLARS ($50,000.00) or less, Slit) ect to tile provision that tile, Original Contract price Illay not be increased by more than twenly-Ilve percew J (25`1,,'o) or decreased by inore than twenty-five percent (25%) without the MlSelll Ot'111C C011trUJ01- tO SLICII decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take eflect immediately fivirt and after its passage by tile City Council ol, the City of Baytown. INTRODUCE'll'), REIAD zind PASSI:'D by the al"firmative vote ()I' tile Ba -) i Clary ol" N1 av, 201 �Nlown this tile 2"' . ..... Cl ,; rd ST I I I r , I.I�1LC I3Lo1 SCIT, C rk APPROV F'D AS TO F(') N1: a—, *'J:N�A4, (,710 ley, Ls 20 3' COLHICH 01'111C City ca L` C.ARLOS, N,Layor