Ordinance No. 12,24001WINANCE NO. 12,240 AN()RDINANCE OF T1t1., CITY (OUNCIL ACCF,I)TING "ITIE, Bil) ()FACTIIIPF� AND SUPPLY, INC., FOR TI ANNUAL NO - 11�,AD BRASS [°FI'TINGS CONTRACTAND AUTHORIZlNG CITY OF BAYTOWAITFIE, SUNI OF N IN I"T'Y- FOU R 'I-i,,IOLJ SAND I ILINI"'WEI) FIVE AND 20/100 DOLLARS ($94,1(I5,20); MAN INCA OTHER PR(WISIONS Rf',LATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING I-C. RTI 11, WHEREAS, the (City Cou 11ci I (if the Cily ofBay(owndid aLahorizelhe Purcha5hig Deparunent Ar the City ol"Baymn to adverthe for bids for the Annual No-Lead Brass Fhthgs Cororact to lie received April 2, 2013: and WI WREAS, notice to bidders awto 6w We and phm, when and where We amtruct mvuW be lemas published pursuant to the provkKits ofCNWwr 252 orthe'rexas Local Governinent Code: and IN! IEREAS, all bids were opmedand publicly read atCity flallat 2.00 p.rn,,Tuesday, April 2, 2()13, its per published notice to bidders, Now 'IT iFRI-T'0Rl,,-. Bl.', IT(7RDAINE-J) BYTI IE ('ITYCOLJNCAL OF 1111; CITY OFI1AYT(,)WNJ"EXAS: Section 1: That the City ComwH cWdw City ol"Baytown hereby accepts the bid ofAC"I' file and Supply, I ric., forthe A nnualNo-Lead Bnws Fitthgs Contact Arle surn of N IN I",TY-FOUR TI JOUSANI) ONE I HJN DR ED F'WE AN D 20/100 D01,LARS ($9110520) and audwrkes papuent dcreol. Section 2: That purstrant to the provisions of Tema I-oud Goverru-nem Code Anmaled §252,0481, the City Nianager is hereby gmnwd gomml autflority to anwmc any change carder AvoN&g it deuvme or an hicwase in costs of FIFTY TI KH fSAND AND No/] 00 IXAA.A.RS ($50,000.00) or less, pxwiclud that We orional conintct price urtay not be increased 1-ay inore than twenty -five percent (25%) or decreased hyr raore than t\Vera y-five percent (2511) withma We cotnent ofthe contractor Io such decrease, Section 3: ']'his ordinance shall lake enbut inimeditely thAn and affaf is pursmye by We City Council of the City ofBilytown, U INTRODUCED. READ ud PASSED by We affirmative vote Council of, the Chy of IkWlmvn this the 250 day of Apil, 2011 12 IA/ PNQ�.)ONCARLOS, Mayor. Al A I'll ROV ED AS'l-'0 FORM: � *3NACK) ICA M I -REZ, SIB., Cit