Ordinance No. 12,237()RE)INANCE NO. 12237 A PW (IRLA N/A N(.*r--- OF -1-1 1 l", C'Y) -V Ct)L) N(:'l 1. OF 'F] -1 Ui (711-V OF, L3AYTO %VN, 11 *,NA S. /\LJTl 'Yl ll PAYN"IEN Y (A" SIX HUNDRED "1- °1:,1^x' 1`Y-'1`%VC) "i-I l0t eSANL) ITCAUR MINIMUM 1a1F'l'Y-SlX AND 1`4(3/100 ($622,456,00)'W SUMMINS- MARVIN EN417RCIENCY CHWUP 1'U11UMC314 THE I ,MURA CUUNCH. FOR '171111 PURCIAASE C31= C) NE (1) :1013 PIERCIT Q1._OWYMN/1 PIJMPE[�- TRUCA? FUR T1111 FIRE- I. PARTMEN V, IVIAKINU (31111M PRO�\,,']S[ONS REI-A-FED WIERETCXA'ND PR(-)'v 11­3lN(3 liumvim r) /\TF, **a A. Am W* * , * * * 0 * *****0 ** * * ****** W** * * ***** * W* ,fie ** *,"*** * ***141* * **** W NAMERFAM the (Ifty Council '"j-1he City of Baytmvn has approved im hi-terlocat Agree ellt atn'll'orizes tile I to "stall Ma Wesum Aren Cotincil to take bids fbr certain immis on L)e hal foll't lie C"ity and W[-1F'RF,'AS, plu-Sulant, to Stich agreolliont, the llonston- (ialveston Area C'ouneii has takell bids tz),r one I ) Pimce Quanmull, Pumper 1 a ~uck lbr the Fire Departnient-, NC)"' A1 ]VAZ FFORY' im rF mummim m, xviv. crry CVWNCIL C)F C"Irl"',L, C)+, B A y rl,(> N, TL-, X A S � Section I: 'I"t i, i x i I i Q city C c i I c i r 0 1 u C ii y o f 13 a y t o %v i i I i u r c koy'' I ( I I I I (l r i ze S t. I -I e 1) a y I -I I C I I t c11`` I N 111.tNDRED 'YI 1C)'k.)SANIA 100tim i-lummmij AN]> N(L)/100, ($622 1-56.00) to Siddons-tvint-ti" Emergency Orouip, thro"gh the I lotcsn-)[I-Cialvestoll Area Ccmncil for lhk.° Inirchase or one (;I ) 2013 Pierce Qtial-Itti,11-1 I'Lln-111CF 'Fruck 11or tile Fire U)cllartmcnl� Sechimt 2: '111UI 1:aUl-SLIU111 to lhC provisions of Texas Weal Ciovernment Code Annotated §252A)48, the CA"° Manager is hereby giamed gencyal atithorily to approve any change miler- i""i"Ang at flt,°crcasc or ail increase in ccams or FIVIA" NUMUSAM-) i\NL) NC)/ 100 13CM.1 .ARS ($-50,000.00) or less,. provided that die oxipimil cuturact. price may not he increased by naacronc than live perceill tw dcCE-Ca'SeCl b" ITAC"WO th"IXI tv,,ciwy-five percent (2590) vvith(.-)tjt the consent o1-the contramorto such.decrease. Section 3: 17his ordhiance shall take ct%ct imn-imlintely 11(mil, and Council ofthQ City 4"0, Baylo'.vll. IN-FRODUCE11, READ and PASSFIA—by the nfOrninGve vote crti tc. B ayto 4ov 1-1 t I I is Ili I I , h day ot'April, 013. Immmul 411 I ASY1 I. „'"o1'1-"12a "a v °I 1-) AS T(-:) FC.>RM� mt �Kar-n,,FOu ('"; CVuncQf 4duwrwcm4ZO I 3LAprd I t A R hmAq"mjwi1 ruck,hn spa, s:,-lge by tile C"ity ity C"ouncil of tile: 'City (.01, DONCARI.Clsk WhIV61- t : A.13