Ordinance No. 12,257ORDINANCE: NCB. 12,257 AN ORDINANCE OF THE, CITY C,0UNCIL OF TI IF" CITY Ol"BAYTOWN,TEIXAS, ALY1110RIZIM . j AND DI RE'C' HNG "fill' C ITY MANAGFRTO NI"'GOTIATE AND EXECt,fTE A PROFTISSIONAL SI,`1IkV1CFS AGRF.1-MENT WITH KIMI,F'1Y HORN AND ASSOCIATTES, INC., FOR ENGINEERIN(i SE'RVICES ASSOCIATF,'D WITI-I THE w" F4-' ROAD WATE'RLINE PROJECT: AUTHORIZING PAYMENT 13Y CITY OF BAYTOWN IN AN ANIOUNT NOT TO HIX C F" E-'D ONE HUNDREI AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($180,000.00), MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED T1,11"RE"FO; AN13 PROVIDING FOR THF' E'Fl ] (` I'l V J." DATE T[ I I w` R F"'O '. U", 1'1'(,)Rf)AINI°'[)BY'I'IIE(,'[']')�'C'OLJNC'11,, ("ITY Of-BAY']'("' \N"N,"I'l,-.XAS; Section 1: ']'flat the City ("ouncil of the City of"Kayto\VIL J"exas, hereby anthorizes and directs tile City Manager to negoliatearld execute as Professional Services Agreement with Kin ley I forn and Associates, Inc., for engineering Services aassociatcd xvith the Needlepoint Road Waterline Protect. Section 2: That the City, Council of tile City oflla.ytown authorizes payment to Kindey I learn and Associates, Inc., ill an amomit not to exceed ONF, I IIJNDR1-D I-`IGl ITY TI 1013SAND AND NO/ 100 DOL LA RS (viii 80,000.00) for engincering, services in accordance Willa the I'll-Cement affllwriZed ill Section I hereinabove, Section 3: That tile City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve as decrease or an increasc ill costs by 1-11-TY THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS ($50,000.00) or less, provided that the amount authorized in Section 2 hereoftilay not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%). section 4: This ordinance shall take effect inunediately, fi-qL and after its passage by tile City, Council cal" the Cily cal' Baytmvn INTRODUC ED, Rl"AD and PASSE"D by the affirmative vc e ol'the City Council of tile, City of' Baytown this the 23 day ofM ay, 201 3. Al STF.;PHL`N F-DONCARLOS, Mayor AT— A PROV s Al , 1, 101,°'ORM: (- 11 4i,NACIORAN4IRl'Z, SR., 'it 'Atiot,iiev R "KamlTdc's"Oly f"'olunciN )i dwanccs1,2013\Nhiy 23',KiiWcw