Ordinance No. 12,244ORF3llNAN(.','F-, NO. 12,244 /%Pq URDINMOCZE CAI: -ITHE CANY C( , �)UNCAI, CW 'rim c7r1'N,, CAF BA"T"TOWN, TF',XAS, YXU11 ICAUZINC3 ATIE -F]-l0tJSA-NE) Si-'.\It--,N ICE NLYRIFA� 1-11"1`Y 'ALND NO/I 00 I3(0[-[-AF1,S ($99,750.00) F0 DAIA—A.S 130L-X:31--' CA 1R,YSL F.'J", JE"E"U, immmim-I i ME EA C(3LJN(T11. FOR"I'lil? PURCTI MSEC31: ONF". (1) 2013 DOIDGE RAM 4500 6.7-1-rimin IMESEL C711j\,SSIS AND RTEAMOUNT C3DVIT31%, FIAPAZERTYPE1 PROVISIONS RELM-ED WU1EREWCJ;,A,Tqj3 11RUVILAINC i El:UI,",C'1TVI-', LAATF, WHERM311. swumunw, tile c7ity c7mill(. it of tile C'ity of 11"lytown has app- roved ark Interk-)eaA Agreenrent which awKwi✓es the I louston-Galves"m Meat CTouluicit to take bids for conahi Nems on Ltehatt"ofthe City oJ'13ayt-c.*%v1l; and Wl-11--A2, pursnant to miell agyeenlerlt� tile I Area C"ouncil Itas (:iken bids J'orone 'ell I., 1) . )l 3, 0ocige Ram 4500 6.7-liter diesel chassis anoJ renlCtUnt CM114,) a e 'I, rnocfulc: N(,")W 'I'All-REFORE tits ri- ommumm 1311 'rms wim CICAUNC711. OF 'H I[E CAVY OF wwwo"AIN. '11T)QUO Section I : That the City C."oulleil ca E" tile (.7ity of Baytown hereby authorizt�,s the pa-ytilew of NINF.'"IFY-FEIC314F -rumuSA&M SEVEN ]AUNDRED-1111"TY W413 MD/100 IWILWARS (S9H,75CK00) tcl, Dallas Dodge C'hrysler Jeep throug11 tile F lotistorl-Galvest,cm Area C'c-otillC i 1 101. the JIUT-CllaSe Of One (1) 01':3 Dodge R-arn 4500 6.7-liter diusel chassis and reuriOL1111 01MI U !Qaz,cr Fype I 1 •' ri-Ifochile. Section -2:, "E"l nt 1"irsuant to the provisions of -rexas t.ocai cik,verrintent Uode Ainlointed §252AI48, the CA*, Manager is I-screby gramed general ialthority to approve any change order i"volvilig a decrease or an increase un co is or FIVIA' "ITIOUSAND AMD ?Q(WIOO DnMARS Q50,00(100) or less, provided that the original ccmtraet price may not be increased by more than twcnty-livc 1-.wrctcnt (2513 ,o) or. decreased 1.)y more than tweno-five percent (2521) %Whout the ctansent Wthe contractor tai such decrease. Son imi 3: This ordinance shaH take! enbet hnn-ledhUcly, Cl-orn alld'94rrier its by tile C"ity, cottricil of-the C: ity ol-Daytown, aft INTMADU(MED, and PNSSl.-.D by lite 4 vc)tt:: r 01Q -112" C-7council of [tic C'il'y of liaytown dais the 25' day, (A'ApriL 2013, f i 111 -1 F, N 11. -1]5 0 —NC-'A— R - 7�' ate, S F<-) Lt. M: RANAIREZ, SR_ C"ity Ant-ney, Y"N"Mm I 2SUM M